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<br /> ti ' 1?. Te�%�t4e �f th� E°r� �c!t= or e een��aalef Inlor�st In Anrro�yer, it nu or eny pert ol the Pro�,�riy �. ��..•
<br /> � ' f
<br /> eny Interest in it Is sold or transtcrred (or il n benoficlal Interest In Borrower is sold ur lransierred nnd Borrowor Is not a nntur3l
<br /> person) without l.ender's prlor written consent, Lender mpy,nl Its optlon, roquira Imm�dlate pnymenl In lull 01 all sums,ecured by I
<br /> lhis Sucurity Inclrument. Howovr,r, this apllon shnll nol bo exerclsod by Lendci II exerciso Is prohibiled hy Iedarnl I�w us ol tlio
<br /> dote of lhls Socudty Instrument.
<br /> - If Lendcr �xercl,� thls optton, Lcnd�r�hatl gh�o Barro::cr nottce a1 acceleraUon The notice eNell prov{de� p�rsod nt nat -. ._.._,-
<br /> less then 30 days Irom lhe date the notico is de!Ivered or mnlled within whlch Oorrov�er must pny nll �um� socurad by ihls • �
<br /> Secudty Instrument. If BoROwer falls to pay theso sums prlar to tho oxplratlon a1 this perlod. Lender may invoko nny rr.mctl;r.s � ' ,:.
<br /> _, permitted by this Securiry Inatrumont without(urther nolico or demand on Borrowor. ``
<br /> 1a. C3d�ffPOW8�t�8 RIgh4 40 4�etns4s40. 14 Oonower maets cortain eondilions. Borrowcr shall h�rvu tho iiqht lo havo 8 � „ :
<br /> � entorcement of thls Secudty Instrument discontlnued at any time prior to tho earller oi: (a) 5 days (or such other p�dod ns �,�,�
<br /> �' ' - eppllcuble law may specity}or ielnstatement)before salo of iha Property pursuant to any pawer ot sela contafnad In Ihfs Socurity Q �� �
<br /> �� �y� Instrume�t; or (b) entry o1 a Judgment enforcing thls Secur+�y Insirument. Those conditions ero ihat Bonowar. (n) pnys Lender nu I - , • .
<br /> 'y'� sums which then would be due under this Secudty Instrument nnd tho Note es H no accelaraUon hod oacurrod: @) euros any Y..';
<br /> � detault of any other covenant or agreemenis; (a) pays nil expenaes Incunnd in enforcing thls Secwity Instrument, mcluding. bu1 I '
<br /> not limfted to, reasonable ottomeys'fees; nnd (d)tokes such nctlan es Lender may rcsasonubty requira ta assure thnt tho Ilon cl � ..
<br /> this Securiry InsWment, Lendeis dghts In lhe Properly and Bortower's obligaHon to pny tho sums sacured by Ihis Securtty ' - _.4 �-��:-
<br /> ...w'�".t+r+.�:--
<br /> Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Bonower, this Security Inslrumont end iho obllpatlons secured ;w'��'^"=--
<br /> � hereby shell remain tuliy eflectMe as it no acceleretion hari occuned. Howevnr,thls rigM to rnlnstote shall not eppry In ihe case =__
<br /> ''�`s:<<
<br /> ;. ot acceleratfon under paragraph 17. �'� •
<br /> , , ati�";----
<br /> 19. Sal� of Note; Chang� of Loan �erviccr. 7ne No�e or a u partial Interest In Iha Nato (together wim in�s �°�.��:-�� -
<br /> !�; Security Instrument) may be sold one or more times wilhout prior notice to Bortower. A sale may resutt in a change in the entiry _
<br /> , � (known as the 'Loan Servicer')that collects monthly payments due under tho Note and thls Secudh�InsWment. There elso may _-
<br /> be one or more changes of the Loan Servieer unre!ated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change ot the Loan Servicer, `r�::.�±?�_
<br /> ,W,_�..
<br /> Borrower�vili be given w�itten notice ot the change in aocordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. Tho notice will �;,�_
<br /> atete the nama and address of the new Lonn Servicer end tht address to which payments should be made. Tho notice�vill elso �°' -
<br /> . _. ` -;:z"
<br /> contafn any other Inlormutlan required by applicable law. =��-• ''
<br /> Y � 20. Hazardou� Substanees. Bortower shaQ not cause or permit the prPSence, use, disposal. �torage, or release o1 --__
<br />�':��:,
<br /> nny Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall nol do,nor allotiv Anyone else to do. anylhing e(fecting the
<br /> Property that is In vlolation ot any Environmental Lew. The preceding two sentences shsll not epply to the presence, use, or
<br /> storage on the Property oi small quantiUes of Hazardous Substances that are generalry recognized to bo upprop►iete to nortnal 'L-�'-
<br /> residential uses end to malntenance oi tho Property.
<br /> Bortower shall promptly flive Lender written notice ol any Investigation, cluim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> govemmental or regulatory egency or private party Involving the Property and eny Hezardous Substence or Environmental Law ot —
<br /> which Bortawer has actual knowledge. Ii Bonower leams,or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory authoriry, that any -
<br /> • • removal or other remecliation of any Hazardous Substance aitecting Property is necessnry, Bortower shail promptly take all `-•'
<br /> necessary remadlal 4ctions tn accordance wfth Envlronment4l Lew. ��-
<br /> • As used In this paregreph Z0, 'Hazardous Substances'ere thoae su�slances defined as toxla or haxardous substences by �
<br /> � � Envlronmentel Law und the followlnfl substances: gasoline, keroseno, other flammable or toxic petrofeum products, toxlc -
<br /> ,�,f�'������!' pesticides nnd herblcides,valatile solventa,materials cont�ining asbestos or formaidehyde,and mdloactive matedats. As used in
<br />,�;�',';� ; paragraph 20, `Environmental Law' means federel Iaws end laws of tho Jurlsdiction where the Property Is located Ihat refate ta =:
<br /> -•'��� . �•l health,sefety or environmental protection. __
<br /> �:��,
<br /> ��-�.�'~,�,;. , NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowor and Lender further covenant and agree ss follows: �=
<br />=-:-�L=:--: 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shell gtve nofice to Borrower prlor to accsleratlon `
<br /> _ ;�� following Borrower's bresch M any covenant or agreement in this Sacurity Inatrument (but not
<br /> - _ � �:::'�' prior to acceleration under paragraph 17 u�less eppllcable law provides atherwise). The notice ��
<br /> '��`� -�' shall apscify: (a) the defautt; (b) thd actlon Required to cure the defsult; (c) a date� not Insa then r�
<br /> -?"'��``�� 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower, by whfch the d��ault must be cured; and �"'-�
<br /> '�`P'=T���� (d) that fa7�ure to curs th• defauit on or bofore the dato specified In the notice m�y reault In -
<br /> .._:.:�
<br /> __;;� , aacelor�t8on of the sums sacured By this Sscurity Instrument and �►elo of the Property. The notice "
<br />--:,��';�.� s'hstl further Intorm Borrower of the right t[� rslnetate after aoceteratlon and thu ►tgM to bring a _--___-
<br /> c��, . couR action to asssn the non-existence of a defauit or any aiher defense of Borrower to _� - _
<br /> � �� , acce lerat;an an d sa le. I f t he d e f au(t ts nat cure d ora o.r b�fore t he date specified in the notice, -�
<br /> �""���r• Lender at its optian may requlre immedlate payment i� Pufl of all suma secured by this Seaurky
<br /> . -�T:-� , I�strument without further demand end may Invoke the power of salo �nd any other remedies
<br /> ..v. _.�
<br /> ���:• �ermitted by appNcable law. Lender shafl�i�+ ent(tled to collect all expenses Incurred In pursuing --�
<br /> -�-"���'�`�� 27�e remedie$ rovidad In this ara ra h 2't, includln , but not Iimited to, reasanablo attorne s'
<br /> :�%���� R p 9 1� 9 Y --:.r.
<br /> -"-='� fess and �osts of title evldence.
<br /> �-_�-•-- —.
<br /> �-'_��t-"''� If the power of s�le Is invoked, Trustee slvall record a notice o� default In each county In =-
<br /> . whlch an�► part of the Property fs located and shall maU coptes of such notice in the manner =�=
<br /> �:_
<br /> prescribed by epp�icable law to Boraowe�t�nd ta the other persane prescribed by appllaablo law. �--�-
<br /> • After the time r�qu�rst� by appllcable law,T�ustee shall glve pubfin notice of sale to the persone ~"�'�:_-=---
<br /> � . , a��d In the manner prescribed by appllcable law. TYustee,without demand on Borrnwer,shall sell ��' �--°
<br /> • ..�,=�=---
<br /> �. N.�-s�_,.
<br /> the Pruperty at publlc euctlon to the highest bidder at the tlme and place nnd under the terms . �.���'°°��=
<br /> . ,.�_��;���::
<br /> dastgnatod in the notice of sale in on� or more parcels and in any order Trustee determines. :;,-tY:,�:.�°
<br /> ' Trustee may postpone sale of all or a�y parcol of the Property by public announcemont at thv "'�:�=...---
<br /> time and lace of an revlousl scheeluleai sale. Lender or its de�i nee ma ' �'�-5�`
<br /> P Y P y 9 Y Purchgoo the . ...�,�:-�- --
<br /> � Property at any sale. ���� '4�
<br /> •dw„�:
<br /> '•;-- .,_.
<br /> �"�� U�pmn receipt of payment o? the price bid, Trus4aa shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's y���''
<br /> - cfeeo conveying the PropeRy. 7ne rocitala in tho Truste�'s deed chalt Be prima facfe evtdenr.e of - -- -' ` °' ;,
<br /> the truth of t�e sta4e�nents made therein. Trustae ahall appty the proceeds of the sale in the '
<br /> �`oilowing order: (a) to ap costb and expenses of exo�cising tho power of sale, and the sale, � �
<br /> Including the paymen! of the T�ustea's fees actually Incurred, not to exceed three '
<br /> % of the principai amount of the .,
<br /> � note at the time of the deciaration of defauit. and reasonable attorney's 4ees as permitted by law; • •�
<br /> (b) to all suma secured by this Securtty Inst�ument; and (c) any excess to the pe►son or persons � ° '
<br /> , legaily entitled to it. '
<br /> . jj F1316.LMG(.19G) PJqr 4 nl 5 � (�� �� •
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