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Bnrrowa�Not 6ialeased;ForbearrAnce ey lsnder Mot e Weiver.Extension of the time tor payment c,r moditicatlnn <br /> of arr►ortfztttlon a4 tho oumo adcured by thl�Dee�of'�ust granted by Lender to any succossor In Interest of Dorrower shall not : <br /> aporato to�'otoaeo,In any mannc�r,tho Ilnblllty of iho orl�inal Borrorinr and F�orrowor's succesr,or:�In Iniero�t.Londor�hnll not - <br /> b�roqulred to commanc�praceedln�r�aQnlnst ouch suc�ossor or refuoe to extpnd tlmo for p�yr�nonl or otf�onvloa modlty <br /> amortlzntlon of the eume eocurod by thls Deed of ltust by reaeon of sny damand ma�te by 4he origtnal°orrat��er end DoPraw�r'e _ _ <br /> e u c c e s s o r s I n i n t e r e a t. An y forbearance b y Lender In exercising uny right or remedy hereuncier,or othenviae attorded by - <br /> applicsble law,shall not be�walver o1 or pracluda lha exerclea n 1 any suc h r i g h t o r r e m e d y. <br /> 11, Suacetson�nd A�elp��Bound;Jolnt and 9wenl Ll�bllity;Ca•slpn�n.The covenante end agreements heretn - <br /> contalned ehall t�l�e�,end titia rlgf�ta horoundor shall In�ere tn,the respoctive euccassoro and assipns ot L�nder and Borrower, <br /> � aubJect to the qravletons of paragraph 16 hereal.All covenanta and agr6emente of�orrower shall be Jolnt and�everal.Any <br /> Borrower who co•slpne thlo Aeed of 1Fus1,but doos not exec��te tho Note,(a)Is co•s{gning this Doed of 1Fus1 only to qrant and <br /> ... convey that Qorrower's Intereat In the Property to Ti�ustee under the t�rms of this Jeed o4'iFust,(b)19 noi personAlly Ilable on <br /> the Note or undor thls Deed of'�ust,and(c)sgrees that Lender nnd any other Borrowrer hereunder mny agree to extend,modity, <br /> � ferboar,or make any�ther accammodatlona with regard to thetormo of thls Oeod of 1i�ust or the Note,wlthout that Borrowar's <br /> conaont c�nd w{lliout relaaolnq that Borrov►�er ar modltying thla Qeod of'ii�u�t as to that Borrower's Int9re�t In the Property. • <br /> ! 12. Notioe.Except for any notico required under applicabla law to be glven in another manner,(a}any notice to Borrower , <br /> • provided for in thls Deed of Thuat ahall be given by dellvering it ar by ma(Iing such notice by certlfied mail addressed to Borrower •;=:,�;;- <br /> ��.�+i;ylFltt�,r'c-. <br /> at the Property A�dress or at suah other address as Borrower inay designate by notice to Lender e�provlded herein,and(b) ,._.._. _ <br /> an y no t(ce to Lender shatl be glven by certiiled mail to Lender's address stated heroln or to such other addreas as Lender may ��;:�,�,;,..•- <br /> ,ti;�;.: <br /> t,:,.,�.ti;,- <br /> � designate by notico to Borrower as provided hereln.Any notice provided for In this Deed o t l tust s ha l l be dee m e d to have een ::._L m <br /> given to Borr�wer or Lender when given in the manner designated herein. �` � ,.�°�- -- <br /> Z�. C;ovem�ny Law;�everab(iity.Tiie sta4e and lacal la�m npplicub!e to thla Deed of Trust shall be tho Oavrs af tNe jurisdiclton ._�YN <br /> ' in which the Property is located.The foregoing sentonce shali Qr:�i limlt the appllcability ai Fra2�aral law t�this Deed of Trust. `.:i�w__-_ <br /> In the event that any provlsfon or ctausa o4 this Qaed of Transt Qr 4Q�e Wote confllcts with ag���icamle I�w,such conftict sC�all not , �.���� <br /> aitect other provisio�s ol4hts Deed of Trus4 or tho Wn:�wha�h ca�b��fvan eftact witP�out 4P�a��nfiicting provislon,and to this � ,�.��; <br /> F, end the R7ovas��en�of R6►is�aed of Trust and the N�te a�e de�lareci to tto severalkC�.As used hereln,"co�ts","expenses"and ;_ -- - <br /> "att�rna�ss'9�as incl�ed��11 sums to the extent not proh(bited�y applicabla I��,�r or limited hereln. � <br /> �4, �ar�rativer'e Copy.Borrower shali be furnished a conformed copy of the Note and of this Deed oilFust at the tfine of � . �; <br /> " �, �;ca;.uYlon os�9ter recordatlan hereof. �!i4�s�r.. <br /> ��, F8�9a�btlitatton Loan Agraement.Borrower shall tulfill�II of Borrower's obllgatfons under any rome rEma��re�uire <br /> improvoment,rapalr,or other loan agreement which Borrower enters into wlth Lender.Lender,at Lender's optlon, y ; , <br /> � Borrower to execute and deilver to Lender,In a form acceptable to Lender,an assignment of any Nghts,clafms or detensos � , ' <br /> � which Borrower may navd nyai��5�a�ilaa aha�u�p!,Ist�'r mate►iaic�r seroices in connectlon with Improvements made to = t; <br /> _ � <br /> :, the Property <br /> ~ i6, 'thenater of Property Ar a Beneficlel Interost in Barrowo�19 all or any part of the Property or any Interest in it is aoid �`� <br />- f� ortransferred(or If a boneficlal Interost In Borrower Is sald or transferred anol Qorrower Is not a natural person)without Lender's �` <br /> ±' . prlor wrltten consent,Lender may,at its optlon,requf�e immediate pttymen3 in•Tull of alt sums secured bythis need of�Fust. , '� <br /> However,this option shall not be exercised by I.9nder if exercise is prohibited by 1ederal law as of the date of thia Deed of 1hust. r <br /> �, If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall give Borrower notice oi acceleration.The notice shall provide a psriod of not --_ <br />� �� less tha If Bor�owe�alls �paytt esetsums p8lloreto he xpiratlont of this�pe odr l.ender may invloke any emedles perm�itt d <br /> of Trust. <br /> by this Deed of 1Yust without turther notice or demand on Borrower. , <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant��d agree�s follows: �. <br />�r,���;', ,:;�'. 17. Accoleratlon;Remedles.Except as provided In parsg�aph 1fi here�f,upon Borrower'�breach of any c��anant ,;�- <br /> �'�'�-�� ' ar egroement oi Borrc�wer In t�is��T�of�iruat.Including Borrower'a feiluro to pay,by the end of 10 c�lendar d�ya�t¢er <br />-t�:,�;�s:- »= lhey are due,eny sums sec��ad by�i�la Deed of Tirust,Lender prior to eecelerotlon shall give notice to Bornawer es !� <br /> -..;�• :: provided In parag�ph 1�7�eneof a�ealfying:(1)the br+each;(2)the ectlon nequlred to curo such breech;(3)s date,not <br /> -�;:L <br />��, �-? tesa than x0 daym fl'om the da4e the�otace le m�{!ed to Barrower,by which su�ch broach muat be cured;ared(4)that a uro <br /> �� to curo g�c�l�braach on or before the¢3�+d��peclfiad In the notice may result In acceteretion of the sums secured!�y thta <br />_�"'�"' peed o9'nuet and sats of the Property.T�h��atJxe ahcll turther Inform Borrower of the right to reinatate siter aace9eratlon 6 �_ <br />-- " ar+d the rlght to brinp e co�rt action 4o ass��t the nonexistence oi a defeult or any other defonae of Borrower to <br />_�'� acceteratton and eale.If the bnsnch is not curcz�ora or betoro the date epecifled In the notics,Lende�,et I.�ender's optlon� __ <br /> ���a "'':"" mAy de�l a ro all of the aums secured by 4hia D�ed of 7i�uat to bs Immedlatety dua�nd payab�e without further demand s_�� � <br />� �snsi may ir�voke the power of sale end any other remedies permttted by appllcable law.Lender shall be entitled 4e collect _ � <br />�>�.,r," , �.' ell reasonabJe costs and expenses Incurred in pureuing the remedies provide�d In thla parngreph 77,including,but not --�--_;�.___.----. <br /> -� � Ilm(ted to,roasonable et±omeya'teea. �'''== <br />