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'-"5�:�.v_�.sr_.-.. � �•{V - .- . -�,.�.....:,. �4 :a�. <br /> • -�W.� -_ � _-----_�.r....�„�_..•..r:i......W <br /> .. - �.._t--�nc-.�..____. <br /> ,�+�Llar`` -- - ' -- <br /> :lr, E�: .. _�_— <br /> . !�� ..,, i .� *:,., r. ..��,.___`� <br /> ` q�+¢I ;1 - ��_. <br /> . ' , .._ • - <br /> �� . �._s � , t�2� tO�lpp4 <br /> , perlod�lbcu I.,ender requirce. Thv fnRUrwK:o carrier providing the InRUrnnce xhall be cho�cn by Borrower Rubject to Lcnder� <br /> •�,��� apprnval which rtudl nnt bo tmrc�onably withheld. If Borrowet fai b to maMtain covcrage descri6ed obove, Lsnder may,s�t <br /> � I.enderk optinn,obtain eoveru�e to protect l.ender'x dgh�s in Ihe Pmpetty in uccardance with pan►graph 7. <br /> °a•' a All insurance policies nnd rcnewulx shull be acceptAblx lo Lender ond shull Includc u�stundnrd mortgugc cluuse. Lender <br /> `�:�; ehall huve the dght to hold the policies und renowuls. If I.endcr reyuirca. Borrower shull prompdy give lo L.endcr ull reccipts <br /> -- ------ of paid prcmfum�and renewal noliees. In�he evem of loss,Borrowa ahell �ive prompt notice to the imwance cartier rn� <br /> �..• .- - ---- _-- l.ender. Lcnder maY mukc proof of losa iP not made promptly by Borrower. <br /> ��' Unlcca Lender and Barrawer othenvise ugr+rc in wdting,insurance pro�eeds xhull be�pplieJ w�e.toretion ur repair uf ° <br /> the Property dumaged. if the restoration or repair is ecanumicnlly feasible and L.ender':� securlry is not lessened lf Uie <br /> - �,.�,s, restorati�n or repuir ia not economically feusible ar l.enderk isecurlly woutd 6e lessened, the insurancc praceeda shall be <br /> __ applied to the sums securcd by this Secu�3ty Instrument, whetha or not�hen due,with c+ny eacess puid to Borrower. If <br /> —,�„��—,�,�,�„��� Bomower Ahundons the Property.or does nat unswer within 30 d�ya a notice from Lender that the insurunce carrier hus <br /> ofPered to settle A claim.then Lender may callect the insurnnce proceeds. L.ender may use the proceeds to repnir ur�+estare <br /> .-- _.'� the Pmpeny or t�ps�y auma secured by this Secu�ily Inatrurnent.whether or not�hen due. The 3U-d�y period will begin when <br /> _�,;�.� the noticc is given. <br /> „�;.�" Unlesg Lendcr nnd Borrower othenviye ugree in w�ting. any application of proceeds to principal shell not cxtend or <br /> postpona the due dnte af the monthly payments refemed ta in paragraphs 1 und 2 or change the amaunt of the puyments. If - <br /> - under pamgrnph 21 the PropeAy is acyuired by Lender, eorrower's rigM to uny insurunce policieq and proceeds resulting <br /> from damuge ta the Property prior to the acquiaitton shull p�s4 to Lender to the extent af the suma secuned by this 5ecur�ty <br /> �. �'��� lnatrument immediately prlor to the acquirition. <br /> ���t�?��`�`"���� 6. p�pAUry� Preservation, Maintennnce nnd Protectlon ot the Property; Borrower's Loan Applk�tbn; <br /> wu <br /> '°"�"'""`��' I.eASehdda Borrowor shatl occupy,estnblish,ttnd use 1he!'ropeAy es Borrowerk principal residence within sixty days after _ <br /> __;j��' the esecution of this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property us Borrower's principal residence for at <br /> �;�,r.�a�. • ' least one year ufter the date of occupancy, unless Lender othenvise ngnees in writing, which consent ahall not be <br /> - �.,.�„�±..... <br /> x•:'. � h ��•P�•. •,a�,•-• unreasonnbly wi�hheid.or unlexs ex�euuuting circumstnnces exist which sue beyond Borrower's control. Horrower s a nnt _ <br /> �'+�""`"' destroy,damagc or impair the Property,ollow the Property to deteriaute,or commit warte on the Praperty. Borro�rer shall <br /> :.� ,�;,.,. .,.- . <br /> ;- ,�,;, be in default if any farfeiture actian or proceeding,whether civll or criminal,is begun that in Lender!c goad faith judgment _ <br /> '�`_ <br /> �. �x,s►�:s�,.,Y.' could reault in forfciture of the PropeAy or othenvise muteriully impair the lien crented by this Securiry Insuument or <br /> �''';='"'''' ` '` I,enderk xecurity interest. Horrower may cure such n dei'ault und reinstute,es provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action <br /> .�:� .f <br /> ,,� . or proceeding to be dismissed with u ruling thnt,in Lender�g«xl fai�h determinntion,precludes fort'eiture of Ihe Borrower g <br /> - .�g�....;.. : intercst in the Property or other material impairment of the lien crea[ed by this Secudty Instrument or Lender�security <br /> Y '�y���'�-� �`"` intet+est. Borrower ahall ulso be in defuult if Borrower. during ihe loan epplicetion process, guve matedally false or <br />–_;�� ,�„� r = <br /> ' �.,• innccurate infonnation or statementx to[.ender(or fuiled lo pmvide Lender wHh any material information)in connection with <br /> s,;,=�.'��i�j��,,.�,__� the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to,representationa wnceming Borcower's accupancy of the <br /> - "�-, �:`r- - - Pmperty as a pnncipai r+esidence. if[his Securiey instrumc��t iy uo a lea.�tiofd,Oormwcr sha!!complp v:itls s!!the pro:isiotss <br /> �. of the leuse. lf Borrower ocquires fee title to the Prnperty,the leusehold and the fee title shall not merge unkss Lender agrees <br /> : . ..,.�•". �'`" ' to the merger in writing. <br /> _ �' 7. ProtectMn oP I.ender's Rlghts ii� the Property. If Bortower fails to perform the covenants und agreemants <br /> :;r� • � .�" contnined in this Security lnstrument, or there is a Iegnl proceeding thut muy sigmt'k►+ntly uffect Lender's rights in the <br /> �" � _°,�F .. •�. � � Property(such nx a praceeding in bsnkruptcy,probate,for condemno�ion ar forfe�ture or to enforce laws or regulations).then <br /> `'`"z r.;- � ' Lender muy do and pay for whutever is necessary to protect the vAlue of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. <br />__ =''�r-.�_�� '��� Lrnder's actions mAy include pnying any sums secured by u lirn which hns priority nver thiti Security Instrurnent,oppeurinR <br /> ?�' ` � �'" '�� in court, u in reusonable ultome s'fee.und enterin�on the Pro rt to make re airs. Althau h Lender ma take action <br /> �-�- , � .� , . P Y 8 Y 6 Pe Y p B Y <br />_ ,. - . , ,f,. . under this parngmph 7,Lender dces not have to du su. <br /> � • • � v .. My umounts disbursed by Lender under this parugrs�ph 7 zhull becorne additionul debt of Borrower secured by this -- <br /> =;�. ,;,;%„; Secudry Instrument. Unless Borrowcr and Lender agree to aher terms of paymcnt.�hezc umounts shall bear interest from the _ <br />- ,•, <br /> . a;�.: '°°`� �"`�` date of disbursemcnt at the Note ra�e und shnll be puynble,with inierest,upon notice from Lcnder to Borrower requesting <br />.n`,,�. � :• payment. <br /> ''�- � Y• � . 8. Mortgage Insnrance. If Lender reyuired mortguge insurancc ax a condition of making�he loen secured by this <br /> �•� •w�•• Security Instrument, Borrower shall pay thc premiums reyuired to muimain the mortgage insurunce in effect. If,for any <br /> �� �"� '� reuson, the mortgc+ge insurance coveragc reyuire d by Len dcr lupsez cx ceu+eti t o b e i n e f f e c t, Borrower shnll pA y the <br /> " A�� «%-'_��• � premiums required to obtain coverage subslnntiully cquivulrnt to ihe martguge insuronce previously in etfect,at u cost <br /> • ' .,-„ substantially equivalent ro the cost to Borrower of the mortguge insurnnce previouxly in effect,from un altemute mortguge <br /> -. , insut+er uppmved by Lender. If substnntiully eyuivalent manguge i nsurance coverage is not uvailuble,Borrower shull pny to <br /> - . . Lender each month u sum eyuul to onc-twelflh of the yeurly mohgage insu�s�nce premium being puid by Borrower when the <br />-�':.,� '�.:'�� ' insurance coverage Inpsed or ceused to be in effect. Lender will uccept, u�e nnd retuin these pnyments ns n lo�s reaerve in lieu <br /> -�..�' �' '� of mortgage insurunce. Loss reserve payments muy no longer be nyuircd,ut the option uf Lender,if mortguge insuronce <br /> : .:, �� ' covernge(in thc umount and for the pc�nod thut Lender rrquirrxl prondcd hy cm inxurcr approved by Lender again becomes <br /> ;�;�._ ;.° uvailable und is obtained.Borrower shull puy the premium.rcqui��i�o inuintain murtguge insuruncc in effect,or to provide A _ <br /> , .��` , .. loss reserve,until the reyuirement for mortgage insurunce ends in uccordance wfih any wriuen ugreement between Horrower _ <br /> .. - .. und Lender ur upplicable luw. E <br /> 9. Inspectfon. Lcndcr or its ugent may mukc rca�unublc cnuK� u{xm ;md insperlions of the Propeny. Lender shull <br /> ' �t- - give B�ircower notice at thc time of ar prior tu an inz�xc�ion.�xrify ing rcuwnuMe cuuti�k►r thr insp�rtion. <br /> .. . � ,a 10. CondemnAtion. 'I'he prcxced�uf uny awurJ or cloim for Jam:�geti.direrl��r romryuenliul,in connection with uny <br /> • . Sinpk Fam�ly-•Frenle 11feelFYeddle�tuc Uti1Fe)N1f IN�1'Itl'11F.NT-•Uni(umi Cuvrnanh 9N10 qx��e?uf n puxr+l _ <br /> ' �arn1 Id�*Puun'wi Famr.Ix S I. <br /> , To a�kr 1'rd:t80663093&1�V�ll BIf�7B41131 <br /> ' �i` �� <br /> •e . � <br /> • . . _ ' __"' '" "' ' - ..�.. , � � . .. . - "_": _ <br />- y . —.r._"_'_ ' v :.��.:'. _"' _' ' '. . .-.�..-.. • . .... . .�.i. <br /> ;.Y� .. <br /> �•_ . ., . ..' '_. <br /> ' i. . � � ' . . . <br /> , .. <br /> , ��.' ~• S �, . . . .. .. <br />_ _ :• • _ ,� ' _ . . . <br /> � <br /> , .' � <br />