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<br /> 'POG�THER W17'H all thc improvcnu+ns now on c�renftcr crcctcd on the property.und iill cuscmcnts, appurtcnunccs,�uid
<br /> , fixtures now or hereafter n part of the property. All repincements nnd addinons shull nlso be covered hy this Security
<br />:�^� � Instrument. All of the foregoing is referrcd ta in this Sccurity Instrununt ii�the"Properry."
<br />_ �,�,., [iORROWER COVENANTS thnt Borrowcr is Inwfully sciscd uf'ti�c cstatc hcreby convcycd und hus thc rigt►t to grant nnd
<br /> �'`'�'" '�' � rnnve�� the Propeny and thut the Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrunces of rceord. 8onc�wcr warriint�; ,ind will
<br /> . . defcnd gcnerally thc title to thc Property aguin,t all claints and d�u�anJti,subj��l lu.u�y�;n�umbr.�n«�uf r�cur�l.
<br /> "��` THIS S�CURITY INSTRUMENT cambines uniform cavcnunts far nuti�mul u�c und non-unif��rm covcnimts with limital
<br /> ,�,
<br /> - � variations by jurisdiction to cnnstitutc u uniform security instrumcnt covcring rcal property,
<br /> ;:�?`�-=`°=' UNIFORM COVENIANT5. Borrotivcr,snJ C.cndcr covenant nnd ugrcc�s f'ollows:
<br /> 1. Puyment oF Prtnclpal and Interest; Prepuyment nnd I.ate Chnr�uw. Borrowcr shall prnmpdy pay when due thc
<br />__ --- '"�• principal of and interest on the debt cvidcnced by thc Note und any prcpaymcnt and lutc chargcs due under the Note.
<br /> . 2. F'undb for Taxe., and Insumncc. Subjcct to applicablc law or to u writtcn waivcr hy I.cndcr, (iorrowcr shall p:�y to -
<br /> " I.ender on the day monthly payments nre due under the Note,until th�Notc is puid in full,a sum("Funds")for.(�t)yearly tnxcs
<br /> ` nnd�ssessments which may attain prioriry ovcr this Security Instrument us n lien on the Property;(b)yearly Ieaschold paymcnts
<br /> ``' `k'�'�'-' S Pe Y Y Y Y P P Y P Y P
<br />,�,_���;4',, or round rents on the Pra rt , if an ; (c) earl huutrd pr ro en insurunee remiums; (d)yenrl flocxl insurance remiums,
<br />'{=^� .� ., if any: (e)yearly mongage insurunce premiums, if uny;nnd(� any sums paynble by Borro�ver to Lender, in uccordnnce with
<br />,.�r.,n�_�.. .
<br />" .:>c±. the provisions of paragraph 8,in lieu of the paymcnt of mortgngc insurancc prcmiums. These items are called "Escrow Items."
<br /> "�:`; .. l,cnder may, nt any time, colicct and hold Funds in an umount not to exceed the maximum amount a lender for a fede�ally
<br /> _,:�;;;;;t-�;;n related monguge loan may require far Borrower's escrow acco�nt under the federal Real Estute Settlement Procedures Act of
<br />— """
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