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. '•:`i;4,�r.. .. <br /> j , <br /> . ..� , .. .- .. . .. <br /> .j:l-. <br /> .� J u ' <br /> _ �l , " `1"��'-�� <br /> ���u �:. <br /> . �` � <br /> � �j ��. <br /> ...v�w.._. .:.,.�....�.:�..:..�1 .. . ._ .. . .�.a.._(�AN t\. <br /> . .... . _ ___— _ <br /> �'Wl1MM.M'•�eL... . , . . .. ....���a__ _— —__ -__— ......�..-.«..�.1.. .. ........ ..•.—.-.-_--_ —._.-. — __ _—_?_-. <br /> • ` . ' �'Y'F��.1._. .....y t._..__......_... ..-.. <br /> , � <br /> .- -....-"" _.._... .... .__".. . ..... .. 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Upon default by TRUS7�oR in the ��N r�ement hereunder, ��"'=-� ' <br /> hereby or in the perfor►nance o� anY a9 _ <br /> � BENEFICIARY may declare all sums secured hereby immediately <br /> �� due and payatble by deliv�ry to TRUSTL�E of written �eclaration <br /> ? If S�NEFICIARY desires sai.d property to be sold, <br /> �� of default. <br /> '�� he shall depoait with TRUSTEE this Deed of Tru�t and al <br /> �' pr.vmisso�y notes and dvcumen�s evidenoing expenditures secured ` <br /> '� her�by, and shall deliver to TRUSTEE a e�ri�Gten Notice of <br /> ' ' ��� Default and election to cause said property to be aold ii. t'�e �_ - <br /> form required by law, which shall be duly filed for record by � <br /> r°——. <br /> �� ' � TRUSTEE. - <br />:� �• (1) After the Zapse of such month follow ng theurecordation <br />:,;,. (presently being one (1� Notice of Defaul� and Notiae <br /> of said Notice of Default), _ <br />'�;�. �..' - ` i�•� of 9ale havin.g been given ae requir�d by law, TRUSTEE, �-_ <br /> ��ithout demand on TRU3TOR, shall sell safd propexty� on <br /> the date and at the time and place ahP hiu_hest biddera ���::.. <br /> ^{��'` Notice of Sale, ai public auctior. t�+ _ <br /> s�: <br /> � ��� the purchase price payable in l�wful�T on c nd ctingithe <br /> � - 3tates at the time of sale. The P edient, postpone the <br /> _;:=�,�.;•. � .' ss��e may, for any cause he deems exp <br />;,'':Y�.' !t�,��� g�le from time to time until it shall be completed and in <br /> ' ev�ry such case, notice of postponement shall be given by <br />.:�^��', such erson at the time and =- <br /> ��,,;,�o,.} public declaration thereof by P <br /> _.._�,,s,��� place 1ast appointed for the sale; pravided, if the sale <br />= is postponed for longer than one (1) day beyond the day _ <br /> �s--�-�.�� <br /> -'��=�'� desiqnated in the Notice of Sa1e, n�tice thereof shall be <br /> �"�� given in the same manner as the original Notice af Sele. <br /> - TRUSTEE ahall �xecute and�Ydteli�ver�Qla��ut W�t�out any <br /> .�,rh�.,�,;,�.,:,,� Deed convevimg said pzc�p Y _ <br /> — = aovenant or warranty, express er implied. Tha �ccite?E <br /> � ' = in the Deed of any matters or fact� shal��s n�cir��luding <br /> -__ -= proof of the truthfurchase at the sale p TRUGT0IR hereby :" <br /> - __.�� BENEFICIARY, may p <br /> - -- covenants �o warrant and defend the ti.tle of the above <br />__��_;;�� property to purchaser at sale. <br /> ���� D. When the TRUSTEE sel].s the tr.ust property pursuant to the <br />`�-_�� powers granted herein, the TRUSTEE shall apply the proceeds <br /> '--� from the sale of such property in the following order of <br />-;��;,'�."�'``�� priority: <br /> ��=�:r;��, ;;� • (1) To the cost and expense of exercising the power of sale - <br />'�„.�,,:,�-;;;,;,.J�.,_ � and of the sale, including attorney f�es, evidence of <br />_- �-`..��._�•�.-� ; title and other sale expenses, and a trustee's fee n�ot to _ <br /> _ ��;. . o� �he gross sale prics; <br /> - � � �xceed four percent (4�) _ <br /> _=- :���.:.„t;.�;��:� , - <br />-- �-� ;�_,�.�. (2) To the payment of L•he obliqation secured by this Deed of = <br /> -- ,, ;g.� Trust and Trust Deed Note; _ <br /> T -����`'��_ r a i To the payment of junior Trust Deeds, mortgagea, or otihor � <br />- -_•Yv�r._——F • • <br />- � �� lienholders; ��� <br /> . _,:��.,,, �; <br /> �. <br /> � (4) The balance, if any, tio the person or persons legal y �'_ <br /> entitled thereto. <br />_ , E. Upon the occurrence of any defaul� hereundQr, BENEF'ICIARY <br /> _ � shall have, inn the further.�opt�on tohforeelose this D ed of <br /> c�ranted here , <br />_ _�� <br /> : <br /> . .. _ _ .... ...._...—_.,�.:-------•-.---_____ <br />