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..r l � ' <br /> -'•,��,° � �, . . .., - <br /> . '; ,'�ia�/ ---i' � � . ., - _ _{. <br /> _�.+ . -- --- <br /> _— . _..._`- - : <br /> . .. . _ .._.. _ . . . : ... . <br /> . , - , ..- ,-_. <br /> •� • �---- <br /> __...� .... ,.. ._._. --- - --. _ .. - --- <br /> "F%+�z <br /> .. , .. � --_. ....._. .._..�._ _. ,... ..... . . - n � ..'.J . � _ .. <br /> 12-t3-�996 D@ED OI� TF�tJSe FG�a o •� ,.m�-°, <br /> LoFn Mv 36'7493 (Contim�ed) �'° �����,_°�,'_^ ______��� ,.m _ <br /> . ;.;��•: <br /> � Ilan, or II requested by Londer, d�posll wlth Len9er �sh a a auttk{ent corpwnte durety bond or olher soaudty ealisfactory to lender In an ,.,. _ <br /> -� cmcunl:utP.c!en!to d�h^_►��the�Ibn plus tny cals �nd attwn�ys'f�a qther cherpes that could accrue ae a cesult o}p forociosure or eeb _ _ __.,. ��-w <br /> " under Ihe Ilen. In eny cantosf,Trustw ehaN dsfend Itssil�nd L�nder and ehan s.aGSy eny adverae�udpmsnt betoro entorcement�yalnst tne �, rl u� <br /> Propnly. Trt»tor ahall n�me Lender as tn addiHonU obNQua undsr tny ewety bond Nmlehed in lhe contesl procsedlnps. _��,— <br /> E�Wincs of P�ym�nt. Trusta EhaN upon dem9nd�urnith to Land�r eatfsf4ctay eddanco o}payment of ths taxae a assessrrwnb end sMll � <br /> aUthorir,�th0 npproptl�t�Qo��cmm�nM_I efAC��I to de!lve�to Londer el eny tlme a ur�Nen statemenl of the taxes end assesaments egalnst Iha ."��;,:. <br /> Property. _ <br /> Hotic�Of Constructfon.Trustor ehall notlfy Lender nt laat ffttpen(16)days befor�my wak IS commenced,any serNces ero Nrnlshed,or any �=��, <br /> - r�utE�ialv ars aupolled to the Properly,ii�ny mechanlo'e Ilen,materlalmen's uen,a other Ilen couid be esserted on eccaunt of tha work, _��_... <br /> ^'''�,� services,or matKlab. Trusta wiil itpon request ol Lender lurnfsh to l.ender advnr�ce essuren�saUSiactory to Lender that Trustor can and wlll _ = <br /> pey the cost of such improvements. '- <br /> PROPER'YY DAMA(iE INSUfiANCE. The tdiawlnp prodsions relaUnp to Insudn�tha Property ere o pa�t of thls Deed of Trust. , -_ <br /> I�Aatntena►�ce of laiunnce. Trustor shall prxure end malntaln pol�bs ot Ore ins�ranca with ctandard oxlended covarape endorsemenb on a -- -- <br /> reptocwment basls fa the full Insurable value covedng all Improvemonts on the Rczal Properly In an amount suKCiant to avdd appllcaUon o}any , - , <br /> colnsur4nce clause,end with a slandard moriyayee cJause In tava of Lender. Tranla shall aho procure and matntaln comprehensive peneral <br /> ,, Ileblftry lnsurance In such coverape emounts as Lender may request with hustee andlender belrW named as addltionat Insureds In such IlabNty <br /> Insur�nce pdbles. Addltlonaity,Trusta shau malntain auch olher Inauronce,IncWdln�but not Iimlted to harard,business Intertuptlan, and - <br /> bdler Insurance,as lender may reasonabty raqufro. Polk�s sh�N ba wdttan In fqrm,amounb,coverayes and basis reasonabty sccaptahle lo -_ <br /> Lender�nd issued by a company a companl�reisorwbry accuptabte tn Lender_ ttusta,upon request t,t L.ender,wlii delivAr to Lender hom , ---- <br /> tlme lo tlme tM pdk�les a cKH1lce.tes of Insura�a In fam sadsfactay to Lander. Indudlnp sUpulatlons thet coverayes wUl not be cancelled a , <br /> ' dlmfnbhed wfihout at feesP ten(10)deys'pda wAtlen not�ce ta Lender. Each Insu nnca pdby e�so ehaN Include an endorstment proNdlny that � <br /> covenpe In favor of Lendar wUl not be Impdred In any way by any act,omtssiory a�efautt o1 Trustar a any oth;,r p:rson. Should the Re�l • <br /> ---- --- <br /> Property nt any tlme become located In an erea d�lpnated by ihe Director ot tha Feder4l Emerpency Manapement Age�xy as a speCinl flaod <br /> ' hazard trea,Trustu apreos lo obtaln and malni�n Federal Flood Insurence to 1he e�cteM such Insurence Is required by Lender and Is or •y_ <br /> � b�om?"ava�!sble,tor the torm o}Ihe Ioun or for the fuli unp�ld pdnclpal baianCe otlhg l0an,or tho roe�dmum Iimit of Coverape thnt Is evaliable, • <br /> „ whichever is less. �f. ; ,"- <br /> � Applk�tion of Proceed�. Trustur sfiell promptty notity Lender o(any toss or dameqe lo the Property. Lende►may make proof of loss If Trusia " <br /> ��y falls to do so wlthln fifteen(16)ditys of the cesuslly. Whelher or not Lender's seCUrily Is Ircpaired,Lender may,at Its o!ectlon,receive and retiln �'__ <br /> !ec <br /> the proceeds of any Insurance and oppty the procoeds to the reducflon of fhe Inde6lednoss,payment of my Ilen elfecUnp the Froperty,o►ths -�-" <br /> } restor�tlon and repair ot ihe Property. If Lender e4ecb to apply the prooeeds to restoraUon and repalr,Trustw shall repair or repieCe tlw ��� <br /> demaped or dest�oyad Improvements In Q menner satlstactory to Lender. Lend�rahali,upon saBetactay proof of euch expendltura,pay a ��� <br /> . ��, reimbwsa Trusta irom fha proceeds tor tFw r�asonabk cost of repak or rastaa2lon if Trustor Is not In dofault under thls Dead of Trust. My _ <br /> proeoeds wh�h haw not beon disburaod within 160 daya�tter thetr roceipt and wNCh I.ender has not commifled to IFw repalr or resipndon ot <br />