, �,,.'•`-� - • =.�:'`
<br /> � ' r.r...�"'' - -_ . � ---. - _ -
<br /> :Y , .� . � .. �'•�- — _
<br /> �. � .w. .' .. ,n� �T�' 'Y .,��I� ���,f�"--,�y,��`�._Y.,��,�—.
<br /> • .. __bi� •-
<br /> � �—
<br /> 92— so'�i�s
<br /> th�prop�vry Is w t�lnn or dam�p�d,l.�nd�r�hdl h�v�th�opUon,In Iq wN and ab�olut�dl�cndon,to�pply all woh ProcNd�.
<br /> �9fK d�duotlnp th�ntrom�II Co�t��nd�xpmsn Inourr�d by it In aonn�otlon with woh ProaMd�,upon any Ind�bt�dn�ts wourod
<br /> . , ;�, , h�nby�nd In woh ord�r u Und�r m�y d�rmint,or to�pply NI wch ProcNd�,albr�uch dsductlon�,to ths rNtoadon of th�
<br /> Prop�rly upon suoh condidon�po land�r m�y d�t�rmins.Any sppllaUon of ProcNds to indobtadnus�hell not oxrind or patpon�
<br /> �� � th�dw dab of my p�ym�na und�r th�Not�,or cur��ny d�fault tM►wnd�r or h�nund�r.Any un�ppll�d funda�II 6�pdd to
<br /> � T►Wtor•
<br /> - - 8. PKlorm�nc�by L�nd�r.Upon tho occwrence of an Event of Defeult hereunder,or It eny act Is taken or lapel prcceedinp �-�--
<br /> � •F aommencsd whlch rtuit�rlally�H�ots Lender'�Int�n�t in th�Propsrty,t.end�r may In lu own dlrar�tlon,but witi�out obllpadon todo
<br /> �� w,�nd wlthout notic�to or d�mand upon Trustor end without rele��lnp Trwtor Irom any obNp�don,do any aat whlah Tru�tor haw
<br /> �' �pnsd but hil�to do and m�y�+Ito do Any olhar act it doems nece�eary to protaot the security harsof.Trwtor�hall,Imm�dlaUly
<br /> ,� upon damsnd th�rafar by L�nder,p�y to Lendsr all cosb and expen�es Incurred and�um�exp�nded by Londsr In connoatlon with
<br /> �• /;�. :,�_� tho sx�rclN by Le�d�r of the forspoinp riphb,topether wlth Interostthereon at th�dei�ult rats provlded in the Note,which�hall b�
<br /> :��:::•��=�=�-`"� addsd W Uw ind�btodMW ucurad h�roby. l.�ndK shall not Inour any Ilabllity beceuw ot anythin�It may do or omfl to do
<br /> 'L'�.7�:�1...: '�.. .�.
<br /> - �,�� .. �� twraunder. --
<br /> �-`�`���� ''� � 9. Muudaus M�t�riNr.Trustor ehall keep the PropeRy in complla�ce wlth ell appllceble laws,ordinances and repulqdons
<br /> �;�,,`���
<br /> ��-���� • ~ , reladnp to Induttrial hyyl�ne or environmentel protectlon(collectively reterred to hereln as"Envlronmental Laws'7.Tru�wr sluUl
<br /> ����`1�� ��� keep the Properly nee from all eubstancea deemed to be hezardouo or toxic under any Environmentel Lew�(collecdvely referred to
<br /> ���x=�,;�..'�a• � �c herein es"Hezardou�Moterials'7.Trueior hereby warrante end represents to Lender that there are no Nesardous Material�on or
<br />�.�i:�-;;;�''�'�",-`•���� .:�� under the Property.Trustor hereby epreea to UdemnBy and hold harmlee�Lender,Its directors,o8lcera,employees and apents,and
<br /> .t���^1��,• eny succeuon to Lender'a Mtered,hom and epeinst eny and all cklmo,damapeo,loase�a�d Ilabllltles arlelnp In conneodon wlth
<br /> %+r�•��•-�-��-�-' the pressnce, uw,dlspo�al or trensport ol any Hazardous Malerlels on,under,lrom or ebout the Property.THE FORE(301NQ
<br /> ==.a:�:,;�.ti:•.ti: .,x:• '
<br /> �-�_�,�;t�r,.,-: , ,�w�� ip, Aalp�wt�el of R�nh.Truator hereby easfgru to Lender the rente,iuuea and profits ot the Proporry;provided thet Trwtor
<br /> " '���.;°, �� shell,unNl the occurcence of an Event ot Default hereunder,heve Ihe rlght to collect and retaln auch rente,leeuea end profita as they
<br /> �` �'" ��• become due and payable.Upon the occurrence o}an Event of Delault,Lender may,efther in pereon or by a�ent,with or without
<br /> =�� .
<br /> ;r�„.. • •� � brinpl�p any actlon or proceedinp,or by a receiver appofnted by a couA end without reperd ta the adequecy of Ita security,enter
<br /> �' r upon and teke posae4sian of the Property,or any part thereoi,in its own name or U the name ol the Trustee,and do any acts which it
<br /> �—��• •�� '• deems neceasery or deslreble to preserve the value,ma�ketebllity or rentebiliry ol the Property,or eny paN thereot or interest iherein,
<br /> -;_�;� """ , � ."s'•.: ' increaee the fncome therelrom or protect the security horeo�and,with or without teking poeseaelon of lhe P�openyr,aue for or _
<br /> _M;� • : �� �•-� . othe►wlse collect the rente,iseuea and protits thereoi,Includinp those past due and unpaid,and apply the same,leas costs and
<br /> �';,,.,•. �. . ��..`� expenees af operadon and collectlon Includinp attorneys'fees,upon any indebtedneas secured hereby.all in such order es Lende�
<br /> -� . " '. mey determine.The enterinp upon and takinp posoesabn of the Property,the collectk�n of such rents,lesues and proffts and the
<br /> — � i ';�,,;�' ' " epplication thereof as ebreeald,ahell not cure or waiva any defauk or nodce o1 defeull hereunder or Invalidete eny act done i�
<br /> T� ,��ut�`.ur,w. ,. �etponse to such delaultor pureuent to such notice ol deteult and,notwlthsfendinp the continuence In poatession of the Property or
<br /> ` '- the collecdon,recelpt and appUcetlon of renta,iasues or proflts,and Trustee and Lnn dw i,he H b e e n t 3 8 e d t o s x s r c i r.a o v a ry r i p h!
<br /> '',;'T �;;,.� ,. h provlded tor in eny of the Loan Inatruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of Oefault,Including without Ilmitetlon the rlpht
<br /> - , to exerclse the power of eate.Funher,Lender's righte and remedlea under this peragraph ahall be aumulative with,and in no wey a
<br /> �:.�., � , �' d�,:. .. Ilmitetion on,l.ender's�lyhts and remedles under any aealpnmentaf leases and renta recorded apainst the Property.Lender,Truetae
<br /> - � and the receiver shell be Iieble to account only for those rants actually recelved.
<br /> s�=�> � •� ��~ ;-��= 11. Ewnb of Ddault.The followinp ahell conedtute an Event ol Oefeult under this Deed of Trust
<br /> _ •�:•1'° � ° .. (a) Fallure to pey eny inetellment of principel or fntereat ol any other sum aecured hereby when due;
<br /> y..;�,. :. , (b) A breaoh of or defeult under any provlslon contained in the Note,thit Deed ol Trust,any of the Loen I�strumenb,or ony �
<br />__ other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Property; �
<br /> _ ' ' •�"����''^" '� (o) A writ o1 executlon or attachment or any simllar procea�ahell be entered e�alnst Truaror whlch aholl become e Ilen on ,
<br /> `• � �' the Properry or eny portion thereol or Intereat thereln; �-°`
<br /> �. -�,.. r - Cti:�'
<br /> ... � (d) The�e ehall be flled by nr agalnst Truslor or Borrower an action under any present or future(ederal,etete or other �__
<br /> _ ' � stetute,law or regulatlon reledng to benkruptcy,insolvency or Wher relief for debtors;or there shall be eppointed eny trustae, _--
<br />- � � `� •,:�•; recelver or Ilquldatu ol Trustor or Borrower or ol all or any part of the Property,or the rents,issues or proilte thereol,or Trwtor
<br />:�' • h"�'A`'' „ " � or Borrower shall make eny general assignment for the benolit ot credltors:
<br /> " (e) The aale, tranefer,leaae,assignment,corn•eyance or further encumbrance of all or any part of or any Interesl in the
<br /> �,...
<br /> d��"` '•� • • Property, elther voluntarlly or involuntarlly, wlthout the express written consent of Lender;provlded that Truator ahell be -
<br /> %�. "" •• permflted to execuro a lease ot the Property thet does not conwln an option to purchase and the term of which d0e'not excead
<br />-�'. ` ono year
<br /> . ^ ,°xo
<br /> „ • (Q Abandonment of the Property;or
<br /> - , (9) If TrusWr ia not an indlvidual,the Issuance,sele,tranafer,asslynment,conveyance or encumbrance of more thon a tutal �
<br /> .. �. •,
<br /> .� , o} percent of�If a corporation)Ita issued and outstandinp stock or(If a partnershlp)e total of percent of
<br /> � -�•Y� paAnerahip f�tereale during the perlod this Qoed of Trust remelns a lien on the Properry.
<br /> _..s
<br /> � 12. R«n�dl�a;Acc�ratlon Upon ON�ult.In the event of eny Event of Delault Lender may,wlthout nopce except as requlred by
<br /> � � law,declere all Indebtedneas secured hereby to be due end peyable and the seme shell thereupon become due end payeble ��.
<br /> 'r� � , ' wifhout any presantmont,demend,protest or notice o1 eny kind.The�eaker Lender may: ---
<br /> ���; � (a) Demand thet Truatee exercfse the POWER OF SALE granted hereln, and Trustee ahall Ihereafter cause Truetor's '
<br /> Intere�t in the Prope►ry to be sold and the proceeda to be dlstrlbutod,all In the menner prpv�ded in the Nebraske Trust Deeds �. `
<br /> - Ack
<br /> ' � (b) Exercloe eny end all nyhts provfded lor fn any of the Loan Inatruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event ot �
<br /> , �' • Detaulh,and
<br /> (c) Commencean actlon to foreclose thfs Deed of Truatesa rnortyape,appofnt a receiver,or apaclllcally enlorce any of the �,,,,.
<br /> ° covenants hereol. �V
<br /> • •� No�emedy hereln conferred upon or reaerved to Trustee or Lender is Intended to be exclusive of eny other remedy herefn,fn the �=: ,
<br /> ' � � Loan Inatruments or by law provfded or permitted.but each shall be cumulative.shall be�n addition to every other remedy given
<br /> ' hereunder,ln the Loan Instrumenta or now or hereafler oxistf ng at law ar in equily or by statute,and may be exercised concurrently,
<br /> ' Independently or aucceaslvely.
<br /> �'_�
<br /> ; , 13. Tru�1M. The Trustee may resfgn at any time wfthout cause,end I.ender mey et any dme and wlthout cause appofnt a , •
<br /> .. • successor or aubalitute Trustee.Trustee ahall not be Nable to any party.including without Ilmilation Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any
<br /> � ` purcheser of the Properly,for any losa or damage unless due to reckless or wfllful mfsconduct,and ahall not be requlred to take any
<br /> _._
<br /> -- ---- ---"------� "_' '_ '__"_.�__ ...�•..•�� �..�..............�..��w�.n..ed..� T.��e�.�..lue fmlumniliarl In wrHfnn }nf All COSfB. COIDD6(IS8��00 Of � .
<br /> —�.,---,._._-__—�--._._- -.__ tl{i11V11111 4VIIIIOVUVII w�������o o��i���.v����s.��v� �.���r rv�.v v. .......�...��� ...��..._....�_. . �. .
<br /> �. expenses whfch rnay be associated Iherewlth.In additfon,Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Property Qudfclal or
<br /> ' under the power of sale grented herefn);postpone the sale of all or any portlon of the Property,as provided by lew:or aell the
<br /> ' " Property as a whole, or In separate parcels or lots et Trustee's d�acretlon.
<br /> . 14. Fwi�nd Expmsts.In the event Trustee sells the Properry by exerc�se of power ol sale.Trustee ahall be entilled to apply
<br /> - �• �, eny sale proceeds Ilrst to payment of all coste and expensea of exercising power of sele.Including all Truatee a lees.and Lender'e :
<br /> ��„� and Truetee's attorney's fees.aCtually incurred lo extent permitted by aFplicable law.In the event Borrower or Trustor exercises eny
<br /> ' rlpht provided by law to cure an Event of Default Lender ahall be entltled to recover from Trustor all costs and expenses actually
<br /> incurred ae e result of Trustor's detault,Includiny without Ilmitatlon all Trustee's and attorney's feea,to the extent permitted by
<br /> � applfcable law.
<br /> 15. Fufun Adv�nc�s.Upon request of Borrower.Lender may, at Its optlon, meke additlonal and future advances end re-
<br /> " � ° advancea to Borrower.Such advances and readvancea,with Intereat thereon,ahall be secured by ihls Deed of Trust.At no tlme shall
<br /> , ' �Y��• . the principel amount ol the fndebtedneas aecured by thls Deed of Trust.�ot includfng sums advanced ta protect the security of thie
<br /> , ' . Derid of Truaf,exceed the orl�inel princlpel emount ateted hereln,or S whlchever Is qreqier. � ,
<br /> °,. ±
<br /> f , - .. . . • •r • �
<br /> ! �
<br /> ! � -- -------------_ _.�,. .�.��4.--- -,_.0---—�-------
<br />