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W -. <br /> vim . <br /> ..�. .. _ .. . <br /> • <br /> . r.r-+ <br /> � r: . . �� . - ...._._.__�.,_1_.. .�..._. <br /> .tt��'._.. ._. _ .._. . _ .. <br /> _. _. . _. — . . �- .. - . . .. .......lFr.,-_ <br /> .. . . ..-�---...-------,.,.....�.� . . . . . - :i...� ,ti<-�: ,-�—. <br /> ".':i'.:�.'�c.:.-_� _. <br /> ^�+ "- <br /> ; 9�� 9.�9��1 . � <br /> J (B) Any failur� on the part of the Trustor to �nneY tha rnayment terms In rosn++r.t to the Loan Agreomont and eny tII <br /> other advences under thia Dead o4 Teust hereby secured; and, �'� <br /> (C) Any action by the Trus4or prohiblted by the term� of the Lonn Ag�eerr9ent or thls Deed of Truet or eny fellure of . �_ <br /> the Trustor to Set effectuon�tho Benoficiery9aeso urlty rfohl t ee8ne ofrcredit stabllahed endethe�relghta ofrthe - <br /> heve en ndva <br /> • Beneffciary In s�ich securl�y. <br /> "` , end upon the happening of any such event of deS`eult, Benoficlery may declere nil sums secured hereby ImmadiAtely <br /> �' due end peyeble by dellver to Trustoe of wrttten declaretlon o4 defeult. The Trus4ee shall heve the power of sele of <br /> the Proqerty,end if Beneficlery desires the Property to be sold,It ahetl deposit wlth Trustee thls Deed of Yrust end AI! <br /> promissory notes end docu auses the Pro`et y toebel sold, end the Trustoo In turn'shell prepare at noi erin the form , : <br /> ot defeult end election to c P <br /> I requlred by law,which shall be duty filed for record by Trustee. •��• ,;�.t�w;� <br /> (A) After the lopse of such tfine es may be required by Iaw following the recordetion of seld notice of default, and �, ,,,,_______ <br /> _,, .,_ <br /> , '� notico of defeult end notice of sale having been given ae required by law, Trustee, without demend on Trustor, ,:_ <br /> shall sall the Property on the date and ot the time end place desfgnated in seld notice of sale, at public euction to : u,,.,,,-- <br /> � � the highest bidder, the purchase prico peyeble in lawful money of the United States et the time of sale. The � :_��:= <br /> :'�y� —. <br /> person conducting the sale may, for any cause he deems expedient, postpone the sele from time to tlme until it ��= <br /> � � shall be completed end,in every such ceso, notice of postponement shell be given by publia declaration thereof � ,_ <br /> by such person et 4he time and plece last appointed for the sele,provided, if the sale is postponad for longer then .�;�.: <br /> ,�;._ _ <br /> one�1) doy beyond the day designetod In the notice of sele, notfce thereof shall be given in the same mennor es ��� <br /> ; � the originel notice of sele. Trustee shall execute and deliver 4o the purcheser its Deed conveying the Propany so • •, '� <br /> ' i . sqid, but without andy covenant or warranty,express or implisd. The recitels fn the deed of any mettera or acts . S ,,. � <br /> .�� shall be concluslve proof of the truthfulness thereof. Any person, including Beneficiary, mey purchase et the sele. -- <br /> (B) When Trustee sells pursuent to the powers heroin,the 7rustee shell apply the proceeds of the sele to pay <br /> ment <br /> ' �'� of the costs end expenses of exercising the power of sale end of 4ha sals, including the peyment of the TrN�tee's - -- _ _ <br /> ` fees actually incurred, wh(ch Trustee's fees shall not in the aggregate exceed the followfng amount basflzl upon <br /> � the amount se�ured hereby and remelning unpaid;6 percentum on the first 81,000 thereof, 1 percentum on the R� <br /> ._-�_ t�pl���p rhereof and then to the items in subperegraph(CI M the order there steted. K V���Z�g�, rnatc — . <br /> (C)After paying the it�ms specified in subperagraph (BI if the saio is by i rusiee, vi►��o���pe���«, r- <br /> � of fore�losure end salo if the sate is pursuan t to ju d i c i e l f o r e�l o n u r e,t h e proceeds of sele shell be applied in the.arder _ <br /> stated to the peyment of: <br />-� (1) Cost of eny evidence of t(tle procured In connectfon with such selo and of eny revenue stam��; <br /> ' (Iq All sums the secured hereby; <br /> � (Ilq The remainder, if any,to the person ledally entitled thereto. =, <br /> 13. Dutiea end Oblipadons of Trusts�s. ie) The duties and obligations of trustae shall be determfned solely by :;' <br /> ' the expr6ss provisions of this Deed of Trust,and Trustee sheil not be Ilable except for the performen�e of such duties . ��, <br /> end obl(gations es are specificelly set forth hereln, end no implied covenents or obligations shall be impoaed upon � <br /> '' Trust9e; (b) No provislons of this Deed of 7rust shell require T�uatee to expand or risk tts own funda, or otherwise <br /> ti,r." '. incur eny financial obligetion in the performance of c�ny of(ts dutfes hereunder,o�in the exercise of any ot Its righte ��. <br />� ' � ' or power,ff it ehall have grounds for believing thet the repayment of suah funds or edequate Indemnity agelnst such <br />��.r.�: :'..�;�u. ' risk or Ilebllity fs not reesonably assured to ft;(c) Truatee moy consult wfth counsel of its ov+►n choosfng end the advice <br /> of such counsel shall ba tull end complete euthorizetian end protection in the respast of any actfon taken or suNer�d <br /> -` ` �.� . and ea onebly'betieved�by it to beiauthorized or withln the dl ceat on o�rl ht fend powers conferred upon it by this <br /> �;'- � �; Deed of Trust. __ <br /> 1a. Additine�al Sacurity Inatruments. Trustor, et its e�:pense, will oxacute end delivor to the Trustee,p�omptly <br /> -_•- ,�;..,�, _,;: , upon demend,such security Instruments as mey be required by Trustee,in form end s�bstance satlafactory to Trustee, <br />'`n•�����^�^=' covering eny of the Property conv�yed by this �eed of Trust, which security ins4ruments shall be additional security <br /> � � � for Trustor's tefthful performance of ell of th� terma, covenents and conditions of this Deed of Trust, the Loen _ _ <br /> ; ` :�-... . <br /> _ , . ,,., Agree teon.eSuch I sit urnents shall be ecorded or ffled,end�e ee�o�a dgendmeffled,X tCTrustor's�expeniae.W�th thls � — __ <br /> • .. trensa �„v;-=--.Q.��,�„o <br />' � 1 S. Miscelleneoua. <br /> " IA1 In the event any ono or more of the provisions contained in the Deed of Trust, or the Lnan Agreemen4 or eny �'�,. <br /> . # F.:- <br /> promissory note, or eny other aecurlty instrument given in connocYion with this trensactlon,shall for eny reason , <br /> � � to be hold to be invalid,fllegel or unenforcoable in eny respect, such Invelidity, illegelity or unenforceability shell, „ _ ,.r� <br /> �c� <br /> N,' at the optfon of�eneficiary, not affect any othor provlston of this Deed of T�ust, thet this Deed of 7rust shell be '�'=rr.,�: .��.^• <br /> � �k construed es If such invalid, fllegal or unenforceabta provisfon hed never baen conteined hereln or thorel�. •;;�=•_,�,;4,,r,�s;.:,. <br /> � � (8) This Oeed of Trust shell be construed according to the laws of the Stete of Nebraska. :';`��',;�;�-:;1, <br /> � fC) the Deed of Trust shell insure to and bind the hoirs, legetees,doviseas, edministretors,exocutors,successors and :.,--.;:� <br /> -,, ., <br /> � • � assigns of the perties hereto. ' '"� - <br /> � lD) Trustor ahall pey alt taxes levfed upon this Deed of Trust or the debt secured hereby,togother with eny ot{ier texas <br /> �, <br /> .,.Aa�Arz.amants which mav be levied agafnat the Trustee or Beneficiary or tho legal holder of the Loan Ag�eement ;�• <br /> _ T :.__� -• ----- <br /> on account of the fndebtedness evide�ce thereby. ��- - <br /> � �E) Whenever used herain,the singuler number shell include the plural, the plural,the singular. the use of e�y gender ,> <br /> shall be appliceble to atl penders, and the term "Boneficfery"shall include eny peyae of the fndebtedness hereby <br /> secured or eny trensfer 4hereof, whethor t�y operation Qf law or otherwfse. <br />�. 16. Succeaaor Trustee. Beneffcfery may from time to time subctituto e successor or successors to any Trustee <br /> named herein or acting hereunder to execute this Yrust Deed. Upon such eppointment end without conveyanGe to <br /> the successor Trustee, the latter shall be vested with all title, powers and duties conferred upon any Trustee herefn <br /> ' • named or octing herounder. Eech such eppointment or substitution shall be medn by written Instrument by Benaficiery, T <br /> contafning roference to this Dsed of Trust and its plecc�of record, which when recordad in the office of the Register _ <br /> of Deeda of the county or counties fn which safd property is sftuated,�shall be conclusivo proof ot,Q ryap�p�p� ntment , <br /> - of the successor 7rustee. The foregoing power of eubstituYfon and the procedure therefore shell�'ot be eXc�sive of _ <br />- � 4�g-� � _— <br /> 9B� <br />