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.. •:��.:;.;;� ._.,A'_ <br /> �S 7--. � <br /> ... ' .::IY.aM+. <br /> � . ' _ ' .. � �� <br /> . <br /> � . ' <br /> � . . . ._.._-.:_'Sir`.L- , „ .. . ' <br /> .. Tr.rx_ <br /> _'___ . . . . .__ .. .. _.._._... ._ ._..'._.... _-�-' <br /> .. �....�., - . . ' , ' . . ' . -��AYr� .. . '�'�.__.. <br /> � . . ' . ¢�.. � • . �_..,,.-. <br /> � <br /> . . - .. . .. . �-rrs-r�c-. <br /> �� �� ������� <br /> 16:Borrower'R Copy. Borrowcr shall bc g�vcn one confamicd copy of thc Notc and of this Sccurity InsUUmcnt. �•� - ^ -� .- <br /> 17.Tranafer ot the Property or A BeneBc�al Inttr�tt(m Borrower. If WI or any part of thc Prapcny or ar�y intcrest in it is �, <br /> sold or trar►sfcrr�d(or ii a bcncficiel intcrest in Bc�nowcr is soW or uansfcrrcd aaid Fiorrowcr is nat n naturalperson)wlthout „ <br /> l.cncicr'R psior wdttcn cmisent,I.endcr mny,ut i�9 a ilon,rcquiro irnmcdit�to paymcnt in full of nll sums r,ccurcd by Ihts Securlry �' _ <br /> Insttument.Dlaucvc:,thla apitan shall not br.cxcrc�sr� by l�nd�r if cncrcLP is prahibitcc!by fccicrnl lne� �9 of tho dAto e�f rhis , , „ - <br /> . Sxurity In,rwmcnt. <br /> -• If Lcndcr oxcrcisc,9 thts opUon,Lendcr shall giv�Dorrowcr noUco of acccicraUon.Thc noUcc shull providc apertod of n9t lass <br /> than 30 days from tho date tho notice ls dclivercd e�r maUcd wiU�in which Boreower must pAy ull sums securcd 6y �hls Seciuity <br /> : r-^�" InswmcnG If Borrowcr fail9 to puy thcsa sums petar w tho cxpiradon of this period,Lcndcr may invoka ony rcmcdics permittcd - <br /> , � • by this Security Instrvment without further nolko or demand on Bonower. • <br /> � 18.Barrower's �tlBl►t tv Relnstate. If Hotc+nwer mxts certain condidons, Bormwer shall have the right to have , <br /> � cnforccmcnt of this Sccurity Instn�mcnr discoadni�l4 a2 any timc pdor ta thc carlter of: (a) 5 days (or such othcr periad as <br /> . nppllcable lnw may spocUy fpr.rtinsmtanent)before s�le of th�Peoperty pursuant w eny power of sale contained in this Scxun'ry � ; ° <br /> Instrument;or(b)envy of a judg�nci►t enforcIng this Security Ynstnunen�'Ihose condldons are that Borrowea:(a)pays Lender all '- �° • <br /> . � *•� <br /> sums which thcn wauld be due under this Socurity Insinunent end the Note as if no ncceleradon had oc�urrcd; (b)cures any . ::?;x:�,��,:;_ <br /> default of any other cavenenL�or agrcements;(c)paye all capenses incurred in enforcing this Securlty Insuument,Including,but :_�_�``_` <br /> not Umited to.reasoreablu att,omeys'fecs;and(d)taZees such ecdor,as Lender ma�r rea�onably require to assure that the lien of dils .'�,.�.-�,y�_ <br /> Security Instrument, I.ender's dghts in tho Propeiry ar►d Horrower's obliga�vn W pay the sums secured by this Securiry ,--��+�,=�° <br /> Instrument shall condnue unchanged. Upan relnstatemcnt by Borrower, this Security InstNment snd the obligations srxureA "�:'_�°"='"" <br /> �� kemby shall remain fully effecdvo ss if no eccelera�on ha.�ocsurrr.d.Howeves,thus right ro reins�fn shell not ap�ly in the case of ` �?`":== __ _ <br /> ,� acccleradon underparegraph 17. • .� <br /> , 19.Sak ot Notz;Chwge ot Loxn Servker. 'Ihe Note or a partial inte,�st in the Note (Wgether with this Security . <br /> �• Ins�umcnt)�ay Ite sold on�ar mare ttn�withauz pria:nottcc ta Barrcwcr.A�.:�may result 3�s ch;.�ge in the enHty{�e�vn � �--���;t;�;��,. <br /> as the"I.oan Scrvicer")that wqects monthly payments dufl under the Note and this Securlty Insuumen�3'hEre also rreay be one or - - <br /> more changes of the Loan Servicer u�volatsd to a salo of the Notc.If there is a change of t�e Loan Servicer,Bomawyr will bo - . <br /> . � giveri wriuen notke of the charige in acco.rdance wathparagraph 14 above andapplicable L9w,'�Ue notice will state the n.�e and .� . �;== __ <br /> � odslress of the new I.oan Servicer nnd the address w whkh payments sh��td be made.1he nodce will also wntein any other ��;,�,"�- � <br /> infomwtionrequired by applicbble law. •,: �. <br /> { Z0.lip�rdous SubstAnoes. Bottower shall not ca.use or pem,it We presence, use, dispossl, swrago, or rele�se of any '`���;_ �- ..: <br /> Hezardous Substanccs on or in the Property.Bom�wer shall not do.nor ellow anyone eLse to do.enythi�tg affecting ttk Property ==. �-�:=`. <br /> � tt�t is in viol�tion of any Environmental'Itie paced{ng two ser►tences shall not apply to the presence,use,or stor�ge on tha <br /> Prape�ty o�smaAl quanades af Hnzardous Substences ihat arc genaatly recegnized to be appropnste to normal residendal uses <br /> . and tn maintcnancc of tha Pronerty. <br /> _ _ _. , <br />: Borrowu shall promptly give Lender wrltten nodce of eny inv.sdgatiQn,claim, demand, lawsuit or ather action by any <br /> - � govemmentul or regulatory agency or pdvatc puty involving the Property and t�ny Hazardous Subssance or Bnvironmental Lriw �t'' <br />- • of which Hamwer has xtual Irnowledgu.If Bonowa learns,or is notificd by any gnvemmental or regu�tary authority,that eny '' <br /> ; .����;";�j�� � removai or other remediation of any Ha�ardous 5ululaz►cc affocting the Property is necesstuy,Borrower shaU prompdy take all � t ,'' <br /> •:r,,.a�:. + � <br /> ; ,,,,,�,�,�;°:� . n�cesssary remedlal acdons in accordance with Bnvironmonml Lew. �, . <br />•'. ,;`��';;:�' As used in this para�aph Z0. "Hezazdous Subsureces" are those substances defined ae toxic or hazardous suhstances by � <br />':�. � � Enviroarnental Law and tha folbwing subsLinces:gasoline, Icemsene. other flammable or to�cic petroleum ucts. wxk � <br />=t;,... pesdcides and be►blcidt�s,vol�dle solvents.materiaL9 con�g asbesws a fotmaldehyde.and radioacdve ma aLs.Ax used In = <br />_,�� .; , this h 20,"Envlronmenwl"means fedrral laws and lawe of the j+visdicdon whero the Propeity is locet�ed that nlete ;�"' <br /> , .. to heal�ery or esivfronmental pn►tection. `-`� <br /> ,5' <br /> , . � NON-[JNIFORM COVENATVTS.Barrowu end Lender further covenant and agox as foitowa: <br /> .' 21.Accekratbn;dtemedks.Lender shall gtv�t uotioe to Borrower prbr to accekmdoa fotbwina Borro�rer's brwch ot �� <br />�:y=;^•�'Y.• ' Any rnveaant or agrament in thb 3ecur(ty �attrvn�eat (but not pr3nr to �coekration under psragraph 17 �nkse _ "' - <br /> ..�a;... <br />-�"'� '� applicable Ww provWee ot6erwi�).'Che notice c�iaB spectfy:(a)the delault;(b)t6e actlon required W cure tbe delpuiti(c) <br /> "-_-;�;�j-c�� � •date,no4 iess than 30 daye lro�m the dnte the nodoe is�iven to gorrow�r,by whkh the detAUlt muat De curedi And(d) __ <br />�f�����'>;;;:s�� tdat fAllnre to cure the delault on ar before 4he�ate�pec�f�t!rIn the notke ms�y resnit Qn acakratlon af t6e euma secured <br />--�"�''"�'``'. by thB Sec.u�riiy im�tirament and sak ot the Pro�ferty.T6e ao��ke ebatll�m�vdher tnform Borrower M the right to reFnstak - <br /> - __ • aner Acceferatl�n s.�nd the r[�6t to bring a eous�t acibn to assert the non�exLstenee af a default or any other defense ol � - __—-__ <br /> �-`' ,� Borrowtr tp aaxlerAtlon and sak.If thc d�lAUl[b not cured on or 6efore the dx4e spetitied fn t6e natke,�nder, �t iis -'�'—"' <br /> ==,,<. :��. <br /> - optio�,may requ#re lmmedt�te payment in ��U ot aU suma secured by thi�Security Iaetntment withatt turther dem�ad �_ <br /> ��_�;i� ` pnd m�y 3efvoYe the po�rer ot sake and any othtr remedies pe�ditted by Applicabk law.Lender shAU be eetitled to eoUect -- <br /> _"�i)�':;f'v; .;. eU a�penses incumd in pursuing the remedies provldcd in thi�pwr+�SraPh 21�includtng,but noi timited to,re�s�tbk �:-��— <br /> - -:*�';4��::� ,,.. attoraeys'fas pndl costs of t�k evWence. -- <br />=�--f;�±,��,,: • If the poweP ot eale b� invoked, 'i�rustee s6�0 reoorif A notke ot defoult i� eac6 caunty [n w6kh Any pAH of the ���,�,,,y <br />- � `�:�i,"�. i'ro �bpttd and ehall maU o0 0�suc6 notioe[a t6e mAnner reacribed b a licxbk law to Borrmrer�nd to t6e '�'"=�R;__;�-�---�-- <br /> ,,, ,.,. V�'=7 h F� P Y PD ,��,s ;�..��.�_ <br /> �;�'r• other pertwns prescribed by AppUcabk law.AI'ter the time roc�uired by appUc�tbk Is�w,Tru�atce e1�0 give public uotic�of :':��`�'�" <br /> ' sak to tbe petsoas aud In �he manner prescribccl by applkabk bw.'Ilrustee,witdout demaed en Borrower�shAll seU t6e ' -�`�`�`y� <br /> �roperty at publlc �uctiou to the htghest bWder x�t the time and pface aad uatier the tere�s designated in the notke of sak ����+_ • <br /> . � •1:ri:,R��- •�` �, <br /> . "�,�}ti�1C.�_ <br /> . � �i+i'i��i:l�,i-r- <br /> - " �J.:'li.n :t: <br /> �~r,'.. .. <br /> Form 9028 O/OD � '�,r�,==; � <br /> x,R,;w.. <br /> �-eR(NE)IO2t2�.ot Pap�6ole initulc ' -- . .,�:� ..,��•.r�� <br /> . ; .. - .�j i . . _-. , <br /> _ _ -1 _ <br /> t -------- •--�,—,-•--.-._,-- - --------- -- � <br /> +-..---•---..__... . ..,,. ...--•---.__..,_ ..__ ....._. _. T-'�� <br /> , <br /> �.;�' <br /> �. . � � .. • <br /> � . � - <br /> . .� <br /> , <br /> , , � <br />