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<br /> 12-1.��D�6 L1EED Q� TRIJ�T ��,. �.�,�`j9:3 P°a°6 �
<br /> ' �l.oen No�1883�8 (Continued) •• __���
<br /> .—— �-_---------.—_...—�----.—.._._ _. - _�.----�_�_.�
<br /> � @) 1u moy bo pKmlttsd by law,�ttw daductinp all costs,to�and e�ensss of Trustoe and o}lhle Yrus9,Includinp nooU o1 evldence of
<br /> Glla In oonMOHon with eab,Truttaa ehall apply the procacds of eal�to pwyment of (i)flil sum�expended under lho tonrss of this Deed o1
<br /> Tru�l or unMr Ihs t�rms ol lh�Not�not If►�n rapald,Includlnp but nof Umltsd to tccrued Intereat 4nd late ohtrpes, (il)sll other eums Ihan ,,
<br /> sacured hersby,and (III)Iho nmainder,if any,to tho percon a porsons fbpfllty e�tltlad thereto.
<br /> (o) Trustee mey in the menner proNded by kw postpone sate ot tA a any portlon of the Property. .. ?
<br /> RciaaAEe1 Not Dcclu�ive. TrusteA end Lender,and ea.ch o(lhem,ehall be enuHod to entorce peyment end pertormence of any Indebtedn� ' �
<br /> or o6fp8GOns securod�y lhis Doed ol Trust and lo exerG:o atl dphir and pot�rcr,undcr thls Dc�d of Trust,�nd�r Ihe Noto,under eny of the
<br /> •• • •a Re1aNd Oooumenb,w under any other ayreement or any laws now or heroefter in lace;notwlthstandinp,some a sll of euoh Indabtedness _
<br /> - ° and obqpauons secured by this Deed o}Trust may now or hereafter be othflnviso secured,whether by mortpaye,deed of hust,ptedp�,INn, h�-_
<br /> ass!pnrraent or othorwiso. Noflhor ihe accoptanca of thls Dead oi Trust nor Its enforcomant,whether by court ection a purauant to the power ot
<br /> '�� su{e a �iher powars contsined In lhls Deod ot Trust,shall prejudk�or In flny manner eHoat Trustoe's or Lenders right to realize upon or
<br /> .X-..V' a�`
<br /> � enfaco any othor security now or hereatter held by Trustee or Lender,il treinp apreed that Trustee and Lender,and each of tham,ehall be � t�1_-
<br /> enti0ed ta enforce thls Deed of Trust and eny other secudty now or hereatter hold by lsndor or Trustee In such wder and manner es lhey or f�v:-=:
<br /> ,t,..
<br /> , elther�f them may In fhelr s6sotute discretion determine. No remedy contarred upon or reservad to Trustee or Lender, Is intended to be ,�,w____
<br /> exduslve of any olher remecly In thls Deed of Tntst or by!•sw providod or porm(ttad,bu!each shall be cumulnlive end shull be In addltlon to . •��
<br /> every other remedy piven In this Oeed of Trust or now or hereaHer exfstirp at law a in oquity or by ststute. Every power a remedy piven by the
<br /> Note or any of lhe Retated Documenfs to Trustae or Lender or to which eiiher o}them may be otherwiso enHGed, may ba exerclsed, � _
<br /> concurrenlly w Independently,hom timo to time and ae often as may be deemed expedlent by Trustoa or Lendor,and elther of thom may '
<br /> purcue Inconsistent remedfas. Nothinp in thls Deod of Trust shall be corrshued as prohihiting Lendar from sosking a deflclenoy Judgmont r';;`
<br /> ,•.;;��"�', flg�inst the Trustor to the exient such ection is pertnitt�d by law. '•._
<br /> �::.7r� .. - .���_.".
<br /> �?,�;,��'.� Reqnest For Hot{ce. Trustor,on behalf of Trustpr and Lender,hereby requesis that e copy of any Notice ot Default and e copy of any NoNal _
<br /> ;;i: ot Sele under fhls Oeed of Trust be mailed to them at the addresses set tath In tho flrst paragraph of this Deod of TrusL � �' -
<br /> ;��',�,•. WaNer;Elcctlon ot Remedies. A wa(ver by any parly ol a breaah of o provtsfon of thlS Dr�d ot Tru:,t shtsll not con5�tute a welver Of or '� _
<br /> • 'y� prepidlce Ihe partyrs dghts otherwise to demnnd strict compllance with ihat proNslon a any other provislon. Electlon by Lender to pursue any '•,k_ _
<br />- �• rarnady provided in thfs Deed ot Trusi,fhe Nota,In any Raialnd Oacument, ar pravldad by law shall not excludo pursult ot Cny ottar rom�dy, P�-:. -
<br /> anden alecHon to mnko oxponditures or to tflke actlon to porform nn obllgaUon of Trustor under this Deed of Trust after fallure of Trustor to �''"'`ti'`
<br /> ....��;_.
<br /> r�• perlarrt�shatl not aftecl Lendere deht to d9clare a deiaWt and to oxercise any of Its vomedies. .� '+•"`
<br /> . t t�t.
<br /> � f Attom�y�'Fees;Ex�anees. If�endor Institutss any sult or action to enlorce flny of fhe terms of thls Deed of Trust,Lender shall be entlHod to �:.�;'�r`�"f�;:--
<br /> � �,. , �t t•.,_,,:
<br />=.��!. ,,� recover 6uah sum as the courl may adJudye reasonable as ettorneys toes at trial and on any eppeel. Whether w not any court ncUon la ; ,;,,.,:
<br /> Invdved,aA reesonabte e�enses in;,irred by Lender wldch In Londer's opinlon are r�ecassary a1 any Ume ta the protecUon of Its interest or the j�(+}���e
<br /> �`. entace ment of Its riphts shell bucoma a part of the Indebtedness payabia on demund and 9halt bear Interest at the Note rate hom tho date o} '� _ '�'—
<br /> � •f;;•,�,t� expanditure unlil repald. E�ensos caver�d by thts parapreph Inciude,withoul Omi1aUOn,however subJect to any Ilmib under applicable law, ? � -
<br /> _ , ,. �- ;!� L�n4^r'S aHomeys'tees wtwth�or not thdre is e la�vsuli,Incl�dir�sttomeys'teos 1a bankrupt�y proceedlnps(Inciudlnq ettwta to modly w ,��,�,�;,�''-`-'�-�y:,�
<br />- �.. �, vace!e any automatb etay or InJuncBon),appoal5 8nd any anHcipeted post-Judpmont collecdon servlces,the cost of seerchinp recad9,obteinlnp �"�" ` '�
<br /> utterepats(including fareClosuro�epats),9UN6y0P8'reports,eppraisal tees.tltle Insuranca,and fees fa the Trustoe,to the extent permHted by
<br />- '�;;:�' spp�cable law.Trustor aiso wlll pay any cou�t costs,In addlUon to ell other sums proNded by law. '�'�"'!�°��`�'
<br /> ',��— �.:m�:
<br /> . Rl�llls at TR131Ee. TNSt9e shell hsve elI of the rtynts 6ntl tlun�s ot Lendet as sei iorio in inis seiciiun. ��`''��
<br /> � .�'_:vi�;; �
<br /> , POWF�l9 M1D OBLIQATIONS OF Tf1USTEE. The toilowinp provlsions rela�np to tho powers and ohlipatlons of Trustee sro pQrt of this Deid of
<br /> TfU3�, r
<br /> Ponlrs of T�uuee. In additlon to all powera of Trusteo arislnfl as a mtfter of law,Trustee shall have the pawer to take the tollowlnp eodon� ;
<br />-- with respxt to the Propurty upon the w�ilten request of Lender and Trustor. (a)Jdn In preptdny ond Nlnp e map or piat o!the Fi�ti Propetly, +
<br />� Inctu�ny ihe ded�atlon of atreeb or othor riphb to the publb; (b)1dn in prantlnp any auortwnt a crentlnp any reshk�tlon on tFN Re�l Proper(y; j-�_
<br /> Ji�'. � nnd(c)Jdn In ony aubordlnaflon or other aqnement atNcdnp thb be�d of Trust a ftN Interssi of Lendu under thh Desd of 7rust. _
<br /> -=��T��• T�u�.Truet»shaN rt�f NI qu�Mc�tlon�nquind fa Trwtw und�r�ppNC�bN kw. In additlon to tha rlyhta and nm�dMs�M fath�bow,
<br />- --°•. � r withnsp�ot to�N or�ny part W th�Prop�rty,th�TrustM sh�N haw!he rlpR!fo for�cloa�by notta�nd�aM,nnd Und�r�hap h�w tM rlpht ta
<br /> _�,-:.:-,„--�. lot�dos�by Judfd�!(a�dowr�,In NtMr caa In�ccadux�wtth�nd to th�tuN�xc�M proNd�d bY�pPlicabta law. ,-
<br />' �'"'� 6vcas�or Tn�tee. lender,d Lender'e op�on,rr�y hom tlrrN to tlrrw�ppdnt a eucC�sor Trustw to eny Tnnte�ap dntW h�nund�r by an �
<br /> ��� , •r• In�stnanent ex�CUted tnd�cknowNdp�d by Lsnder and recaded in th�oMCa of the ncord�r of HALI.Couaty,Neb�a. TtN IrahurrNnt aFwN
<br />- ��:�""r'i; conWn.In addlBon to tli oth�r matt�re r ur�d b state kw,th�nam�a of fh�oridnd Undsr,Trus1M,and Tnnta,tM book and p� ar ��`
<br />�i,_;'t:,,;',:.. P� ( �`��
<br /> -a�,-� cc�mpat�r eyst�m retarencs)where thb D�d of Tr�t b recwdsd,and lM nnrtN and iddnss of th�suocessor trustss,and the Iratrumenf theN
<br />-'':;:_�:-�- b��x�culod and acknowbdq60 by aA tlw banatklarles under the Deed of Trust a thelr successas In Interest. The s�aor truslos,without - -
<br />=:�i:-•f.���� convey�ncw of tho Property,sha►I succoed to atl the tltle,power,end duifes conterced upon the Trustee In thh Deed ot Truat and by�ppllabb --�
<br />���� Isw.Thi�procedure frx sub5Hlution of hustee shall povern to the exciuslon o!�A other provlslons fa subsNtutlon. _
<br />=r�`�`�'"'�'� NOTICFA Ta TRU8TOR AND OTHER PARTIES. Any notico under thls Deed of 7rust shah be In wNtlnp,nuy b�be sent by teletacslmill�,and shtY
<br />_„�„,
<br />`�'"K��-�� be eMocYNe when ectua►ty do0vered,w wMn deposited with�natlonaNy recopnlzsd ovarNpht courfor,or.If mallad,ahtll b�dNrtwd�Mootiw wMn =
<br />��::�•- _ . n -
<br />- �?^�,�.,r.-;, depositedln Ihe UNtad Stat�s mati flrst class,cartlfled a�eplsterad ma(I,poslapa prep�0,dfrected to the addresses nhown near tlu bpfnnl pof
<br /> � �a� this Deed of Trust. Any pnrty may chanpe Its address tor not�as under this Oaad ot Trust by pivinp fomsel w�ittbn noUce to the dher parHN, �, __--__-__ __
<br />--= �'�u"s:" tlut Ihe purpoe�of tha notk�b b chnnp�the putye addrass. A1 coQks of notic�s of Poaclosure hom ttN hdder of Rny INn whbh Fus =-
<br />-�''•-�'�"•� - p�p�Nyr o�v�r tNa p�vd of Truat�h�H M ant to Lsnder9 addnss,as ehown n�ar ttM bpinninp of thb Dead of Trust. For notlo�ptxpO�N,Tru�ta ��, _�
<br /> aw�;,� a, a�re�s tokrep Lendsr and Tnnt�s IntarrtNd at aN tlma of Trustar�c�xnnt�ddnef. �:;r:;=
<br /> -,�:+w� �� �_..
<br />-- .ti.N, _ �;5..u- r.;-°_- -
<br />'��...
<br />-_-_�`"�'`�'�_'.� .; MISCEILANE0ll9 PROVtBlWt3. The Tdtowlrp misc�Naneous provisions are t part of this Deed of Trush E��
<br />_ `'�� ., AtnNn�nNnta. Thls Daed of Trust,topether with�ny Related Oocumeni�,can�Ututes the enUre understendinp end ngre�ment of 1he peAbS�s _ _ _�s_
<br />- t� Iho rnatlore cet torth in thls Deed o}Tnmt. PJa elt�aUOn oi or amendmerot fo this Dead of Tnnl shali be eifecttve unless piven In wddnp and �--� _ _
<br />- , � slgn�d bytho ptrty or pnrttoa souyhl to Ce charped or tound by the altereUon or nmandment �' _ -_
<br />-• ;.,�....' 2„�..���.-,��,�"r.='
<br />- 'r AppNCable Lew. Thla Daed o1 Trun has bean delivered to Lender�nd accepted Dy Lender In the State at Nebra�lu. Thts Deed oi Tru�t ���._-.
<br /> . ah�ll br Qovemed by�nd construed in accordence wlth the lews ot the Stete o!lkbraak�. ���
<br /> � 1.t:IL u�,��51i
<br /> Captlo�Fkadinps. Ceptinn headlnps In thls Oeed of Trust ere for convenience purposes onty end are not to be used to Interpret a doflne the ;;.
<br />; . p�mdslone of thls poed ot 7rust. '�'''�:�: ,::;•
<br />_� ..�, s Yierp��.fiara shaN b�no merper o}the interest or estate creatod by thh Deed uf Trust wlth any other interest a estete In the Ptoperty at any ��•%�;:�;}�,�-�✓��.�
<br /> >•, , Nmo hald by or tar the benel!t of Lender In any capadty,without the wriHen consent of Lendar. .�'�^>..`�'
<br /> . � .,il� � •
<br /> _ . NE1AGpl�P�rtN�. AJI obNpatlons of Trustar under lhis Deed of Tn�at eh�M bo Jdnt and asveral,and tll references to Trusta ahall rt►enn each and _a..__.;:�;:'•.
<br /> + ev«y�rutlor.ThNS meurts that each of the Barowars sipr�np beiow Is rosportslbb tu W obNpnUorts In thls Deed of Trust. ,.
<br />_ , � BrrN�Wlly. II�court of campetent jurisdk;Hon flnds nny provision of Ihfs Deed o(Tnest to be Ir►valld a unenforaabk as to any p�rson ar r ,
<br /> ._.-.._-.--_ '. ..__.."_ ""�.'..__'._�__a���u���.�..��....t....�[w........,.R.......1.L u!n�nu n}her�wenne rv�Jrr.�unttaMJl. l��Ylf�b�8.�I1V ._-,___--.-•-__----_-_-,_
<br /> . ..____.-_.__..._-� 4774W�t.7H�N.��oYtitt n�Mir u��• .
<br /> �.a.. � ... _' '' '. ' ' ". ' ' " '
<br /> -_____,__-___-__--__.
<br />; . � Buch ottandinp provtslon shall be deemed to be modlfled to be withln thB Ilmlts ot enforc�abllEty a vNidiry;however,If tIN offendinp provislon '
<br /> Camot be so modiHed,it shall be strir,ken and all other provlslons of thls Doed of Trusl In ell other respecls shall remaln valid and enfotCeable. ,
<br />- • ,:,,;;,�;, SvaOa�Ma�nd Asal9nn. 3ubJect to the Ilmitetions stated In thls Oeed of Trust on transter of Trus�or's Interost,lhts Doed ot Trust ahall be
<br /> <<. . bf�dng upon and inure to the benefit of the partios,thelr suCCe:sors and asslgns. if ownershlp of tAo Property beCOmes vested In a peraon
<br />- � i other then Trustor, Lender, without notice to Trus4or, may deai with TrustoPs successors w0h referenco to thls Dood of 7rust and the „ :
<br /> Indebtadness by way of forbearanco or extonslon without releasing Trustor hom the oblipations nf thls Decrd of Trust or 1lsbltiry under the ,,:�,
<br /> InCebtBdnoss. '
<br /> Tink la of the Esetnce. Tfine is of the essence In tha periormance of th's Doed of Trust. �
<br /> Wdrers rM Conaent�. Lender shall not be de0med to havo wefved any riphts undor this Deed of Trust(or undor tt�e Rofated Documer�t5) ,.
<br /> - unlass such wah�er ts in writinp and sipned by lenBEr. No delay or omfsslon on tne part of Londer In exercising any ripht shail operate as n
<br />_' w�Agr of eitch dyht or any other ripht. A waiver by any party of e provislon af tht���ed of Trust shatl not constltuto a waiver of or preJudlCe the �
<br /> perys rlpht otherwlse to demand strict Complianoe with that provislon a any other provision. No pda walver by Lender,nor any Course of � •
<br /> dealn0 between Lander and Tnutor, shaM constitute e waiva of any ot Lender's rlghts or any of Trustors obllyBUons as to any future
<br /> , <.'•. n�. �
<br /> d
<br />