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._.f uti y . •.��... -_ <br /> �/' �' ,�- " n .. t'AL•.1�� �� �'SUn�RI�. .:^'.:�N•,- <br /> . ,w,� �«.�� f',� ... <br /> i r,° ..�'ir�- <br /> . - -- <br /> � — <br /> :. ,� . <br /> :�--_� . 92—soss►e� <br /> - condemnetion or athc�wking ot ony part of�hc Prapcny,or for conveyance in lieu of candemnation.+uc he�by wti�i�ned And <br /> _ rhull be puid to Lender. <br /> (n the event of u tatal tAking of�he Prnpeny,�hc prac:eedx shull tx applicd ia thc xumx xccurcd by tbix Sccurlty <br /> �� "' Instniment, whether or not then due,wi�h any cacess puid to Borrower. !n thc event of u panial toking�f thc Pn�perty in — <br /> - which thc fair murket value of the Property immedic�tely before�hc taking is eyuul to or grcater�han the umount of the suma <br /> recured Ny this Security Inatrument Immediutely before the tuking.unless Bormwer und Lendcr otherwi�e ugrce In wrlting, � . <br /> the suma secured by this Security Instniment xhall be reduced by the nmount of the prc�ccedx multiplicd by the iolluwing <br /> frnction: (u)the totnl amount of the sums secured irnmediately before Ihe taking,divided by(b)ihe fair murkel value of the <br /> � ���' � Propeny immediAtely befarc the tnking. Any bnlance ahall be pufd to Borrower. In Ihe cvent of u purtiul tuking of the <br /> ;F Property in which the fai�market valuc of the Propeny immediately beforc the laking is lesx�hun the amount o(tha suma <br /> -�_,�':�'�_,�';:�,:, ��.• � secured immediately before the tukiog,unless Borrawer ond Lendcr othcrwise ngree in wriling or unlex,r applicable law <br /> ;�iti�i.f=��� atherwir,e pravides,tNe pmceeds shall be oppNed to the sums secured by this Securlty Instrument whether or not the qums are <br /> — ihen due. ___ <br /> ����+'���� If the Property ix abandoned by Borrower, ot i f,af�er notice by L.ender to Borrowcr thut Uie condemnur often to m�lce <br /> '���"s�'`"`'"'��, un nward or xenle n claim for damages.Borrawer fails to respond to Lender within 30dnyx after Ihe dute Ihe notice is given, <br /> �'.��:.:�E:; Lender is au�horized to collect und apply the praceeds,at its aption,eiiher ia resto�utlon or rep•rir of�he Property ar ta �he <br /> — .� .. �_.� sume secured by this Security Instrumenb whelher or not then due. <br /> � `� ��;'-���..•--'.• �:•r Unless Lender and BaROwer aherwiise ugree in w�iting,any applicution of proceedx to piincipul xhnll not extend ur <br /> —�'��"xtik'�'� 4 ne the duc date of the monthl a ments referred to in sua ru hs I�nd 2 or chan e the nmount of such a men4�. <br /> � �, r,�,h . , po.tpo Y P Y P B p S P Y <br /> �;�F�.�„, ��,.,� il. Borrawer Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or <br /> - -�-" ��-- modification of amoRizution of thc sums secured by Ihis Security lnstrument grnnted by i.ender to uny successor in interest <br />: ��,. ^. ' ��'"�� � ^ of Horrower shall not operate to releuz:e the liabflity oP the originul liorrower or Borrower's succexson in interest.Lender <br /> ;�. �,;�:`::;� n shall not be reyuired ro commence prceeedings aguinst any successor in interest or refuse to cxtend time fur payment or <br /> otherwise modiPy amonizution of Ihe gum�secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand mude by the orlginal — <br />- - �hl ; `:�"�, ;, :�,.�. I Bormwer or 8orrower's successurs iu iweretit. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall no►be a =--_ <br /> , .,�, waiver of or precluda the exe:cise of uny right ar remedy. � <br /> 12. Successors and Asssigns Bound;Joint and Severnl Uability;Casigners. 7'he covenants und ugreementti of this __ <br /> °��� •• Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the succexson and assignti of Lender and Barrower,subject to the provisions of � <br /> '" parAg�nph 17. Borrowerg covenants und ugreernents shnll be joirn and tieverul. Any BoROwer who co-xigns this Security <br /> �• • '' In4trument but does not execute the Note: la)i,:co-signing this Security Insirument only to martguge,grant and canvey that <br /> 6� ���,4,;;.,;;,y;,,;,•. ,�;; BoROwerk interest in the Pa+perty under the terrns of this Security In�trumen�: (b)is not penonully obligated to pay the sums <br /> secured by this Security Instrument:and(c)ugree�thn�Lender and any aher Borrower muy ugree to extend,modify,farbear <br />_�_x._,� ' �,;,�,:;;.;:,4�,. � or make ony accommadations with r�egurd to the terms af�his Security Instn�ment or the Note without that Borrower�s _�_ <br /> _ --_ =-_ _== consent. � _ <br /> . , 13. Loan Charges. If�he loan secured by thiti Securily tu+lrumrnt iti +ubject to u luw which tiets maximum loan � <br /> ° � � • churge�,and�hut luw is finully interpn:�ed xo thUt�he interest or other Inan churges collected or to be collected in connection <br /> • .'' with the loun exceed the permitted Iimils,then: (a) any such loan charge xhull be reduced by the umount neceswry to reduce - <br /> • �•���� , �� the churge tn the permitted limir and(b)any xums:�Iready collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted lirnitx will be <br /> � refunded to Borrower. L.ender muy choosc to make this rcfund by reducin�the princ:ipul owed under�he Note or by muking u �='= <br /> '� � . � direct puymem to Borrower. If u refund reduceti prim:ipul,the reductian will be trepted as n pArtial prepayrnent without uny <br /> � �• ', prepnyment churge under thc Note. — <br /> ----- '•`'Y•- • !4. Notices. Any notice to Borrower prc�vicicd for in thi� Seruri�y M�tn�mem shnll Ix�given by deliverinE it or by <br /> � � mailing it by first cluss mail unlcss upplicuble law rcquires usc af anothcr mcthod.7'he notire�hull hc directed ro the PropeAy — <br /> : �� Address or uny other ucidresti Borcower designulex by notice to Lrnder. Any notice to Lender xhull be given by fint cluzs <br /> f." � '' muil ro Lendcr's uddress,tutcd hercin or uny other uddrexs Lendcr designutes by nulicc to Borrowcr. Any notice provideJ for �_-_ <br /> ••�. ,. � in thix Security lnstrumcnt shidl lx deemeJ to huve fx�en given to Borrower or Lcnder when given us pmvided in this <br /> .�".. paragruph. <br /> � " I5. Governin� Law; Severability. Thi+ Security Instniment tilwll Ix govcnicd by f'ederul law and Ihc law of thc <br /> . �•�-�-�•�� jurisdiction in which�he Property is IocuteJ. In Une event �hut •rny provisicm or cluu�e of this Sccurily Inslrument or the Note "'°'�� <br /> •:�;::. conflicts with upplicuble luw..uch conflict shul l n��t uffcct dhcr prrnisi�x�.uf this Srcurity Inxtrument or ihe Note which cun <br /> . � ' �'�` � he given effect without the conllicting pr�wixion. 'Ib this end the provi.ionti of�his Seru�ity Instrumem �nd Ihe Note are �° - <br /> '` . . '" declarcd l0 6e+cvcrablc. <br /> 16. Borrower'.v Copy. Borrowcr�hull br giv�n onc conf'nmuJ cupy nf thc Note und of this Securily Instrumem. ___ <br /> .. � 17. 7Yansfer of the Property ur A Beneticlul Interest in Borrower. II'uU ur any pun of Ihc Pmp�:ny or uny inlerest in _ <br />