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F�'. <br /> �.. � Q <br />"��::� � 96� 1099�9 � <br />�= b <br /> ' HEALaC and �� - <br />'�:��.' ��KS � _ ��� Mo�tgage Modi�icafion�� � <br /> �_���; � 31 a5 00 l� <br />.,.y"`"='r� Thls Agreomentls mudo thls _ dny of 1]r c e�mh t�r _ . 1 9 9� _-borivaon Nonvost 6Ank <br />-.'�v� <br /> -- N E B RA S KA ,Netlonnl Assoclaflon,exlsttng under the lews of fhe Unitad SPates ol Amedca <br /> ��— GRAND ISLAND , NE, ��he"Bank') <br /> _ —— hawng Its olflce et - �''', � <br />--� "'— P , TERR� riANOLIAIS ANA JO FLLA MANOJ,II3IS r�h�"��:.E�1 � <br /> e� 3p�°�ff��`�l1WN DRIVE GRAND ISLAND NE <br /> ,� resldsngnt A swn <br />-���_�s� • ' (the•'Mongagor) - <br /> "— ard <br /> - - 307�+OSF�'.��� nRiVE ,rRANn� ISIA.ND NF - <br />�-- resfdingat ��� c�y srare _ <br />_� ��� ❑b. Amount ol Rogular MiNmum Mon�hly Payments <br /> �, Tha Bankls the hdder ol the Homa Equfty Access Une Agreamont o/ Each regul�r mtnlmum monthty payment will be caku!ated on fha day <br /> ---� fhv Bonower deted S E P T, �(�_ , �_ ,Ixiyeble to Ihe monthly atatement ls prepared and w(il be due on the dete ahown <br /> --� fho orda►of the 8ank wlfh the adglnal m,urimum avellable pr�n�lpal rn that s►atement(whlch wil!bs approxlm�tely 15 days efto�fhe day the _ <br /> amount olS �+��� -- �'iYote')w(th a maturiry date o/, atatement!s prepared).Each regular minlmum monthly pnyment wlfl <br /> ���f �Q��A_ be tho fol/owing amount(pfus any Over!!ne Amouni): <br /> ❑e I'ured amount of S_ <br /> ' 2. T�aecure payment o!the Note,Ihn Matg�4or lu+s lven e mortgnge o► �a payment that Js equal to fha greater ol a <br /> ----- deed of trust("Mortgxgo')fo the Bank,dated � or %ol the unpald loan bslance. <br /> ---- _.],.g.q$ub/ecting ro fhA 11en thereo/oerta/n real ostate►ocated!n <br /> HALT- - Counry, N E more Thsse t►tin optlons may not fulty repay the balance owing on thls <br /> . particulary descHbed In tho Mortgage. (anrs� l/ne ol credd before tho MaturttyDate. <br /> a The Mort ga was hlad tar record on ��.�, 12 19 9,� , �A PeYment that/s equaf to Ihe Bnance charge f��zd cradit lnsu►a►+ce <br /> � u F�T S T F R n F n F R n g/the P�mfums,ll any)ow/nc�.Thls aptlon wlll not h.3Ty repey Ihe balar+ce <br /> ,!n the oMice o!fhe , nw'ng on thls(ine ol credJt befora the IAa,..�rrry Date. <br /> ..�. abore named oounty as Document No. �� 1�$��4 9.Flnrncw Char�ba <br /> In Book/RoU Page/Jmage_ ' �a. Margln <br /> 4. /n connectlon with the filing ol the Mortgage,a mort9age reglstry tax [��ryo datly perlodlc rate wfll bs Q lncreased ❑decreased to <br /> was pald to th�T�asurer of said crounry in�he amount o► �/�of an snnusl►eta ol3-@� %over tna"ir.�lax Aate•defined <br /> � a� ' in the Note(oras modlliedJ.- <br /> ' ertd rhat Treasurer placed hIs or horatsmp on tho Mortgage,sald ❑p the Borrower ceases to be an empbyee ol the Bank o►its <br /> stemp bearing numfwr�_Di.r A ' a�lfates,the Bank w!!!Incrense me artnual rato 6y adding � 76, <br /> -. $. T1iV YOIITI::CC/l:�OftS°S'^r AGknnwladyAs fhat tha Nnte and the MeAg»ge ❑D. Index Rete <br /> , (induding any prevlous maliBcallons)are fegel and 6inding obllgstlons, The Nndex F3�'�"is changed[o Ne hlghest prJme rAta puWished In <br /> Iraoandclearolanycletm,dePa�.seoroHset. the Wo1fS�oet�ni1T31"MoneyRates'ta61e. <br /> 6. 7he Borrower/M.ortgsgorand ti��B�:ac now deslra to msko chartges to 4.OtMr Cha►Qy <br /> the Note and Mortr�age es descRZ�d befow. The fitos and cAargas c'�scrfL�d WI�K vriif be due end pnya6le after Uia <br /> -- close ol the bllling CyCle dLnny�wh�Cr Such fees and c�harpBS Wol+9 <br /> essessed,on the sarro duo dafs as Plee regular minlmum monfhly <br /> Ayrwnfrnt pnyment for thst b�:S7r.g 2��FIn(as speclfied!n Ihe monthy statement that <br /> Aocordingly,In conslderatlon o/the premfses end orirer good and vAluable tho Bank wiil send Eor tht�1 blllinq cycle). <br /> cons/derntlon,each pa�d to the arher,�►:a c�e�c em��e t`�`�j;@n}��6 <br /> fo fhe foUowing changes eNectiva on , ❑a. Over•the-cred,M/mit fee: <br /> (f rto date!s Iilled!n,the chenges ara eHective as of the day arrol y+�ar Ilrst Tha Borrower agress to pey tl�e Bank a$ <br /> wrlKen abovo): (G14eck nppllcabte boxes below.) overthecnsdit-�imit fee each•�tJmn tho Benk,at(ts sole discreUon, <br /> ,s 1.6IM Accris anA LorminiHon makes any foan whlCh(Kfien�ddad to tho unpnld loan balance) <br /> oxceeds ths credit l/mit.(Ifatate law flmlts fhls fee to orre fee per <br /> Q.�. 7erminat/oNMeturity Date bll!!ng cyc7o o��oncd,ony orte over-the-credrt-Ilmll fee w!!!Ge <br /> �_- 7he BoROwvr/Mort�ugor he��Db�&grees IhAt fhf9 Ilne ol Credit wlll charged dunn��uoY+W�IDng cyde or period.) <br /> , ferminnto ertd fhe urtpeld loa.Da!ance o/tho Note end any unpald �b. Annun!f8e: <br /> �___- � Gn��g�ea�r�es�a�d�ther Charges w1J��dfYe and payablo!n lufl on �B garro:ver agrees to pay thc F1ank n$ <br /> _==-_-�-�+�,�, _ No/uturo advancas annual lee.Tne annual Ise viili Dr cnarged each year dudng ths <br /> -",�:;;�?�;� wtU be mad�or+thfs Ifne of credit an c+nd aftar chis date.Unti!thaf tit;ing c+/ck�Phat la95 on tt,a�nnnhinfsary dete of tho Nota. <br /> __;'� ; date the Bonuwer agrt+es to make monthly payments es disclosed [�a Fotum pflyarrnt?DO• - <br />==-- _— in the Note,or(I appl/caD1o,�s Utsclosed below. 7he Borrob•er n��ons fo pay lhe Bank a S <br /> '�=°r� 2 F�agul�rr Mlnimum Monthiy�s <br /> retum payrr,ent Pee tor any ct�_a�r or othar negotlablo lnshumont <br /> ����� . [�a.Billing orAulamatk Charr�e for Rsgular Mirtl:num Mnnthy Payments �a�p8 p�yment on tht;fn�otc�adit whlch is retumed unpald/o� <br /> �Y---- To rnpay m;�h�ane.the 8ank wlll each monU►: any reason o�for any ACH tr��►or mado as pnyment on fhls lino ol <br /> 1.�:� ❑provfde the Bo►rowe�wiCh a trrll ataGng the roral paymvnt due.The credit wh/ch is retumed unpa��tor any r�ason. <br />---�t�+*� tOtal p�ytnBAt tlU011►C1uQes me reguisr minimum riiLirin y ydj.-r�o,%�. U 0. 8lop payment iee: <br /> �n�� togefher with eny past duo ragula�mfnlmum monthl y payment(s) Tho Borrower agroos to pay tho BanY a S <br /> ����� and t�ll othor chargos thvn due on th/s iine o!credrt. y�op payment feo!I fhe Borrowornotifios tho Bank to stop pnymont _ <br /> =ti?�� ❑eutomatically chargo the BorroN�e►'s checkJng account on my drttft drewn dlrectly on tN1s line of crodit. <br />:,%;.�`: g ❑v. Lete fcre: ` <br /> _ b� X for thn�r� ular min/mum monthty <br /> �.;; paymer,t(s)duo plus any annual foe due.ll fhls acoount doos not The Borrower sgrees to pay tho Bnnk n lato feo(�any regular = <br />;i;''� � have enough money!n tt to mnko thls automa!!c payment,tho Bnnk minlmum monthty pnymenf Is not paid fn full wilhln days of <br /> =�'*~s• rnn but!s not requ(red to,make a loan from thls lino at crndit(!n <br /> .: r,t� y, !ts acheduled duo date.A�e lote fae wli!be OqU81 to: <br /> Ihe eutomatic losn amour,t)to make the payment.(Any othor � <br /> •, .���"" cha os duo must be pald se aretely.The Banh may charpo MIs �s - <br /> •,��. � � account 1�r these othor chn�os(f th�y ard nof pdfd.) °b o/the unpald emount o/the sch�duled regular <br /> . ��, .;, minlmurtt monfhty paymvn�. <br /> ,P` ❑automaticnlry charge tho 6orrower's aacount wflh enother(nsGtuilon <br /> '-#t�e!E.F.,_ �T1iB_ Ols 01 °o <br /> (under tho terms oJ a sepnrr�to wdtten(ACH)tronsler eulhoNrstion) of the unpatd amount ol fho schaduled rogular minlmum monthly <br /> '*_�� for fhe regular minlmum monthty paymertt(s)due plus any snnual - <br /> . fee due.(Any othnr cliarges due must be pald seperototy.) paymont _ <br /> ���I���4�����p) , � D� �� ❑No lato loo will be assnssod. -. <br /> LQan Rev�cti�:�d B; �y� <br /> L.K�lamaja - <br />