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`�': � - <br /> ,. �.,�.- <br /> „� . - _ �, ;, � ::,;i�' '. <br /> " ' . . ..._. x`�...�__."__._'"'— '"'__ _ " _."'_"' . . . _"" "'..�a/,C�f..[" '_'" '. .'__hA4.•'A�[r:_ <br /> . � .. . .—".- _ <br /> ,..s.�uY.a4�rrn�:� . ..-r �.. �. � �. ..:�re'7�o+P,'U/��` ..," �qyti-�_,.,"_ <br /> ....._......_,_°°"---_�„_�^.—._ . .... . . .. . .. . . .. � -- <br /> .. .. . . .._ �«n.�.";n�'C'u��;. . <br /> ,iI .. . .. ?,1,.".�lq, <br /> t2-�3�1996 DEED OF 'PRQJS�T ��,q ���+7t�3 Page 4 <br /> Lonn No 36632t3 �Cvntlnued) " <br /> ------ .. ._ ... __..... . --- --._..__. . .....:- ---—-- - � <br /> of Trwt. <br /> FURTF��f�AS�SY3Al:CES;ATTORHE1f-It�FACT. Ths tollovdnp prov{slona reiatlnp to turlher essurence�and attorneyMn-1�ot an e perl o}th;n <br /> Deed of Trust. <br /> Further Aseur�ncei. At any tlme,ind from tlme to firtw,upon nqurst of L�nckr,Truslor wlll mak�,ex�cut�tnd dNiwr,a wlll oaus�fo bo � <br /> made,executed a dellvered, to Londer or to Lendere dsslpnee, �nd wh�n roq�esl�d by Lender,cause to bo�Nd,rsaord�d, r�flkd, or <br /> rorecorded,as the case rtuy bo,ef such fimes and In auch oNlces end places es Lender may dsem approprtate,any and ail euah mortgagoa, _ <br /> deeds of hust,securlty dseds,secudty sqreement�,flnandnp etatemenb,continue�on a4lements,instruments of iurlher assurancs,csrUAcatea, . <br /> and othor documents os may,In the solo opinton of Lsnder,be nocessary or deslrabb In order to eMeatuste,complete,pwfect,Contlnu�,or , _ <br /> preserve (a)ihe obllpaUOns of Trustor under the Note,lhis Deed of Trust,and the Releted Dxuments,and (b)the Iien�tnd 6eourity Inlerat� .- <br /> - created by thls Deed of Trust as tirst and pdor Ilens on the Property,whether now owned or hereatter acqulred by Trostor. UNas9 prohlbitod by .�'�' <br /> -�• ���`° iaw or apreed to the contrary by Lender In writing,Trustor shall reimburse Lender for ad cosb and expenses incurtod in Conn9Cllon wlth tt}L , <br /> +C maRers reforted to In thls paruprpph. <br /> Attomey�n-Fe�ct. If Trustor tails to do eny ot the thlnps roferced to In Iha proceding parsgraph,Lender may do so for and In the nam0 of <br /> 'frustor and at Trustor's expenss. For such purposes,Trustor hereby Irtovocubly appolnis Londor us Trustor's attornoy-In-trsct for lhe purpM.a ��� <br /> of making,exer..uiing, dellvering,filinp,recordinp,and doing all othar things as moy be necessary or deslrable, In L�ander's sole opinlon,to -.��` <br /> acCOmpush lhe matlers roterred to In the pre�dinp paragraph. ,,.",:A:���'�_`� <br /> � FULL PERFOAI�9ANCE. If Trustor pays ea!he Indebtedness when due,and otherwise porfams all ihe obilgations Imposed upon Trustor under ihb � •�;;,�"`_"'""�`' <br /> Deed o}Trust, Lender shen execute end dellver to Trustee a request tor full reconveyence and shan execute and detiver to Tmstor aultubFe •_`- <br /> statemenls of termination of any flnanclnp statament on tlie evidenclny Lender's eecudty Interest In the Rents and the Personel Properry. Any , -- <br /> � reconveyence ise required by Iaw�halt be paid by Tn�sior,it permitted by applicabte law. � ;, ;,,����s�_�-� <br /> DBFAI�J. Esch of the loltowinp,ut the opdon of LenrJar,shall cor,stitute an eveM of default('Event of DefaulY�under fhis Deed of Trush ;°�.ii�.;�`"=" _ <br /> t ' .,f;;;;:,'-__.:. -- <br /> �� Deteuit on Indebted�es�. Failure of Trustor to make any payment when due on the Indebtedness. � . . <br /> <,t <br /> , �i; ; . �I Deteult on Other Geyment�. Faiiure of Trustp wlthin the ifine require�3 Ly thls Dead af Trust to meke any paymsnt tar tex�or Insumnca,c: ; --- - <br /> any oihor paymont necessary to prevent flling of or to eNect discherpe af eny Ilon. <br /> �. .,:: �:-°�� <br /> CompllanCe Deiautt. Feilure of Trustor to Comply with any other term,obligatlon,covenant or condiflon contalned In thls Deed ot Trust,thD :-.�.�:�-' <br /> :,, ' Noto or in any of ihe Releted Dxuments. .�`����'��m,. <br /> •':r �i Faise Stetemenb. Any warranty,representotlon or statement made or turnlshed to Lender by or on behalf of Trustar under ihi��eed of Trust. �t�' ��L�'- <br /> , ;r ,. ;�`.';fi�t� =- <br /> • tho Nate or the Rrdated Dxuments Is false or misteadinp In eny materfal respect,elther now or at the time made or tumished. ,.�,.�••.•-�vL, <br /> .�.,.�,� <br />• , � � r,� OetectivA ColtqterMlnlion. This Deed of Trost or any o!the Related Documents ceases to be In tuil force and eNect(Including telture ot sny t:�•:7.�r�,_�. <br /> coltetnrat dxumen�to create s valld and portoctod s,^,aurity Iniarest or I!en)et eny tlme end for eny reeson. ��=--- _ <br /> �_�_��: <br /> De�th or Inlatventy. The death o}Ttusta,the Irtsalvenay of Trustor,the appdntment of a receiver tor any pari of Trustor's properly,e�n�� ;' <br /> ,, ti�" assipnment for tlw benefit of creditors,any type of credita waicout, a the commencement ot any proceedlnp under any bankruptcy or , <br /> �- .� insolvonoy laws byor eyatnstTrusta. <br /> _ <br /> �" � �" Forecbsure,Forfeiture,ato. Commencemeni of toreclosuro or forfeiture proceedlnss,whether by Jud�lal prxeedlnp,sett-heip,reposseselon <br /> or any othor mothod,by any credita of Trusta or by any g�vemmenlai apency ayninst eny of the Property. However,thb subseclion ehWl rvot <br /> - eppiy In the event of a pood faith dispute by Trustor as to the velidity or reesonnbteness of Ihe clelm whkh is the bnsb of the foroctosuro a7 <br /> forefetture prxeedinq,provlded fhat T�ustor pives Lendor wdRen noUce of such ctaim and tumishes reserves or a burety bond tor the otoltri '�� �` <br />- satisfactory to Londer. I� <br />��� &uroh of Ather Apre�ment. Any breach by Trustor under the terms of any other agreement between Trustor end LYnder Ihat Is not ramedlu9 { <br />- � wlthin 4ny qrace poriod provlded th6reln,Includinp wilhout Iimltatlon any ayreement conceminq any Indebtedness or other obllpation of TruEtor <br />��t �. .. to Londor,whether exisNny now or later. A�~ <br />�?,.; E1r�nti AfNcUn�Otuqntor. Any o�the precedinp events occurs wlih respecl to any Quaranbr oi any of Ihe Indeblednecs a eny Ou�reM�r ''- <br /> ___ ,�,��; , d!a a becamp Incompatant,or revokos or disputes the validiry of,or IIa611ity under.eny Gwnnty of the Indebtedrwu. L�nder,�t Me optlGn, ,, <br /> = rt�y,but stuitl nol ba requlad to,p�rmlt tl►�Gwr4ntore�stat�to�ssume unconditlonaNy the obNp�ttons �rtNnp under tM puannt�ln n <br /> _ � m�nrwr ptbkctory to Undar,and,In ddrp ao,cun tM Ewnt of ONtuR. <br /> ` •v�. Ins�CUrity. L�nda In pood hHh dNms ils�M tnaepurs. �,� <br /> ,... _.��,,,:..•.,r <br /> y!*�*-•.:�•�� Riph1 to�urt. II such a toUura b curaba�nd if Trusta has not bwn pivan a notic�N a brwch of ttw arnr provblon of this�DNd at T�utt ��'�"� <br />�`'-�-:'�•-��tl�+ . within Ih�pr�cedinp Nwiw(12)monthe,It rtwy M curod(and no Event of DettWt wa hwve occurtK!)If Trustor,�Rer LmG�r Nnd�Nn`d!!m _ <br /> A`y�;�,,�� nolfce dertwndlny cura o}such failure: (a)caos tho talluro within tfReon(16)d4ys;a (b)11 ttw curo nquk� maa th4n flMan(16)doys, <br /> :- immedlately Inittates 3teps sutficlent to cura the faiNre and theresfter conBnues and completes all reasonable and niCSSSUyr et�pa sutllolent to - <br /> ���-�-��`'1�� pradua compltanCO ae aaon as raasonabry pnoUcal. - <br /> _�., �•4 <br /> `=b RiGHT9 AND REMEOIES ON DEFAI�T. Upon the occurtencs of any Event of Defaull nnd nt any time fhereaAer,Truste�a Lsnd�t,at Ib optbs+n, <br />�`�" may exerche any one a mae of the tWlowinp dphb end remedles,In edditlon to any other rqhts or remed�provlded by lew: <br /> .. �-` AcCateratbn upon Defouit;Additbnai Rem�dias. If any evsnt of defaNt occurs as per the terms of tho Noto socured hereby,londor mDy - <br /> -=�a�-��"�' - declara all Indebtedness securod by thts Oeed of Trust to be due and payabie end the same shaN thereupon become dw nnd pQyabN withp�t <br /> --°-.�--: <br /> �- -•- any presentment,demand,protest a notica ot any k►nd.Therearter,Lendor may: <br /> `�,:::�Ss�ai. _. <br /> _�,�3=%,��' (a) Elther In penson or by apent.wKh or wllhout b�trylnp any actlon a proceedlnp, or by a racetver appoimed by s court ond�tilthout --._ _— _ <br /> ° ,;,,, npard to tlw tdequaoy of Ib aecurNyr,onter upon nnd faks po=sesslon of the Properry.a any pert thereof,in ib own name or In tho narn� �--- <br /> �,'�:,�r.yv,•.� of Trus�N.and do any acb wt�lch ft de�ms neoesstry or deskebM to preserve tFw wlue�maAcetabfiitY or►entablYty of ttw FropNtY�a Pnrt �:_� -- - <br /> -�'"'� of the Properly or Interest In the Prop�rty;irwroase tM inoome irom th�Property aprotoct ttw eecufliy of the Propsrry;and,with or wfHwv! [�_� <br /> � ''y'�" � takinp posssssion of the Rropwty,aue(or or otherwhe coltect ths ronb,fssues and proAb ot Ihe ProQerty,indudinp thos�put due ar�d •�°��- <br /> ;��"' t_��,� <br /> unpald,and�ppry tFw same,less casts and exper�ses of operallon nnd coltecflon,Includinp atlaneys toes,to iny Indebtadrasa a�ourod _ <br /> �. by Ih(s Deed of Trust,ell In such order as Lendsr may determina. The enterlrp upon and tnklnp possession of Ihe Property,tha coAOCtlOn _ da�=� <br /> _ . � ot such renb,Issues end protlts,and the npplicatlon theroot shail not cure or waivetny detautt or notia of defaUl under thb Dead ot Trust ____________= <br /> or Invalldato any ect done In response to such default or pursuant to such notice of detauH;and,notwilhs4ndirp the cortqnui�In �'°�"°-`"°� <br /> , �- , possesslon of the Property or the cdiection, recetpt and applicatlOn ot rents. Is�ues a proflts,Trustee or Lender Shall be entittad to � <br /> exercise every rtght provided for!n ths Note or the Related Documenls or by law upon the oCCUrrenCe of any 8vent of defeult,InduJt�the 3;^�`�� <br /> , I dght to exorclse the power of sa1e; :-- �,-�T <br /> � (b) Commence en ection to taeclose thls Deod of Trust as a mortyaye,appolnl a recelver a spedAcaliy enlorce any ot ttw covenanb � '"' <br /> '� � hsreof;and .::':?� :J.,�: <br /> ;�_�;'�r�=_,..:.�i.. <br /> (o) Deliver 10 Tnuten e wdtten declaratlon of defauB and demand ta sale end a wdtten notice of defnuR end elecUon to cause Trusto�s �•,,�,_,>, <br /> + Interest In ttw P�roperty to be sotd,wh�h noUcs Trustae sMN ause to be dWy fliad tor record In tha�pproprlelo oMces of tM County In ..., � :;L�?," <br /> wh�h ths Property Is located;and '"`� <br />, i . _ . <br /> _ _- _� , .._. .. - - • -- = <br /> _ �o) �nnn respect to ex w a ari oi ine re�aonai- - - - - <br /> � nY P ►'rvpary��enaer snae nava u ii�rqnis rno►emeares ai a secured p�u iy urrciar me .° — •- - <br /> , Nobraslca llnitorm Cammerctal Code. � .. <br /> Foreclosun by Power o!Sate. If Lender elects to torecioso by exercise of the Pawer ot Ssle hereln contNned,Lender shal]no1Ny Trustee and ,� <br /> — ;, ` ° shall deposlt with Trusteo this Deed ot Trust flnd the Note end such rece!pts and evidence ot expanditures made and`eeur�od by ch�s Deed of <br /> :` ; Trust es Trustee may requlre. <br /> � �' (e) Upon reoelpt of such notice irom Lender,Trustse shali cause to be recorded.publlshed end detivered to Trustor suoh Notico of Dofauit , �.:'<:;'.:.. <br /> an�Notico ol Srile as then roqufred by lew and by this Deed ol Trust. 7rustee snall, without demend on Truslor.aRer such flme as may ,•':��. <br /> , . thon be requlred by Inw flnd aflor recordatlo�of such Notice oi Defauit and elter NoticA of Sale havinp been glven as requlrpd by Inw,sell •''`'';�'` <br /> �' �• the Proporty at the Hma and placa of sale fixed by it in such Notice of Sale,e(ther as a whoie,or in separato lob cr paresl�or Items as �:��.��',� <br /> f,`.;��.�.,� Trust6e shall deem expedlont,and In suCh Order ns it may determine,at public aucUOn t�the hlghost bidder 1or cush(n lawful money of <br /> `•'t � the United States payable at the Nme of sale. Trustee shall deliver to such purchaser or purchasers thereof Its pood nnd suffiClent deod cr ( �� ,� <br /> deods cor+veying Ihe property so soid,but without any covenant or warranty,express or implled. The recftflls In suCh dsed ot eny metters <br /> a tacts shali be conclusive proof of the buthtulness thereot. Any person,Inctudinp wlthout IlmitaUon Trustor,Trustee,or Lender, may � <br /> purcheso at such sato. „ <br />=i � ' , <br />