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<br /> ' �. lin�.��•rl or !'rnFtcrty li�stu•wtcc. Hurrinti�cr tihull kccp thc impruvcincnt, nu�v cxi,tm� un c�rcal�cr crcrtcd uu thr �_.
<br /> -'--�_�� Propc�'ty utyur�d uguin+l i��+s Uy iirc. Iuvur�I� iu�luded �ithiiithc kfm °�xlCt:ilet! ru+�ct:sgc" anFl ,in}•nthrr h:einrds. inrludini:
<br /> � ., t. tlu�Kl+ ur fluodinv, fur�shirh Lcndcr rcquires insur:uirc. Thiti insurancc tih,dl hc nmimiiinrd in�hr unwunt,.u��l ti,r�hc periods
<br /> thnt l.cndcr rc��uirc�. '('hr insunmcc curricr pruviJiug thr imur,mce+IuiU h�rhu�rn by Narru�vcr +uhjcrt tu Lcndcr'ti appnnul
<br /> '�;; �•.:' :� whirh xlr,dl not hr unr�ati�mubly withheld. ll' Barrawcr fails tn ivainti►in cuvcragc dctirribed nhuvr. l.cndcr nmy. :►t l.endcr's
<br /> - ; . i►r�i�m,nht.iin ruvcrci�c tn protcct l.cndcr'ti riE±hls in thc Propuny f n n«u�danrc�vith pivagruph 7.
<br /> ::�^�•.,`u All insur:mce pulicies�uid renetivuls �hidl be acceptuhle to l.ender und �hall includr�� ,tan�l:ad mi�rtg+igc rL•wse. l.endcr —
<br /> . ..•. .
<br /> .�Q �ludl hu�•c thc right tu liold thc policirs and renewals. If Lcnticr rcyuires. Qurru�vcr+hull prumptly givc tu l.�:ndcr�►U rcrcipts i�f
<br /> �;"r".��� _ iid ��miumti und rencwul nutirc,. In thc evcnt of luss. Bi�rm+�r�+hall gi��c pram�rt n�uirc tu the inaurancc r.trricr und I.cndcr,
<br /> , - - p: p'� _
<br /> �--- I..�ndcr may mukc prui,f of lus,if n��t mudc pramptly F�y Borruwcr. _
<br /> —_ _ ±� Unlcss I.cndcr und Eiorru�vcr othcrwisc agrec in �vriting. insur.mcc prucrrd+tihall hr apUlicd tu restoration ar rcp:�ir uf thc _
<br /> �� '��� E'roperty d,ema�;ed,if thc rc�tor.itiun ur rcpair is cconomically fcasible and I..cndcr's�ccuriry i�nue Ic,sencd•if the rc.r•rorutiun��r
<br /> : repair Is not econotnirally feusible or I.ender's security would bc Iessenrd, thc insuruncc pr��cceds shall be�ipplicd tn the sunis
<br /> '' ' secured by this Sccurity lnstrumcnt, whether or mu then due,with uny exrass puid to B��rrower. If Borro�vcr uhund��ns the
<br /> �..- ;���` Property, ur docs not answcr within 30 day+a n�nirc f'rom Leudcr that thc insurincc carricr has ��ffcred ta srtdc u cluim, then
<br /> Lendcr nury collect the inxuranre prureeds. Lender may use ihe proce�ds to repair or restore the Pruperty or ta pay �ums
<br /> �':'r•:.�; �
<br />;:�xAy�" secured hy [his Securiry Instrumcnt,whether or nut dien duc. Thc 30•duy period�vill bc�;in when thc naticc is givan.
<br /> "�i�", Unless I.ender and Bnrrower athenvise rgree in writing, any :+pplication uf pruceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> ;��r_t��;.•:;.
<br /> .�.;,��;�.�{�, pu�tpuiie tl�e due dutc of thc monthly payments refe►•red ta in puragraphs I und z ��r ch;mgc thc amount of thc puyments. If
<br /> under parabraph 2l the Properry is acyuircd by Lender, Bnrrower's right tc�any insuranc:c policie:s und prcxeeds resulting from
<br /> Fk`'�''•..;� damage to the Property prior to the acqu'ssitiun shall p�ss to Lender tn the extent of the sumti seci�a�ecl by this Securiry Instrument
<br />-_�i,� •� immediately priar to the acquisition.
<br />"rf,�.,.: b. Occupuucy,Preservntion. Malntenunce und Fwiection of the Praperty; Borro�r•er's[.oun AppUcstYlvn; Leuseholds•
<br /> '`':.�� Barrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty dnys aRn:r the execution of
<br />_.__�� this Security Inst[ument and shall continue to accupy the Propeity as Bi�rmwer's principal rcsidence for at Ieast one year al9ter
<br /> ------= the dute of accupancy,unless Lender otherwise ngrees in writing. �vhich consent shall nat 6e unreusonably withheld,or u�aless
<br /> '� extenuatin� circumstances exist which are heyond Bonmver's control. Borrowe� shall not destroy, damage ur impuir the
<br /> �`,.,� Property, allow thc Property to detcriorate, or commit wuste on thc Property. Barrower shall be in default if any forfeiturc
<br /> v action or procecding. whether civil or criminal, is begun that in I.ender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> a"i"J�,�.it�vf ii2�iL'i'.1:w.�:3L�:::Ll�i:r.F»!T S.h�Ilnn rrni;i�h�rh�c S�r��riry Tnc►n,ment ar L.ender's s�ruriry interest.8orrowcr may
<br /> —� cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by cuusing the action or proceedi�r,ro be dismissed wieh u ruling
<br /> �-� that, in L.endcr's good faith determination, precludes forfciture uf the Borrowcr's interest in thc Propcny or othcr mutcrinl
<br /> _—� impairment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower shail�Isc�be in defAUlt if
<br /> -__� Borrower,during the loan application process,gave materiully false or inaccue:�te informutian or statements to I.ender(or fuiled
<br /> - — to provide l.ender with any material information)in connection with thc loan evidenced by die Note.including,but not limited
<br /> — ta,representations concerning Borrower's occupancy af the Pmperty as a principal residence. If this Securiry Instrun�ent is nn u
<br /> —� leasehold, Borrowcr shall comply with all the provisions of tho leasc. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, the
<br /> le.�sehold and the fee title shall nat merge unless I..ender agrces to the mcrger in�vriting.
<br /> 7.Protectian of Lender's Rights In the Property.If Borrawer fails to pc:rfonn the covennnts and ngreements contuined in
<br /> this Security Instrument. or there is u Icgal procecding that may significantly affect Lender's ra�hts in the!F'mperty (such as u
<br /> proceeding in bankruptcy,probate, for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws ar regulutiUns),�hen l.ender may do and
<br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vnlue of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. l.ender's acttuns muy
<br /> include paying any sums secured by a lien which hos priority over this Security lnstrument, appcaring in eeurt, paying
<br /> reasonable nttorneys'fees and entc�ring on the Propeny to make repairs. Altliough Lender may take action under this paragraph
<br /> 7,i.endcr docs not havc to do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lcnder undcr this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of' Bnrrowcr sccured by this
<br />--- --'"y� Saariry Insrrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agrce ta other terans of payment, these amounts shall beur intcrest fr�m the
<br /> date of disbursement at thc Nate mtc and shall be payuble.�vith inten.�st, upon noticc from C.cndcr to Borrower requcsting
<br /> payment.
<br /> 8.Mortgage Insurance.If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Securiry
<br /> Instrument, Bonower shall pay the p:cmiums required to rnaintuin the mortgogc insurance in effect. If, for w�y rklsou, the
<br /> �'"?� mortgage insurance wverage rcyuired by I.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrotivcr shsil pay the premiums rcquircd to
<br /> �= obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurence previously in effect, at u cost subswntinlly eyuivalent to the
<br /> cast to Borruwer of the rnortgage insurance previously in effcct, from un alternate mortgage insurcr approved by Lender. If
<br /> __—;.�:,� substantially ec�uivalent mortgage insurnnce caverage is not available, Bonower shall pay to Lcreder each month a sum cqu:il to
<br /> _______;_�;,:�:� one-twelfafi of the yeady mongage insuranee premium beins paid by Bormwer when the insurance coverage lapsec!or ccased to
<br /> �'�`� be in effect.l.ender will accept,use ai.�retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurnnce. Loss reserve
<br /> - Form 302N 9/90
<br /> � � -J----� Paq 3 010
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