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. . . • ii , . ����� <br /> . _ �� ' � ' ._. <br /> --= . . . . . .__ . ._ . ._ _. . . ._— ' .�. "______':roC?"sd': -�%,:h: <br /> � �tiA4"�.�.... ,. . .. . . .., .. -- --- ,-,.� _ _���.�._. <br /> . �- .. r _;����_•c�„u�� <br /> . � -��., .. . I'K"� .. .. .. . . - . . ,,. � � ,. :�i."_:^,�:.�c.:� <br /> „ • .. ' • .. . . ._._ . � - ..,..�.,_a. <br /> .. � ....,. . . .. • „ <br /> _ . .. .,. .. ' � ��+�►�atl� `_. �_. <br /> . <br /> . t;�� 7,V��Dti ., <br /> � Id) a wrlt ol execullon or ettaahmenl ol any atmltar proceee ahell be entered apeinst 7ru�tor whtch shall <br /> " � " � become e Ileri an lhe Truet Eelate or e�y partlon lhereol or tntereat tliereln end aur.l�exeauilon, stteclune�t or simflar <br /> proco�s ol�udpment Is not�eteaaed, boRded; detlslled,vecated or eteyed wtthin slxty 1801 deys alte►Its ent.y or tevy;or <br /> •'�� (el there hee acaurred e breech ol or dele�dt under eny term, covenant. opreement, oondlilon,provtaton, ,. <br /> ._ representalion or werranty contalned In any prlor itoed ol trust or mortpnpe elleotinp the TrWt Estele. <br /> �;� 10. Aceeliret/on apon D�laWf; Addltlor�al Remsdles. It en event ol deleuit oceure. Btinellalary mey dectere the ' <br /> .�„�,,,,,.,,i� Indebtednes� aocured hereby to be due end payeble end tFia esme shalt thereupon become due end pey�ble without eny <br /> preaent�rrent, demend,proteet ar notice al eny klnd. Therealter,Benelloiery msy: <br /> � � <br /> � (q elther in person or by egent.wtlh or without brinpinq any eatlon or proceedinp, or by e rocetver eppotnled �x'`• <br /> a.�_ <br /> � hy e cou►t erJ without regard to the e�foquaoy ol It�securlly,enter upo�end teke posseaslon oi the Trvet�stete,ar eny <br /> . part tlieraol, in Its owii nnme or In lhe neme ol?rustea,ond do any eats which R deema neceasery ar dasirabto to prese►vo °`=� <br />_ li►o vatue,marketeblllty or�antebtlily ol the Trust Estate,or part theresol ar Interest lhereln. increaae the fncome thernlrom -- <br />; . „� or protect lF�e aecurity hereoi and,wilh or wlthout tekinp pnssesslon ol the Trust Estste.sue lor or otherwiso collect the — <br /> rents,I�suea end proltt�thereoi, Inctudinp thoae past due and unpald, and apply the aarrie,lesa costs end expansea ol <br /> - 1� O�i6f8I�0n BYSd C6I�6CII6T IRCItfAIRO atLOtR�}t0� feoz.upon�ny tndebtednes�secvred heroby. ell M 8uch order es senefi�tary ` <br /> � may determine. The enterinp upon end taklnp possesalon al the Truat Eetate, the calleatlon ol such rents,I��uas and <br /> prolit� end the eppllcation the�eof ea eloreaeid shail not cure or weive eny delauit or �tice o1 default hersunder or <br /> Invelidote eny ect done In reaponse to such deteult or pursuant to such notice of delault end. notwithslendinp the �_ <br /> � � continuance in possesalon ol the Truat Eatate or the collection, recalpt and applicetton ol�enta.Isauea ar prolltR,Tru�tee <br /> or Bonellcia►y shall been entitted to exercise evory right provlded for In eny ol the Lo�n In9trumenta ar by law upon <br /> ,,,� ocaur►ence of any event of defauit. tncludinp lhe ripht to exercise the power of aele; — <br /> -'• � Iti) comrnanaQ cn actlon ta fproclose this Qeed ol Trust oa e mortQepe. eppvint e recelver or speaittcatly �___ <br /> enlorce eny oi the covenants hereaf; <br /> � , , (Ili) deliver to Trustoe e written declaretion of delaull and demand for sale end e w�itten notice ol dolault end <br /> election to causo Trustor's Interest In the Trust Estate to be sotd, which nottae trustee shail oeuse to be duty litad lar <br /> • � -�� record in lhe epproprlate ollicea of the County in which lhe Trust Eatete�a to08ted:or <br />-., .� . <br />;:• <br /> (iv� oxe►clse such other righta or remadies al IAw or In equity. <br /> ,;�,,�. <br />~.�_ ' '"� ^'� i t. Forecloarin b y Powa o/Ss/e. 11 Benolfctary eloeta to torectoae by exereise ol the Pawer ol Sele harein aontalned. <br /> _' ;r..;,.:;'• <br /> '=s���i;`�.'{:- Benellclory shall notity Truateo end ahell depoait with 7rustce thi�Second Deed ot Truat end eny nQte evldencinp lhe IndeUtedneas <br />--�r:,�'t;�T� end euch recetpts end evidence of expendtturea made end secured hereby as Truatee msy roputre. <br />'—"�`='"`j�"�`� Is) Upon recetpt of such nopce Irom 8enetic(ary,Trusteu sha►1 oause to be roaorded,pa�blished arx!delivered <br /> -"-a`=�`"�� to truaror sueh NoU�e ol Delault end Notice ol Sete es then requtred by law�nd by lhla Second Deed ol TeuaY. Yruatee <br />�=;��v <br /> -:.�,�.:� shatl,without demend on Truator,efte►such time es mey then be required by law and elter re�ordetton ol such Notiee of <br /> __..s��� Deteutt end e(ter Notice ol Sale hevinp been piven es requiro�!by law, ae0 the Yruat Estate�t the time md pl�ce ol ate <br />-�""`"""— Ilxed by it tn such Not�ce af Sele,either aa e whole,or In eeparste lote or percete or tteme as Trustee shetl deem expedlent, <br />-..=��,_;� end(n aueh urder ee�t may de'!ermine,et publlo euatton to the hiphest btdder to►eesh In lewful moncy of the U��Ited St�tes <br /> ti�.-;,:,��. peyebte at the tirne o� sete. T►u�tee ehall detive�to auch purchaser or purchasers thereof Ib pood and eulNclent deed or <br /> --- daeds conveylnp the property so so1d,but without eny covenant or wstranty,exprese or Implted. The recltels In such deed <br />�'�,� o�any mattere o►lecte shall be conolusivq•prool ol the truthtutneaa thereol. A�y parson,fnatudinp wltF�out UmlteHon <br /> - T�uator,T►u�tee or BeneHalary,may purcNase et auch sete. <br /> -�,,_ �b� As may be perenitted Uy law,alter deductinp ell aosts.lees and expensea of Trustee end ol this T�ust, <br />~ `~�� tncludtng coate ot evtdence ol title Ir.corr�ectton wlth aaie,Truatee ohail eppty the proceed!ol asle to paysnent of iq tl�e <br /> Indebtedne�s Ili) eil otl�er sum�then secured hereby,end l�fi)the remetndet,fi any,to 1�e pers�n or persont lnpalfy entfiled <br /> a':"�'�'=`���`�''� thareto. <br />-Y`��=,� tc1 Trustoe mey In tho menner providud by law pastpone saio ol etl or eny portion ot the Truat�stete. <br />---__���: <br /> -`-`-4,.ar <br />,.;:; '�v �= 12. Remedley Not Exclusive�. Truates end Beneliclary, end eech ol lhem, ahall be antitled to enforce payment and — <br />�_,,,�'"'�r� . - <br /> _ -�-,,�;,,,.i.; perinrmance of eny Indebtednaas or obfitiattons aecurad hereby end to exercise all riphRa end powert unde�this Second Deed ol _ <br /> R :•..,f,:i,�,�p Trust or under nny i.oen Instrument or oihot agree�nent or eny lews now or hereelter M (orce;notwlthstendtna,bonto or ell 01 the -- <br />=p�s such Indebtedness end ofoilgatlons secured h�roby mny now o�horeniter bo otherwise aeaured,whett�er by morteepe.deed of trust, _ <br /> pledpe,Iien,asalgnmont or othflnn+ise. Nefther the accaptance of this Second Deed of Trust noi Its entorcement,whelher by court = <br /> ;^'=. �- , � l: actton or parsuant to the poenrer ot eale or other pawers heroin contatned, sholl p�eJudice or In eny mann�r alfect Trustee'a or =-- <br />_1'... : ,.�:t{., ` Denettciary's deht to reafi:e upon or eniorce eny other aacurity now or herealter held by Trustea or 8eneticiary, itbeinp mpreed that - <br /> ". Trusteo er�d Benallciery. end each ot lhem.ahall be entitled to enlorce this 5econd Deed ol T�ust end eny othnr securtty now or <br /> f:: ., -- <br />_ -._._�� 3 �. <br /> 4_ �,.�-_ - <br /> ! �� -- -- — -- .. �"'r-`. �.^ <br /> • , .------�.-- •, -�.�:�►�o:�i+,�y,,;�,a,r�..+v�raia,r5ra^ . 4.-�---,.�'�. <br /> .. " , + <br /> ,. , , ' �� �� � <br /> - . . ' � - � _ � �� ,, " . ��,r. .. .. • - . <br />_, , _ ���i�..�.�,��:.� <br /> c .. , � - 'n,- <br /> • e <br /> y ` � .. �� - � „ . <br />. . . - - ' �: .. . . ��. ._. - -- . .. ` <br />