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.�.,. i <br /> , . . <br /> , ,..-.� ., _ ��.. v. ;. ,....�.u:- <br /> �� . _----- <br /> , ..�..., . . .. , _... _ _ <br /> _ .. _ c.z._�... .._... .. . _. __._ _,...�...�'L!vr"�?'lSII�}:7C.;�:.. �._ _ _._., — - <br /> . <br /> .. �, . �� ...___.._. ....,.- -- '""r'ya, r.�r �a � - - <br /> .. ...- <br /> ����. . �..d......u..r��y �u�a.r "II'4" _ . <br /> �„ . ..�,. ....._ . .:- .. ' �.��xw��ss...--.�-..---�. .' . .._ ..� ... .. .... .._.___. - <br /> .. ..... .. .....� . ......_ . . - <br /> . _ . . , ..... -.,t.,. <br /> �'=`r . �.-,� <br /> �1�:StYi�� <br /> _.n�V,tM"'*'� - <br /> t ' <br /> � ' �" �^,�B.�e��:�Y� �. <br /> ___.__..� tho nowor end rnandum nrot+idec�Ic+► h IAw t�r the substltsstlaR of a Tru�tes ar Tru�te�a in:::s !acs oi th� `�ru�i� � <br /> p , Y F t <br /> or Trueteea nemed hereln. _ <br /> 17. Forb�artmc� by B�nsfldery or Tru�tee Not a W�Iv�r. A forbeerence by Baneficlary o�Tr�atee In exerciaing ` <br /> eny ripht or remedy hereundar, or otherwise eftorded by appliceble law ehell not be a welver of or preclude the = <br />`�```* exerclae of eny r1Aht or remedy herounder. UkewiAe,the wniver by Beneficlery or Truatee of any defeult of Truator - <br /> � uneicr thlc Qscd o4 Tru:.t:.hali not bo e9c�mad to ho n�vaivc.• of any othor �ralmllar dofnultw�ubsca�uontly oc�urrinA. � <br /> 18. Truator Not RN��a�d. Extanaton of the time for peyment or modificetlon or emortizetiQn of the suma secured <br /> �� by the Deed of Trust grented by Beneficlery to eny succesaor in intereat of Trustar ehail not operete to release,In eny - <br /> mannet, ihe�liab(Ifty o4�the originel Truatpr end Trustor's�succeasor in intereet. Beneficiary shall•not be�req�lred to <br />���----- commence pr�ceedinga egeinst such succeseo►or refvse to extehd tirne for payment or otherwise madify amorti:ation = <br /> � oi the sums secured by the Deed of Trust by reeson of any demend m�de by the originel Trustor and Truator's c <br /> succossors In intorast. <br /> • 19. Opdon to Fonclos�. Upon the occurrence of any default hereunder, Beneficiary shell heve the option to <br />''_�" foreclose this Deed of Trunt(n the me�ner provided by law for the forecloaure of mortgagea on reai property. <br /> � � 20. 1�r�atcr'e Ripl�te, Ab�enE Dei�alt. Until any dofault !n 4ho paymorst of Indebted�esa hereby socured, or untll � <br /> � s� �� the brench of any Govanent hereln contained the Yrustor, ite successors and essigns, ehall posseas and enjoy the -- <br /> -+�' �' � property and receive the rents end profits therefrom. Upon payment of all sums secured by tMa Deod of Trust, <br /> "1_W 7f_ <br /> "=� `�� Beneficlary shell request Trustee to reconv�y the property end shall surrenderthis Deed of Trust and ell notes and Loan <br />'��..'��';�f^:i �►graements evidenaing indebted�ess secured by the Daed nf Trusf 4o Tru�tea. Truate�ehep vnconveb tite propdrty <br /> •,r�y�,f• .. <br />-�-`=`���i�� • without warronty and without chasge to the persons legally entftled thereto, The Grentee In any reconveyance may <br /> �`�"kX`'� be described as "4he person or persons entitled thereto", and the recltels therein of eny matters:or facta shell be <br /> -.:._�,:L�- conclusive proof of the truthfulness tF�ereof. �sech person or persons shall pey ell aoate of recording, if eny. "' <br /> ;����'� 21. Treoster of the Proparty; AsaumpHon. If ell or eny pert of the Property or en Interest therein (s sold or _ <br /> ' trenaferred without Beneficiery's �rior written consent, oxcept as otherwise provided by lew,Baneficiary mey, et <br />:�=_�`?'�,";'� Beneficiary's option, declare ell the sums secured by this Deed of Truat �o be Immedlately due end payable. - <br /> _,,:�1;� , Benaficiery ahaii heve waived auctn dp4lor� Yo eut;elereYe.i9,prlor Yo ci�e sAle or f�enafer, Bene4lciery end 4he person to :_ <br /> ` -,--� whom the Property is IIo be sold or transfer�ed vmach egroement in,wr�iting that,the credit of euch person is setisfectory - <br /> _.__3<__, to Beneflciary and that the interegt,pey,abl� on tb4,sums,seaured by.the Deed of Truat, shell be es auch rate ea <br /> �v-�� Beneficiary ehell requost. If Ben�+ficfary hae.1nislve the eccelerete'provided tn thls Paragreph 29, end if <br /> _.. _ <br /> _�-.,:S.I]e _ . • _. •. 1.�____� L_� __._� �J _ _�a��_ � � ��.� ������. �� �������J t� ._ _I�_�L__ A�__ll� <br /> �rusmt s �uCCtlsnor �ro m�aret�t nay vnocifinu er Wr�unn a�U�TiNa�un oa�na.��a��. aca:op�vu m v�int{��y uy onnniwinFy, <br /> '�.°;� deneffclary shall release Truetor from ell obligaiiona unddr thie Deed af Trustend the Loan Agreement. If Beneficiery <br />---,�,=�� . ; � exercises such option to accelerete, Beneficiary may Invoke any remedles perm(tted by the(�aed of Trust. <br /> .�--� 22. Requ��t iw Notic�. The Truator roqueat that e copy of any notice of defautt and oi any notice oi aele <br /> - - . heraund�r be mailed to Trustor et the eddreas hereintsefore set forth. <br /> -��"`a- <br /> �- � IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Trustor has axecuted thia Deed of Trust the dey end yeer first above wrltten. <br /> i <br /> -- �::1 <br /> -�-- �, `��y� � � �.�- . _ <br /> ��;�; Tii0MA3 J PP DATB M EPPS DAT � <br /> ',c <br /> STAT�OF NEBRASKA) <br /> � � 5S: <br /> �, COUNTY OF ax�arm zsr�arm, x�wL � <br /> ��, Betore me,e Notery Public qualiffed for seid County, personally came THOMJIS J BPps AND JBAN N SPPB, xvasu,m _ <br /> ANU [4IP8 <br /> known to me to be the Identical pers�n�s) who sfgned the foregoing instrument and bcknowledged the execution <br /> � - thereot to be hia/heNtheir voluntary ect end dead. <br /> _:� <br /> _-y�:.� _ <br />_���-';�' Witness my hand end Noter(al Seal th4s 1zTH d�y of DECEI�SR , 1996 _ <br /> --- , _ <br />- _� f� GfAERILL MO1AAr�t�o o}Ndnsla �,��o j , <br /> .�_,�_� CHFi�S6lUBKIE CHRTS L KA9KIB <br /> _"•'�y ; Al�r COIIYI1i Exp.DeC.'�J,1996 r+oterv Pt�ac = <br /> °�°::es�ai ' <br /> - �:.«�� ` � <br />--.�s:;;,;z� My Commission Expires: 12/2g/96 - <br /> :_��� �. <br /> - _- �= <br /> =.�;'�;: <br /> `r, �. <br /> _`.. 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