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1. `.� � . , � .�..._ .. � _.: .i.. . • .�;: <br /> ..q.�. .r�.�}`4 r.�:s-.:' <br /> ^ . .. . . ' ,'�jr:'. - � , . _. ,§��..�['.���:.d': <br /> .. <br /> , • <br /> ' �^ '� � ' . . ' ' .' 'w�IV lYY R� ,��i .11� . . — _- <br /> . . � , r��•it 4 � , <br /> . .�.... . . • . <br /> • ,1���. .' ',. . .' . ! 1�•1!.• " " <br /> i�.l\ _ <br /> .. .... . . :... .. ...r ..�....-_i_.... - .. - . . _.- ..�._... . . �.._..._�_..�W.. _ .:.1.,.� _ � . 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' . , . <br /> , .. �' ..,...... ._'.«.. - ....n .t.. <br /> �_.�. ..Y.. ��"tl',�� <br /> 'A•lsAY 4E'tx'ioet._- <br /> ��� T F .�_ <br /> �-v�- -�wfc.�r u... <br /> . .;�....y�..r�tY .... . !?f�.`5�1:.�..]�.K�:_..1..... _ ..._.. . ._. • *F� •� . <br />. _..__. :._� ��.L7/����� � ���. <br /> ..'" '_— \IV g��i���r/ L_ <br /> , 'G �: <br /> condemnut icm or othcr tnking of nny purt of Uic{'ropetly,ur fur convcyuncc in licu of candcmnution,urc hcrcby.►ssigncA und r,... <br /> shull bt puid to L.cndcr, �� <br />' .. ° � In thc ever�t o�n totid tuking of the Property, thc prcxecdti rhnll tH: upplicd to thc sums sccured by this Sccurity <br /> , Instrument,whetlicr ar iwt thcn duc,with nny cxcess paici to Borrowcr. In thc cvcnt uf'a partinl tnking oP thc Properry in �' <br /> .� � which thc inir murkct vnlue of the Property immeditucly heforc the tuking is a�uid tu ur grratcr th�m thG umount of Utic,ums :; <br />:����,; , • secured by this Securiiy Inst�umene iromediiuely befom the ti�king,unless Borrower und Lcnder othenvitic iigrtic in writing, _ <br /> "��:��,;� the sums secured by Uiis Sccurity h�st�umcnt shull tx:reduccd by qm nnmunt of dic pr�xeeds multiplicd by the folbwing = <br />:,,r��� fractian: (u)thr� rotul nme�unt nf thc sums sccurcd immediutely befi�rc the tuking,dividcd by(b)ihe fair nmrkct vi�lue of thc _r`.:. <br /> -- ;:�,� E'copeny iimncdiatcly bcforc thc tnking. Any bulimcc shall bc paid eo Borrowcr. In thc event of u parti:d tiiking of thc _ <br />- ' Property in which thc fair market valuc of the Propcny innnediutely beforc thc taking is lcss thnn�hc umount of the sums _ <br /> � ,�' secured imincdimely beforc thc tuking,unless Bonowcr und (..endcr othcrwise ngree in writing or unless upplicitblc la�v c <br />:z'...� � athcrwise provides,thc procceds shnll hc applicd to thc sum�secured by this Security Instrumcnt whethcr�r not tl�c�ums ure _ <br />;;�`{:� ,.. then duc. - <br />�.;..iF��,:t " If the Property is abandoned by Horrower,ar if. after notice by Lcndcr[o Borrower that thc condemnor offc�s to muke <br />-..;,�;?� «... vi award or settic a claim for damages,liore�wer fails to respond to Lendcr within 30 days tifter the datc thc noticc is given, <br /> �' ' Lender is uuthorized to collect und apply die proceeds,at its option,either to�rstaration ov repair of the Property or tu the <br /> "����'���� sums sccured by this Sccuriry Instrument,whether or not then duc. <br /> �" '� Unless Lendcr and Horrower otherwise ngrec in writing,uny upplication of procceds to principal shull not extcnd or <br /> Y�,:<`'�_L postpune t{�e due date of the monihly payments referred to in purugraphx 1 und 2 or change the amount of such paymentz, <br />°-��a.i;'�;:..�� I1. Borrowcr Not Relcused; Forbearnoce By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of thc timc for puymcnt or <br /> _?�y-� modificution of umonizatian of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest <br /> 1'�� , of Aorrowcr shall not operate to releasc the liability of the origmal Borrowcr or Bonowera successors in interest. Lcnder <br />•�`�'�°'�� shall not be required ro commence praceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for puyment or <br />�,�� otherwise modify amortization of the sums sccured by this Security Instruracnt by r�ason of any demand made by the original <br /> `-= - Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Any furbearance by Lender in excrc�smg any right or remedy shali not be a <br /> - —= - waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> � '� 12. Successars Ated Asslgns Bound;Jotnt und Severol I.iuhil[ty;Co-5igners. The covenants and ngrcements of this <br /> - '�'r`-°'e"••"•"�� Securiry Instrument shall bind nnd beneiit the successon and assigns of Lender end Anru�wer,subject ro the provisions of <br /> - ='�'�„� parngraph 17. Borrower's covenams und agreements shall be joint und severuL Any Borrower who co-signs this Securiry <br /> �"° Instrument but dces not execute the Nate: (a)is co-signing thi�Security Instrument�nly to mortg�+ge,grunt and convey that <br /> �---� Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b)is nat personally obligatcd to pay ihe sums <br /> ���� secured by this�ecurity lnstn�ment;anci(cj agrc��iiuti Lciiuci or��aiiy ai!'iCt�C�:'.^.::.°.:.^•t�j S$::C iL`°ver.n�1,mrv_Ijfy,fnrhrnr <br /> _�u_i�� or make any accornmodations with regurd to the tenns of this Security Instrument or the Note without thut Bonower'.s <br /> ,�,,�'� consent. <br /> 13. l.oan Charges. If the lonn secured by this Security Insarument is subject to a law which scts maximum lann <br /> � - charges,and thut law is finally interpxt.ted so that the intarest or other loan chargcs collected or to be collected in conncction <br /> -- with thc loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (n)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necess:vy tu r:duce <br /> - - the cliarge to the permitted limir,and(b)uny sums aAready collected from 8onower which exceeded pe�Tnitted limits will be _ <br /> nfundcd to Borrowcr. L.ender muy choose to make this refund by reducin}�the principal owed under the Nate or by making a <br /> �v"� direct payment to Borrower. If a re!'und reduces principsl,the reduction wiU be treated as a par�ia!prepnyment w�thout any <br /> pnpayment charge undcr the Notc. <br /> `—� 14. Notices, Any notice to Borrower provided fur in this Securlty Instrer.:er.�shall bc given by delivering it or by <br /> mniling it by f rst class muil unless applicable Inw re9uires use of another methoel.Tl:•:.natice shall be directed to the Propeny <br /> Address or any aiher uddress Horrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice co Lender shall be given by first cluse <br /> mnil to I.,�nder's nddress stated herein or any other uddress Lender designates by notice to Bono�ver. Any notice provided for <br /> - - in dii, Secudty Instmcnent shall be to huve becn givcn to Boirower or Lender when given u� provided in this <br /> � paragrnph. <br /> 1S. Governing Law; Severebility. This Security Instrument shull be governed by federul luw and the luw of the <br /> jurisdiction in wh(ch the Property is loc:ated. ln the event thut any provision or elause of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> conflicts with appl'ecable law,such conflict shall not uffect other provisions of this Secarity Instrument or the Na1e which can <br /> --- be given effect without the conflicting pruvisinn. 'Ib this end the provisions of this Securlty Instrument nnd the Note nre <br /> decl:ued to be sevcrable. <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borro�ver shull be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. <br /> 17. 1Yansfer otthe Nroperty or u�eneficial Intcrest in Borrower. If all or�ny part of thc Propeny or any interest in <br /> it is sold or transfe�rcd (or if u beneficiai interest in Dorrower is sold or transferred und Borrower is not n natural panon) <br /> - without I..cnder's piior written consent,Lender mny,at its option,require immediete payment in full of all sums secuttied by <br /> this Security Inswment. However,this option shall not be exercised by Lendcr if excrc�se is prohibited by federal ia�v�s of <br /> = the datc of this Sccurity Instrument. <br /> - If Lender exenises this option,Lendcr shall Sive Borrowcr noticc of nc�elerativn. 'I'hc notice shaU provide a periad of <br /> -_--=-�—� nut lcss than 30 days from Nie date the noticc is delivered or mailcd within which Borrower must puy all sums sccured by this <br /> _- - Security Instrumcnt. If Borrower fails to puy these sums prior to tlie expiration of this period, Lender may invoke :,tty <br /> ------ - - remcdies permittcd by this Security Insuumcnt wlthout further noticc or demand on Borrowcr. <br /> —= �� 18. Borrower's RtghY to Relnstnte. [f Bonower meets certain conditiuns. Borrower shall have the right tn hnva <br /> --==-"-�i�� enforcem�nt of ihis Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the carlier c+f: (a) 5 days(or such othcr period as <br /> .--- ,� . <br /> --- -- SlnBle Family•-F1nnnle MadN►'edd�c Mac UNIFORM1t iNSTRUME;V'i'••Uniform Covcn:vus 9l90 (puge 4 of 6 paResl <br /> -- -- :;r.� <br /> _— �i • . <br /> ._�,_... .,,�„� <br /> _._..,—=-�- <br /> -_°°`--- <br /> _—:._�� ' <br />'°- <br /> ---°' <br /> _ ...•,+.�.: . . ..... . . <br /> ���,�Yn"w��u�11R • , .� . .. ,. .. . , �{J;`� , �-i�-._. -.1.� �_ �-- <br /> t; = r: � <br /> ._ y <br /> '��' a� aw +�wsF r ,• : <br /> 1.�.t c e�� .J ., . .. .� . _. . n4��� '�1. �.�r ..I.L�t 7 ..- . .. ... ^Z +. <br /> ..0 'y! � .. .. ' _ .� � ' .. . , ' •• ..� ...�• .�i15l�������LL • . , y �� -. <br />, ~-� • i'}�i� . .. .. ' . . . ,. m.\.fJ.�'�bH'� :: . .. �. ... . � _ <br /> t-`Y ., �`. ' Y � `' ., e l�'•:}C ,-�Y'� • �;�••.�. <br /> - � �'.�:'r`� ^� "'� . ., <br /> .. 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