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v,: <br /> wl�wv: <br /> - ..�.�a.� ,. <br /> �' • <br /> ,p.a o n <br /> ' �'t`��� - „_ - . -_ <br /> . , . , <br /> � <br /> . _ ...._..__..ld,...e..."-- . . . -., .. ., <br /> ._. - . .' .'_". . � �, ' _ , . _ n ^�'/�� �� .. <br /> - . � .. - . 7 .14'.`>"(. ' <br /> . I �° ��qj►JV.7"C ..' .. -. <br /> I 'POOETHE4t WITH nll the improveme�ts nnw or here.�►fttr erected on the propeny. und nll e�.scrr�ents, oppurtennnces,ond <br /> iiaturey now or i�eruufi�:r u pari uP Ih�s propc:riy.i91I repluw�►yia�l.�wul udiiifluns n➢iull:ai�u ix;wvcicai Gy iills Su:wiiy insUumu�[. . <br /> All of thu fmrcgaing is referred w in this Securlty Insuumcnt as lho"Propcny." <br /> RORROWBR COV�'iNAIV'I'S that Dorrowcr is Inwfnlly scistcl of thc cstatc hcrcby convcycd and hns iho right to E�ant and <br /> convGyr ihe Prapeaty and that the Property is uncncumbered.cxcept for cncumbrances of rocord.Dorrower wam�nts and wlll <br /> � defen��enernlly the ti1t�tn the Propertty n;nimt atl cl�ims nnd demA.nds,�,t�bjcct cn any encambmnce.v of record. <br /> THIS SECURI'I'Y INSTRUA�NT combincs unifortn covenants for nadonal use and non•unitorm covenertts wid� limited <br /> �,'.�, <br /> varletlons by Jurisdicdnn to consdmte a uniform security inswment covering real property. .. <br /> .�, •-�''' UNI�ORM COVEN{WTS.Borrowcr ond Lendcr covcnu�t end agrao av follows: <br /> '� 1.Pnyment of PrincipAl and Interest;PrepAyment and Late Cha�ss. Bomawer ahc�U pmmptly pay when duc the •� <br /> i principal of and intcres[on the debt cvidenced by thc Nnte and any prepaymcnt and late charges due under the Not�. - <br /> 2.Funda for TAxe.c ae�d Ir�curance. Sabject ta rpplicxbl� lnw or to n written waive�by Lender, Borrower shall pay to <br /> L.ender on thc day monihly paymcnts aco due under the NaPe.undl tho Note is gaid in full,a sum ("Funds")for.(a)yeazly taxes <br /> ond assessrncnts which may auaL*�priodty over thia S!�curity Instrument as a lIen on thz Property; (h)yearly Icasehold payments ' ..ti �;'�-� <br /> or ground rents ai the Property,if any;(c)yearly l�azard or property lnsurance premiums;(d)yearly flood issarsance premiums,if " - <br /> any;(c)yearly mortgage insurance pnemiums.lf any;and(� eny swns payable by Bomow�rm�.ender,in r,cca�rdance with the - <br /> provls;ons of paragraph 8, in lleu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums.These i[ec�s are called "�scrow Items." - <br /> L,ender may,at any time,collect end hold Funda in an amount not t�exceed the cnaximum emount a lender f�r a fe�erally relatcd , = <br /> .:.�,:..,,. <br /> • mof�age Eoen ji�ay reyuire far Boreowe�'s escruw account w�der tl�e fecieral Fteal Fsiate Settle�ner�u F.�oce��res Act of 1974 c,s ; <br /> amended frum tima to rime,12 U.S.G Section ZGOI et s�q. ("RSSPA"),uNcss anather law that appUes w the Fundv sets a lesser <br />- emount,If so, I.ender mny,at any a.rne,collect and hold Funds in nn amount not w eaceed the Iesser ammunt� Lender may ` <br /> ' estimaw the amaunt of Fuads due on tha bs�sis of current data and reasonable estima[es of expeaQitxues of fuuue Escrow Ia�ms or •-- <br /> otherwise in eccordanc�witfi applicable law. ��____ <br /> 'Rie Funds shall bo held ln en institution whose deposits are insured by a fedcrel agency,instrumentaliry.�r endty(including ����� <br /> �,�_=:'- <br /> .,,�.- <br /> Lender,if Lutda is auch aa insaW6on)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Fund�ta pay the Bscrow _':..�- <br /> �� Items.Lei►du may not chacge Dorraw�for holding and applying ihe Fbnds,annuaUy analyzing the escrow account,or verifying --� <br /> ;1 ' tho Bscrow items.unless Lender gays Borrawer interest w�tha Fnnds and applk:able law permita Le�der W meke such a chsrge. �`„`-""'.R--- <br /> ,�.,� <br /> ' Howevu, I.ender may require Bonower w pay e one-dme cherge for sn independent real estate tax r�porting servlce used by <br />