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<br /> � J�_�; Unless othenviso�agrced in wri►ing.nll inst�rnncc prucccdy shull hc npiflicd to thc restoration or rnpair u(tt►e P�uNeity -
<br /> � or to tha Secured Debt.whether or nat then du�,nt I�;nder'x upUon.Any uppNcittion af proceeds to principAl shaU not =
<br />,.�,',f;:,_r',�' extend or postponc thc due datc of tlic schcduled puyment nor ci��ingc thc nm��unt of nny payment.Any excess will Uc
<br /> paid ro the Grantar.If the Property is acqu{rcd I�y l.�:ncler, (lrc�ntnr's riµln tu Einy insurance policies and procecds
<br /> .", resniti►i�fro�n dnma�e tn the Psoper�y beforc thc ni:i�uitihbm sht�ll pnss tu l.c:udcr to the extent of the Sr.cured Debt =
<br /> -;��i;;�:':'� immcdiately befare the acquisltion. �
<br /> �a � 20. ESCROW FQR TAXlE:S.AND INSURANCE.Unlcsv ulhcrwisa provlded in n separatc agreement,Grantur will not -
<br /> _y :,.:. -:_ _..
<br />:��--•-- < be requited to pay to i.cndcr funds for tcixes uncl insurnncc in cscr4►w. -
<br /> � 21. FINAI4�CIAL REPOR'I'S AND ADDITL()NAI,p�lCl1MF:N'I'4i,()rnntor will provide to Lender upon requcst,any
<br />-'�°--�-:`�- financial statement or informAtion Lcreder mny decm rc:usonnhty uccectic�ry,Urnntor aBrees ro sign,deliver,and fdc
<br /> •,�: any additional documents or certificntions that l,ender mny c�inxldcr ncccssnry ta perfcct,continue, and prescrve =
<br /> ,.•,. Grantor's obligations uredcr 1h�s Security lnstrumcnt��n�Lcndcr'�licn status on thc 1'roperty.
<br /> '' ' under this Security Instrument are joint and individunl, If Ciri�ntar slgm this Sccurity lnstrument but dnes not sign an
<br /> �� evidencc of debt, Qrantor docs so only ta mortgnsc Grnntur'ti intcrest in tlic Property to secure paymcnt of the
<br /> '�. �� Secured Debt anc�Grantor does not agrea to bc persanully 8anlc on tl�c Sccured Dcbt. If this Security Instrument
<br />`'`�'�'�r�' 1 secures a ua
<br />�.:;�,a���• g ranty betwccn L.ender and Grantor,�rantor Agrces tu wnivc nny riqhts tl�i�t mny pr�;vent L.ender fram
<br />�:tf:��.�;;�:� ; • brin�ing any action or claim against Grantor or any party indebted undcr the ohliguUon.'Thcsc rights may include,but
<br /> ::=�i.:.:�:�:c � are not limited to,any anti•deficiency or onaactton laws,C;rantor agrecs thnt l..c:ndcr nnd nny party to this Se;curily -
<br />�c� ; Instrument may extend,modify or make any chenge in the tcrms of¢his Sccurlty Instrtunent or any cvidence of debt
<br /> �=�� � without Grantor's cansent. Such a change will not rcicasc orHntur from tlie tcrms of this Security Instrument.The
<br /> �-� r''�.� duties and benefits of this Security Instrument shaA bind and benefit thc successors�ind f�ssl�ns of Grantor end I.ender.
<br />�-e�?`� Z3. APPL�CABLE LAW;SEVERA�ILITY;INTERPBETAT10N.1'his Sccurity Instrumcnt is�ovcrned by the laws of
<br />�'' '��},...� the jurisdiction in which Lendcr is located,except to thc extcnt otherwise rcyulred by thc It�ws of the jurisdiction
<br /> --���};�� where the Property is locnted.This Security Instrument is comUletc and iully integrnted.'fhiy Security Instrument may
<br /> °"'""`""° not be am.ended or modified by oral agreement. Any section in this Security Instrumcnt, attachments, or any
<br /> -=�,��� agreement rclated tu the Secured Debt that conflicts with applicublc lasr will not he cifcctive,unlcss that law expressly �
<br /> _-�ro,,. or impliedly permits the variations by written Asreement.lf c�ny Fection af this Sccuriry Instrument ctmnot be enforced
<br />:_'-'-'~�•� according to its terms, that section will be severcd and will not affect thc enforcc�ibllity of Uie rcmainder of this
<br /> =__�=y=��'A°� Security Instrument.Wlienever used,the singular shall include the plur�l fmd the pfurul the ningul��r.The ct{puans ai�d
<br /> __. ____„�� headin�s af the sections of this Securlty Instrument nre for conveniencc oniy nnd arc not to�c used�o inierprei or
<br /> -==.� define the terms of this Security Instrument.Timc is of thc essence in this Sccurity Instrumcnt.
<br /> �-=--�= 24. SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE.Lcnder, at Lender's option, mny from ►imc ta time r�m�wo 7'rutitcc �nd appoint a
<br /> ,,.�� successor trustee without any other formality th�n the dcsignntion in writing.'�'Nc wucccssar trustce, without
<br /> __ conveyance of the Property,shall succeed to all tiie title,power and duties cunferred upun'Ceustee by thiy Security
<br /> Instrument and applicable law.
<br /> - 25. NOT[CE.Unless otherwise required by law,any notice shall be given by dclivcring it ar hy ms�iling it by first class
<br /> ►nail to the appropriate party's address on page 1 of this Security Instrumcnt,or to nny other uddress d��signated in
<br /> —= wridng.Notice to one Srantor will be deemed to be notice to all grentor�.
<br /> 2b. V6'AIVERS.Bxcept to tha extent prohibited by lew.Grantor wuives all npprnisemcnt nnd hontcstc�d cxempiian rights
<br /> relating to the Property.
<br /> 27. OTEiER TERMS.If checked,the followlns are epplicable to this Sccurity lnstrutncnt:
<br /> - ❑ Line ot Credit.The Secured Debt includes a revolving Ilne of credit provisian.Although�he Secured Debt
<br /> may be reduced to a zero balance,this Security Instrument will remain in etfect untfl rcletesed.
<br />- -� ❑ Constructioa I.orn.This �ecurity Instruinent secares an oblig�tion incurrcd for thc ccinecructfon�of an
<br /> lmprovement on the PrAperty.
<br /> � Fixture F`Il�ng. Grantor grants to Lender a security interest in nll�oods thnt (iruntor nwn� now or tn the
<br /> ----- future and that are or wtll becomc fixtures related to the Property.This Security Instrument su[fices as a
<br /> financing statement and any carbon,photographic or other reproduction may be filed of record fnr purpnses
<br /> -- of Article 9 of the Uniform Commerctat Code.
<br /> ❑ Ridere. The covenants and a6reements of each of the riders checked bclow nre incorpornted into and
<br /> � supplement and amend the terms of this Security Instrument. [Check nll nppllcHblu troxes�
<br /> ❑Gondominium Rider ❑Planned Unit Llevelopment Rider C�Othor..........................................................
<br /> - ❑ Ad�ifionAl Terma�
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<br />,.;::��9lh�� SIGNATfJRES:By signing below,Grantor agrees to the terms and covenants contnincd in Ihis Sccurfry Instrumcni nnd in
<br /> --- - '•=]'��!�V$'' any attachments.Grantor also acknowledges receipt of a copy of this 5ecurity Inxtrument un tlte dnte sti�ted un pi�ge 1.
<br /> ...— -`z�r4is/�,j��..
<br /> .Sal.ti �lg�•-V A Jl �/IL�����1���'����-�. Ai.�� 1 /
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<br /> �°��i��.�.� �/ ��i�nia� Y� _ . � 1� . ...1� �iQ 12I10/96
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<br /> .• n?. • (SlgnUtUlc) d (Datc) �Slgnatidre) Q (1)nto)
<br /> •.:,�.�iie.�: DICK D NI�E FELD �/ JOANN J NIET L
<br /> .,.
<br /> n'•='� '••'�^�� ���� ACKNOWLEDGMENT:
<br /> �" , - ;+ 5TATE OF,.......N���E1�KA,... . .....,.... couN�rY oF...........HA61.. hs
<br /> -�.. . : ................... .. ................� .
<br />- �v�' �- � 4• (IndidJuep 'I'h�s instrument was ackno�vled&e-d before me this �QTI�.. dn uf Q�G�Mf��f�...�4�.�........................
<br /> � . � ny.......�I�K..A��...N�ETt�1�R..ANm..�1.QgNN...�.....NI�TF.�.I,R.....HU� AhR..�AN.R..Nl�E.�.. .................................
<br /> ., . My commission expires: ......... .. ......� . .. .............................
<br /> .. v�, �.
<br /> .. .. ........ .
<br /> � �MERAI M01AR1°St�te oINeD��slu (Notnry PuhUc)
<br /> ;.}-.�z,�:r���;g � SCOif C.KISSIER , .
<br /> 61p Comm.E■p.Ai�y 31,199e
<br /> �;,�.,.'�.••
<br /> B1B3lpanklreSyalNns.Inc.S1.C1outl.MN(t-p0pJ97•23N1 FortnRE�DT•NEfl�8rB� (p:tpo4ol4J
<br />._ __..._—_� � �
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