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<br /> - paymcnt�may rto longcr be rcquired,at the option of Lcnder,if mort,gagc insurancc covcrago(in thc amount anA for thc�per[od
<br /> thet I.endut rcquires)providcA by nte insurcr appmved by Lendcr agaln bcconics avuilablc and is obtuined.Horrowcr shnU pay the ,
<br /> • ► premiuma required to mainwin mortgage insuranco in cffect,or to pmvido a loss reservc,undl the requircment for mortgago
<br /> insurance ends in accordunco with ariy wdtten agre,�;ment betwecn�orrower and Lcnder or npplIcable law.
<br /> 9.Iaspectbn, L,cndcr or i�s egent may mako rcaqonabb�nWc9 upcm and inspocdona of�ho Property. LG►der shail givo .
<br /> � Ilonowcr nodco at thc dmc of or prlor to�n inspocdon spociiying rcasonablc ceuso[ar tho lnspocdon.
<br /> 10.Condrmn�tbn. 'Ilic precr,cds o7'sny award or cinlm for damagcs, dt�at or conscqucntial, in conac�tfon with any
<br /> `;�'� condemnadon or o�her t�lcing of any part of tho Pro�x:ny,or for canvayancu in licu of condcmnadan,are hereby assigned and . �
<br /> ehall bo paid W L.,�n�cr. �
<br /> , In the ovcm of a total taklnQ of tho Property,tho procc�ds ahall bo a�licd to the sums secur�A by this Securiry Inauumcnt,
<br /> whcthcr oe not then duo,with any oxccss puld to Borrowcr.In tho ovcnt of a partiN taking of thc Property in which the fair market ,�•,•
<br /> ' vnluo of tho Proputy immedlatcly before tha taking is cqusl to or greater then tha amount of tha sums securcd by thin Security '����f', �.-,::_-^
<br /> .ti,,.
<br /> '. Inswment immedlau;ly beforo tho taking, unless Banower and Lendcr otherwise agrec in wddng, the sums sccurcd by thls ;•:,,�"r=�`
<br /> Securiry Instrument shuU bo reduced by tho emount of tha procecds muldpiicd by the following fractfon: (a)the wiN amount of �� "�"'
<br /> Y�.�:
<br /> '' thu sums secured immediately bcsfaru the takin�,divIded by(b) Ute feir market value of the Property immediately before the .;r�:��
<br /> {� taking.Any balunce shsll be paid t�Borrower.In the evcnt of a pardal taking of the Pc+operty in which the fair msrket vatue of tha •;1�°"
<br /> � Amp€aty immediA�sly be�ore tha taking is less than the smount of the sums sacured ir�ame�iately before the t�king. unless "'t���-
<br /> . � ,.}`rY- _-=
<br /> �orrower and I.ender othetwists agree in writing or unless applicable!aw otherwise provides,the procc�eds shell bts applted W ihe
<br /> suma seciucd by this Sceurlty Inswment whether or not the sums are then due. �`��="�-
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Dorrower,or If,after nodce by Lender to Bozroevcr tfiaat the condemnor offers eo meke an ��,��E=�`—
<br /> , award or scule a cluim for dameges,Bomower fails w respond ro Lender within 30 dnys after the date the nodce is given,L,ender =-
<br /> 7 ,' is authorized to cflAect and apply the raceeds,at its o don.either to restoradon or re �ir o?the Pro or to the sums secured � y`�"
<br /> P P S� P�rtY ,; .t�:.��._
<br /> � by tbis Security Instruument,whether or not then due. ,:��
<br /> '..'•!�,q-
<br /> ,, Unless Lendcr end Borrower otherwise agrt�in wridng,eny applicadon of proceeds to principal s9�all not extend or postpone
<br />- � , r the due date of the monthly paymsnts raferred u�in paragraphs 1 and 2 ox change the aznount of such payments. "`""'�
<br /> ' , ,�,�-»,:..
<br />= � ' il.Borrower Not Rekr.�sed;Forbearance By Lender Not A Waiver. Bxtenalo� of the time for payment ar modificadon .��.� �
<br /> •• of emord�adon of the sums socurcd by this SecurIty Instrument gz�r►ted by Lender to any successor in interest of Bo:rower shalt i,,;;..,;���
<br /> not opuate tn release the liabilIty nf the nrigins+l Aqrrqwer qr Rnrr��ye.r'e c»rrPCCnrc ��int�r_r.gt Tenrier chall nqt ha renuiretl tn _-�•'�;'%`t�°�
<br /> ... _ . _ . , ,._
<br />� � � commenc�proceedings against any successor in interesi or refuae to ea�r�l¢'vne for payment or otherwisc modify amorpzation of �;�'�` `
<br /> � • tho sums secured by this Security Instmment by reason of any demand�n:le hy tho ar�gina.l Horrower or Boaower's successora .! , ,.;r
<br /> "� in inttxes�My forbearance by I.ender in exercising any dgE�t or remedy shall nat be�waiver of or preclude the eaersise of any =
<br />_;�: - dght or remedY• f�+li+�,":.
<br /> '`°";' "'�"" 12,Sucoes,wre and Ass Bound;Jot6t and Sever�9 d�,abili Casi ers. 'Ilte covenants aad !�'?�'=�-
<br /> ' fgns ty; gn agreemen�s of thLs
<br />�''''''` `�� Securlty Instniment shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lertder and Bonrower,sub�ect to the provisiona of
<br /> . '•.,F je
<br /> ''°`'�;�`"•°-w� ` patagraph 1T. Borrower's covenants end egreemants shall be Joint end seve�il. My Borrower who co-sigas this Socurlty -
<br />=r,: � �-
<br />�!`."��°-• ''.-' Instrument but does not execute the Note: (n) is co-signing this Sccurlty Instrument only W mongage, grent and convcy that -�;
<br /> r,,` '" Hacrower's inte�est in tho Property under the tern►s of this Security Instrument;(b)is not�personally obligated to puy the sums �`�:":.
<br />:fi�•.•.,.,
<br />�;`•`,:�.<i"' ..-'. r�:.;-._
<br /> r secured by this Security lnstrumen�and(c)agrees that I.en�der and any othes Borrowea mny egree to eztend,modlfy.forbear or ��t�_
<br />�+?���y�:s n�:� malce any a000mmodarions with regard to the terms of this Socurity Instrument or the Nau without that Bocrowu's consen� Y
<br />:,�,.,..�'+.... . ��•
<br /> ---r.;:;Y-� � 13.Loan C6arges. If the loan secnmd by thLs Securlty Instrument is sub,je�.t to a law which sets maaimum loan charges,
<br /> m.�.;_;�;._,. .�. -_
<br /> — and that k►w is finally 3ntcipreted so that the 3nterest or other loan charges co�lected or to ba collerted in canrtecdon with the loan _
<br />_- : •�;�� exr,eed the permitied Wnits.thtn:(a)any such loan charga shall be reduced by the amoant necessary w reduce the charge to the
<br />_°``�� � peimittcd limi�end(b)any sums ntready coUected from Borrower which exceeded pertnitted limits wbll be nfunr�ed ta Aotrower. :,�,,:..
<br /> -=°-���_`-- ' Lendu may choose to mako this refw�d by reducing the principal owed under the Nota or by making a direct payment w
<br /> -.r....►� T n'� �..—.
<br />_o'��__r�_�;,.� Borrowu. If a refund reduces�rincipal, the reducdon will bo treaced t�s a partial prepaymcnt withDUt any prcpaymcnt charge - _
<br /> , .i-�•��.•. undr�tha NOte. .� _
<br /> '9='���-:. 14.Not�. My nodce w Borcower provIded for in this Securtry Insuument sh�13 be�iven by dclivering it or by mailing it +--
<br />--!�"` '•"' by�st class mail unless licubk:law rec uires usc of another method.'fhe notice sh�il�h�e dire�ted to the ".'�'�`:��
<br />>;�:�
<br /> ePP 1 Property Address or :,;';;s`:,::
<br /> ��-�;�, any othu address Borrower des3gnates by nodce w L.ender. My nodcs to L.ender e�hal9 be given by fust class mail to Lender's
<br /> ��`,:=:
<br />-=-�"'"".'." aldxess stated hereln or an other address Lender des �° ---
<br /> --,�^��^.. , Y ignntes by nodce W Horcowsr. Any notice prnvIcled for in this Security t--..
<br />- -=-=;�,v,;.�, Ins�rument shall bc deemed to have been given to Bomower or Lender when given as pr�mvided!n thla paragraph. -`.;;:-W-
<br />"��;��;:''r`;^,Bt. 13.Governingl,aw;Severubtifty. This Security Ins�ument shell be govermc�i by federal !aw and the law of rhe =���
<br /> l ` • - • jurisdicpon in which the Properry ls located. In the event that any provlsion or clzus�of th�s Securiry Instniment or the Note " '�``!
<br /> �'',;�� ' � conflicts with ap�►licable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Secs�iry Instr�umeni or the Irlote which can ba =— --�
<br /> ven ef�ect without the contlictin �'..°_°=_."-�--
<br /> �'• 8� g provisinn.To this end the provisions of diis 5ecurity Insirument nnd the Note are dxlared to „��,�,—
<br />=��'. � bo severebts. ��;�;-_ _ ----
<br />„ -
<br />_� - ---
<br /> � Form 302! 9IO0 � � ¢�� -��
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