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.' .5+� f�' �.. � .. . .. . ' 1 ' - - <br /> - ,. . = <br /> ? � pr�h� - . „ - � �•. . ... � .._ . . . ` - <br /> � ...�..-. �/ <br /> � . .�.:n. , ..� �r.��`_��St nvy,_, 'y aF�„14�.;. — <br /> F R.�'��-r <br /> • .. . ._.. .. ._ . -_ .�.—_._—.___ _—_'_".'��.____.._._._. - -�` �LL.. _.:.ea:_ (ro�� _ <br /> '.' . _ . . .�`! . '._� - ' - ,�....��nM.'Y/.M7�."ff�!lM�R��'1•P�BlM1�.'P�".WYMM�a�fYr'wM.,� .�. — .. . . ......."_' . J"erar`� . <br /> � -.: . . -.�u..� �..*•n ..�_ _ <br />- .�at��-..a Y ..�!V'n.YsbM��wi.r.�_�1.-,......�..... ....... . .... . . .. . .. .01.:" <br />-�°�:.t.�.� . ------ - - a�.:��1�3� ► 9�- . ,,,,,.� _ <br /> -;� '"`� r:,� Rt�•RI��;tlttUki�+, r� ... : � ���aalti =-=- <br /> Qnci�c1)Qerrov�or tc�kes ench actlon ae Lende�may reasan�bly raqulre to a�suro t iat the Ilan of Ihla Deed of TFust,Lender's ��;. <br /> � ,� Ii12C7�:�:i Ili �Il�Cjla�3�riy�►�d�?oor�o�P'rnc�er,llh elUaed of��sgand ti o obity tinyst�ocu�crJ i erci�y�hal'romaln I�p4ull to co�t1 <br /> ` llpon such payment entl curo by B <br /> ���' t; eltect ae If no ac�efe►aiian h�d uc�ui�ad, -- - <br /> .. - 1�, Asal�nnknt of R�nb;Appolntm�nt ol R�celwr;l�nd�rin P�ou�sebn.As�ddltlonal security hsreunder,tic�►�ower �, <br />,..,,�., .. .� hereby�w�lflns to Lsndar tha rente o}Ihe Properry�prarldad that t3orrower ehatl,prlor to acceleratlon ur+der paragraph 1'a hereof � <br /> ,,y or e�bandonmant af tha Property,havo the rl�hl tn collect and rotaln such rente as they beaome due and payable. -- <br /> U�or�«cc:.lcr�tlon undor�arP�r�nh 17 hereoi arabandonment of the Praperty,Lender,icr persan,by agentor by judlcl�lly �_ <br />_�;,�,�,�y� eppolnted recetver ahall be entitled to enter upon,4ake poaaeaslon of and manage the Properiy end fo co{lac4 4i�a Pont3 of th� �- <br />`�='-- Property Including thoae paet due.All rente colt�cted by Lender or thd recetver ghall�y applfAd flrst to payment of the costs _ <br />�-�;� of management of the Property and collecticn o!r�nts�Includlnp,but not Ilmited to,recelvor's faes,premiums on recelver's _ <br /> �°T -���°' bonde and reasonable attorneys'fees,and then to tha euma secured by this Deecl o!'fFust.l.ender and tNe racelver shall be <br /> . .� Ilable to aCCOUnt only for those rente actuaily recelvad. <br /> , :.;.., 20. Recorneye�ese•Upon paymert of all eums secured py thla Deed of 1Fust,Lender shaU requost hustee to reaonvey � <br /> � -i�' the Propertyand shull surrenderthis nsed of Trust and atl notes flvidflncing Indebtedness secured t�y th�s Deed atTrus=t��'ru��e• <br /> :�'��t°,,�: 1Fustee shall rec4nvey the Property►wlthout warPanty a�d without charye tq the pereon o�persona legally entitled thereto.Such <br />-'����`����� person o�persons shatl pay all costs of recordation,If any. <br /> � " '�"- 21. Sub�titute'Truna�.Lender,atLender'e�pllon,maytremtlmetotl�neremo+reTrusieeAndappolntasuccessortrustee <br /> �;�;t.ry r, 8 <br />=�-�'��'�s? .. `� to any ltuatea eppolnted hereunder by an Instrument�ecorded In the cmwty In which 1hls Deed oi TFust is recorded.Wlthout <br />��..,,�:., ;,,. . <br />��.�5::;, •-;,� � conveyance of the Property,the suacessor trustee shsll eucceed to all the titis,power and duttes conterred upon the uatee <br />`1:,;�;::��'-��; :` . hereln and by appficMbio Ip�v. � <br />:;;s���r::'.: � <br /> -__JI�r;'� 22, Flequest br Noticos,8orrower raqueststhat coples of the notice of defauft and nottae oi sale be sent to Botrower s <br /> �''�"�"�'���� address which is thfl Property Address. <br />:',1:5�•iiae,i��'s <br />;'�f:•]?�]} REQU�ST FOR NOTICE OF DEFAULT <br />--`r.�rY' ,. �,,.,�_ AN�FOFiECLOSUREUNOEHSUFEPQIOR <br /> � MORTa11GES OR QEEDS OF TRU3T <br /><';'��� <br /> -�;:,;�,.:�r�,: <br /> � Bor�ower and Lender�equest the hoider of any mvrigage,deed o9 fruat�rathsrs�icumbrsnce�lth ellen whl�h hea prl�rity ` <br />��'� over thls Deed of Trust to gfva Notice to Lender,at lender's address set torth on page one of this Deed of Trust,of any default <br /> <j;� � <br />::�_�;�,� unddr tho superior encumbr�tncn and of any sale or other toreclosure act on. <br /> __ —�'__ IN WITNLS�WHEREOF,Borrower ha�executed this Dsed of Trust. � <br /> ,�,�..��� �___.._, <br /> rrance I. Ro ��0R0�` <br /> --_----- •earown <br /> Judy Rose <br /> STATE aF NEBRA3KA, Ha�� County ss: <br /> On thfs 4th_..—day of Nov�m�,Pr ,19_9G betore me,the undersigreed,a Notary R�bllo duly <br /> — commissloned and qualified tor said county,personally cameTp+-+-nn�Q t n^a° °^� `,»� " D^°° _ <br /> Huaband and��t f�. , to me known to be the identical person(s)whose name(s)are subscribed to ths <br /> toregoing Instrument and acknowledged tGie executior�ther�ot�to be voluntary act and deed. <br /> WITNESS my hand and notarl�l sesl at <br /> ran elan , ,in said county,the <br /> "--° date aforesald. <br /> Z�( ��J <br /> My Commisslon exp(res:�u�' � �QjL./Y��^ <br /> ----- - ��tiEAµN01ARySlsteolNeOrut� NWaryPubllc <br /> __ MARMIN MAUL <br /> MY�mm.E�p h�reYl,200D <br /> --�— REdUE3T FOR REC�NVEYANCE <br /> � �- TO TRUSTEE: <br /> ���—� The underslgned is the ho(der of the note or noto3 securod bythi�Deed of Ttus4.�atd note ar notes.together with all other <br /> --=_--..� indebtedness a�n�irod by thls Deed of 7tust,have bsen paid in full.You are hereby dtrected to cancet said note or notes and <br /> a this O�aedoi Trust,which are delivered Rereby,andto reconvey,withoutwarranty,all the estate na�w held by you under this C1eed <br /> 4���'�� of Yrust to the person or persona legally entltled thereto. <br />.,:::�.:t`"" � . _ <br />:::.��..��w dute:^ <br /> �:�.-�::,� <br /> _��:h�T3�.'�� <br /> —_,:,r=5��m� — (Spaco BelowThta Llna Reaorved For Lender and Reawrder) <br /> _ ,,xy+i�R� <br /> ,�__:�\g'Y• <br />��'[�� _��(.�•� <br /> • tiJl•� . .` l <br /> - .ti'•ir <br /> ' •`�,•� <br /> W UN Iw <br /> 'jt� ..`';1•� .. <br />.1�',' �ryy.�. - <br /> ::1�•�'f ' .0 <br /> �;�i�u�=�i-`' <br />- � � - PA(3E� • • <br />