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!1 , � <br /> .�.-�1 . .... .. _ <br /> - �.l.••'I��.l�'Jr.� <br /> I _.'_'..._'."__._1_' "_. . ' ' y�_^ . <br /> ' �Ai^ i. __:..- <br /> ' _ ' S ?j• _ ."._. <br /> -.,r.LL� <br /> } : .- . — <br /> • , �,�.� - <br /> 1 . _ � _ <br /> . � - - ��- �u���� � ---. =_ <br /> S.Nowira ar r-rup�riy"ansurAnce. Hortowcr shnil kccp U�o lmprovcmenis now oaisdng on c�mAftcr croctcd on thc Propcny • � <br /> insurod egeinst loss by firc, ha�ards includcA within the tcrm "cxtendcd covcragc" and ony othcr ha•r�trds,fncluding floods or R- <br /> Qooding,for which l.cndcr rcquires insuranco,This insurt;ncc shall Ir mainwincd in tho amount�and for thc periods that[.cndcr � <br /> rcqulres.'I1ic insuranco caRtcr providing thc�nsurar�cc ahall bo choscn by eorrowcr subject to Lcn�cr's u�proval which shnll not � <br /> ' be unrensonebly withheld. lf Bornnver f[+ils m maintn�n coveroge de:critsr,d a6nvc, I.ender may, at Lendes's �ipdan, obL�i�� <br /> 1 covcrago to protat Lcndcr's rights in thc PropeRy in accordancc with paragraPh 7. � ., ' , <br /> All insurancc pollcics nnd renewals shull bcs t►cccpiablo to Lcndcr and shall includc n atandard morlgagc clausc. Lcndcr shull <br /> have thc right w hold the policies and renew�ls. lf[.endtr requines,Borrower shall promptly give to L.endu oll�eceipts of pstid <br /> ' pr�miums and renewal notices.In the event of loss,Barrower shnll giv�peompt nodce w the insurnncc csrria and Lender.l,ender <br /> may makc proof of loss if not madr prompdy by Borrowcr. � <br /> . Unless Lender and Borrower otherwisc ngn�e in wrldng. insurance pmceeds shstp Irs nppUed to restoradan or repair of thc <br /> PropWty damaged, if�he restoredon or repair is economically feasible and l.ender's security is not kssened,If tha restarndon or ,;r:.�: ; <br /> repair is not economicaUy fe�uibl�or Lender's securiry would be lessened. the insurance proce�;ds shall be epplled w dw sums ���'�"�— <br /> secured by this Security Instrumcnt, whether or not then due,with any e,xccss paid to Borrowcr. If Bortowe�abandons the <br /> ,�;�._-__-- <br /> . Property,or daes not answer within 30 days n nodw from L.endcr that the insurence canier hus offcre� to sctUc a c1aIm,then <br /> . Lender may collxt the insuranca proceeds.Lender may use the psocoeds to repair or restore the Froperty or to�ay sums secured ����-�"- <br /> � � by this Securlty Insuument,rvhether or not d�en due.'Rie 30-day pe,rlad will begin when the nnt�ce is given. � - <br /> Unless Le.�d�end Boriower oU�erwisc�rce in writing,any upplioation of proceeds co principal shall not extsnd or postgone <br /> a <br /> �� the duc datc of the monthl menis refcrred to in <br /> Y Pay p�►gra{�hs 1 and 2 or change the amount nf the paymenis.If under paragraph � <br /> �r 21 tho Property is ecquimd by I.ender,Borrower's dght to any insurance policfes and procee�s resulting trom darttage to the ��"T <br /> Property grior w the acyuisition shaU puss to Lendcx w U�e extent of the sums secured by this Security Insuument imm$d3ately �:..,, =°"�'°^ <br /> y Prior to the acqulsition, , :��- - <br /> � �a�_�._-- <br /> r 6.Occupancy,PreservAtioa,Maintenance and Protectbn of the Property; Borrowcr's Loan AppUc�tbn;Le�sebold9. <br /> Botrower shall occupy,esteblish,and use the Pns�rty as�orrowWr's princigal a�stdence within skty days etter thes execudoa of .��.�- <br /> •.�. this Security Instrument and shall cantinue to occapy the Pm�erty�Batmwer's princlnal residenr.e for at leact one year aRr.r tho �+r:"-:r��_--•- <br /> "�' date of occupaney. unless Lender otteelwise agrees in writing. whlch consent shall n�b� anmasonably withtield� or unkss w? ,a� ` <br /> ;:.,,;..;;!i� extenuating circiunstances oxiet which ar�a beyond gorrower's controL Boaower sR�as:l not destroy.den►aBe or fmpair the Plnpercy� �. . <br /> �;:A'r:�, a11ow the Properry W dxteiiorato. or commit wssi�on the Property. Borr�w�sr shall be in deFault if any fos�felture ectl�on or <br /> -.--__= ��-�d3ss8��t-.:,:hN�:,::�s�=a1�;��gtui�ai:s�i.uuiri'�guixi iaiih judgmenc coula resuIt in for[eiuuo oi the Pr�c�paty or �� <br />_ .., � otherwise materiaUy imgalr the lien created by this S�civity Instrurnent or I,ender's scciuity interesG Bomuwer may cure such a ; <br /> ,,,il; ;': <br /> ,�'y �:�:� default and reinstete�as provided in paragraph 18, by causing the acaon ar proceeding to be dismissed with a niling t3�at, in <br /> '''�°. Lender's gooci falth determination, precludes focfeiwre of the Barowu's intenst in the Property or other ma�uial impairment of <br /> the lien created by this S�curlty Insuument or Lender's security lnterest Borrower shall aY�o be in defaWt if Uocmwer,during the <br /> loan eppllcation proces.g, �ve materlelly felse or ina�cvrate infortnation a statements to Lender(a failed to p�vide Lender with <br /> eny matorial tnfocmadon)in connocuon with the loan evidenced by tha Note, including, 6ut not limited W. rqx�esentuions '��; <br /> wncern�ng Bornower's occupancy of tha Propezty as a pri�xipal residence.If this SecurIty Insta�umeut is on a kasehold,Bamwer , <br /> � u <br /> +. ,, shall wmply with all the provisions of the leasc.If Borrower acquires fec dde to the Pmperty.¢h�ka�ehald end the fee titie shall <br /> . nat metgo unkss Lendu agroes to the merger in writing. <br />_;, 7.Protection ot Lertder'e Alghts in t6e Property. If Borrower fails to perform the r,ovenants a�id agi+ecmentv containcd in a� <br /> . a this Security Insuument, or there ie a legal proceedL,g that may signlflcantty at�'xt I.enda's dghts in thc Prope�ty(such as n <br /> � � 's pn�ceeding 9n b�nlmiptcy,probate,for candemna�on or forfetture or to enforce lawa or re,gulations).U�en Lender enay do end pay `°—�--- <br /> �� � '��"� •�� for whatever is n to rotoct the e�a1ua of the <br /> .,.�.. ,:,,:: . �Y P �npe�tY an�l II.x,nder's rights L►the Pcoperty.Lender's acdons may include �h=-- <br /> �,,.,... � y P q' �5' ap�carin8 in cou�,PaY�B�le =—� <br /> ,�:_;., PaY�B Y sums secured b u licn which has riori over this Securi Inswment, <br /> • ` ettomeys' fees and einering o��the Property w�nake repairs. Although Lertder may teice acdon under this paragraph 7.I.endu - <br /> i ' does not havo to do so. = <br /> : •• � ,,_,� Any umouats disburscd by Lcnda under this paregrs�7 shal]!beaume sKidlsl�nal debt of Borrowu secuccd by this SECUrIty — J � <br /> . :�,�F:?�. InsWmenG Unless aorrower and Lender agcco to other te�ms of PaYmeat� thcse amounts s7k�1D bear intenst fmm the llnte of =- <br /> == ,'t;;�':;`�:, disbursement nt the Noto rate aad shall be pf;yable.with intcicst,upon norice from L�der W Bor�awer uesdn `•`W <br /> :,�.,��:,, <br />;_�:•,;".��t''•�. d.Mort a e Iosurxnca If I,cndel pired mort 1°4 B PaYment. ,•:��,�. <br /> B g nq guge insurance as a candidon of ma�g the loan se�nrci� 'by this Security =-----�-�- <br /> _ .' Instrument, Bormw�r shall pay the premiuma required to mainrain the mortgage insurance iri elfecG If.tor any reason, the -- <br /> ' mortgage Insurance caveregc required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Borrower shall pay thc premiums requir�ed to � ��"'�-��.- <br /> •�r�'� obtain cov e substanqall -__ - - -- <br /> .,�':'�:.'.:,;:,? <br /> ereg y equivalent to the mortgaga insurance previ.ously in effoct,at u cost substantially equivalan¢to the �� <br /> ,...,�;,. cost to Borrowel of the mortRage Insurance previously in effect, f�om an alter�ate mort�age lnsurer appmved by t.e�r�Cr. If :'`�F���� - <br /> � subsmntially oquivalent moctgage insurance coverage is noi available,Borrower shall pay to LeAder each month a sum ec�ual to .�,"�`:"� . ,�. <br /> • one�twelfth of the yearty mortgage insurance premium being paid by Sorrower when the insurance coveragc lapsed or ceased to �'�C ° �- �:�:• <br /> be in effecs.Lender will acccpt,ase and reteln these paymer�u t�s a loss resenre in lieu of m •''�'k'��'�`�. : <br /> OftBa88 ifISUtBRCC.LOSS UeSGrvO . � J ,.� n�,.�. <br /> ' �'�I:� .I;,rfl�}y�._��.,.�.' <br /> .,.,`40;; A![Ip Form aa�a �i�o . ... 'u`.. , <br /> r�q•6R(N�)�ox�x�•o� rap.s of e i����,u: <br /> � u <br /> -- - -_ -_ <br /> : -,__,:_.�.___._-----�__------ _ <br /> . . _.._._.._- --.__....-------•-- --� I` � <br /> ,. .. --�—�---_-_-�-.,.-�-•-�,T----.—:�-• „------�_.�. . . . <br /> i ' <br /> � � � _ --- — --- _ <br />