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�.. . ..•.,� �'ir' ,'" .r �, r � � � -� - --- --- <br /> r:� • �..� I �+T�.�'�� • . " ''• . <br /> i� • :v. ._. ' _ <br /> . . i ' �O�O�— __ _.__ _._ ._ _.. . <br /> .Q�,� <br /> ° 92-- <br /> i?.TrAnsfer of the Properly or p Beneilcial Interect in Borruwcr.If all or unyµ�t af the Property or any lntcrcst in It <br /> �.,, ia ssold or trunsPerred (ar if a bcne8cial intercst in Borrawcr is sold or trcin4ferred und Bc�rrower is not a nu�ursal person) wl�hout <br /> I.cnder's prior w�itten consent, I,ender may, at its aptian. require immediatc pAyment in full af�II r�um9 cecurod by this <br /> L_.,...w Secudty Inatrument. Hawever.thir option xhall not be�xercised by I.ender if exerciue ir prohibiteil by fecieral I�w aa of tho date <br /> a•°• :..�.k of thiR Security lnstrument. <br /> ' �y,;�,,;� L�.�,,, ' '' If l.en�ler exerci�es this ap�ian, l.ender ghull give B��rrower nntice of ucreleruti�►n. Thc nutice shull rnvide a pedod nf not <br /> .e <br /> ��;��. :.�,i t lexs than 30 days fram thc date thc notice is Jelivered or mailed wi�hin which Barrower muxt pay ul wmx secured by this <br /> „_. Sccurity Instroment. If Barrawer fuils m p�y thesc sums pdur to ihc expirnti�+n�f thix perlud,l.�nder nwy invoke any remodie� <br /> � ��,� ,. x– permitted by this Sc�:urity Instrument without funher nuti«:ur denuuid ou&►rruwer. - <br /> � �+�. 18, Borrower's Right la Reinstate. If Borrnwcr meets cenain canditions, Bo�rowcr shall huvc thc right to huvc <br /> ` '� enfarcement of thiR Security Inatrument discontinued ut ony �ime prk�r to the curlier of: (u)S duy� lor nuch other{x:dod as <br /> ���i�'a:�"`�it,; :. T: <br /> . r � � � =__� upplicuble law muy specify far reinswtement) bcfare sule of thc Praperty pursuunt to any pawer of sule contuinod in this <br /> i.��,�,`�°, .. � ,,.,:,: Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enfarcing Ihis Secu�ity instrument.7'hose canditions are thnt Barrower, (u)pays <br /> _:it�._ a7� ..��;�:•:�+: Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument und the Nute as if no ucccleration hacl cxcuRed; (b) <br /> : 4�. •� cures any default of ony other covenanta or agreements;(c) pays ull expcnsses incurrcYl in enfo�cing thi�Securiry Inatrument, <br /> �"�— ° '' '� �. i including, but not limited to, rensonable uuarneys' fees; anJ(J)tak��s such uctii►n u.ti I.ender muy reusanubly rcquirc to assure <br /> � that the lien af this Security Instrumant, L.ender's rightx in the Propeny und Borrower's nbligatiun to pay the sums secured by <br /> this Securlty Instrument shall cantinue unchanged. Upon reinsts�tement by Bc�rruwer, thix Secu�ity instrument and the <br />-�na •� •�''° '' obligutians secured hereby shWl remain fully eifective us if no acceleratinn hud accuRed. Hawever, this right to reinswte ehall <br /> ,,,. .���..��"�<u.�d(• <br /> �, ,• e • , not apply in the cuse of acceleration under pnrugruph 17. <br /> ,. �, 19. Snle oP Note; Change uf Loan Servfcer. The Note ur a partial interest in thc Notc la�gethcr with this Security <br /> - Instrument)mey be sold one ar more times without prior naticc to BoROwer. A sulc muy result in a chunge in the enti�y (known <br /> •:�; . • '���;,',r„ • as the "Loan Serviccr")that collects monthly payments duc under thc Note and this Secunry Instrument.There�Iso rmy be ane <br /> . _ , ..--:..:-.•. _._.._..-- <br /> 'r;: .. ` • or morc changes of the LA�un 5ervice�unrcluted to u sale uf thr Nute. If thcre 1�u changc of the lw�an Servicer. [3orrower will bc ° <br /> . � given written notice of the change in accarJnnce with paragruph 14 ubove and applicnblc luw.The notice will state the name und <br /> • Address of the new Loun Servicer unJ the address tu which payments should be made. The notice will also contain uny other <br />:- - – :- �-- • , infurroatiun rcyuinxl Uy u�licubic law. ° <br /> ��,�� � 20. Hazardnus Subslances. Borrower xhall not cause or permit thc presence, usc, disposal, storage. or release of any <br /> . - , Haxurdous Suhstances on or in the Propeny. Barrowtr shull not do, nor allow anyone else to da, unything uffecting the = <br /> � ° ,� Praperty thut is in violuti�m of any Envirimmental Luw. The preccding two sentences shull not aPply to the presence, use, or = <br /> . sroragc on the Prc�peny of+mall quuntitics of Huu�rdous Substanres tbat are generally recognized to be appropriate to nom�al <br /> residentinl uses und to muintcnunce of�he Pmperty. <br /> , . Bonower shull prompUy give L.ender written notice of uny investigation,claim, demand, lawsuit ur uther action by any <br /> � � � gavernmentul or regulutory agency or private pnrty involvin�;the Pr�perty and any Huzardouti Substance or 8nviranmental Law <br /> �' of which Barrowcr hus actuul kn�iwledge. If Borrower Ienrns,or is notified by any governmental or regulotory authority,that <br />-_,_- ., ,�:..�__,.,_ , , _ .. nnv removul or other rem�liutinn of uny Hs¢urdous Subsmnce uffecting the Propeny is necessury. Borrower shall promptly take <br /> � ull necessary remediAl uction�:in uccordance with Envimnmental Lsw. <br /> , �� As uxed in this paragraph 20, "Huzurdou�Substunces" ure[h�se substance�defined as toxic or hazardous subs�ances by <br /> Envirunmcntul la►w und the follnwing �ubxtances: gusoline, kerosene, aher tlammuble or toxic petroleurn products. Wxic <br /> � �� p�:�ticidcs und hrrbicideti,vol:�lilc wlvent�,materiul.containing asbestos or forn�uldehyde,unJ rudioactive materials.As used in <br /> " ' . „ this par�graph 20. "Envimnmentul Luw" meam federui luws und lawc af the juriuiiction where the Property is located t1uU <br /> �'��° : relate to hcalth..wfety or envir�x�mcrnal protcc�ion. <br /> ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS,BoROwcr und LcnJer funher covenant s�nJ agree us fullows: <br /> ' 21. Accelerut(on; Remedkw. I.ender shall Rive notke to Borrower prlor to acceleration Pollowing Borrower's breach <br /> .� ' � � ' � of any covenant or a�re^.ment in thk ticcurity Instrumenl (but not prior ta ucceleralion under paragraph 1'f unlesa <br /> . � appNcable 1��•�•prnvfdeti othenvitie).The nntice shall speciPy: (p) the default; (b)the action requfred to cure the default; <br /> j , (c)a date. n�.t le�s than 30 day�f'r�mi the dute the notice fs p�lven tu Bnrruw�er, by which the dePault must be cured;and <br /> J•. � • _ (d)that Pailure to cure the defuult on or t�efnrc thc dute specified in the notke mey result in acc�leration ot the sums <br /> �� ' secured by this Securlty Instrument and tiule of the Property. The notice r.hall iurther inform Borrower of the rl�hht to <br /> �- reinstute after accclerution and the riRht to brinu a rnurt action to u�.�ert the non-existence ot a defaWt or any otber <br /> ��� , � defentir uf Hurro�vrr to acceleradon and tiale. If the dePault Is not cured on ur before the d�►te specified in the notice, <br /> j • ..:�, I.ender, al its option. may rn�u{re imm��diatc puyment in i'ull of all sums s�ured by thts Securlty Instrument wlUwut <br /> i . . fuMher demnnd and m�y invokc thc po��•cr of sulc and any other remcdl��permittet!by applicnble law.Lcndcr sliall be <br /> . • entitled to collect all expens��incurr��d in punuinR thc mnu�dies provided in thih para#ruph 21,including,but aot Umited <br /> , to.rwsnnablc utlnrncys'ie��v nnd ro.rlx ol'tiUc evldcncc. <br /> If thep�wer oi sule is invuk��d, Trustec shall racord a notice of defuult in u�ch county in whlch any put of the <br /> �- Property is IocAted und shutl muil cupies��f�uch notice iu thr mumier prexribed by upplicable law to Borrower and to <br /> ,,. thc other pc�uns pr�cribed b�• app8cublc laa. Af'tcr thc time rcyufred b�upplicable lea•.Trustce shall p�ive public notice <br /> � '° of wile to the prrsons and in the munner pn�urilxd b�upplicablc la�s.Tru+t�. �+�ithout demand on Borroweq shall sell <br /> "' the Property at publir uucti�m tu thc hi�;h�ht bidder ut lhe tin�c und pluc�und under thc terms d�.wlgnuted in the ndlce of <br /> , ' sulc in one ur murc purrcls und in nny ordcr Tru+tc�detcrmfnc�.Trust�ti ma�� ��stp�mc wlc af all or any pareel at the <br /> ' • „- Property b�� public unnuuncuncnt ut thc timc imd pWc� of any� pre�•lously ,nc�dulcd zale. Lendcr or its dcsl�nee mAy <br /> � ` � punhuse the Pruperty at any sule. <br /> � � Form 3028 S/80 <br /> �'a�1e S u�6 — <br /> I M <br /> ' _- _ _ - r: <br /> � . . <br /> � � <br /> �- . I <br /> � <br /> � ; <br /> ' �, � , <br />