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, _ . , . n��wr.�+�t_-rc!t,f^.�um�� ,. . ., _ , <br /> i . �fj�' .• '� . � .'1 _ rIY^� ..G'.... • .. . .. �. . .�t5�� _ ' .]f._ � _. <br /> °.��!���f+Fl�i�� �!•,'N��' �:�4?1''� ` :�. ri�N.��i}�.'I�EY'5�����f L,����' 7 •H�'�4f,i1`Vl�ai-vitr ti..-_- . .�-_-,--.. <br /> . ' • . <br />:.�illi(il\d'�.`�ri:iA A ��QYI�IbS'F11.ri.�MIMIIILIY� ���1-- � � � __ <br /> �( "--"____._... ti , . , . . '. ..__._.._ . <br /> __... {flv1A�`�t •�:ri-':.,. <br />---.....�, e�...._„____:.�:_e�..�,.;�_........,..._....,:, a.. --- -'•----y. .__._____,...__�_ -- - �--`°�-°° ---�--- <br /> _�,�,a�1_ _ _ <br /> .�, .��- �..._.."r __ _ <br /> ,. .�...-��... �.:.....n�._,a, . . i11$�`- _ ------ <br /> , ..�.�..W�._ -. <br />_ r?1Q1 , c.. ,...�_.i:.,. ,..a.A..i.... =-°-=:��....�..._..�_-------- <br />-_��. _ _ <br /> x,� �� �0:�9�r9 - <br /> ' G. Cradlf Llmlf 8.Relmtruraement � <br /> '` �n. Credif Llmlf Incroaso Tho Ro�ro�.or nproc�fo pny o�iolrnhur�o�ho b"ortII^gro lar miy nnd � <br />�,m__ The Bnnnwpr'a r.r(u1lr!lmlt I9 lIMrB3S9d f0�_�L =10 n.0 0 . all foss pnynb!o to pubAc nl!lclafs In conncctivn w11h G�is Agrocmonf _ <br /> •� turd Iiro r��rordirg o!ftrl�t:prc�mont!rt�ludln�nny men!�ngn ro�lstry <br /> ❑b. Credif L/mll Oa:ronso tax Ihnt Is duo. <br /> ,„�� Tho Borrower's crodlt!Iml1 Is docreased ro S _ g,����.{p.Tirans <br /> :A��G Tho Nen ol fhe Mortgage secures thls 1lne o!credlt up to the emount ol fhfs The Bnrrowe►agrees fhat the BAnk mny make Certaln chnngos to fho r <br /> y� now ctadrt I!m!f ns!t ls advancad nnd remalns outstandlnr�l�om tlmo to tlmo. �orms�f tho Iine of crodit and fJofn at spoci/lod tfmos or upnn fho <br /> 7ho relerences!n the McrtgAgo to the maxlmum etmsunt of the Ilne at c�odit p��Renco o/speclllod ovonts.7ho Bnnk moy mnka ins�gnrlicant <br />_ nre hereby amnnded to the sxfonf necessnry to re/lacf the new maxlmum changes,such ss chnnr�os!n Iho t+dd�vss fo�payments.blilln�cyc/e <br /> �� umount ol the lin�ol credif shown above.EscAreference In tho Mongage date9,pnyment duo datos,day o/the month on wh/ch lndex vnluos nro <br /> tc rhe Ilr1n ol credlt shalf bo deomed,on nnd aher the date ol thla detorm/nnd.lndex or lnterest rato�ounding ru/es,end bafurtco <br /> Agrdement to rolor to the modifled rnnxlmum amounf of Ihe 11RO ol cred/t �mputatfon mathod(!1 Uio chanrJe produces An Inslgnllicant dilferenco <br /> �-�� B. Ca•8onower L O T S E V E N (7) � Pi EA D 0 W L A N E !n the Inte�est tho Borrower will pay).The Bank also moy meke <br />-=�I� ❑n. Co•Borroa•ES T��R�R��(�D��(���f$N ��L�H�pTC7��� changesthntwillboneflftheBorrower,suchosadditlonnlopllonsora <br /> -�� Trie Rorrox•er dosues o ai��� ' B A K,(!,_ temporary reducllon!n rPtes or feos.fn accordnnce wilh federal law, <br />'�° aa a caborrower on the Noto the Bank alsn may�°cho lndex and marpin the Brink uses ro <br />_— dotarmi�in the nnrtuAf r�r•:entago rata II that Index!s no longer <br />-:-- �n� agreos to avnllnbin.Tho fiunfr car.make any ol these chnngoo discussed above <br /> -_- bo bound by a'1 of Ihe forms o/the Note pnclud/ng ony prevlous �yithout flrn Bo�rowers cbnsent,unlosa state/nw prov dos otherwlse. <br /> = malificatbns)snd thla AgreemenL Tiia 9Ank will glve Ihe Borrower nofk»o!any chengo that Is roqulred <br /> 7. Cradlf/niurence by law. The Bank efso can make changas that the Bank and Borrowe► <br /> �� ❑a. Credlt Insuranca(�evolvin,q) agroe fo in wNting. <br />-.,� Tho Borrower ls not requlrod to buy credit insurranctt.!f the 8orrowar �O.Slop Paymant Cond/tlons <br />-= chooses b buy thia lnsurence from the Bank,it wllf ropay the Homa To ba ollectiv9.A stop payment order(an"�rde�)must contaln the <br /> •� Equlry Access Lrne of CreUit lonns!/the Bom�werdles,sub/ecf to the Borrowers rt8mo ttnd account rtumber,the number and exactamount <br /> - terms and condldons contalned!n the Certlflcate of Insumnce. o/the check,and thn name of the person to whom the check Is <br /> 71�e dally rete fo�thls(nsurartcs and the corresponding smounf pei payeble,and!f must be rec�tived In a tlme and martner thnt glves the <br /> $100 of my averrige dally L��,inse each manth as shown bolow. B�nk a reasonnbfo o��artuniry fo act on It An orde�w!!!be In efiect for <br /> '-= Single L11a Insumnce J�Int Llle lnsurance slx months;however,the Benk ieserve�the dght to romove an oral <br /> = Dafly rate y, � orJor after 14 days 1/the Borrower falls to confirm tha ofder In w�iHng <br /> - w11hln that tlme.Tha Bonower may renew an orde�ln wdtlng everyslx <br /> '�-' GorrosponcJ�n� months.17ie£�enk may pay a ci�eck ettar an orcis►has expirmd even <br /> - cost per$100 e per�f 00 C per 3 i0a ►hough fhe check!s mo�e than slx months ukl.The Bank will have no <br /> /want to buy the!oNowing c�adlt lnsurence: �isbllity il�ny of th�lnformaBon the Borrawer provlden ln hfs or her <br /> omerls Incnrrect�r+�the Br+nk pays the check. <br /> U Sing/e Crodit Lile fnswartr� IJ Jolnf Credlt L1fe lnsurance <br /> - n,,, oare o n 1 f.Other Terms Remttn fn EfPsct <br /> X Aff od�irtal terms of tho Note anC Matgege(as amended by any <br /> w�ittan modificatlan)remein In effoet except as amendod hereby,and <br /> UNl.EBS SEC770N 71S COAIPLtTED ADOVE, the BOrroweNMorlgegnr agfoes to be bound by end(o pedorm all o! <br /> TNtS AGRER�fENY WLJB QTlNCREASE oA EYT£sND the caVenants and agreaments!n tho N�fe and MoRDaf/e,!lapplkable, <br /> A�IYREVOLVlANiCREDlTINSURAtJCG et the tlme andln tha mannorprovided fn the Note and MortgegB. <br /> NOTICE TO CONFiUMER <br /> (Forpurposes of this notice,"Consumer"an�"!'roferto the Martgago�J <br /> TH1S IS A CONSUMER CRFDIT TRANSACTlON. <br /> 1 understand fhwh <br /> •I shoukl not slgn thls agreement betore 1 rctad the enUre document,even(l othenvlse advlsed. <br /> •1 should rrot sign tl�ls lf it contalns snyWank apaces. <br /> •/am entlUecl to�rin exacf duplkate o�thls and sny olher agreament 1 sfgn. <br /> •1 l�eve tl�e rlyht 4o prepay the unpsld bslance duo undbr fhis agreeraent at any time wltr,out per.any;and!may Ld entitirxl to�w�lva e refirr�a` <br /> uneamed chsrges in ea:prdanoa wlth fhe law. <br /> /N W/TNESS WHEREOF,the partlea each execute�thls Agreertten�nnd acknowledge the _jpt ol a co/�y h,gnrewof as o/fhe yoa�fi►st wdnen above. <br /> 7 rvl <br /> a <br /> 8Y• 'l r • <br /> OAN DILY.ENBACK. PERSONAL IiANKING � ""� JO ELLA PfANOLIDIS <br /> ►�: 0 F k T C E R flo,mom»�,er <br /> Mo.Qquget/BOrrow01 <br /> srnrEOF N���eASKA � <br /> ) sa. <br /> . , COUAITY OF H A T.7. ) <br /> Onlhls. 9th � dayol, DEC�MRER , 96 ,�forome,a NOTORY �nandlorsaldcounry <br /> � ���ty e pppa�o J �]Q AN D I�.L E NBA�I� ,to me pearsonally known,who being 6y me duly(swom or affirtnod)Q/d sey <br /> s thatfhafpensonls SMALI. 85. RAIUKL"R ofsci/9assodetlon,that(thesoalalCucedtosaWlnstrumentlstheser�lofsa/dornosea�hss <br /> been procurod by sald)nssoclatlon and that sald tnstrument was signeol and seafed on behall of tho snfd Afrsodetlon by auHrority of!ts 8nnrd ol directors <br /> an thu sa/d 5 ttALL R S. B A N KE$�kreowlodge�l e:�e• rument to ao tho voluntery ect artd desd of s�Id 3SS�CIAtlpn by(! <br />-= tarily vxocut �t'll n�i tiy3;uw°9 aW <br /> �_A_3�N6� t1V �� EBRASKA <br /> ---- �MS�j4�MN�1t_��S'��IUNl�tl7N�`J aie <br /> --�•- NEBRASKA '�� <br /> , BTATEOF . ) <br /> _::,� ) ss. <br />.;�,,�. COUNTYUF _HALL_______ ) <br />.��'�_':'-�_-~� Onth►s 9th dayol DEC�tSBER 96 NO'TORY <br /> bclore mo,a persona�ty appeared <br />;_�° _P_._ TERRY__riANOLIDIS AND JO EILLA r1AN0�.IDIS (Ausbandand <br /> k��t� w!!e,u single person,slnyfu persons)and ___ (husband <br /> '""� .� nnd w!/o,a singfo per�on,srngfo pprsons)to m�porsona�y kriown fo Ue the porson(s)namal!n nnd who oxocuted tho lorogoing lnstNmont and <br /> ,;i;�' a wledgod that` `1{�Y vxecutvd iho same os T H E I R voruntary act nnd doed. <br /> ���� ,�, ° �� ��C.._� NEERASKA <br /> _y� � � �_-� <br /> r`rJ:.rf, Sf]�0 O <br /> 'IQ T <br />_ --- S f/i5hVR1@!If Wfi9 drAlfQ(�by: ��.m . •�v ��n n n e c v e . &� _ R�y,'1-4j.�r�-� �F� <br /> �,�� NATIONAL„AS50CIATY LAND� NE 68(iO3 <br /> �NERIIL NOTARI• � ��5� <br /> JDIIN LfIGH DIllENBACK <br /> k1y Canm.E�p Sep1 10.1499 <br />