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% t ' �.�. <br /> •�_ <br /> � . ..,1 V�.�: <br /> ±�: . ''�L � ,°i�.:�: <br /> •. . 'lr..?4i7wAL � i+V'v�rv�ra:.. <br /> � .. . . ��. ._..._ .. . . .. - _.e..lL.. <br /> ,,.. � <br /> - �. . . <br /> � . . . .. � ., ,�i d..,.,,-_--.—_—_ <br /> ' <br /> __' '.__.. . . . .._ .. . _ ._ �. . . .4'_':_—._____ .. . <br /> • , �aNF � • _- <br /> . .. " <br /> ' <br /> .. .. ... .� . ......_:...._ <br /> ""....^..l�b� "._' � . . ,� _... .. <br /> ,._ . -:-���r <br /> � �i:�:p::- <br /> - ' ..-_�S.t.i;- --_-__ <br /> � intcrest. Lcnder sha0 nm bc required to commcnca{sru cebd tB�n°pf any dcmandsn�adc by thc oripinal Donowcr and F3nrrowcr ocsuc cssorsi in � <br /> ' umonir.ntfon of ihc sums scc�ucd by ihis t)ccd of Tr y Ilcablc Imv,shnll nc�t bc u wnivcr <br /> interest. Any forbcnrancc by Lendcr m cxercising nny npht ar rcmcdy hcrcundcr,or uthcnvisc nffordcd by upp <br /> � of or prechidc thc excrcisc of uny Euch righl or rcmcdy. <br /> �� �uhte�hcrcundcr sha��in�c to,i ho respcc8vc succcssore'�aidc s 8�cof l.cndcrVand {lorrowcr aubJr.cthtoclhc propvislons oif _. <br /> bin�,and thc rig <br /> � pnragragh 16 hereof.All covcnunte•5n n+�8��his Deed ofTr st only toI grunt iond convey hnt Do ower's intcrest in tho'Propc y to�l'ru�,tcesundcr t� <br /> � does nat cxecute thc Notc,(a)is co g B <br /> ° thc tcrtm of this Decd of Truc t�(��ntend'rnodify,'forbe r!or m ke ny o her 6commodat o�9`wi h r�g rd(to thc tcrms of►his Decd of Tru thor �� <br /> Uonowcr hercunder may agrt <br /> the Note without t6ut Borrowe�s consent ond without relcasing thnt BoROwcr or modifying this Deed af Trust os to thnt Bottowc�s interest in� <br /> �;,. the Property. Addrcs , � <br /> ^��" 12. Notice.8xcept for any noticc rcquired under applicobte Inw�o be givcn i�a m��Qa�sscd ro,Borrowcr ut thcP operh' rovid Q • <br /> " �� for in this Deed of Trust shall bc given by delivedng it or by msilin8 such notice by certifi , <br /> or at such ot;o�nders uddrc s�stot d hcrc n o8 o a ch other ddr�sdns I.enderVmay dcsignot by not ce to Bort wcr ns p ovhded hc einc An . , <br /> certified msi <br /> nodce nrovided for in this Dccd of Trust shnll bc doemed to hnve bcen given to Bonower or Lendcr whcn given in thc manncr designatcd herein. . <br /> 13. Governing Lt�wi Sevenbllity.'ihe stntc nnd local(awa npplicnblc to this Decd of Trust shnll be thc lawe of thc jurisdiction in ,'�,;��'. <br /> ', wt�ich 8h:Property is locnted.The foregoing centenc eonflicts�vi4�e,o�lieablle la v�uch eonflict shall not affec othe provisio sEOf ti is Decd of ':�';t"-���'-_ <br /> , �} provisian or clausx ef this Decd of Trust or thc t��ic ��.,,__ <br /> • Tn�st or the o°�sev�cra ble A s uised h cin,WCORsts't oxpen c�s'�and'attomeys'f�s' includc all sutns to he ext h►t n t prohibi ed by applt able <br /> ; � arc d�l�rcd .��•��1� <br /> . �.• <br /> , s law ur lirnited hcr•ia. of the Nota e�:�d of this Deed of Trust ot the[ime of exeeution ,-: '` :._ : <br /> .;;;:�� 14. Bottower`s Co�y.Boaro�ver shall bo fumished a conformed copy • <br /> ���'r;'6;' � � ornftetrccordationhereof. �1��'•,:�`- _ <br /> �g, RehabtlttxHon Losn AgrzemtnR. Borrowcr shall Nlfill n11 of Bonower's obligarions under uny home rehnbilitation, <br /> ' '�' improvemont,repair,or other loan agrcement whech Borrower entcrs into with Lcnder.Lendcr,nt l,cndcr's QQ�►on,may requirc Bonower to ,��J�_ <br /> exccutc end dclivcr to Lcnder,in a form scceptable to Lender,nn assignment of any rights,cloims or defens�s�vhdca Borrowcr may huvic egc►inst <br /> �.:.!. ' <br /> �.�'."�:, ,,,� partire.�who supply Iabor.materinls or services in connect{on�vith improvements made to the Prope o'�e�o or uny interest in it is sold or • u.:?= <br /> 16. Tnnsfer of the Properiy or�Beneticfai Interest In Borrower,If a��or any lparc Pem' ��j <br /> transfertcd (or if a beneficla:interest in Bonower is sald or transferred and Borrower is not a natuml person)without Lenelxr's prior writltn � �',�{�_ <br /> , this option shsll not � <br /> conse�t,Lcnder mey,at its optian,re�luire imme�iate payment in full of all sums secuted by this Dexd of T�ust.However, �af V__ -- <br /> bc exercised by Lcnzter if exercisc is prohibited bv federnl law us of thc date of this Iked of Trust �.--•�_ <br /> • � •.;,.• If Lender xxercises this option,Lender shall give Borrower notice of ncc�.lxrauon.l7�e norice shaU provido n period of not less t4ean 3'� <br /> '`t::..;:�:�.� dnvc from the dnte the nntice is dclivered or m�iled within which Bottower must pny�ll sums sec�red by this Deed of Trust If Botro�ver fails to _ <br /> �_- <br />' `,':F puy tl�ese sums prior to the expimtion of this penod,I.en�Ie�woy i����^��•"•+T°'�`-''�'�9 P��""ttEd bv this Deed of Trust withoue fiirther not►ce or — <br /> >;r:��,.:.� � <br /> '� � ' demnnd on Borrow2r. <br /> ' n' NON-UN9F�RM COVAI�4AN'I'S.Borrower and I.endcr tLrther h 1 G henrof,upon 8ottowc�s.b►euch of any covcnant or agnement of <br /> . 17. Accderatlon;Remedla. Bxccpt ns prvvided in parogrnp ��,- <br /> • • Borrawer in thls Dced of Trust,including the covenanh�Z hcre f Sn d;e,any(l�e b��b�Z���D c�nf rcq �iu red ta cure such breach:(3)a <br /> s hn�l give no ric e t o B o r r o w e r a s p r ovidcd in pnraBreP P� �' g' � -- <br />; ` ,. �� date,not less thon 10 days from f���e notice maY s�ult ina cccicrt+tion of the sums srcured b3'this D uad°f'I'n►st°ndts��e�of thecPro speRy. �� <br /> � ;�S breach on or before the datc spec , <br /> ' 'Ihe nodce shnll flvther inform Borrower of the right to reinstate after acceleration and the right to bring a court nerion to essert tt►e nonexistrnce �_' <br /> . � of n defnult or eny other defense of Bo�of the sums secured by th a Doedtof Trust to be immediatcly ducf and P yable without fuirth�demunil <br /> 1�� �. 1 ender,at L.enders oprion,►tiwy decltve �lcttble law.Lender shall be enritled to collect aU ceasonable costs ensi __ <br />� + end miy invokc the powcr of sale and eny other remedies{�ennitted b�y 17 including,but not limited to,reasonnble nttomays'fixs. �,..� <br />_;;,.,,;,'� expenses incumd in pursuing the r�rnedfes provided in this paragcaP �_ <br />=: ,,.;..-:..n„ � If Lendec invakes the powu of snle,Lznderto bo s Id end shall cause ucf notice to be recottrcied n ea h cou ty n�which the Pronperty �� <br />--"�:-=:r ..._.,: , •�� 1 � - t�� --- — <br />-�—_ ;s,'.t� default asid of Lende�s elcctiu>>to c..usc the ProA�rtS' icab e aw.Tius��s 8:'t _�_ <br />,.=,__T'r�..'�'�M • uiredbyepplicable � <br />• �,��+•••.-:-, � ��"" or somc paR thereot is locatod.Lender or Tcustee ahall mnil wpies of such notice�n�the munner prescribed bY m7�P� <br /> ,-:. �y ';•� <br /> . ,:t• ;1�,�`'°' �'1+ ublic notice of sale ro the persons and in the mnnner prescrtbal bY aAP�{cable taw.Aiter the lapse of such rime us muy req <br />—": ��`:.;' ° �'� p y ne sale of csll or any <br /> �;'Y;,�;,�:��"•.9 ,. ;, law,'Itustec,without demand on Botrower,shall scll the Property nt public aucaon to the highest bidder at tfit tlme ttind placc and undcr e <br /> ;s;:...;Eu'::��.'. ';;�,� termc designatcd in the norice of anle in one or more raresls end in such order as�v o m�Y�h����sal�Ler��Lendcr's designeo mny <br /> _�'��:,.�• �`.`� :ig.� parccl of the Pcoperty bY Public announcement ot the t(me and pina of any p Y � <br /> ; n..Y:• <br />��^�i;.;:-- purchase the Property et enY sala so sold without eny covenant or warranry.expressed ar _ <br /> ,_._.; :•... Trustee ahall doliver to the purchaser'Itustes's dced convcying the Propaty <br /> � ��;•r�:'�''-• � ;mpped. 'Ihe rcciwle in tha Trustee's deed shall be pricn�fncie evidence uf the truth of�`ex stnt.ments made therein.Trustce shuU apply 1�he <br />-�1fi'..'�r''�:a:_:'• <br /> _.;'��;F. proceeds of the sale in tho following order:(a)to all reasonuble costs and expenscs of the sssYx,inchiding,but not limited to,reasonablc Trustee's �`"'.� <br /> �.•�• � � and nttomeys'fees end costs of title evidence;(b)to all sums sccured by this Deed of Trust;end(c)the exccss,if eny,to the person or persons �:_-� <br />-- � r,� � Iegnlly entitled thcreto. 4;<:_. <br /> 18. Barrower'e Rlght to Relnstate.Notwithstanding Lender's acceleration of the sums secursd Dy this Deed of Trust due tu �L ti': <br />- roce�din s be n b Lender ro enforce this Deed of Trust diswnNnued oi nny ��,�,;; <br /> - Drnrowete brc.lch,Borrowcr sha11 heve the right to havc any p � ���t to thc powec of sule cantained in this Deed of Trust or(ii) �'�"s' <br /> • tirne pdor to the earlier to occur of(i)the fiflh day before sule of the Property p __ ,.-_=__ <br /> _ , en�uy of a judgment enforcing this Deed o B7Yu�vcr cur c al�breach 38of any othcr covenos►ts or/uSrecments c+f Borrowerteontalned in th 9i Decd ���{,�� <br /> � :i',�;� the Note had no accclem6on occurred;(b) ci; , <br /> �.;,,,:•,_ <br /> °��•%:,.�� of'15vst•(eD�lnrruwer pays all reasonable erc�penses incurred by Lender and 3'rustee in enforcing the cov�?h�ereof,ine�lucd ng,but not I mited � ,(Y._ <br />— `-� '`�'� conmined in'this Deed of Trust,and in enforciag Lendcr's an�Trustcc'a rcmzdies as providcd in pamgrap <br /> !.�i'f..�. <br /> • �. to�rcasonnble atanmeys'fccs:and(d)Bocrower tnkes such ncrion as Lendcr may teasonably require to assure that thc licn of this becd of Trust, ,,�x •w 4',''�� <br /> is; 2 l.ende�'s intcr�t in thc Pro�ert3+and Borro�ver's obligation to pny thc sums sccured by this Decd of Trust shall continuc unimpaired•Upon such F�lq�� YV �; <br /> � `,�;'>S. 3.., ..-;£�'�rv�LSy <br /> c...�,, , puyment and cure by Borrowcr,this Dced of Trust and the obligptions securcd hcrcby sha�l re�nain in full foree and effect as if no accelerarion ¢r`7;�k.` 1 .';; <br /> � ::,�;;�" hudoccuneal. ,.� ` � <br /> .',i ;;,' <br /> _ =� n:�: —_ __--- <br /> ;� <br /> pagc 3 of 4 Form 3818 � <br /> 1VEBRASKA-SECOND MORTC}AGE-1180 FM1�A/FHLMC UNIkORM INSTRUME . <br /> � ' <br /> .._. . _.. . --- <br /> ... <br /> _- --.._._.__._. ._. <br /> --- . . <br /> �^ _ .._ _ <br />