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<br /> ' UNIPORM COVQNAN'fS.t3ono�vcr and Lendcr covenant and oIIrce ny follows: ��s7�7�p
<br /> ��:, 747
<br /> , 1. Payiu��it of Pvindpal and Intcre�t.Dorrovmr shall promptly p�y whcn duc thc principal nnc m crest indc6tedness evidenccd by
<br /> �hc Notc nnd Intc chargcs ns proviJed in thc Notc.
<br /> I. 6unde tor 7'exce�nd Imurwnce.Subjcct to appNcablc law or u�vrittcn wuivcr by Lcndcr,E3orrowcr shull{�ay to Lcndcr on thc
<br /> day monthly paymente oP princiRal ond intcrest are p�ynblc under thc Nute,u�tii thc Natc is�aid in tLll,a s�im(hcrcin"funds")equsl to one-
<br /> twelRh of tho yenrly tanes und assessmente(including condominium nnd planned unit development nssessments, if any),which may anain
<br /> priority over this�eed of Trust,cv�d ground rente on thc Property,if nny,plus onc•twclfth of yenrly prcmiurn instalimerts for hazurd insurnncc, •
<br /> plus urtc•twclIIh of ycnrly prcmium installments for mortgago insumnr.e,if nny,csll ns rcasonably cstimntcd initially nnd fPOm timc ta time by ,
<br /> - Lender on thc basie of assessmcnts and billc and reasonublc cstimutcs thereof.Bnriower shall not bc obligatcd ta makc such paymcnts of Punds
<br /> • to Lcrder to tho extcnt thut nortower makes such payments to the ho�de�of a prior mongagc or dccd of trust if such holdcr is an institution�l
<br /> Icnder.
<br /> ��,, If Borrowcr pays Funds to Lendcr,the Funds shull be held in un institution the dcposiu or nccounte of which arc insured or gunrnntccd
<br /> �. by u Fedem)or 6tate agency(including Lcndcr if I.endcr is such an institution). Lender chall upply the Funds ta pay said toxcs,asscssmcnts,
<br /> insu►nncc prcmiums nnd ground rcnts.Lcndcr may not chargc for so holding and applying thc Funds,annlycing snid account or vcrifying and
<br /> cempiling said assessmcnta und bills,unless Lcnder pays Bortower interest on thc Funds nnd npplicoble luw pertnfta 1.¢nder to makc such a
<br /> chorge. BoROwer and Lcndcr mny agree in writing ut thc timc of axecution of this Deed of 7Yust that intcrest on thr Funds shnll bc p�id to
<br /> • � Bortower,and unless such agrcemcnt is mude or epplicnble law requires such intemst to be paid,Lender shnll not bc rcquired to pay Borrower � �;..
<br /> ,. any interest or camings on the Funds.Lender shall give to Borrower,without charge,nn unnunl nccounung of the Funds showing credits and ';��.'•-,�_'
<br /> j debits to the Funds and thc purposc for which cuch debit to thc Funds was made.The Funds ure pledged as c►dditional security for thc susns .,,*':`_^�
<br /> , � , �';. "--
<br /> sewred by this DeGd of Trust. w
<br /> if the emount of thc Funds held by Lender,together with the futurc monthiy instullments of Funds payuble prior to thc due dntes of ;;'_��=
<br /> ` � u►xes,assessments,insurnnce premium9 nnd ground rents,stiall exceaf the nmount required to pay said tuxes,asscsstnenta,insumnce prcmiums �4;':_.':'___
<br /> � � nnd und rents as thc fnll due,such excess si�ull be,et Bo�owc�s option,cithcr promptly rtpaid to Dortoe�er oe credited to Bonower on ��:__=�~�"p
<br /> gm y �,:r��.u:, -
<br /> ' monthly instellments of Funds.If the umount of thc Funds held by l.ender shall not bc su�cient to pay tnxcs,assessments,insumnce premimru 1�';;�;'-•
<br /> • �� and�und rents�,s they fall duc,Borrower shnll pay to Lender nny amount necessaey to make up thc deficiency in one or more puynunts as ';?A;::;;;�-
<br /> Lender may rcquirc. �'���+{'t?y%�=�-•'
<br /> • Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Dced of 7tust,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds held by Lender. ''�`rh+��=
<br /> ,5�:�-- —
<br /> , If under paragraph 17 hereof the Property is sold or the Property is othenvise ecquiral by Lertder,Lender shnll apply,no Inter then immediatcly �;;.;`;�p�,;
<br /> „�� prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisirion by Lender,a�iy Funds l�eld by Lender nt the Nme of opplicarion os o credit agoinst the sums ht":;�.:���=_
<br /> securcd by this Deed of 7Yust. ',���
<br /> P;:�;:..-
<br /> •. 3. A�pltcation of Paymente. Unlcss nppli^.nble Iaw provides othcrwisc, ull paymenta received by Lender under the Natc and
<br /> paregraphs 1 and 2 hereof shall bt oppltod by Lender first in payment of umounts payaLlc to Lendcr by Dorrowcr undcr paragmph 2 hercof,then ��=r_--
<br /> . to intercst puyable on thc Note,and then to the principal of thc Notc. - -
<br /> � 4. P�lor Morttaga�nd Dteds of Trust;Cdtrga;Lleae.Borrower shall perform all of Borrowet's obligaHons under eny mortgage, �
<br /> _ d�x!�f Srn�t�r�+.h!r�c�!*!ty ngm.emeot with n lien which has priority ovcr this Dced of Tntst, including Boaowet's aovcnnnts to malcc
<br /> � paymmta�vhen due.Borrower shnll pay or cttusc to be paid all tuxcs,ussessments and other charges,fines and impositions attributablc to thc
<br /> ..� Property which may attain a priority over this Deed of Trust,and leaschold puymrnts or grouad rents,if nny.
<br /> f 5. Huard Insurance.BoROwer shall keep the improvements now existing or herenfter crccted on the Property insured uguinst loss
<br /> . :;;�;'.y;' by fim,hazards included within the tertn"extendtd coverage",and such other hnznrds as Lender may require and in such emounts end for such
<br />��;;; periods es Lcnder moy requirs.
<br /> '"�<<" Thc insurance cnmer praviding the insurancc shall be chasen by Botrowcr subject to approval by Lender;providcd,that such npproval ��
<br />-:'�;:;.. �.
<br /> shail not be unrcnsonnbly withheld.All insurance policies nnd renewnls thercof ehall be in a form accepcable to Lender end shall include o
<br />°#��1�'� � stenderd mortgagc cleuse in favor of end in a fortn uccsptable to Lende�.Lender shall have thc right to hold the policics and rencwnls thcreof,
<br />_;, ,. ,„ � , subject to the tertns of nny rtiortg¢ge,deed of trust or othcr sccurity agreement with a lien which hes priority ovcr thie Deed of Trust.
<br />�.:. . In the event of loss,Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insumncc camer and Lcnder.Lender may make proof of loss if not madc
<br />;;'�';, •- ' ' promptlybyBonower.
<br />�,�,.1'��, . -.�•, If the Property ie abandoned by Borrower,or if Bonower fails to respond to Lender withtn 30 days from the dnto norice ts muiled by
<br />�;,�„3.�-:;,_ .;�� Lender to Borrower that the insurance carricr offers to scttle u clnim for insurance benefite,Lender is authorized to collect and apply the
<br />�-�'•.,.,:��:.M•.r.•���,� , insur�,.nce precs�s at Lender'e option either to restoraHon or rcpair of the Property or to thc sums secwal by tnis Deed of Trust.
<br />-" �x ,r.:s ,�" 6. PraervaUon rnd M�[nteasaca at Properly;Leau6oldR;Condomiui�ims;PlnnneJ U�lt Dzveiopment�.no�mwcr ehuil keep --
<br />�.��.:,,.-��
<br />�� ,� �.: �.Y the Praperty in goad repair and shall not commit westc or permit impnirmrnt or detedoration of the Property nnd shall comply with thc
<br />-?:',4_y!�'rt.i`�:'r provisions of eny leuse if this Deed of Trust is on u lensehold.If thls Qeed of Trvst ia on n unit in a condominiun�ot n planned unit development,
<br />?��''�`•"`�'` Bonower shall perform all of Bonower's obligutions under the declnrndon or covennnts creating or goveming the condominium or planned unit
<br /> �' �' develo nt,the b laws and rt lattons of the condominium or lanncd unit develo ment,cind constituent documents.
<br /> _.�,.;.,*'.�:`' p� Y- � P P n -
<br /> �•�.�,.• 7. ProtecNon of Lender'e Security.If Borrowcr fails ro perform tha covenunta und agreements contained in this Deed of Trust,of if
<br /> -';�.���_�'''�,-'.�'• nny acHon or proceeding is commenced which materially et�2cts Lcnder's intorest in thc Property,then Lender,at Lendcr's opNon,upon notic�to
<br /> _�--ip::�:f::�� aorrower,may make such nppcarnnces,disburse such sums,including reasonablc attomeys'fees,end wkc such action es is nccessary to protect
<br /> t.,�:=�.- -
<br /> ,;.;;:�.,,�,.a:� l.,ender's interes�t.If Lcndcr requircd mortgoge insurance us a condition of mnking the loan secured by th{e Deed of Trust,Borrowcr ahnll pay thc
<br /> �,.�' _. premiur►t�tequired to maintatn such insurence in effect undl such time as the mquirement for such insurance teiminates in nceardance with
<br /> -•-�:K*'+'�r�::.'. Horrower's anJ Lender's writtcn agreemet►t or applicuble Inw.
<br /> -" � �9��'`"Y`� An amounta disbutscd by Lcnder ursuant to this ara h 9,with interest thcreon,at thz Note rate, shall becomc addition�l
<br /> ``•:�F°;E;;,�?.'.�+� Y P p S�P
<br /> - "'.��f, tndebtodness of Borrower secured by this Deed of Trust.Unless Borrower and Lender ngree to other terms af payment,such amounb shnll 6e
<br /> , � payable upon noNce ffom Lcnder to Borrower roqucsting pnyment thereof.Nothing contuinod in this pnrngraph 7 shall re�uiro Lendcr to incur
<br /> ' nny expense or take eny action hercunder. _ -- __=
<br /> S. In�pection.Lendcr may make or causo to be made reasonable entrics upon nnd inspcctiona of thc Property,providcd thut Lcndcr —
<br /> ,i�,:;, 8� P Y A P� � 8 pertY. _ --
<br /> . ,.. shull ve Bortower norice rior to en such ins ection s ci n rcasonable cause therefor rclntcd to Lenders interest in the Pro ��°°_._"'"�"r�-
<br /> ���y'� 9. Condemnation�The rocceds of nn nward or cinim for dama es,direct or con uenrial,in connection with an condemnaaon or —�=s-�-'""
<br /> other takin of the Pro rty,or part thereof,or for conve nnce in lieu of co dcmnotion,azc hercb essi ed and shnll bc sid to Lcnd�r,aub'ect �—���
<br /> �� 8 P� Y Y 6n P J =—
<br /> - .,�� to dic terms of eny mortgnge,dccd of trust or other sccuri t y a g r ecment with a licn which h2s priority aver this Deed of'iYust. ���^_�=-__
<br /> ; 10. Borrower Not Retwsed; Forbearnnce By Leader Not a WAivca Extension of the time for payment or modificntion of ��'.�;;--
<br /> � amortizaaon of the sums securcd by this Decd of Trust grnnted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operete to release,in '""��f� ,:
<br /> :�•�r����,
<br /> . , any mr�n�r,thc lisbiliry of thc originaJ Bonowcr und Bonowcr's succe�ors in '"-r��._;
<br /> -i��;.
<br /> ..___..—__._. ----- —_'--_ �"7'.
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