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'( . . . . ..LII��::..i.a.� rWLt��.�._. .�._ <br /> ' " ' .:.• • - . . . �-,_,_ <br /> ., i.1..1-1' . �j� , � . ... _ :....a�._.�. -_�.� ....,. __..�._..�y., .........a_..._�.�. ._ . ..y_. . <br /> .• . <br /> •....�........�a <br /> �.W <br /> . . y ��. _ . . <br /> �, .�a..._ <br /> n t '�- . ., _�.!!�`_.+J��.�..JTc,_•.:�_.. ` _ ., �-r ' ' .l S-•__:...�_...:. .. . FA���K�'{'�"q✓4�l�AD�Kk."h�1 s <br /> .. ` . , �•� �6/���� �,.. <br /> '• periods thut l.cnder rcquircs, Thc insur�mcc ciirricr prrniding Ihc insurnncc tihidl hc choscn hy tiorrc�wcr suhj�ct to Lcndcr'+ <br /> �� � appruval wbicii shull not bc unrcasnnably witl�hcld. If I�nrrawcr f�iils to muint�tin covcragc dc+crit�cd ahovc, t.cndcr may,ut <br /> .. � l.citdcr's optiun.obtc�in covcri�gc w protect Lcndcr's rights in thc E'roFx;rty in aicc�rdnnr.c with parzibaiph 7. <br /> ,� ;� All intiurnnce pnlicies nnd renewalti tihall be ncceptabla to Leiidcr imd xhull include a sumdard mnrt�uge cluu�e. Lender <br /> ,�' shall havc thc right to hold thc palicicx and renc+vals. !f Lcndcr rcquir��,[3urruw�r.ha11 prumpNy givr tu Lcndcr i�ll r�ccipts �- <br /> � of paid premiums i�nd renewul nutices. In the evem�if loss,Uo�rower shiill give prompt naticc tn the insuruncc riuricr wid <br />° =��'�`•-_� Lcndec Lcndcr miiy makc proof af loss if not mudc promptly by Dorro�vcr. <br /> dJnle�s Lcndcr and Borrower otherwisc agrec in writing,insurancc procceds shall 6c upplied to reswratiun or repair of <br /> ,�� , Uic Property dimmged, if the restorution or repair is cconomically feasiblc und l.cndcrti security is not le+sencd. If the <br />--- revtoration or repair is not economicully feasible or Lenderl,ecurity would be lessened, the insurancc proceeds shall be <br /> upplied w the sumr secured by this Security Instn�ment, whether or not then due, with any excess puid to Borrower. If <br /> � � Rorrower uba�tdons the Piroperty, or does not unswer within 30 duyti u notice from Lender that �he insurance currier has <br /> offercd to setde i�claim,then Lender may collert the insurance prc>cecds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair ur restom <br /> • . , the Praperty ar to puy sums secured by this Securiry Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30-day period will begin when <br /> . thc noticc is given. <br /> `� Untess Lendcr und BaROwer othenvise iigrec in writing,any application af procecds to principal shall not extcnd or <br /> � ` ' postpune tlic due date of the monthly puyments referred t�in paragraphs I and 2 ar change U�e Amount of the paymenis. If <br /> ?�'�l�°:'•'; , under ara ra h 21 the Pro rt is ac uired b Lender,Bortower's ri ht to tu� msurance hc�es nnd raceeds resultin <br /> ��;°-,,, P fi P P� Y �• 4 Y 8 Y � Po� � • P S <br /> _ � - from damuge to the Property prior ta the acyuisition siiall pass to Lender to the extcnt of the sums sccurcd by this Security � <br /> -�:-�,,,:�.:� Instrument immediutely prior to the acyuisition. _ <br /> :,:=;ti��,:;..• 6. Occupancy. Preservotton, Mnfnten�nce und P�otecNon of the Praperty; Borrower's [.oan Applicatton; <br />_ �"`" Leuseholds. Bonower shull occupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrawrr's principal residence within sixty days ufter <br /> t^��_y,: the execution af thiti Securiry Instnrment und shull continue to orcupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for ut <br />--5,r.�, least one year after the dute of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be <br /> unrear•onnbly w-ithheld,or unless extenuating circumstunces exist which ara beyond Borrower's control. Sorrower shall not <br /> ir. destroy,damage or impuir the Propeny,allow the Propeny to deteriorate,or commit waste on the Property. Barrower shall <br />.',,�`}''' be in default if any forfeiture action or proceedin�,whether civil or criminal,is begun thut in Lender S good faith judgment <br /> :s��;� could re;ult in forfeiture of the Prop�rty or othenvise materiaUy impair the lien created by this Securiry Instrument or <br />_____'� Lender's securiry interest. Borrower may cure such a default and reinstute,ati provided in paragraph 18,by cuusing the action <br /> --���=�*'� or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that,in Lender s good faith determination,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's <br /> -_-_�u� interest in the Property nr ather mnterial impairment of the lien created by this Security lnstrument or Lender's security <br /> -- -�— interact. BorrYnver shall also be in default if Rnrrower; �1nri�a thr �n�� a��ljr3tl�r� �(MPCC' o�qA ;::g:�fl3�lj f�l:.0 aT <br /> _ � inaccurate informntion ar statements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with any material information)in connection witli <br />-- -=-= the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, repres,entatians conceming Borrower's occupnncy of the <br /> _-=w=--- Property��s a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is nn a leasehold.Borrower sha11 comply with ull the provisions <br /> of the leusc. If Borrower acquires fee titic to the Property,the Icaschold and the fee title shall not merge unlcss Lendcr agrces <br /> to the merger in writing. <br /> __- 7. Pratectio�� of[.ender's Rights in the Praperty. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants cind agreements <br /> �r� contained in [his Securiry Instrument, or there is a legnl praceedtng that muy significundy affect Lender's• rights i�� the <br /> _____,.:,� Property(such as n proceeding in bankniptcy,probate,for condemnation or furfeiture or ro enforce laws or regulations),tl�en <br /> ;y_;� Lender mt�y da and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Prnperty and Lender's rights in the Aroperty. <br /> ` ___— Lender'.s actions muy include paying any sums secured by a licn which has priori�y over this Securiry Instrument,appearing <br /> - - in court,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and enecring on the Property to make repairs. Although Lender may take uctlon <br /> undcr thts parngraph 7.Lertder does not huve to do,u. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragmph 7 shull become ndditionnl debt of Borrower secured by this <br /> Security Instrument. Unless Borrawer and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear Interest from tha <br /> -'-`---- dute of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable, with interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower req�esting <br /> payment. <br /> 8. Mortgage InsurAnce. If l.ender required mongage insurance as a condition of making the loan securec!by this <br /> Security [nstrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortbage insurance in effect. If,for any <br /> rc:+son. the mortgage insurance coveruge required by L.ender tapses or ceases to be in effect, Burrower shall pay the <br /> premiums rcyuie�ed to obt�in coverage substantially cyuivulent to►he mortgage insuranee previously in effect, at a cost <br /> _ __-;�;;�, substandully equivalent lo the c�st to Bonowcr of the mortgAge insurance previously in effect.from an altemate mortgege <br /> insurer approvect by Lender. If substnntially equivalent mortgnge insuraricc coveragc is not avnilablc,Borrowcr shall pay to <br /> iLender each month n sum equal to one-twelfth vf the yearly mortgoge insurance pminium bcing paid by Borcower when thc <br /> , insursnce coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. i.ender will accept,use;uid retain these payments ns a loss reserve in lieu <br /> � of mvrtgage insur,�nce. Loss reserva puyrpents may no longer be reyuired, at the option of Lender, if mortgsge insurance <br /> �i coverage(ln the amount und for the period that Lender mquires)provided by an insurcr nppruved by Lender again becomes <br /> -- __ availuhle and is obtained.Borrower shaU pay thc premiums requi��ed to mnintain mortgago insurance in rffcct,ar to provide u <br /> -_=-�; loss reserve,until the requirement for mortg:��e insurance ends in uccordance with any written agreement between Borcower <br /> =___-_ nnd Lender or applicub�e Inw. <br /> .-'`«-+�s�' 9. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make rcasonable entrics upon and inspections of d�e Propeny. Lender shall <br /> :;.��;� give Borcower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cxuse for the inspection. <br /> ____��;�;,,,+. 10. Condemnntjon. The proceeds of uny uward or claim For damages,direct or coeusequential,in connection with nny <br /> _-���,�, Single Runily-•ramde M1fee/rreddlc Mec UNIF ORDt INST�tUMENT••Uniform Cuvenums 9/40 (pugc 3 n�6 pa.qrsl <br /> :-R.'�j:,_„;r�e"� Crent lokte Bu�tne.�e 9artn�,Inc� <br />— :.'Y=.T,,� ro on+a'cen��b000aara�a o rnx o�a�e�•ua� <br />__�`,f i�Cv'�9�7 — <br />-^',�`. �e � <br /> - ���aw.,_`_ ''__'.� _ <br /> � '_ ' �... �W —_ _ ___ <br /> .�...t`{: . ' . • - .: � . � : . .. - ,� _�. __ . <br /> . ...�:� • . ...��� t��".:', <br /> ,':.�'S. ��� .. ... . � . :a; i .:l.•. . pq•.a�• �o � .. " - h��p�'�- <br /> � . ,, ; � . ;r;,�ti . .' : � _�-- <br /> ... _ I � r � ' . .. . . . _` e.'{f��tI�Y`YC''t,�5i.!`�``A� .. � ��4' � , ���_ <br /> • , .. <br /> . _ .. � ,� . .. _ ,. <br /> - , � , t , .. � �. - t ..t S� ''T. . . . . � . i�.. <br /> t .. ., . , .. � . . .. � . . Fb . .' 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