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<br /> � (c) Trustee may, in thc manner provided by lnw,�x►stpone ealc oE all oe;my portian of the Tnist
<br /> Fstatc.
<br /> .���
<br /> N�••-�- �* 12. �emedies Not Eaclue ve. Tcustce and Beaefictary, and each of th�m, shall be entitled to enforce _
<br /> payment and performnnce of any lndebtedness or obllgutlons Eecured hereby and to exercise �II dghts aad powers -
<br /> � under this Deed of Trust or under any I.oan i nstrum�n t or o t h e r a g r u m e nt or an y laws now ar hercaftex in force, :_
<br /> notwithstanding chat same or ali of che such indcbtedaess a�d obligadons secured hcnby way now or hereafter be ;..�. „
<br /> ..;�;.�-._:
<br /> othenvise secured,whether by mortgage,dad of trust,pledge,lien,assignment or othenvise. Neither the acceptance ��'�.,
<br /> of this Deed of Trust nor it�enforcemeat, whether by court acdon or pursuant to thc power of s�le or other powera . _:_j*r
<br /> herein containcd,sha11 prejudice or in any mazwer effec�Trustee�a or Benoficiary's right to realiu upon or enforce u;.T-�_
<br /> any oWer secudty now or her�eafter held by Trustee or Beneficiary,it being ngreed that Trustee and Benefic1ary,and ,;r___._
<br /> ..;�n�
<br /> each of them, sball be entitled to enforce this Deed of Trust and any other security now or henafter held by ._,
<br /> Benefictary or Tzusta in such order Pnd manner as they or either of them may in their absolute discretion d�terwine. , ��__ _
<br /> No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Bencficiary is inteaded to be oxclusive of any other �_,-�.-'
<br /> remedy herein or by law pmvided or permitted,but each shall be cumulatZve aad shall be ln addition ro every other ��,=�="
<br /> � remedy given hereunder or now or heceafter axisting at law or in equity or by statute. Every powcr given by any _ _
<br /> � of the l.oan Instcuments to Tzustee or Beneficiacy or to wlilch either of them m,ay be otherwise entitled may be
<br /> eaercised, concurrently or independently,from time ro time and as often as may be deemed expedient by Trusta or - _
<br /> Beneficlary,and either of them may pursue incoasistcnt i�emedies. Nothing herein shall be construed as prol�ibiting __,�_
<br /> -. Baneficiary from seeking a deficiency Judgment against the Ttustor to the extent such action is perniltted by law. -;.,;,'-
<br /> ' � 13. Assienment of RenFs. For the purpose of finishing futther securlry for the debt secured hereby.Tnutor ;-
<br /> hereby assigns.transfers and sets ovcr to the Beneficiary,to be applied toward tho payment of the Note and all other `�
<br />--�• oL�;�r���.��.y nr Pvidenced by the Loan Insttumencs,tu case of default in the performance of az►y of the teraos i;;
<br />--:r�:.-:.
<br /> �:�•' and conditions of this Deed of Trust.or the said Note,or the terms of any Loan tnstrumeacs.aii iue nnis,:e:%�uuw �„�
<br /> =�:�'.,',. ' :u�d inwmes, if any, to be derived fTOm che Property during such time as the Note shall remain unpaid; and the �N
<br /> %;"=�','. :C .;• Beaeficiary shall have the power ro appoint any agent or egents it may destre for the puc�ose of rcpairing the Praperty �_•
<br /> =�•�*• '+�?t',"' and of renting che same and collecting the rents,revenues and lncome,and it may pay out af said inGOme all expenses �
<br /> � � -:;� of repairing the Property and necessary con►missions and expenses incuered in nnting aad mana�ing the same and 6
<br /> ;�'if.:.t.±:�fit
<br /> _.:.,,., �• of the payment of insurance premiucus and of collceting rentals therefrom,and the balance remaining, if any,to be �
<br />�;�';;�`'�, applled toward the discharge of the Nota __
<br /> ..n,y
<br /> , .e+ ,. -
<br /> �;_..i�,�.;.
<br /> �' :.,} . 14. ReQUest for Nntice. Tmstor hereby requests a copy of any notice of default and that any nodce of sale -
<br /> -,...;,�;. _
<br /> -=«.�.:'`'"` hereunder be mailed to it at the address set forth in che first paragraph of this Deed of Trust. -
<br /> -==t�:s� � _.
<br /> ���_�,�'� 15. Govcmin�Lnw. This Deed of Trust shall be governed by the laws of the Statc of Nebraska. In the
<br />-�x�•�=`s'� event that any provlslon or clause of any of the Loan fastnunents wnfllcta with ap�Ucable laws,such conflicts shall _—___
<br />-_ �_==�,�s not affect other provisions of such Loan Instmments which can be given effect without the conflicting provisivn and.
<br /> -=�;-t� � to this ead,the provisions of the Loaa Instcumeats are declazed to be severable. This insttument�an�a t�L whom�
<br /> _-_=`-�"'� �hanged. dlscharged or terminated orally,but only by an.instniment in writing signed by the party g _
<br /> �32'�� enforament of any waiver, cbange.discharge or terminatioa is sought. _
<br />_- �. -
<br /> =a;:>Z�i-`��#
<br /> ` -T` 16. �nvevance bv Tmst�. Upon written request of Beneficiary stating that all sums secured 6ereby have
<br /> ::�.�-� been paid.and upon suaender of this Dced of Trust and the Note to'R�ustee for cancelladon and retention,and upon -
<br /> -"'`'°'°`:':'�;'`-'• payment by Trustor of'�n+sta's fee�, Trustee shall reconvey to Trustor, or the per�on or petsons legsUy entifled -
<br /> ��� �� thereto, withouc wanaAry.�Y P��on of the Trust Fatate then held hereunder. 'The rccttals in such recoaveyence Y�__
<br />=---a��?����r of any matters or facts sha11 be conclusive praof of tDe truthfulness thereof. The granta in eny reconvoyance may ��,,,_,...
<br />- � , be described as ^the person or persons endtled thereto." �^�•-
<br /> . �.,����' 17, otices. Whenever Beneflclary,Trustor or Trustce s3�a11 desin to give or serve any notice. demand, �. --
<br /> request or other commuaication v+ith cespect to this De�d of Tnut, each such natfce,demnnd, request or other �
<br /> � .
<br /> communication shall be in wrtting and shall be effectiva only if the same is delivend by pe�sonal service or mailed ���,��r;`'._�
<br /> �.t�.-
<br />- � by cenified, mail,postage prepaid,retum rtceipt requested, addressed to the address set forth at the Uegirmiug of _ _____
<br /> • this Deed of Trust. Any party maY a�anY �ime change its address far such notices by delivering or mailing to the _ ______
<br /> other parties hereto, as afonsaid. a notice of such chan�e. r,..�_
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