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<br /> ..� , appUcAble Isw may specify for nfnctatement)before sale of the Property pursuent to any power of sale contalned in this --
<br /> �' 3a^.urity Instrumenr or(b)enpy of a judgment enforcing this Securlty Instrument. Those conditfons are that Borrower. (a)
<br /> - peya Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Inetrwnent and ihe Note as if no a�:celeradon had
<br /> accuRCd;(b)cures any default of any other covenunts or agreements;(c)�ays aU expensea incurmA in enforcirg thls Security
<br /> Inswment,i�cluding.but not limited to,m.asonable aaomeys'fees: and (d) takes such acdon ax Lender may reasonably
<br /> � roquiro w assure ttu�t the lien of this Security Instrumcnt,Lender's dghtx in the Property and Borrowerg obligation to pay the
<br /> =�`. sums secured by this Sccudty Instrument shall condnue unchanged. Upon reinatuument by Borrower, this Security e_
<br /> '. Instrument nnd the obligations secured hereby shell rcmain fully effective as if no acceleration hed occurred. However,this
<br /> • d�ht to reinetate shell not apply in Ihe c.�se uf acceleration under paragraph l7.
<br /> 19. Sae of Note;ChAnge of Loat�Servicer. The Note or a partiul Intcrest in the Note ltogether with ihis Security
<br /> N � Instrument)may be sold one or more times without prior noucc to Borrower. A sale may result in a chengc in the entity
<br /> �'�;-�±��ti+ila'°:��. ,rr (known ea ihe"Loon Servfcer"�that collects monthiy payments due under the Note and this Secu�ity Instrument. There also
<br /> - a�:*�.� �,.:•�� '"��' may bo one or mo�changes qt the Loan Setvicer unrelated to a sale af the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servlcer,
<br /> � � ��'''�"''�' Borrower will be givcn wriKen nodce of the change in accordance with paragraph l4 a6ove and applicable law. The natice __
<br /> f �, ' _s+��.�+;� wilt state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will
<br /> `��;�=�:.;tit' al�o wntain eny other fnfortnation requlred by applicable law.
<br /> � �,��.;� ?A. Hazardoas Substwnces. Borrower shall not cnusc or pertnit the presence,use,dispoeal,starage,or releasc of any
<br /> _�r��'..:,.. ��
<br /> � � Hazardous Subatances on ar in the Propeny. Borrower shall not do,nar allow anyone el.se to do,anything uffecting the
<br /> ' �� 't ��'°�� Pro rt that is in violation of an Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences sholl not upply lo the presencc,use,or
<br /> ��L ..,.�,;' .
<br /> —�,. ...:_, P� Y Y
<br /> -°°• � �=��� stor..ge on the Property of smoll quenttties of Nazardous Substances that are generally recognized to bc appropriate to normal _
<br /> �°Y:.�s�,;.��.��~ residential uses and to maintenance of'the Property.
<br /> :�� ` •�'P�����• �;�:��n��"' Borrower shall promptly give l.ender written notice of uny investigation,claim,dcmand,luwsuit or other action by eny �_
<br /> -�-' ;� t��� .: 'l��'��;��•i ovemmental or re ulato a enc or rivate involvin the Pro rt and un Hazardous Substance or Bnvironmental __.-
<br /> , . ;� �;• g g ry � y p P� B � Y y ovemmental or rc ulato
<br /> . �„ �• Law of which Borrower hns actual knowledgc. If Bo�rower learns, or is notit"ied by any g B �Y
<br />_ �-� - - - �•�� authority,�hat eny removal or other remediation of any Huzzudous Substance affecting Ihe Properry is necessary,8orrower �-
<br />= xhall prompUy take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental I.aw.
<br /> �� ° .. � • � As used in this paragraph 20."Huzurdous Substnnces"nre those substances defined ns toxic or hazurdous subatences by
<br /> �,� 8nvironmental Law and the following sub�tances: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic pevaleum products,toxic ��
<br /> � •' "•�� "�u� pesticides and herbicides,valal�le xolvents,mAterinls containing usbesto, or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials. As
<br /> used in this paragraph 20,"Envfronmentol Law"means federal IawR and laws of the jurisdiction where the Praperty is located �''t�
<br /> ,.,,: _. , ' that relute to heel[h,safety or emironmeMal protection. —
<br /> " � •� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortower und Lender further covenant and agree us follows:
<br /> � ° , 21, Accelerntion; Remedies. Lepder shall give notice to Borrower prior to xcelerallon followfng Borrower's
<br /> A _ �� .U.�.-»*'•:� hrpach of any covenant or agreement in this Securily Instrument(but not prior toacceleration under pwragraph 17 _
<br /> �� � '- .. unless appllcable law provides otherwise). The notice shall apeclfy: (a)the det'ault:lbl the activa required tu curr ii�
<br /> � .� default;tc)a date,not less than 3B days from the date the nMice is given to Borrower,by which the dePeult must be
<br /> • °� cured;�nd(d)thsN fpilure to cure the default on or before the date speclfied in the notice may re.vnit in accelerAtion oP
<br /> �� • the sums secured by this Securlty Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shr+ll further inform Borrower of
<br />: ��`• �� � lhe right to reinsl�te after accelerAtion and the right to bring a courl action lo Assen tBe non-exbtence uP a dei'ault or
<br /> ���.�.. ' any other dePense oP Borrower to accelerat(on and sale. If the dePault is not cured on or bePore the date specit7ed in
<br /> � � �' � � ; � Ihe noNce,Lender at its option may require immediate payment in iull of all sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> __ _ -;�'��-� without further demand and mwy invoke the power of Rule and uny other re�nedies permitted by applicable law. �_
<br /> :*•'����'`' Lender shall be entitled to collect ull expenses incurred in purauing the remedies prorided in this paragrnph 21. �?-
<br /> � : ' • � Inrluding,but not limited to.reesonable attorneys'fees and coslx oP title evidence.
<br /> "�`�� lf the power of�le is invoked.7lrustee shall record a notice oP dePault in e�ch county in which any pArt of the �,-�
<br /> �.. a � ,;�s���"" V•� Property is lacated and shell mail copies oP such notice M the manner prescrlbed by applicuble law to Borruwer and lo
<br /> • � � • •��-•:, the other persons prescrlbed by applicable law. Aner the time required by applicable law,'IYustee shall give publk
<br /> ��� ' °'�'""r��� ����`yb notice of sale to the pergons and in the manner prescribed by applica6le law. 7YusMe.without demend on Borrower, .
<br /> ,' ' "" shall sell the Property ut publlc auction to!he hi�;hest bidder at the time and place and under the trrms designated in �
<br /> `� ' � !he notke oP sale In one or more purcels and in any order'I�u4tee dete�mines. '11�u�lee m�y postpone sale of all or any
<br /> � � � `� parcel of Ihe Property by public unnouncement at the time and place uf any previously scbeduled sale. Lender or its —
<br /> designee mwy purchase the Propeny ut any sale.
<br /> Upop receipt of payment ot the price bid,7Yustee shall deliver to the purc6aser'I�ustee's deed conveying the
<br /> . Property. 'fhe recitals in the'IYustee's deed Shull be prima fucie evidence uP the trulh��'the stalements made therein.
<br />, ` 'I�ustee ahall Apply tqe proceeds ai the xale in ihe following urder: Ia11u all cusls and expenses uFexercisin�the power �Y
<br /> ,... � r. " �
<br /> .� .:; .
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