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<br /> _ VI� �P� � MY�ot the p�ice bld� 'lt�ta eball ddlver to tbe purclu�� Tnrtee'� d�ed ca�v�yi� tM _
<br /> Proparty. Tl�e redhb In the Tnutae'R deed siMll 6e pAma fick evtdeoce o1 the trath ot tbe dataaNN� na�le ti�.
<br /> Tru�tec rhW!Apply Ibe proceed�ut the cwle In tbe tdbwing order:lal to nll costs w�d expe�rs ot�Urt pow�ol
<br /> w�k,Aad t6e aWe,lndudla�tbe p�nya�nt at Ihe TnWee'r fc���tewlly i�cutred,not to exceed 2. 0 '1�
<br /> o[t6e princlpW amouat ot the ooto at the ttme of tlk dalaration ot dePwult�w�d n�o�uibb AUorneys't�ar pnmittRd
<br /> ' bY 1.M;(b)a W wro��ocurod by �61s Sec�tfy ludnune�:and(c)nuy exceN to tb�penon or peraoa�M�ally aMlIW to
<br /> ��— le.
<br /> 22. Reoonvryance. Upon payment of dl wms soaued by this Security Instrument, Lender slwllroq ue�t Tnutec to
<br />. reronvey tha Property and shall surrcnder thia Secudty Instrument and ull �ates evidencing debt secured by ihi� 5acurity
<br /> Insuument to Trustec.Trustx slwU roconvey Ihe Property without wnrr�nty ard without char�e to the person or penona le�lly
<br /> entlQod to It.Such person or percons ahall pay u►y�ecordadon oosts.
<br /> 23,Su6ctltute 1lrustee. LeMer,at its option, m�y from time to tima remove Trustec w�d appoint a successor trustee to
<br /> any Trusteo appointod hereunder by an inateument roeorded in the onunty in which this Secudty Instrument ia recorded.Wlthout
<br /> _ -----= rnnveyance of the Property,the wcc�essor trusto��hall su000ed to all the Ude,power aad dutfw conferred upon TNSta herejn
<br /> and byapplicabls law.
<br /> _Ji ?A.Request tor Nottces.Borrower requesu that copies of the�roticea of default and �le be eent to Borrower's�ddras
<br /> which is Uu Prope�ty Address.
<br /> 2S.Riders to this Savtity Instnunent.If one or more dders nre executed by Borrower and�+ecordod toget6er wlth this
<br /> __. 5ecu�ty Instn�n�ertt,the covenants and egroemenes of each such�ider shall be incorpotated into and ahall wnend and supplement
<br /> the oovenants and agreements of Ihic Socurity Iact�uaient as lf tho r�der(s)we�+e a pnrt of this Secur�ty Iazuunna�t.
<br /> --�—° [Clxcic applicabto boa(es)l
<br /> —�—- — - Adjuateble Rate Rlder Condominium Rider I-4 Family Rlder
<br /> -- (iraduated Payment Rider Planned Unit Developrnent Rider Biweekly Payment Rider
<br />'°�r Ballaon Rider Rate Improvement Rider S000�Homa RWer -
<br /> V.A.Rtder Other(s)[��fY1
<br /> :�yr,t:i�fi:�t�::.��i'�;�
<br />.-�,_.,a�.���.o�"�-iiS:���Y�1
<br /> �"� BY SI(iNINd BELAW. Borrower accepts and agrees io the terms and covetwnts contained in thie Socudty Imtnwent�ud
<br /> �°��j��-,,,� in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and roconkd wlth it.
<br /> --�.Yr—�- Wl�nesets:
<br /> -� "\�,,�1�.
<br /> v �.,ur, � (Spd) '
<br /> _.—� a, �, , . ��;,, vern Jarzynka .�.�
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<br /> ""�� `'"��� � Sharon J. arzy a ,�
<br /> �-- - g_ - .�, -
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<br /> �.�.
<br /> ..�.s;,,..
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<br /> �;�r�> ^._ -Borrower .�towr
<br /> .��;��4 .'y �y`� .
<br /> �+�f+x;'� Y, °•, •� r>�: HA 11 CoUMy ss:
<br /> �'� ,, .� � STATE OF NEBRASKA,
<br /> — .a;. ,;', �. � The foregoing instrument was acknowledgod before me�his 7th duy of August .1992 �
<br /> ;.,....
<br /> ,.z,t;:..;�,,,}:•���-� by Laverne A. Jarzynka and Sharon J. Jarzynka, husband and Wife .
<br /> - .::ar"•�:s„�•. ".. • Witness my hand and notari�l seal at Gra nd Is land, Nebras a in said County,tha dote aforesaid.
<br /> .�.``''�"'"�°'° . ���'/�3
<br /> � • y My Commission Expires:
<br /> �o� Nowry 1'ublk
<br /> � ..�."�`'. '" ., �+.GLAtNAlN0TAA1�S�abdN�
<br /> — '-+��+�•+',� ' �� 8HEILAJ.ALDER
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