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Evory powr_r or <br /> Yemedy undox tho Dnad oE Trust to the Truater. ox BeneEiclaty or to whicli elther ! <br /> .�� of thec:� may otherwia� be entitled by lav mey be exerclsed coneuzcently oc � <br /> ,���v�, Independeretly as often as deemed necesaary by the Trustart oX tho Bonaficlaxy oe =" <br /> either nE them and eiL-her of them mny pursue inconaistant xemedle3. The = <br /> BeneEiclary oY Truateo may procoed to pursue a deficiency judgment aga�nst the = <br /> Txustor to the extent auch action is permitted by law. = <br /> 10. T=anefex of the PYO�erty; Assumptlon. No part of the propexty or � <br /> ^+ inteYeat thecein may bo sold vithin 10 years of the clate of the deed, <br /> � �� transfo�ced or otherwiae convEyad by Tzustnr, unless fuil payment lu made upon <br /> ° �' note secured by �hls Dend of Trust, excludinq (al the creation of a 11en or <br /> encumbrance subordlnate to thls Deed oE Trust; or fb) a txansEeY by deviae, <br /> descent or by opeYatlon of lav upon the death of the Trustot; auch action is a <br /> � bceach of thls agreement, and Beneflciary may, a� Beneflciary�s oNtian declare <br />_. all sums secured by this Deod oE Tzuat to b4 Smmediately duo and payable, or <br /> . cause the Truste�: to fll�e a notice of detault. �- <br /> :. • 11. Fo:t6earance by Beneficiary and Waiver. Any forbearance by eenef iciary �o <br /> . ; 'cruatee, TeusCor or anyone, in exercising any rlght or remedy liereundex, or <br /> � othQrvise affoxded by applicable lav, ah�ll not bo a waiver of or preclude tho _ <br /> ".,, . exercise of any such right or remedy toezeunder. Llkevise, the vaiver by =_ <br /> �;;�;;it;.�• � Bene£icla=y to Txustee of. any default of Txuat�r unc]er this Deed of Truat ahall <br /> "�"!»_��'�.t� not b� deemad to be a vaivoc or any othnr or simllac def.aulta subsequently <br /> ��'1•�i��. ocr.ucring. No vaiver ahall be constzued ag�intct the �Pneficiazy unless 817CI1 <br /> '��`.�•��'� �� valver ahall be expresu ancl in vXltlnq slgnsd Uy the 9eneElcla=y. <br /> :_•t�„ � 17.. Beneficiary's Poaero. The Beneficiaty will cauae to be zoloaoed, the <br />: - ••r entlre amvunL• secuxod by thiu Deed of Trust, aftec the 10 yeae tecm has explred, � <br />•1�}; �+�" . beginninq from tt�e date of the Deed, pxovided all other tezms and cundltlons o£ <br /> ri�;•; �:.�{�� �F thls Dned have been £u1f111ed. Beneficiacy may, in its sole dlscratlon (!) <br />•,,�;,;'�. .;} inapect tha pxemises at nny reaesonable tlme (11) requlre such eddltlonal <br /> �•; � aecux3ty as may bo reaso�able; and (111) aubatitute the Trustee hereln vith anv <br /> "����'-�fi3�� poraon, entity, oc c�sQorati.on quallEied so to act. The atto=neys of the <br /> ^��r�,�.�,� � BeneE�clary or one of them may now or subsequently be dealgnated the Trustec � <br /> � •� hereln end may pexfoxm for the Beneflcia:y dutles as counsel and Truntee. All <br />"���',=��;� Trustors shall be jointly and eevetally obllgatecl and bound by the actions of <br /> --� '�.- <br /> .--_.__-=---;� the UeneE7�ciary or the TrusL•or ae hetein stated. <br /> _-�-:;�7 13. Attorney's Eees, Cast�, and Expenses. Txustor agxees to pay all feea, <br /> ..-°�:""-°"-'�-� costs, and expeneee includinq atto:ney's fee expended by the Haneficiary or the <br /> - --� Truotee to colloct any sume dua heroundar or enforca thio ayrenmen�. such �sum� <br /> .__— _ ahell ho d�e�ned an advanae�nont to pcotnct tho s�r.ucity vhen paid by the <br /> N���,� ReneElclary. Pravl4ed EuctheK, hovovet, thnt thls sectlon does nok a��ly to tho <br /> - Tcustea Eee eetor:o�l to ln paragcupA 8.1.D. <br /> ---�"'�" 1�. R¢conveynnce by TrueEee. Upon vrltten requost oE the eenoflclar.y estating <br /> -°�'°'°° that rll cor►Altlone of thio note havo Uoen n�et, and upun aurxendec uf thla Deeci <br /> - oE TruaE and the noted to the Trusl:oe for aancellation and retention and udon <br /> peyn�c�t by �he Truetor oE tho Truntee'e foee, tha Trustee ahall reconvey to Lhe <br /> __ _ Truator, oc �he pecaon or petsone legally entitled theroto, vlGhout varcanty, <br /> ______ eny porlSon o� the property then held hereunder. The Yecitals and sueh <br /> _ __ xeconveyance of any a�atters or facts shall be concluslve proof of the - <br /> truthLulneea 2hereof. The t3rantee !n any reconveyance mby bo described as "the <br /> person or pe�cson3 legally entitle� thereto." <br /> ---�-- 15. Notices. <br /> _ _ � -_ - 15.1 Notico a� topuiro8 by tha Nebzaaka Tcust p�eds AcL• shall be givan. -- <br /> _ Excopt es piovlded heceln and wherever pecmlesible by la� Txustora vaive notice. <br />_ _____ Notice �ay be sent to the partiss at their addtess as liate8 in thia agxcement <br /> ----- or as othecwiee changed. All notAces requixed herein shall be in wxiting. Any <br /> — Qacty Aay at any tinte change it'e adclreas for such notices by deliveriny or <br /> "'�!!'��'�'� maSling to the other parties hereto, a notice of such change. �ny notice <br /> _ --_ heceunder ehall be deeenec7 to have been given when piacod vithin tho U.s. N�11s, <br /> ___��'��� �oetaqe prnpeid, addreeead Co the address oE the pecCy as listud herein or ae <br /> __�� properly changed. <br /> _,'=.���=� 15.2 Tr.uatos, Deneficiary, on8 TruaL•ee sequoat that a copy of any notice <br /> --='•;:-�'�• provldad hcreunAer, pcovided according to applicable law nc pxovidecl by the <br />_ •��c� terma af any other encurity pgzoement covexing the socu=ity heroin, be meiled to <br /> '-";•"`;; them aC �he addrese provlde4 above. <br /> ';;�`�•�;±��� S � 16. Thls Deed o£ Trust shall be y <br /> 1 • govexned b the lawa of the Btate of Nebsaska. <br /> +�',�.{; �'�� 17. Accaptance by the Txuatoe. The TruatQe accepta this truat vhon this Deed <br />__"-�� � of Tra�ot, duly exncuted and acknovloagnd, !s made a publlc r.ecord, an providesd <br /> °,�.� .. �'� by lav� <br /> :.�"��_ ;ii•;�.. <br /> -�r�• • �,.. <br /> ',��� . <br /> ,xA. <br />.:_�, _ __�_ <br /> "'"� - <br /> - . :.i <br /> � ' �, <br />