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<br /> -- applicablo law may �pecify for reinstatemenA before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sak conwlne� in thi�
<br /> Socudty Inswmcnt;or(b)entry of p Judgment enforcing this Sau�ity Inatniment. Thace condilion�are U�at Borrowcr: (p)
<br /> -- — pAya Lender all sums whkh then wauld bc due under thia Security Instrument and the Nntc as if no acceleration had
<br /> occurred;(b)cures any default of any other covenants or ugreements;(c)peys ell expenses incurred ia enforcing this Security
<br /> �r — — In:uument, includin�,but not limitod to, reaROnable attomeys'fees;�nd(d)takes such actlon as Lender may reocoru�bly
<br /> •�• require to a�sure thwt the Uen of this Security(nsuument.Lender'a righta in the Property and Bortowerlc obligalfon to puy the
<br /> _- —• - - --_ ° --
<br /> r:�� sume secured by this Security lnstrume�t shall continue unchanged. Upon relnstatement by Borrower, this Secu ty
<br /> �,;' ,j Instrument and the obligations aecured hereby shall mmain fully effeclive as if no acceleralion hAd occurred. However.tbis
<br /> ri�ht ro�einstate shull not apply In the case of acccleration under pnragrnph 17.
<br /> .�. 19. 3�k of Note;Clwn�e o�LoAn Servker. The Note or a partiul interest in 1hc Note(together with this Securfty
<br /> =•+r.��+�• Instrument)may be sold one or�ore times wlthout prfor notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a chenge in the entity
<br /> '""'���"°'�'��"�'� (known as the"L.oan Servicer')lhat callects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument. There ulso
<br /> . —`'�,x,_,,,�. mey be one or more change�of the Laun Servicer unreluted to A sule of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,
<br /> ����"� Borrower will be given wdtten notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicaWe law. The notice
<br /> '�N°�:�._..:�a� wili state the name and uddtess of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be mede. The notice wlll
<br /> -----�..,+� also contain any other information required by appiiceble law.
<br /> —__ — 20. Ha�rdous Subatancea Barrower shall not cause or permit the presence,use,disposal.storage,ar release of any
<br /> � Hazardous Subatances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, any�hing affecting the
<br /> Propetty that is in vlolation of any Envimnmental Law. The preceding two sentences shnll not appiy to the presence,use,or
<br /> �-—:�A storage on the Property af small quantities of Haznrdous Su6stances that ara generally recogniud to be appropriate ro nonnel
<br /> T_ ��' y.t. r�identi�l uses w�d tu maintenance of the Property.
<br /> ��� �.,�a-,�, . Horrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of stny investigation,claim,demwid,lawauit or other action by any
<br /> ��y. �r;`�`,^ overnmental or re lato a enc or rlvate nrt involvin the Pro rt and an Haznrdous Substance or Bnvironmental
<br /> �;.� �.,,�.:.,. ' 8 �u rY 8 Y P P Y � p� Y Y
<br /> �;;r,�-,,,z�,..����,. Law of which Borrower has actual knowledRe. If BoROwer leams. or is notified by any govemmental or �egulatory
<br /> -- .:�..., :- -- •a---
<br /> � ��.,• :�; authodly,that any rcmoval or other remediation of any Hw.nrdous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower
<br /> �`'�` shell promptly take all�ecessary temedial actions in accordtnce with Environmenlal Law.
<br /> ...... . �
<br /> ° ',.. ,. ; •,,� �� As used in this paragraph 20."Hazardous Substances"s�rre Ihose substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> , " ' �����`�� Environmentnl i,aw and tha foilowing substonces: gasoline.kerosene, other tlammuble or toxic petroleum productg,toxic
<br /> - " ' �� � pestjcides end herbicides.volatile solvents, materials containing nsbestos or formaldehyde,a��d radios�ctive mater�als. As
<br />;,t. • i,,;:.._.�,.�. .�.. . used in U�is paragraph 20."Environmentnl Lnw"means fede.►al laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is loceted
<br /> -: � � thot relate to health,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> , ����� . � A •�� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant und agree as follows:
<br /> .�..••.., ,,�;,�•;1�;„ ` 21. Accelerption; Remedles. Lender s6a11 g ive natice to Borrower prior to acceleratioa following Borrower's
<br /> ----
<br /> ` ` ' — --- - breach oT any coveapat or agreement in this�ecurity lnstrument Ibut not prior to Acceieration under par�graph 1
<br /> � . � unless applicable law provides otherwlse). The notice shall apeciiy: (a)the defa�ii;Ibl the actlon required to cure the
<br /> . `. defi�ult;(c)A date,not less than 30 days Prom the dete the notice is glven to Ibrrower,by whkh the default must be
<br /> �., � '� cured;and(d)that fallure to cure the default on or bePore the date specified ia the nMice may resalt in acceleration oP
<br /> + the sums secured by this Security lnstrumenl and sale of the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower of
<br /> � �' the right to reinstate after accelerafion and the right to bring a court actfon to assert the non-existepce oi'a default or
<br />, �� �'' ' � any other deiense of Borrow�er to acceleration and sale. If the default is not cured on or bei'ore the ds�te speci8ed in -•
<br /> . ,._y;,- the noNce,I.ender s�t its option may requlre immediate peyment in full oP All sums secured by thfs Security Instrument
<br /> _- -_ -; =�_�•� without turther demand and may in��ake thc powcr of sale and any othcr remcdics permittcd by nppltcablc luti►:
<br /> , `" . .. , Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred In pursuing the remedies provided in thfs para�rAph 21.
<br /> . � ineluding,but not limited to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs oP tille evidence.
<br /> IP the power of sale I� invoked,7Yustee shAll record a notice uf default in each county in wbich any part oP the
<br /> �''�:� ,,_,; ,� •� " Property(s lucated and shall mail copies oP such notice in the manner pre.scribed by epplicable low to Borrower and to
<br /> . the other persons prescribed by applicable law. After the time required by Applicable law�'[l�ustee shpll give public
<br /> �""` .. notice of sale to the persons aed in the manner prescribed by applicable luw 7lrustee.wlthoul demand on Borrower.
<br /> ,`,` ``����•� •.. -' shall sell the Properly at public aucNon to the highe5t bidder at the time und place and under the terms designwted in
<br />� � °` r°*t� � �d ., the notice of sAle in one or more purcels and in any order 7Yuslee determinrs. 'I�ustee may pustpone sale of all or any
<br /> ;� �,:, ' . . - parcel of the Property by public unnouncrment�t the time And place of Any previ��usly scheduled sale. Lender or its
<br />" ••• desi�eee may purchase t6e Property at any sale.
<br /> o Upon receipt oP payment of the price bid.71�ustee shall deliver to the purchaser 71�ustee'.s deed conveying the
<br /> PropeMy. The recitals in the 7lrustee's deed shnll be prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements made therein. -
<br /> ?h: " °� ' "" 7lrnstee ahwll apply the proceeds of the sole in the tollowing order: (a)to all costs and expenses af exercising tl�e power
<br />„ �` .�,p�,,. .
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