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. . .. _ . :';y5i;�. � . <br /> /. , -�_ � . . ._ - , ^f ' <br /> � • , , , ;%+��?'^ <br /> ��_ � <br /> ' ' "....��rra.....n.._.... .... . .. . ._ _ . . - � . ..N1.• � � . . - <br /> . <br /> .�.';•.:.[.�+._ ... .. — <br /> . .- - ,� �jb�➢d`i.-• ' .:. _ •r.riN,RM R�'emA'yf`... .—��. .. <br /> II) S.•'lrT�����. � � .�. .. .. .. .. ,-. '""_' ... - __. . . ....... . . .... .... _.. .� . .. ... . ____ a. <br /> w+►��rvve,sa ,,: . <br /> . a ... .,.. .._ . <br /> a=, <br /> � � -- <br /> . y`i"�u ������.. <br /> Trust in the manner �arovided by l�w for forea�aeures of <br /> � � mor�gr�ges on real property. <br /> � F. B��1�FICI1#RY may from time ta time sub�titute a eucce�sor or <br /> ��`- successore to any TRUSTEE named herein or dCtlYl(� �18F61111t�6Y. <br /> � � Upon such appointment, and without conveyance to the aucces�os <br /> TRUSmEE, the latter shall bo veated with all �itle, powers, <br /> -�p"""'��� and duties coa�ferred upon any TRUSTEE herein named or acting <br /> �"""'""'�" hereunder. Each such appointment and subatitution shall be <br /> � "�� mad� by written instrumen� and ex�cuted by BENEFICIARY, _ <br /> � . �� cantaining reference to this Deed of Trus� and its place of C- <br /> . �, record, which, wk�en recorded in the o�fice of the Reqister of _ <br /> � D�eds of the county or counties in which s�id property is _ <br /> situated, shall be aonclusive proof af proper appointment of <br /> � the auccessor TRUSTEE. The foregoing power of substitution <br /> ��� and the procedure thorefor shall not be exclusive of the power <br /> atid p�ocedure provided for by 1�w for the substitution o� a <br /> • TRUSTEE in the place of the TRUSTEE named herein. <br /> '�^ _ <br /> G. TRUSTOR covenants and agrees that upon any attemp�ed __ <br /> � �. ��• conveyance, assic,�ment, pledge or transfer of any of his <br /> .�:��:;;.:{:� interest in the premises during the term of the loan secured _ <br /> ����. hereby, �he BENEFICIARY shall have the option of declaring the <br /> "�``'��?' r unpaid balance immediately due and payable, and if said sum <br /> � � }� rema�ns unpaid for fifteen (15) days thereafter, BENEFICYARY <br /> � ' can causa Notice of De£ault to be qiven and the premises be <br /> sold as provided herein. <br /> ✓1 <br />...�'!+.`.•�i`:�-N. <br /> � • H. As additional and collateral aeaurity for the loan, and <br /> � �ff�ctive for�hwith upon filing of a Notice of Default, this <br /> � ���•�'=:�' instrument shall serve ae an assignment by the TRUSTOR to the <br /> �""`�';'''� TRUSTEE, af all rents anci revenues from the <br /> ,.:�xr„ti <br /> �°�i°�v ..` property, and TRUS�EE is authorized to take possession of �he <br /> »�={��� pro�erty, rent or lease the same on terms he doems best and to <br /> _•'�=�� collect the rents and revenueg and apply the same upon unpaid <br /> ��-�-b-�-� interest, principal, taxes or insurance premiums or for <br />-`�`"`�"`� mai�tenance and preservation of the premises. <br /> =��1��;� <br /> "`.°.- „� I. The wai.ver by TRUSTEE or BF.NEFICtAItY of any default of TROSTOR <br /> -n=� under thia Deed of Trust, on one occasion, shall not be or be <br /> --``°-��+� deemed to be a waiver� �i any othcr o* �imi l,a� defan'lta _ <br /> -------_ subsequently accurring. <br /> ->;�;� J. I� �itle to any part of the property herein shall be taken in <br /> -s--== condemnation proceedings, by right of eminent domain, or <br /> +���'��`� similar action, or shall be sold under threat of condemna�ion, <br /> �.�.��:�.�.� all awards, damages and proaeeds are hereby aseigned and shall <br /> -;,,� be paid to tihe BENEFICIARY, who shall apply such payment, or <br /> ,.::=:»,s�:�� any part tiherQOf, in his sole discretion, to the sum due at <br /> -����;��� that tima on this Deed of Trust and Trugt Deed NotA� with any <br /> -����;" balance above the amount due hereundeX payable to the TRUSTOR. <br /> �`��� <br /> ==�,,,.�ti�• <br /> _,i�,��,.•:- K. The nEN�FICiARY, his agents or representatives, are herE y <br /> .:�;°j;��:s,�,:� � suthorized to enter, at any reasonable time, upon any part of <br /> '�:r�::•� :'•. � the trust property for the purposes of imspecting the same and <br /> ..,. .�� �,�. . <br /> - _ ' .� Y` � for the purpose of performing any of the acts t ey ara <br /> � •���: ; authorized to perform under �h� tenns of this Deed of Tru�t <br /> � �• and o�her accompanying documents. <br /> ;�-:��.::��:�;�::���� ; <br />- L. This Deed of Trust and all accompanying documents are subject <br />_ � �,f,{y�y- � to, constructed and governed by the laws of the State of <br /> �-=�"�+' �' � '-L—__t_� C..�. nl 7 r»�rnnenG. <br /> _ ___�__ _ 1\l1/�JLG.7a�n i.v� ••�.� t•••••t•��--' - <br />.. .,r. �. <br /> � M. In the event any one or more of the provisi�ns contained in <br /> � � this Deed of Trust, Trust Aeed Notes, or any other instrument <br /> � given in connectian with L•his tr�nsaction, shall for any <br /> ° reason be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any _ <br /> respect, such invalidity, illeqality, or unenforceability <br /> shall, at the option of the BENEFICIARY, noti affect any ether <br /> � provision� of this DQed of Trust or Trust Deed Note, but this <br /> ' -4- <br />