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�'i iy:ay,r� ' <br /> <i4Fiii�' � <br /> . '- ., , . . . ' .+� _ <br /> •x , .. . � .n. 1 .¢ awH.c.�..r n.-?Cn � - • .. •�.,.+vPp� , . <br /> . � � " • . ..... ._... <br /> sn <br /> i, <br /> .... .. ._—.._._._'_'_____' <br /> Id1l�flb�/F...L'�_''J"—"—_^�—_...� :..—�. ., _ � . .. . . . . . . 'ZtY_v . <br /> t� -_.viade:w�;it�_:t._._..._. -_ <br /> ' M� _w ^ �_`_ <br /> . � . E� �f■��(� <br /> Any amountn dlsbursad by L�ndar under thla Paropnph �hsll b�COma en eddlllonal dobt of Bortower on b �cOrad by � <br /> thl� Gsaurity Inotrument. Those Qrnounte sh411 bear fntorYSt hom lhb dAti of cil9�auroemcnt uF tho Note rpto,nnd nt tho optlon ol <br /> L�ndir,eh�ll b� ImmidktoN duo and p�y�bk. <br /> - eorrpti:r-.he9 promgty dt�oherp� tnY Ilen whbh has prbrkyr owr this Socurfty Instrument unlase Bortower. (e} eprees N <br /> � wrNhp to th�paym�nt of th� pblipatbn�wured by th�IMn In�mannu tcc�ptobl� to L�G�r; (Gy oart:sta y pood latih Rie �b� <br /> � by, or def4nda opaln�t �nforc�rn�nt o1 tho Ilen In, teye� Rroaosdhpe whbh In tht L�ndere opinbn oporate to prevent tho <br /> anTorcMn�nt of th� If�n; or(c) ttour�o kom th� ho1dM of th�IMn �n�y�wnHnt satktaotory to L�nd�r subordMutinp th�Ilon to <br /> ' thl� 3xurlty Inetrument. 11 Ur►ddt datamin�o lhat eny put o}lho PropBrty Is QubJeol lo �Ibn whkh mny altnln pciority over lhle <br /> _ ��' SlCUrRy InttrumMil, 6�nd�r maY Glw Borrow�r a notks�fdwUMyinp th�IMn. 8ortower oh�N e�tbly the ibn or take ono or rnoro ot <br /> tha aotbn���t torth �how wkhh 10 day�ot th�plvhp oi not�o. <br /> ;y;r"nrv'�� 8. FlOf. UndK may oOfMol h�e�nd aharpu�uthoriz�d by th�£�oroUry. <br /> p...���' <br /> 9. (3rou�d� tor Acceleration of Debt, <br /> ,..� (s) Defeuit.��ndor may, wccaAt ea Iimk�d by repui�tbnn Iseued by the &ecretery In the case ot paymont detauAS, <br /> rpqulra knrtwdiste p�ymont In tuU of all cuma secured 6y thls SeCUrky Instrurtwnt It: <br /> (q BoROwer d�tauln by itllhp to pay h tull any monthy poymont roquked by thFs S�aurRy Inatrument prlor to or on ,S <br /> , ` the due d�ts of th�nwct monthy payme�t,or ''" <br /> +,. <br /> ', (ii)Borrower defaufts by fallinp,tor�perbd of thVrty days,to perfonn any o4ha oblqatlona oontahed h this ur •L. <br /> ;� Inatrument. ._ <br /> (b) Sale Without Crodit Approval. LMidM shaH, N pwmitted bY epPlfcabk Ww (holudine s0ction 341(d) af tha �,., <br /> k. OamSt O�rmah D�posRory InstXutbna Act of 1982, 12 U.&.C. 1701J3(d)) �nd wkh th�prlor epproval of tha &aretary. <br /> .� requfre knmadlat�p�Y�►'„wN of aY the auma waured by l�la Seaurityy InsUurte�t�: - <br /> (i) AA or part of tha Prop�ty, ar a benN�lai htorest h a truat ownhQ aA or part of the Properry, Is sotd o�- <br /> - �- othenvise traneteRSO lotnx inan i,y u�N�o�w�"!;�y.d <br /> (II)Tre Prop�ty Is not occup{ed by the purchASar or prantee as hls or her prhapai resi�ence, or the purchaser or <br /> grantee does so occupy the Property, but hi3 or her credit hao not been epproved in accardance wRh the <br /> . • requ'roer�r►ta of th�3ecrotary. <br /> (C) NO W�IVEI'. !f akcumsUnces occur that wauld pamR Gender to requtre Immedk►to peY�t � �+�, but Leeder <br /> ` does not require suoh paymente,Londer doas not w�iw ka rfphts wkh retspoat to subtWuant avente. <br /> � (d) ReQuledon� of HUD 5ecrotary. �n mar�y otraumsto.nces repulatbn� baued by the Secretary wlil IImEt <br /> „'.� . L�der'e riphts, In the eaao ot psymait d�teuRs, to requYe Immedkt� p�tY�t ti wA �nd toreabse M not petd- Th�s <br /> � � SeouNty InaWm�nt daas not outhort�accef�ntbn or for�obiun M not permktsd by rvyuiatbns of tha S�cretary, <br /> , . . � - (e) Ntorty��e iioi iniu�oa. oort�ww ZM����� ^�"- ���% !n`�"'�"'"; and the Nota are not determhed to <br /> �..;,.,:,;,,`.• be elipbt� for Ineuranco undK th�N�tbnal Houshg Act wkhh aF OT deVi(901—itom the date hereof, Lendsr <br /> : ;�7.; •^' �� may, at Rs oDtion requlre Mrtwdlab p4yment h fuli of aN aums Reaured by thl�S�curNy In6Wman4 A w�ittnn etatament <br /> � �''� ��' � ' of�ny euthoriaed tpe�it of tha 8acnwy dat.d subsoyuent to� of daw(901 hOm ths date Aereof,deollnhp <br />°-:�,�r:��� .� <br /> ;,s:.��:. to Insuro thb Socurity Insmiment and the Note, shall bs cieemed oonatueN� proof of suoh hel l p btl i ty. Notwahstandhp <br />�"�"�`-.•��• tha fonDolnp, thb optbn may not bo axerck�d by Lender whon the unnvilkbilNy of hsurence is sofey du9 to Lenders <br /> `��-{':�;�:�„ ' tatlure ro remk a mort9ipe Inauronao premlum to tM Secretery. <br /> -''��"�`� 10. RClflt�tCT11E11t.BO�rOwet has e tipht t0 be�ebstated R LwttNr has flqulrYd Immedlate plymBtlt k1 lull bBCau68 Of <br /> ,'.,.t...._. <br />���=n��� 8orrowe�'s talluro to pay an omount due under tho Note or this S�curky (mtrument. Thls ripht �ppiws wnv► �Ror IorecWsure <br />__=-"��`' prxMdhya en hstkut�d. To nhatat� ths S�carky Instrummt, Bortow�r �heM tMder h a lump 6am tN amounts rpuked to <br /> -��'-,, brhy Borroww� �caount cumnt includk►g, to th� eoctent thsy �n ablip�tbns of DorrawK under thle SecurRy Instrum�nt, <br /> ,_`�.�.� toroabsura oocts �rtd nasonrba �nd custom�ry �itomey's ta� ��d �sa prap�ry asaxiated wkh thrr ta�cbsure <br />_.�,,;��,� proce�dhp. Upon nh3ul�rt�ent by Borrovwr,this 6eaurity Inetrummt and th�oblq�tbm that k sucuns shall rernaln In effeat as <br /> ---=-=° M Lmd�r had nut nquind Irnm�dkt�payment in tup. Howev�r,Lend�r 1� not rrquY�d to parmk roYistatemant H: (p Londer has <br /> --�-w� �captod rohatata�wnt 4ftw tha commencana►t ot toroobsun proceodinps wkhh two ye�n ImrtwdLtoy precedinq the <br />_ _�.��� aonurNnc�rrrsnt of��curtant tonabtur� prxwdinQ, (fi) rNnstat�nt w1i1 paobd�fo�oabsun on dlffennt yrounds k►tAo tuture, <br /> _ �• _•��� or(Ui)rofnttatartwnt will ndversey atteot th�prWrlry o}tha Ibn craRed by thb Securky Instrumer►t. <br /> a� <br /> �T;��� 11. Borrower Not Releesed; Forbearenae By Lender Not a Watver. Ext�nsbn of the th�e of pryrr�ent or <br /> "° "�`� modNicatbn of unoRlzatton of th� wms �ecurod by thNs 8�urky Instrumant yr�ntW by Lendor to�ny succosaor tn ht�est ot <br />-_;���y��' Bortowa shall not opent� to releaa�th�Ikbilky ot tho oripinal BolrowK or Borrow�r's eucc�stor h interest.LendK ahall not ba _ <br />-,.��:� rsquYad to commaice prx�e�tJhpa tpthat any euccaeor In hterost or reNaa to extend time 4or payment or othervAse modiry <br /> ����� nmorti�atbn ot th� sums cecur�d by th6� 3acurity Insteummt by nason of any danmd mnda by th� orlgHal Borrowar or <br />� _.::_ <br />�;�`��r�� <br /> ,,..s,�'�x,-� BOrtOwOr6 8UCC68401's h k1t�St. !wy tabearanc� by L�ndar h aoc�binp 4ny ripht or romedy shali not be a wtNer o ar <br />--"-:_ �,=..�;; � proowd�th�exerolse of anY rpht or rort►s0y. <br /> _":;::.:r.. <br /> 12. Suoceasore end As�lpns eound; Jolnt and Several Uabil(ty; Casl�nera. Tne oove�n��e ana - <br /> _ s <br />_- ,� r� epraements o}this Securky InsWment shaY bad end benefd the succesaore and Qssipns of Londer end BoROwer,subJeet to the = <br /> ' prov�sfons af Waragraph 9(b). Bortower's covenAnts �nd apreerrients shall be Jotnt nnd several. My Borrowor who co•sf�ns thb _ <br /> Seautl¢y lnstrument but doos not execute the Note: (e)ts oaslpntnp this Securityr instrumer►t ony to mortga�e, 9rnnt end convey _ <br /> thtt Bortow�s fntorest h the PropeRy under tho terma o�this Securlty InsVUmont; (b) b not personaly oblipflted to pay th� <br /> � �, sums seoured by th[s Soourky Instrument; and (o) ayroes that Lunder and any other Bonower may aqree to extend. modHy, _ <br /> torbe�r or meke eny ecaommodatbns wkh repard to tho tertn ot thts Securriy Instrumsnt or the Note wkhout that BoROwers _ <br /> ,� -; � oonsent. <br />'^ ��'� __�.,.._�..,.n.�ti�. r.���.w tne�mrwnt shall ba ahrorl bV dalMerhp k Ot by mllllhg R <br /> - --- <br /> . _-., ; s 73. IV�lUCC6. f+ny noii�io o�nii::w N�o••,•�•••�• ••».�- ---_.°, .-°-- - _ . <br /> by fYSt alaes maii unbss applVcmbb law requfrea uce of another method.Tha notke shell be dUected to the Property Address or <br /> � any other addross Bortowar desfynates by notfce to Lender. My not7ca to Lent{er ehaA be pNen by ttct Class matl to Lenders <br />' �� sddresa statad hereh or my address Lander desipnates by notiae to Bortower. My notbca provlded for h thls Sacurlty <br /> � � ' lnswment shall be deemed to have been gNgn to Bonowor or Lender when gHen as provided fn this peragraph. <br /> � „ 14. Governtng Lew; Severebility. Tht� Security InsTrumer�t shall be povemed by Foderai law and the law of the <br /> . Aurfsd�tbn h whbh the Property Is bcaled. In the event that eny provfslon or olause of thl� Security lnstrument ar the Nale <br /> ,. <br /> F6Et�.LMa(Dl06) PtD�9 0l 6 , <br />_ �i <br /> a <br />._ ., 1 <br />- �se <br /> .__�.__..._..._..,�.-_ •--..:.:.:�.�----_.-:�____-- <br /> ..«,-:r,�---._--- __....... <br />