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�_ t� A � .i��' .'rv�*s"�_�t�w�g �,.�-------- ..�7s:.:'-��-----_ � <br /> �^�•�=^ram-�,�: ,r.� — <br /> - -- `"'15�-.�+.,svrr. ,_ aa.+�..q.._-..._�-��, - ..-- •_- <br /> r�.r , <br /> .ii'. . . . .,. " ; - <br /> n '"� ' ^ %a'{� �K �. �. _ <br /> :a81� <br /> �. . _ <br /> • i <br /> � � 92- 10700� <br /> � � condemnaUon ar ather takinp ot'uny pun of thc F'mp�rty�or far conveyancc in Ueu of'candemnuliim,uro he�by uaKiQned wui <br /> rhall bc paid ta Lender. <br /> r In the event c►f u twol taking of �he Propeny. the pracecdti xhull l+e opplled to�he xum+ �ccurcd by thiK Sccurity <br /> Instrumcm,whc�hcr ar nut Ihcn duc,whh uny cxcetix paid to Borrowcr. In �he event af u purliul tuking of the Property in <br /> which the iair murkct vuluc of ihe Pre►peny immediutcly 1x�1'ore�hc laking iti eyuul w ur grcutcr�hun thc umuunt af Ihe sums <br /> secured by�his Security loslrumcnt immediu�ely hefore thc tuking. unlrsw SuRUwcr and Lendcr othcrwir,c ugrcc in wriiing, <br /> the sums secured by thfa Security Imlrument �hull be reduced hy Ihe umount ai the prcx:eedti muUiplied by the following <br /> ��-; fractiom (a)the ratnl umaunt of Ihe sumg securcd immediu�rly 1kPure�h�iul�ing.diviJcd by(b)thc fuir m�rket vahie of the �___ <br /> �� praperty immedintcly before the tuking. Any balwnca shull bc:puid to Borrawer. In the event at'u punful luking of thc <br /> ; : PmpeAy in which the fair murket vnlue of thc Propeny immcdiutely before the toking iti Ieca Ihun�he umount af ihc aumx <br /> -� — ssecut+ed immedlatcly befom thc tuking, unlcxs Barrower und l.endcr uthcrwizc agree in writing ur unlcx� applicublc luw <br /> v�-.F_.��:� o�henvise provideK,the praceeds shall be applied ta the sums xccured by ihic Security Inatrument whelher or not the sums ure <br /> —���;r'�r�;'�<�`^ then due. <br /> � `��;`�='.''�:`".� If the Property is abandoned by Botrower,or if.ufler rn+tice by Lender�o Borrower�hut the candemnor offers lo make _ <br /> ''="�="''� '�"'�' ' an uward ar senle u claim far damAges, Barcawer fails�o rcxpand to Lendcr wi�hin 30 duy�ufter the dnte the notice is givcn, <br /> �,;,.�..��}lc.: <br /> _ �;�e;�;�f���t'� l.ender is uutlwrized to collect nnd npply the proceeds,at itx option,either to trstarutian or repuir of tha Property or ta the <br /> ;'�+� •••, auma sei:ured by thia Securlry Instrument,wheth�ror nw then due. <br />� ,��•'. .� <br /> � �, ;,�,. • Unless Lender und Borrower atherwise ngrce in wri�ing, uny upplicution ot p�m:eedti to principul shnll na ex�e ar <br /> �' ''.+ti' ���-�,,_,, pogtpone the due date af the monthly payments refzRed lo in parngruph� 1 and 2 orchange the Amount of xuch puymentti. <br /> ��'� �' tl. Borrower Not Released= Forbearnnce By I.ender Not a Waiver. Extcnxion of �hc timc for ps�ymen[ or <br /> �:. .•s.;....:.. <br /> modificution of amortizntion aP the tiums secured by this Securily Insirumenl grunled by Lender to uny succesror in interext <br /> --_ �''�'���'`�=�� of gortower shal! not operete lo relenhe�he liubilky of the o�glnal Borrower or Borrowert�successon m interest.Lender ` <br /> - - , g_---.__ �s;":i�+.n <br /> ,�, � �� shntl not be required to commence proceedings aguin.r•t nny succexsor in intere,l or refuse to extend time for ps�yment or <br />- +:- . .. ..;:• •=.' othenvise modlfy amonizntion af the sums secured by thih Security Inxtrument by rcason of any demund mude by the original <br /> e <br />- _,• ��-i"`''-r"-�_-- Qorrower or Borrowers successors in interc:st. Any forbearance by Lender in�xerc•isinF uny right or remedy sh411 not be a ,_ <br /> ' waiverof or preclude the exercise of any right or remcdy. <br /> , " ' 12. Successors and Assigns Bound; JoMt and Several I.labillty:Co-signer9. The covenants und ugreementa af this <br /> ` .�t,;: .; Security Imtrument shull bind and benefit the succetisors und usrignti of Lender and Barrower,subjeci to�he provisionx of <br /> � •� � '. � , parngroph 17.Borroweri covenants nnd ngreenxnts xhull be joint and �evernl. Any Borrower who co-signs thi5 Security <br />- . �,.�:,',.� Instniment but dces not execute the Note; (a)is co-gigning this Securily In+trument only to mongage,grunt and convey that <br /> � „ . Borrower4 intere�t in Ihe Property under Ihe of�his Security Instrum:nr, tb)i�not per�onally obliguted to puy Ihe sums _LL <br /> � " recured by this Security Instrument:und(c)agrees Ihut Lender und Any olher Borrower muy agree to extend,modify,forbear <br /> � ,,,r,: ••�,,, ' or make uny uccommodations with regard to the terms of thi4 Securiry Instrument or the Note without that Horrower's �- <br /> ��r_;x � � ' conRent. <br /> , °`- -- -� 13. Loen Chargas. if tha loan ucur.d by thf:: Security lnstrusnen! i� tiuhSPrr �o a luw which se4�c mnximum loan � <br /> •� charges,and that law 4s tinally interpreted tio�hu�ihc interesi or other loun cha�ges collected or to be collected in connection _ <br />' ' • with Ihe lonn exceed the permitted limitx,thcrr (u►uny+uch loun charge shull be reduced by the nmount necessary to reduce __ <br /> ,� . . ., a._- <br /> ,„;.�,�. , �he charge�o ihe pemiitted limit;und(b)uny sums ulrendy collected from Borrower which exceeded perniitted limits will be _._. <br />; . ; +� • ; '" 1 �� rcfunded to Borrower. Lender muy chcwse to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by muking u ��� <br /> • � , ._ direc�payment tc�Borrower. If u rcfund rcduces principul,tlie reduction will be treated us a partiul prepayment without uny <br /> ''��"�' . ='. •4 : prepuyment churgc under thc Note. =°° <br /> = a�:.._ 14. NoNces. Any nrnice to Bcxrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by deliverfng it ar by �,,,�,, <br /> S' � ._, � Y '.s mailing it by fint class muil unless upplicnble luw reyuirc�u�e of unotner methad."I fie notice shull be directed to�he Pruperty �a;.; <br /> y Address ar uny other addresti Borrower detiignutcs by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shull he given by first class � <br /> tr meil to Lender�uddress stutcd hercin or uny o�hrr�iJdress Lender desi�nules by nntice to Borrowcr. Any nwicc provided for ���` <br /> '7^V � ' . . . �A• <br /> in this Sccu�ity Instrument shull lx Jcemed to huve lxen Eiven lo Borrower ar Lendcr when given as provided in this _ <br /> � •� y � purugruph. <br /> �. , .' 15. Governipg; Severabllity. Thiti Scrurity In�trumrn��hall t►e govemed hy federnl law und �h� luw of the �f� <br /> �.� ' . jurisdiction in which thc Property is I�xaicd. In �he evcm thut uny provision ur cluu�e of this Securiry Inxtrumem or the Note - <br /> � ,. ��x, conflicts with applicublc low,�uch conflict shull ix�t uffcct othrr provisions ot'this Sccurity Instrument or thc Note which can �'` <br /> , • be given effect without the conllirting pmvi�ion. To�his end�he�xovi+iom of ihi+Security Imtrument and the Note are _ <br /> , ;�, declered to tx xeverahle. <br /> . 16. Borrower'w Copy. Horn�wcr xhall Ix�givcn unc a�nfurnicd copy c�f the Nc�te and of this Security Instrument. _____ <br /> . , 17. 'Iransfer of the Property or a Benefirlol Interetit In Borrower. If ull or uny pun of thc Pmperty or uny interetit in <br /> ° il is sold ar trun�ferced (ar if u Ixncfiriul imerest in Borrower i� �old �ir trantifcrred amd Burruwer is not u natural personl �= <br /> �''i. °�.- without Lender's prior written con.cnt,LcnJcr roay,a�i�s optic�n, rcyuire immcdiaec puymrnt in full ol'all sums secured by � <br /> „ . � ° �hiti Security Instrument. However,this optiun shall ncx he exrrcised by Lendcr if�xercisr ix pmhibited by federctl luw us of __ <br /> �, the Jate of lhis 5ecuriry In,lrumcnt. �;." <br /> . .•. If Lender exercixe��hi,apti�m.Lender shull Five Burn�wcr nulicc of t+ccelerati�m. The notice,hall provide:�period of �--- <br /> ; ,.•;,-;��; . not less thun 30 day�from thc Jutc thc ncxicc i.�klivercd ur mi�ilyd�vithin which Bc�rcowcr must pay ull,umti zecured by this �, <br /> � , Security Instrument. If Bi,rcowcr t'uil��o pay Ihe.r �wm pri��r ti�thc cxpirati�e� of thi� �xriod. Lender may invoke any , <br /> ^� °��. remedics perniiurd by this 5crurity bistn�n,�•m wiihuul further nuticc ur deinanJ un Norru���cr. <br /> ' 18. Borrnwer'ti Right to Reinstute. If &�rrowrr m�rt. ccna�n cunditiun., Borcower sh:dl huve Ihc right to havc <br /> ' ,��^ u , � ..,. enfarcement uf this Securiry In�trument di,cantinurd at an}•�ime prior to dx e:ulicr nt: lu�S duys(or.uch o�hcr period us < <br /> � k. .. SinEle I�amily--Funnk�tudFrcAdlc�1nr l�11F'lIR�1 INti'1'Nl�1E\'f-•UniiSmo Cur.nam, 9/90 �paRr J uJ'b puge.+1 <br /> F <br /> , . . �'^��` . <br /> . • <br /> � " .. --- �„ ...,,. . . , , . _ _ .. . ..iv_.1 <br /> - �__ __..•_------ °- _ - ------°_..._ . _.... .. ....._ . . _. . <br /> . n <br /> �\ . <br /> � , <br /> ( - �P: `�l� .. <br /> ' � . <br /> � .� �.�J ... . __.._. . , _. <br />