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<br /> 9B- i(�9953 ..
<br /> �'� (c)� Teustoe sh�ll ccll or trnnsfer nll or nny part of ti�c Property or nn 6nterest thcrcln �vlthout
<br /> Qeneflciaay a prior wrlue�consent. ..
<br /> ••�`��` ���tt�n Default Addicionnl Remedieg. Sltould un�vcnt of de�ault occur, Benefictary may
<br /> �•.�,.....�r�� 10. A,ccelerat-- •-
<br /> � declnrc ell indebtedness securzd hereby to be due and payable ond the yame shull thcnupoa become due and payablo ;i;
<br /> without siny presentment,demaad.protest or aotice of any kind. Therenfter, Beneficiary may: ,^
<br /> (a) Either in person or by agent. with or without bringing any actioa or proceeding, or by a _
<br /> '` ' receiver appointed by a caurt aad without regard to the adequacy of its secudty, enter upnn and take .
<br /> �,;' possession of tho Trust Estate.or any pan thereaf, in its owa aame or in tbe neme of Tnistec. and do any r_:
<br /> acts whlch it deems necessary or deslrable to pzeserve the value. marketabllity or nntnbility of the Tn�st
<br /> `i� Estate,or part thereot or interest therein,increase che income thorefrom or protect[he securiry 6ereof and, :..-`a
<br /> � with or without takingpussession of the Trust Estate,sue for or othenvise collect the reats,issues aad proSts r;
<br /> � ` ' thereof.including thoso past due and unpaid,and apply che same, less costs�nd expeases af ogeration aud _
<br /> �� coUection,including sttomeys'fees,upon any indebtedness secured henby,all in such order as&neficiary { �
<br /> � � may deternnine. The eatering upon aad taking possession the Trust Estate,the collection of such rents,issues
<br /> and profits, and the application thereof av aforesaid shall not cure or waive any default or notice of default - _
<br /> � h e r e u n d e r o r i nvalidate an y act done in response to such default or pursuant to such notice of default and,
<br /> i
<br /> . j notwithstanding the continuance in possession of the Trust E state or t he co l lec t i o n.r e c e i p t an d a p p l i c a t i o n
<br /> of rents,Issues or prafits,Trustee or Bene�nciary shall be entltled to exerclse every rlghc provided fqr in any �'."
<br /> ., „ of the Loan Inscruiaents or by law upon occurrence of aay event of defauYt,including the dght ro exercise �,'�-_
<br /> • + the power of ealc. _-
<br /> '� (b) Commenc�e an actton co foreclose this Deed of Trust as a mortgage, appoint a receiver. or =
<br /> _L_ ..� --
<br /> � „ '� speclfically enforce any oi cne covcuaaw..���•�. Y
<br /> 4' -
<br /> " (c) Deliver ro Trustee a written declaration of default and demand for sale.and a writt�n notice of _
<br /> _ ,;.:, defattlt and election to cause Tiustor's interest in the Trust�state to be sold,which notice Trustee s}na11 cause
<br />= .. ' � to be duly filed for record in the appcopriate official records of the countY ia which the Trust Estate Ys
<br /> _ - locatod.
<br /> ..,�..t. .
<br />,�r:r�;,>..,.
<br /> .>..,_
<br /> ..••-���.•�� I1. Foreclosure bv Powcr of Sale. Should Benefciary elect to foreclose by exercise of the Power of Sale
<br /> _--,?n. ,
<br />-'- �- •�;. herein containod.Beneficiary ahall notlfy Trustee and shall deposit wlth Trustee this Deed of Trust and the Note an
<br /> �_� �.�.
<br /> �:�;��,:� such receipts and evidence of expenditures wade and secured hereby as Trustee may require.
<br />.._—__..r.nrs.�'
<br /> ..�liJl.'��.��
<br /> :;,_�� (a) Upon receipt of such notice from Beneficiary,Trustee shall cause to be recorded,publiehcd au
<br />�_t,�;:�_<<���, delevered to Trustor such Nottce of Default and Notice of Sale as thea required by law and by tl�is Deed of
<br /> -:�,.,�;;�;�; T�ust. 'IYustee shall,without demaad on Trustor,ufter such time as may then be required by!aw and after _
<br /> ;:y��� . recordatinn of such Notfce of Default and after Notice of Sale having been given as required by taw,sell the __
<br /> --`� Truat Estate at the tima and place of sale f�xed by it tn such Notice of Sale,either as a whole, or fn separace
<br /> _°^��}�� lots or parcels or items as TNStee sh�il deem expedient,and in such order as it may determine, at public
<br />`�;:,����a auction to the highest bidder for cash ln lawful money of the United States payable at the time of sale.
<br />�'���.,�t�.}. Trustec shall delivar to snch purchaser or purchasers thereof iu good and sufficient deed or deeds convaying
<br /> -=-------•�`��`• the propercy so sold,but without any coveaant or warranry,expmss or implied. The recita,ls in such dee3
<br /> _--`���:''�'� of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of the truthfnlness thercof. My persoa, including,without
<br /> ra,:: ; limitauon, Tnistor,Trustee and Beneficiary. may purchase at such sale and Tsustor henUy covenants to _
<br />"������ warrant and defend the titlo of such purc'haser or purc�asers. -=-
<br /> �;"..^'.` Yi':..
<br />.:-•,v'.;s.�C -.:ti :
<br />: _ ;,;:.:��,,_ (b) pa may b�e perautted'uy law,aRer deducting all costs,fees and expenses of Trustee and of this —
<br /> _ ;•,:�,; Trust, includtng costs of evidence of title in connection with sale,Trustee shall aFply tho proce.�ds of sale
<br /> to payment of(i) all sums expended under the ccrm heraof, not then repaid,with acerued �nterest at ten v
<br /> ` �.'� percent (10%)per annum: (ii) all other sums then secured hereby; and(iii)the r�mainder. lf any. to the _
<br />- :�� person or persons legally endded chereto. -_
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