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... .a.5' • � ���-- <br /> v `_ �. <br /> iINVa <br /> :�� <br /> .r���.r .. •• , .. ..Tji1� . . <br /> d!.'�.• <br /> .. <br /> .. ... .. <br /> ; .. � . - <br /> . --. ...�rirrYl�IR�ld.__-- --�-- ....— -- . . . - - � -- E.._._..- .---. ...,,,. <br /> , � . _ .. .... ,..._.._. . . � ' - <br /> ,� ' � �� W�'1 _ . . –._ <br /> ' I conflbta wkh applfcabb aw,such confUC4 ehall not aHeot olhor provlsbne of thls Security Instrumont or o o e can be <br /> pkon ofteat wilhou2 the oonll�thp provblon.Yo ihl3 ond QP�o provl�lona of thl�Sccurtty Inetrumont and tho Noto nro dcaGSrod ta <br /> '. � be eeverflb�a. _ . . _ �- <br /> 1 L. Barro:-:er'a �apY.Borrow:Y eha!! be�Iven on�oontormad copy of the Nota and o}this SeCUrfty Instrument. <br /> �, <br /> 18. Mazerdous Substencea� Bortower shnll nat Cause or p�rmft tho pnssnce, uae, dispo�al, etorege, or relaise ot �� _ <br /> �ny H�tdoua Sub�tanC�t on or h Ih� Prop�Ay. BorrowK shtN not do, nor albw anyon� �k� to do, �nythl�p aHaaihy the • <br /> Proporty that A „ vb�tton of�ny �mMOnmontal precedhp two aentonceo sh�ll not �ppy to th0 presance, uae, or _ <br /> etortp� on th�Prop�rty of�r�uY quanlltie�of Hvudous Sbbsttnces thst are Qenx�tlly reoopnlrad to bo approprlato to normal � <br /> rosldmtlai uut and ta maht�nNCS of the Prop«ty. " �.��� <br /> ,r.+ 8ottower ehnll prampty pMa Lendor wrktan not�Ce ol any hvestip�tbn, olelm, demnnd, lawault or other aotlon by any � , <br /> •a povemmontal or�epulatory aQenoY ar pr�vate Pat1f�„YON�9�o Property and any Huardous Substance or Envlronmentat Law of <br /> whfch BoROwer hae aatual kaowfedye. If Borrower letms,or ia notHled by any povemmentnl or reputntory authority, that anY . -_ <br /> removal or other remadlatbn of sny Huardous &ubatanaea�f(eothp tha Property Is necessary, Bortower shall promptly faka ell ��_ <br /> •:. . <br /> , nacessary rerr�dt�t�aibna h accorWnce wkh EnvlronmenLl I.Ww. „ �;,�;�•t <br /> As usod in thia perapnph 16, 'HUardous Subetancea'tre thoae eubstcncea deflnod as toxb or heurdous aubstances by , . _�-�i• <br /> ` �;�om�sx.t.�- <br /> EnvYonmer►tal Law and the folbwMp ;.ubetances: p�solNO, k�rosen0, othir iqmmttbb nr toxb peUOleum produots, toxb � _r:.;;-�"-- _ <br /> • pestbides and Nerb�ldes,votatll� soNw�ts,mAterl�ts con4ahhp asbesto� or tormaldohyde,and radbactNa materiats. As used In o:.=_� <br /> the parapraph 16, 'EnvYonmental Law'mMna hderal kws�nd rws of th�Jurladbtbn where tha Properly Is bcated that relata , :,',�-�-r_ <br /> •,�.,— <br /> � to heaRh,setety or envlronmentel protactfon. .:�`._•^� <br /> = NON•UNIFOFNA COVENANTS. BoROwer and Lender fudhae oovanQnt and zprw aa fo�!arl�: - • - <br /> � <br /> °� _� 17.Aeetgnment of Rents,Bortower unoondRfomCy aesipne and trenstere to Lender all the renta end revenues of the .��, <br /> � P�Op6Ry.Botrower fluthorYces Lender or 1..en08te ayents sv coi�eci ihe�wda wt�+ �uviw�uo5 6i�u'ho�ouy C:o.^.ts esch tenant ot the �•5� <br /> i q Propatyr to p�y tha rents to Lender or Lende�s aqantt. Howwor, prbr to Lendere noib� to Bonower of 8onowers breaoh of `l�'%f,;.,:i'_—_ <br /> � any covenant or apreement h tho Socurity InsWment,Bortovrer shall aolleat Rnd receive afl rents and revenues of the Property .� .d;,�:;;�.::_- <br /> , �' as trastoa for tho bwiefk o! lender md Borraww. Th� a4ipnrtwnt ot ronla oonstkutot an nbsolute pss�jnment and not an ` •�`;., _ <br /> �esqnment tor addkbnal aecurRy ony. ,;r��_—� <br /> �'�� tf Lender plvea notico of broaoh to eorrower. (a)ail rants roceNed by 8ortower sh�ll be held by BoROwer as trustee for ,,�,�;,.�r_: <br /> ; bonefit ot l.ender ony, to be appiWd lo th�sums aoourad by tho 3oCUrky In�trumw�t; (b)Lende► shall be entkted to aolk�ct and <br /> �� m . <br /> rocelv� tll of the renta of the ProptAy; �nd (o)woh tentnt of th�Proparty ohaN pny UI rentc due and unpatd ta Lw�der or ,. <br /> - � n Lenders aow�t on Lendere wrkten demand to the taei�n� <br /> i <br /> . � Bortower has not executed any prbr�ssipnment ot th1 rents and hes not anu wln not porform any aci ii�oi h���i'r��_ <br />� ., ,� l.end6r Uom wcerotshy ks rlphts undir thb Parayriph 17. - <br />_ � .; � �� Ldnder shau not be requked to enter upon,take conuol of or mehtab the Proparty before or after pNhq not�e of breaah to �` <br /> ' 8orrowar. Howaver,L6nder or n judklfllty nppointed reCaNlr meY do so at any tMne there is n breaoh.My appl�atbn of renta , ,_ <br />' � • shaA not curo or waive any defaul! ar InveHdate eny other rlpht or renwdy oi Lender. Thls assignment ot rents o} the Propurty <br /> �: ehall termineto when the debt acuwd by the Secu►ity InaUumant Is psld h NH. �•::` <br /> ';,� <br /> . 18. �oreclosure Procedure. If Lender rAqu[reo immediste peyment In tull undor Pe�a�reph 9, , : <br /> ,. � �ender may Invoke the power ot eate end any othar romedles permitted by eppllaeble lew. �:- <br />- • Lender shall be entttled to coilect ail expenaes Incurred In puraulny the remedies provided in <br /> this Perayreph 18, Inaludsnp, but not iimlted to� reaaoneble sttorneya' fees end coets ot title <br />��e �� �� � evldence. �� <br /> "�"`"��''° , It the powe� of sale Is Invoked, Tru�4ee shell record a noUce of defeult In each county In � <br />�,�,.,;.,., _,,,,� " whlch aRy pert of the P�op�rty la� loceted end ahall meit coptes of auch notice In the menner <br />;�:,-� : ;,,-� � preacribed by eppitca�ble taw to Borrower end to the ather perwm prese�ibed by epplice�le lew. <br />-•• � After the time �equlrad by epplicsble law� Trustee ahall qive publio naUce of sele tv the peraons _ <br />'-"`� � �" and In the manner preicrtbmd by applic�bte lew.T�uatee� wlthout demand on Borrawer. shall setl _ <br /> F-� � K tha Proporty st public aucUon to the hiqhon bldder et 1he tlme and place and under the terins r_ „ _ <br /> ' deai�nated In the nnUce of sale In nne or mare pe�eels and In eny order T�ustee determines. _ <br /> -�;�.�;� . Trustea may poatpone sate ot �11 or any parcet ot the Property by public ennouncement et the _--_-- <br /> -�n�-�' � time end place of eny proWouWy scheduled sale. Lender or Ita de�ignee may purchese the = __ �`� . <br /> ...�.,, _ <br /> .. �_ Property et eny aala. �,.�w��-------- <br /> � ' Upon recetpt of peyrnent of the prlce bld, Trustee shait del(ver to the purcheaer Truatee's �,�„�;.,��.��.� <br /> � .�_�.,._.-.--�- <br /> ;;; :�, deed conveyirt� the Properry• The �ecitels In the Trustee'a deed ahaU be prima facle evldence of ,�y,_-______ <br /> the �ruth at the statements rnnde thereln. Tru�tee shall spply the proceeda of t4ie sale In the S=�=""-�� <br />= totipwt�� order: (e) to ell aotts end e�enses of exercisinq the power of �siie, end the aale� ",�r��'���`' <br /> '....-r';:�,a�f�-":SH`�8i Fk: <br /> �`. Includtnq the payment of the Trua3ee's fees ectually incurred, not to exceed 3 % `°��w--==�__='—�' <br />