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, ,,. ... . , <br /> , , �..:;: <br /> � :� _ . _ ._ ''"J��.".-.. <br /> � � . i�. � _.. ,. -- < ,��`.°.-�— <br /> •°'.a}w•z"'•,�e ^..�. -:> te�tiPr._ .Yi.�:.°�' - _ _ .._._..�... _ - --- -. e —•_r_ <br /> , ... .,�.. . .� <br /> . v. . � •.� - � • <br /> _-.<� i:xn�.�– <br /> • <br />. .. � . . ��: : . ya� F—. � �1.ulti:� – --- <br /> RF w <br />_._ <br /> *.. Y- _..F_ _ ... ......-_ _ _ <br /> .�r . .....A�....._. _ . . . .. - �,_ <br />_ � � <br /> tl ��. !q��C+!�veu�nee. llpon peyment oY ell sums secured by Ihfs 9ecurlty Instniment, Lende► ehall requeet Truatee to <br /> � reconvey tho Property anA shsll �urrender thls Securlry Instrumen2 and nil notea ovidencing debt secured by Ihls Seeudty �_:. <br /> Ust�umr.nt to Tru3tco. Yrustcn ohnll rcconvcy Iho Property v�ithout warrznry and�vithout charpo to iho ncrson or pervon�Icgilty <br /> � entitlEd to It. Sur.h person or pnsonc �heli pay nny mcordatlon coata. <br /> 23. SUbstitat� Truat��. Lender, at Ils optlon,mny (rom timo to tim� removo Tructoo and appolnt a eucce�sor tru�te <br /> - to any Tiusteo eppolnted hereunder by nn inettimaM recorded 'u� ii�u ccun:y tn rrhicfi thfs 9^eurit; In°trum�nt f� /P.CO��Pd• � <br /> YYithout convflyance o7 tho Piaperty. iho succescor Irustee ohall cuccecd to a(I tho 11110, powor and duUes canterred upon � �;.. <br />� Trustee herNn and hy epplicabin law, _ <br />_ 2�4, �OQ�!�"t !nr Matl�ee. Borrower requosts thtd coplos o1 tho noilces o1 default and salo ha sent to Borrower's �' <br /> oddress whlch i� ihe Property Addrase. <br /> 25. Aldsrs to thls Socurity Instrum�nt. II one or more riders aro executed by Borrower and recordad together �. <br />= with this Securlty Instrument, lho covenwnts end agreements o1 each such rider shalf bo incorpornted into and she!1 amend and <br />:i supplement the envenants and ngreements af thls Socuriry Instrument as fl the �ider(s)were a part oi thls Secudry Instrument. <br /> a <br /> � � <br />'a <br /> . <br /> : <br /> ' [Check applicable bax�cs)] <br /> ❑AdJust�bte Rate Rlder ❑Condominium Rlder ❑ 1�4 Fomity Rider � <br /> ❑f3raduated Paymerd Rider ❑Planned UnR De�elopment Rider ❑ BI•Weekly Payment H(der <br /> � �Balloon Rider [�flete Improtiement Rider ❑Second tioma.^,id:.r � <br /> [�Other(a) Specfy <br />— 8Y SIQtVINGI BEIOW.Borrower accepts and apreeo to tho tem�s end covenants contalned In thls Security Instn�ment and in <br /> eny rlder{�)executed by 8ortower a��d recorded with H. <br /> ���� . fSeal) <br /> Borrowcr eorrowcr StsVa N. WOI <br /> _ � <br /> ���� fSoal] <br /> ' ^�"– Borrov+cr <br /> Borrower <br /> STATE OF N�br�ska <br /> - � sa: <br /> couNrr oF H.0 <br /> Qn this 16^th day o1 D�c�mb4r . 1998 . btsfore me,the undersignaf,�Notary PuM1a duy <br /> • commisstoned and quafifled for said county,personaNy came St�v� N. Wolf An Unn'ftnled P�rson <br /> to me known to be the Identicat person(s)whose name(s) are subscribed to the toregoMg InsWment �nd acknovNerfged the <br /> execuUon thereof to be h18 vduntary act and deed. <br /> � 1fYttness my hand and noterial seal at Gr�nd isli�nd In snid county,ihe da4e atoreseM. <br /> My Commission�fras:"Y���. a�� �°��� � <br /> ' ,`� Notar PuDUc <br /> U <br /> � GEkEAAI NOTARPSUIe ol NeOnsM� <br /> ; 11� �UIROLYN VONO 0 F <br /> MY Ikmm.Erp. <br /> -:a - <br />_.� _- <br /> �� .. <br />�,_;� Fagc 5 ot S .. <br /> � Ft3tJ.Lh1G(Jl^.ni) <br /> .A� - <br /> 9G190 ` <br />