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T�vetor �hell pay each tnstattment ol sll lexee�nJ apecial esseesmente ol every klnd, now ur hera�lter <br /> � levled epotnsl the Tiust E�tete or eny parl lhereol,belore delinqunrHSy,wllhout notioe o�demend. <br /> ndRe hs. Troster eheit metnteln Itre end extended cover�pe Mstx�ncm Inturinp the Improvementa �� <br /> :•• 3. fnsw�rn�• W <br /> f'+_: <br /> conatitutinp port ol the Tru�t Fstate lu�auch emounts end on such term�reesonahly setlaisatary to Beneliata►y. So lonp �s the � <br /> ;_;py;�,'.,' Proparty Is sece�rod by a flrat deed oi trwt or mortpepe,eomptlence with the inswmce requtrements ol iho Ilrot deed ol trust a� <br />'��'-=�r`"' mortpape shall be suil��tent to satisly the�equiromentt of this pareproph 3 reiatinp to Inaunncs. � <br />.—� �. <br /> �.. <br /> - - Tru�tor ahall promptiy�epelr end replece the Trust Eatste or eny part thereol ao lhet.except tar ordinary wner end lae►, �_ <br /> the Trust Estate ehall not deterlorete. In no event ehail the 7ru�tor comr�lt waste an or to tha Yruat Falete,or commt6 sufier ar • � <br /> permit eny ect to be done In or upan Iho Trust Eatste In vloietlan ol eny law.ordin��nce�r repulstion. 1'rtrator shell pey�nd p�ompt{; _; <br /> � � discharpe at Tru�tor'e coat end expenso ell Iten�, encumbranoe� an�f aliarQas levted,tmposed or�saetsad sps�oat the 7rust Eatete — <br /> �� or eny pnrt lhereof. �� <br /> �.: <br />::,,w y:..�^ . 4. Acttnns Alfteting TYust Esl+t�. Trustor sNall eppaor In and contest any ectldn or proceedin�purportlnq ta slleet �_ <br />:;;�:;°".'', ihe seeatty hereot or the riphte or powero ol Henelict�ry or Trustae,end eha11 pay all costs snd expenses.Inctudlnp cost ol evidencs <br /> ' r��"�' a!Ulte end attomeye'fees,In eny auch ectton o►procendlnp In which Benelialary or T�ustee mey appcar, 11 Truator falis ta make <br /> ...3...��„ <br /> ������ ' eny payment or lo do eny eeQ es end in the manner provided In eny al lhe loan(mtrumante. dena�ki�ry sndlnr Truyt�a, e:sh En <br />;'%w'�. . thetr own discretlon,without oblipetion eo eo do end wlthout notice to or demend upon Trustnr u�d without releasMp Trwtot Irom <br /> �'���� a�y obllpatlan, may make or du the eame In such mAnner end ta such extent es either msy deem neaesa��y to proteat the sacuritY <br />-' ' lnroai. Trustor shall, Immed�atety upon demand therelo►by Beneticiery, pay eil eoste end expenses�ncurrnd by BeneNclary tn <br />'`�;;+�•"l,' connncllon wlth the exeraise by 8enellclary of the lorepoinp �IAhls. Includinp without Ifmitallon crost�ol evldence al Qtle,court _ <br />`=.�:�',:��; ` cosls,epprelsals, aurveye end mttambys' leea. <br />__,y,.. <br />-,"'� �, �:M".�n!Domaln. (t the Tru�t E�lale,o► eny part thereot ar Interost therel��be takenor demaped by r�aaon ot <br />'�,;�._t� ar�y pubilc ImprovemPnt o►oondemnation proceedlnp. or In any other menner includtnp daed In Iieu theroai 1°Condemnaiian'1. ac � <br /> - - tl Trustor receives eny noetce o� other tntormattan reperdinp such proceeding. T�uator �heH ptw prompt w+itten noNce thereal tu <br /> `"'�'��' Bnnetl�tn*Y. 7ruator ahell be entitled to sll compensacton. eward�end other paymenta ar reitel thsrsol�nd ehall be enUlted�t ita <br />:::.,y.��--. <br />'`?,;,;}:;�;.�. option to xammen�e. sppear In end proaecute in Ite awn nemd any action or proceedinpa. Tru�tor�h�A�tao be entlNed ta rt�s e <br /> •������� eny com7�romise or seiiiemeni in cv�:��o�..��.W:t:ovSh io��i.�y �:��i^IIL'�• <br /> _--� 8, qppolnfinenf o/Suec�aaor Tie�atsa. Beneticiary�nay, from tlme to time,by�w�ttteninstrument executed snd <br /> - �`•,� ecknowfedped by Beneficlery,malled to 7'rostor e�td recorded in the Counly in which the Trust Eetete la located end bq vtherwlae <br /> '!'_`:� com�rySn�with the provlsfon�ai fhe eppiloeblo law ol the St�te of Nebraska subaNtute s suacesaor ar�uceeaaora to Ihe Tiuetee <br /> �_`.-��� named hareln or eottnp hereunder. <br /> 7. SucaeaaoraindAaslgn:. Thl�Second Deed ol Trust eppifee to.lnuras to the benetit of md b�nda ell perties hereto, <br /> — thel�hetra,lepeteea,ctevisees,qersonrt representetives,succes�ors end assiqns. The term'Eleneikl�ry'alvall mean the awner�nd <br /> hotder of eny promlaaory note ptven to beneliclary, �whether or not narned es 8enelictary herelnl. <br /> � 8. MerB�r, Consolldatfon, Sd�a w[�es�s. Yrustor covenanta that T�ustar wfll not=eii.ksae or otharwlse dtapose <br /> ' oi sny ot the Y�ust Eatete. In the event that Truator eetis.Iseaer or vthnrwiae dtsposea o1 a��psr!of lhe:'rust Estate.Beneticiary <br /> may et its option dectere the Indobtednesa secured hereby Immedlatety due �nd psYebte. whathe►or nut sny det�utt exisa. <br /> Benellctary a1ia11 consent to e trensfer af the Trust Estete tcr o third pa�ty to the e�tent auch third party meets the requlremenit <br /> eontelned In.end el8ume�the obliqatlon�eet lorth In lhe Firet Deed of Trust. The Covensnts Cont�t�ed hereirt shafi run wflh lM <br /> Propsrty end ahall reme(n(n lull tor�e end etleat until the Indebtedness Is peid In full. <br /> g. Events oI Detealt. Any of the lolluwinp events shall ba dsamed en event ol delavit hereunder: <br /> fa) detault shatl be made tn the payment o1 the Indobtodness ar eny other sum secured he�eby when due; <br /> " or <br /> (b) Trustor shall perlorm eny ect in bankruptcY: o� <br /> (c) 0 court oI competent jurisdictton shatl enter en order,�udpment 4r decree�pp�ovinp e petitton(ited epalnst <br /> - Trustor seektnp erry reorpanitetion, dlssotutlon or simllar�elltl under uny pre�ent o►luttxe federal,state or other ttotute. <br /> � — taw or repulatlon rel�Ung to bankruptcy, Insolvenuy or other retlel tor debtora, end auch order. �udpment or dncree ah�N <br /> � remaln unvacated and unstayad tor en apqrvpate al sixty(801 daye Iwhether or not consecuttvel f�om the Iirs¢date ot entry <br /> _�'.��;;� tNeraoh or any lrustee, recetver or Nquldatar or Trustor or ot eli or eny part ot the Tru�t Eetate,or ol eny or atl of lhe <br />_��r,',',��(� � roye�i�es,rovnnues,rents.Issur�s or protits thereot,shail be eppuinted without the conse�t or ecqutoscenoe o�Trustar�nd <br /> =�°"'�`+� • suc1�appointment aha11 remeln unvacated end unstayed lor en ugg�apete ol sixty(60)days (whether or not consecutivtl: <br /> _.;ta�� or <br /> -,:�r�,,.� , <br /> -:�., ..�_�., <br /> .n::�. <br /> -,��,� <br /> ,';,�i� <br />- �`:„�;:� Z <br />.i��F.tlt(�� � <br />��i.��la['.�� <br /> __--t� <br />': _". . .' � <br /> iiY�• <br /> '��� _ _ _ _ _ ' -- �. _.. ... <br />_•�T . , :Y` - - . �' � , . .. .. . 'Y.. �. • .. 1 . .� �� ., - <br /> -�''' ,t.' y- � � • . .:.. �.dl ' . � . � i �'i: - <br /> . . , ��, ` _ , � • .. �, � . <br />�.., L^ . . . � . .. ., .�r,�t':.' ..' - . _ �-.. .. <br /> .v t• <br /> �} �.�..�.�r�+1 � .. ' ' .' , : ~FI � S �T}�`r' .. . , � . <br /> /S � :�i� � � �� " .. ,.. .. ' �� ..�`;• .�� ;�y.,F� � . . — • <br /> . <br /> ' <br /> . ''Ce" <br /> �, . . ' � , . "•"�� <br /> . , , . .. . ,;�,M .. <br /> _ ' , . . . � � - _`_ <br />