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<br /> �'"� - � - c;xecute�t fu� ilr�purp�s�o:acNting,sccuring or gusranty':ng t hc�ccunrd �eht.A guod faith bclicf by l.cndcr thtU
<br /> Lender at nny time is insecure with respcet to uny person or enti�y oblignted on the Sccured Deht or thiit the prospect
<br /> . of any paymcnt or thc value of the Property is imp�ired shull also constiwtc an evcnt of defauli.
<br /> 1S. REMGD�ES ON DEE'AULT.1�somc instances,fcderel and statc law�vill rcquirc Lendcr lo providc Grimtar with
<br /> notice of thc right to cure�r�ther n���ices and mny estahlish tirne schcdulcs(or foreclosure uctions.Subjcet to these
<br /> limitations,if any. Lender may accclerate the Secured Iae6t and foreclusc this Security Instrument in a manner
<br /> k� providcd by law if Grantor is in default.
<br /> �-= At the option of L.ender,aU or any part of the a�;reed(ces and charges,accrucd intcrost and principal shidl hccomc
<br /> �c;�.«+'� immediately due and payai�le,after giving notice if reyuired by law,upc�n the occurnnce of a default ur anytimc
<br /> "�.,�N�+� thcrcafter.In addition, Lcndcr shnll be entiQcd to all the rcmedics providcJ by law,the tcrms of the Sccured Deht,
<br /> ' this Security Instrument and any rclated documents,includingwithout limitation,the power to scll the Property.
<br /> If tNere is a default,Trustee shall,in addition to any other permittcd remcdy,at the rcyucst of thc L.endcr,advcrlisc
<br /> .. . and sell the Property as a whole or in se:parate parcels at public uuction to thr highest hidder for cash and convcy _
<br /> absolute title free and clear of all right,tide and interest of Grt�ntor at such timc and place as Trustee designates. __
<br /> �i:=> Ttustce shull give notice of sale including the time,terms andptace of sale and a description of the property to be sold
<br /> `""` as required by the applicable law in effect at the time af the proposed sale. ; ,„;';
<br /> �� Upon sale of thc property and to the extent not prohibitcd by law,Trustec shall makc and dcl'svcr a dced to the Property ''r°=�
<br /> � sold�vhich convcys absolute title to the purchascr,and a(ter first paying all fces,chargcs and costs,shall pay to Lcndcr all
<br /> i:��
<br /> � �.`rfi� moneys advanced for repairs,tuxcs,insurance,liens,asscssmcni s�n 1 prior c��curnbrancc�and intcrest the:rcun,and thc �`
<br /> • ,�;;�.; principal and interest on the Secured Deht,paying the surplus,�I auy, to G i.�,itor.L�:..de. may p rchasc the Property. G'.��==-
<br /> ''�' Thc recitals in any dced o(convcyance shull bc prima facic evidcncc of thc facts set forth thcrein. " s:=
<br /> .:,i:i,;
<br /> All remedies are distinet,cumulativc and not exclusivc,and il�e Lender is cntiticd to all rcmcdics providcd at law or �,.`��,
<br /> equity,whether or not expressly set forth.The acceptance by Lc:nder of any sum in payment or partial payment on the -
<br /> :;�,.;�,'�: Secured Debt aftcr the balanec is due or is acct:lerated or af�cr foreclosure proceedings are filed shall not constitute a �i;-�-
<br /> waivcr of Lender's right to requirc complete cure of any existirig dcfault. By not cxercising any remedy on Grantor's
<br /> �'`�'� default,*_..ender docs not waivc Lcndcr's right to later considcr thc event a dc(ault if it continucs or happens again. �
<br /> I6. EXI'Eh15ES; ADVARICL�'S ON C�dENANTS;�TfORNEYS' EEE�;COLI.�:C'Y'IOI�i COS1S.6xcept when �_�°
<br />° prohibited by law.Grallor agrces to pay all of L.ender's cxpcnses if Grantor breachcs any covcnant in ihis Security __
<br /> � Instrument,Grantor will also pay on demand any amount incurrcd by I.c:nder for insuring,inspecting,prescrving or _
<br /> ` nthr�rwic��mtectine the Property nnd Lender's security interesL These expenses wiU bcar interest from the date of
<br /> '� '�r'� `�'• the payment until paid in full at the highest interest rat�.in effect as provided in the terms of the Secured ucbt.
<br /> ' . �' Grantor agrees to pay all costs and expenses incuned by LenJer in collecting,enforcing or protecting I.ender's rights
<br />�.''• . • - and remedies under this Security Instrument.Tnis amount may include, but is not limitcd to,sittorneys'fecs,coun
<br /> � costs,and othcr legal expenses.This Securlty lnstrument shall rcmain in etfcct until released.Grantor agrecs to pay __
<br />`�?•:��•�,b�:,•,°• for any recordation costs of such rclease. "-_`
<br />.,,�,..�.�r�..: ,,, .
<br /> .;�x:,,�.���:.'�;., 17. F.NVIRONMEN'I'AL LAWS ANU HAZAItDOUS SUBSTANCES.As used in this section,(1)Environmcntal Law
<br /> �- �••.-.--'� � means,without limitation,the Comprehcnsive Environmental Response,Compensation and Liability Act(CERCLA,
<br />__-='��S���� 42 U.S.C.9601 ct seq.),and all other federal, state and laul Iaws. rcgulations, ordinances,coun arders, attorney
<br /> -� a„ .
<br /> --'- `-�'`- gencral apinions or intcrpretive letters concerning thc public hcalth,safety, �vclfarc, environment or a ha2ardous
<br />_- - -- �• substance;and(Z)Ha7ardous Substance means any toxic,radioactive or hazardous material, waste. pollutant or
<br /> .�'e�y��:�'t� contaminant which has characteristics which render the substance dangerous or potentially dangerous to the public
<br /> y'�`�°�''`1�d�s+�. health,safety,welfarc or envirenme.nt.The term includes.�vithout lirnitation, any substances defined as"hazardous
<br /> :,l�,-��;:�',
<br /> _,x�,�-�,y.� materia!,""toxic substances;'"hazardous waste"or"harardous substance"under any Environmental Law. _
<br />-�;�;.x:;;.''�t� Grantor represents,warrants and agrees that:
<br />";.� A. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in�vriting to Lendcr, no Hazardous Substance is or will be
<br /> -••=-�W��r,�: located,stored or released on or in tt►e Property.This restriction does not apply to small quantities of
<br />- -:�t.%:;;�,�}:.';�' �-Iazardous Substances that are gencrally recognized to bc appropriate for the normal use and maintenance af
<br />-`�''�°=-'��!�� the Property.
<br /> ��Y"`'�� B. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in wri�ing ro I.ender,Grantor and every tenant have been,are,
<br /> .":.`Yli3.�:.�
<br /> --==="�' and shall remain in full compliance with any applicable Environmental Law.
<br /> _._-�rr�.�r_'s�:;�. .
<br /> = C. Grantor shall immediately notify L.ender if a release or threatened release of a Hazardous Substance occurs on,
<br /> "' � ���'r"�"•'- under or about the Property or there is a violation of eny Environmcntal Law concerning the Property.In such
<br /> �'^lS'�.i"]iF7,7�,
<br /> �- `•'"�F"�`'� an event,Grantorshall tnke all necessary remedial aciion in accordanee with�ny Environmentul Law.
<br /> -'��,�:i:�`
<br /> `�_-;;;��3: D. Grantor shall immediately notify Lender in writingas soon as Grantor has reason to believe therc is any
<br /> °~''�}�"'°"_"�. pending or thr�atcned invcstigation,cl�im,or proccedia�g rclating to the relcasc or thrcatened relcasc of any
<br />--��_n.'.:.�`,�..:
<br /> Ha�ardous Substancc or thc vialation of any Environmental Law.
<br /> ` • �'i'�;Y.� 18. CONDEMNATION. Grantor will give Lcnder prompt no�ice of any pending ur thrcatened �ction, by private or =
<br /> �`.'.,�,;�� public entities to purchase or take any or all of the Propeny tivough condemnation,eminent domain, or any other �,_
<br /> �s���:`�;��`•� mcans. Grantor authoracs Lendcr to intervenc in Cirantor's namc in flny of the ahove described actions or claims. ,;
<br /> '•,.,.:;�.,:,. . ��_
<br /> ,.�'��: Grantor assigns to Lender the procecds of any award or claim for damage�connected with a condemnation or other �__�
<br /> '• '.1:��•., taking of all or any part oF thc Property.Such procecds shail bc considcred payrncnts and will be�tpplied as provided in ��Q-
<br /> . ';;;,�:`.� � this Security Instrument.This assignment of procccds is subject to the terms of any prior mortgagc, decd of trust,
<br /> , �{": ' ' security agreement or other lien document. � -
<br /> " �' 19. INSURANC�.Grantor sMall keep Property insured against loss by Fire,Ilood, thcft and other hazards and risks �-Y
<br /> � ; rcasanably associated with thc Property due to its typc and laation.This insurancc shnll be maintained in the amounts �`
<br /> --'--�-�'y t a s__ .�.. ' .9..�4..,�i .,...1��..,.,.dr..� "i'hn incuranrn �+nm�r nrnvir�ino Ihr+ incnranPD ch�ll hr rhn�en bv Ciran[oi �'--�'
<br /> __ .:,_„—_ ....�...
<br /> -.r.._.-__._,_� ditaa av� urv Y...�...,.,...«.......w... ...y......... ..... ""_'_"'_ _""_'r•_"""o..._ ...._... ...
<br /> , subject to Lender's approval,which shall not bc unreasunably withheld. I(Grantor fails to maintain thc coverage • "
<br /> � described above, Lender may,at L,ender's option,obtain co�•erage to protect Lender+rights in the Property according
<br /> to thc tcrms of this Securiry Instrumcnt.
<br /> � , All insurance policir.s and renewals shall be acccptable to L.ender and shnll include a ytandard"mortgagc clause"•ind,
<br /> � where applicable, "Inss payce clause."Grantor shall immediately notify L.cnder of canccUation or tcrminatiun uf thc
<br /> � insurancc.Lendcr shall havc the right to hold tha:policics and renc�v.�ls.If l.cnder rcqttires.Grantor shall immcdiatcly
<br /> � � give to L.endcr all rcccipts of paid prcmiums and rrnewal notices.tJpon loss. Grantor shall give immediatc notice to
<br /> thc insurancc carricr and Lendrr.Lrndcr may makc proof of lo�.�i(not m�dc irnmcdiatcly by Grantor. '
<br /> �
<br /> I .
<br /> .. " � ����.:•,
<br /> (page 3 ef 4)
<br /> U O1p�M1 WnkonSYi�ems Inc.SI CIOW.AIN I1bW-391�2y111 Form RE•DT�NE 88'44
<br /> x ., .
<br /> t _ . �
<br /> _ ___
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