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<br /> Tru�tor undKaands th�t th�docum�nt that Tru�tor I�aboul to ox�aut�I�a DMd of Trust�nd eot�mortpap��nd th�t tM paw�►
<br /> p1 W�provid�d tor In the D»d o1 Tru�t provld��iub�nti�lly dlB�ront riph4 md obllp�dans W Trustor th�n a mort�ap�In th��v�nt
<br /> � of�d�ult or brwoh of obNp�don under ths DNd o1 Trust,lnoludinp,but not Nmltid to,ths L�nd�r'�rlpht to hav�th�P�op�rty sold
<br /> •�•�t by th�Tru�tM wllhout�ny�udlci�l proce�dlnp.Trwto� r�prasnv and w�rnnt�th�t thls�akn wl�dpemenl wu sx�outW by
<br /> . .� , q
<br /> °r•_. - _ , Tnator Wtor�tM�outl�on ol qw�d of Truq. � )
<br /> y� u Q L���L.✓.11r..y� "-
<br /> Y��:,�;�,�� (Ar 1 d �W$nn� Husband
<br /> _.—'' �;:.- �.r�wl��` ;1 /
<br /> L nda C. Nenn) Truswr w;�e
<br /> --•— �,.. � �r,t1��4.�
<br /> :����;
<br /> ��`�"''�'�`��""'f THI3 DEED OF TRUBT,Is made os o}the.1IlS�L dey ot�:�* ,1�92.by end emonp
<br /> ��.�
<br /> ��� ' �� th�T�u�tor,�O7.�C.. wenn and L�nr�a r. Wenn� Hus6and and Wi fe ,
<br /> �� k ����- NE 68801
<br /> - �� �.'�---• whoa�maiNnp oddra�i4 2410 Over1 and Trai 1 Ci rcl e, Gr'and I s18pd.�hareln"Truetor;'whsthsr one or mora>, - -
<br /> Y.,.�..�". � ' .. �j.ry��, a��o Dni ntg Bgnk. A Nebraska Corporation ,
<br /> ',-ti�,� . . .,, b whow maNinp addrea4 ie o n a�Y ��m� I:rAM1(I i sl and� NE 68802 (hereln"Trustee"►.end
<br /> � " `;� Fivp Peints Banit
<br /> -;.� • . the Benoflclary, �
<br /> -�� •;1 , , 2X` whosamailinpaddretsis p 0_ Box 1507� Grand Island� NE 68802 (heroln"Lander").
<br /> -°`�" • '•" � FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,inaludinp Lender'i extenolon of cradit IdenUfled hereln to Arnn1A C_ Wpnn �nd
<br /> -- � ', .
<br /> -- ''°� . Li nda C Wenn, huchand and wi fe (herein"Borrower",whether one or more)and the truet herolo creatad,
<br /> }= ••�: +__'� �_�= the receipt of whfch is henby acknowledpad,Truetor hereby frrevooebly�rents, trenafers,conveys and eselflns to Tru�tee,IN
<br /> _:--„ -- . _.. -.
<br /> .. " TRUST,WITH POWER OF SALE,tor the benelit and aecurity of Lender,under and eub�ent to the terms and condidon4 hereinattor sot
<br /> - � foAh,the real property,described as followa:
<br /> �' , �. ,, Lot Three (3) Block Thirty-One (31) and the East Nineteen (E19) Feet of Lot Four (4)
<br /> _ � ,R . Block Thirty-One (31). Original Town, oow City of Grarid Island. Ha11 County. Nebraska.
<br /> --_ a�
<br /> � � Topether with all buildinga,Improvemente,1lxturea, streets,alleys,passapeways,easements,riphts,privllepes and eppurte-
<br /> � �• nancea loceted thereon or fn anywise pertelnfng thereto,end the rents,Issues and profits,reveraiona and remalnders thereof,and
<br /> �= ' euch pereonel propeAy thet is atleched to the Improvements so as to constitute a fixture,I�cludiny,but not Iimited to,heaUnp and
<br /> _ . . ,.0•
<br /> � _;,,,,.�,_ cooUnQ equlpmenk and topether wlth the homestead or marital interests,ii any,which Interesta are hereby releaaed and waived;ell -
<br /> - " � � • oi which.Inctudlnq reptacements and addltiona thereto,is heraby declared to be a part of the real eetate tecured by the lien of thia E'__
<br /> �.; Doed of Truct and all of the torepoiny beiny referred to herein as the"Property".
<br /> _ ..,. •..• �.._;.
<br /> T';,'; �� � ' ' • Thla Deed of Tru4t shall secure(a)Ihe paymant ot the principal sum and Inte�eat evidenced by a pr�mi�sory note or credlt E
<br /> :,� � r
<br /> ��
<br /> •-`.�;� �'�,Ea` apreement dated AUguct_-.?�,-?992 .hevfnq a maturity dete of AuQ��st l�r 1999 , t..
<br /> � "� 11 000
<br />��� - �;� in the oripinel principal amount ul S .. +9� ,and any and all modificatlons,extenaions and renewals
<br /> • " � thereof or thereto and any and all future edvances and readvances to Borrower (or any of them If more than one) hereunder
<br /> � 'S' ' ,• . purauant to one or more promisaory notea or credit epreementa(herefn called"Note");(b)the peyment of other suma edvenced by '
<br />- �.:� .� � Lender to protect the security ot the Note;(c)the pertormance of all covenants and egreements ol Truetor selloAh herein;a�d(d)eU E'`-�
<br />-�,,, . present and future Indebtedness end obllyationa of Borrower(or any ol them il more than one)to Lender whether direct,Indirect, -
<br /> - , .• � ,, � ebaolute or continpent and whether erisinp by note,pueranty,overdraft or otherwise.The Note,thls Deed ot Trust and eny and all
<br /> . . other docuents that secure the Note or othenviae executed In connection therewith,fncluding without Ilmitetlon yuarantees,ieaurlty �_
<br /> ° '',�,i _ ayreemente and aesipnments ot leasea and renta, shall be referred to herein as the"Loen Instruments".
<br /> . ,��•�.r- Trugtor covenants and egreea with Lender es follows: -�-
<br /> • �. � �. Psym�nt o1 Ind�bt�dn�u.All indebtedness secured hereby shell be paid when due. '=
<br /> . F.,:.,
<br /> � 2.TIU�.Trustor Is the owner of lhe Prope►ty, has the right and authorlry to conrey the Properry,and warrants that the Ilen ��,
<br /> . , � created horeby is a Ilrst and prlor Ilen on the Property, except for Ifens and encumbrances set forth by Trustor in wrfting end
<br /> � ;_ ., delivered to Lsnder before execution of thls Deed of Trust,and the executlon and dellvery of th�s Deed ol Trust does�ot vlolate any ,
<br /> �`� ConheCt or ofher obligatfon to which Truator Is sub�ecL
<br /> 3. Tax�s,Ass���m�nb.To pay betore detlnquency all taxes,speclal asaessments and all other charyes apainat the Property � ,.
<br /> • now or hereafter Ievied. �
<br /> s. '� 4. ImuranC�.To keep the P►operty Insured agalnat damage by fire,hazards Included wlthln the term"extended cOVerege",and !
<br /> � 8uch other hezards as Lender may requlre,in amounts and wdh companles acceptable to Lender,naming Lender as an addllional •
<br /> � , nemed inaured,wlth loss payable to the Lender.In cese ol loss under such policies,the Lender is aulhorized to adjust,collect an�i '
<br /> compromise,all clalms thereunder end ahall have the optian ol applying ell or pert of the insurance proceeds(i)to any Indebtedneas �.
<br /> , ' secured hereby and in auch order as Lender may determf na,(ip to the Trustor to be used tor the repalr or reatoration of the Property ,
<br /> or(IN)for any other purpose or ob�ect satlslactory to Lender wfthout attecting the I�en ol this Oeed ol Trust lor the lull emount secured
<br /> � �i_�::-_____�:_ _ _,_ hereby before such payment ever took plece.Any appllcauon of proceeds to indebtedness shell not extend or postpone the due
<br />- � dete ot any payments unaer me noce,or cure a�y oetaun mereunoer or nereunaer. -� �
<br /> 5. HtCrow.Upon written demand by Lender,Trustor shall pay lo Lender,In auch manner as Lender may designate,suHicfent ,
<br /> aums to enebie Lender to pay as Ihey become due one or more of the following:(1�all taxes,assessments end olher charges epainst
<br /> '. • the Property,pi)the premlums on the property Insurance requlred hereunder, and pli)the premlums on any mortgaye Inaurance '
<br /> ' required by Lender.
<br /> ' '� 8. M�int�n�nc�.R�paks and Compllanc�wHh Law�. Trustor shall kaep the Property In go�d conditfon and repalr;shall
<br /> � " qromptly repalr, or replace any Improvement whfch may be damaged or destroyed; shall not commit or permit any waste or
<br /> deterloratlon ol the Property;shall not remove,dernollsh or substantlally aHer any ol the improvements on the Property:shall not
<br /> , ' commit,aui(er or permit any ect to be done In or upon the Property In vfolatfon o}any law,ordfnance,or regulatlon;and shall pay and
<br /> � , promptly discharpe at Truetor's coat and expenae all Ilens,encumbrances and charyes levled.Imposed or aesessed agalnst the
<br /> Property or any part lhereof.
<br /> ° �� 7. Emin�nt Domdn.Lender le hereby asaigned all compensetlon,awards,damagea and olher payments or rellef(herelnaNer
<br /> "Proceeds")in connection with condemnetlon or other teking of the Property or part thereof,or for conveyance In Ileu ol condemna-
<br /> , � ��+u '' don.Lender shall be enlitled at ita optlon to commence,eppeer In and prosecute fn Its own name any acflon or proceedinpa,and
<br /> ' • � shell also be entitled to make any compromise or settlement fn connectlon wlth such takln�or demeQe,In the event a�y poAion ot
<br /> �
<br /> " . NYC:N871NaWneullurNDM01N�r10��B
<br /> ' O IfN N��wrl B�n!d Com�y�n Tw�t�nd S�arq�Mwnn�on l�xoln HMr�uu 0
<br /> . . �1 �
<br /> 7
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