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<br /> - condernnsUion or athcr taking of�ny part of Ihe Propeny.or for conveyancc in lieu ot'candemnotion.we hereby assi�ned and
<br /> ahull be p�id to Lender.
<br /> In the event of a total taking of the Property. the praceeds shall be applied to the !�umR �;ecured by this Secu�fty
<br /> '� r-� Instrument,whether ar not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event oF u purtial tukiag of�he Property In
<br /> � ��' which thc fair market value of the I'roperly immediutely befarc the taking is cyual to ur greutcr thun the amount of the xum�
<br /> secur+ed by this Security Instrurnent immedlutely befare the tnking,unlegs Borrower and L.ender atherwise agree in wdting,
<br /> :,a, the aums secured by this Sccuriry Instrument sh�ll he reduced hy the amount of�he prcxeeds multiplied by the following �
<br /> fraction: (n)the total amount of the�ums secured immediutely before the tuking,divided by!b)the fair market value of the
<br /> ; -��•=�� Aroperty immediately beforc the tuking. Any bulwice sl►all be paid to Burtowcr. In the cvcnt of u paniul taking oF the --
<br /> _ ���� Property in which the fuir market vnlue of the Piropeny immcdiatcly befare the �aking is le4s than the umount of the sums
<br /> secured immediately before the laking, unless Borrower und Le�der otherwise agree in writing or unlesx Appltcublc luw
<br /> .�"*"':"`�_ otherwise provides,the proceeds xhal l be applied to the sums secured by this Secunty Ins[rument whether ur not the suma ure
<br /> "�'� � ' then due.
<br /> °�-- �""'�, �(.�,�' � If the Praperty is abandoned by Borrower,or if,aftcr notice 6y Lender to Borrower thnt the condemnor offerx to mukc
<br /> ��'""'�� �' an uward or setdc u clnim for dcunageA,Horcower fails ta re�pond to Lender within 30 days ufler the dute�he notice is given,
<br /> •r KY?e�
<br /> —'!��'.r'_�• �" � ��
<br /> -�•-� l.ender is authorized to collect and apply�he proceeda,ut itti option,either to resioratan or repair of the Praperty or w the
<br /> sums secured by this Security Instrument.whether or not Ihen due.
<br /> �---,—'_--- Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise ngree in writing,any upplicution of pra;eeds ta principul shvll not extend or
<br /> --5��k�'��°� postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in pw�agmphs�I und 2 orchange the umount of such payments.
<br /> �1"' 11. Borrower Not Releasedi Forbearancc By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of thc time for payment or
<br /> � _�:;`���,� � modificutian of amortization af the sumK secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to uny succesxor in interest
<br /> y � . �� ,, of Borrower sbull not operate to relc:ase the liubility of ihe original Borrower or Burruwer's succe,hurs in intrrest.I.enJer
<br /> ; •� - Ahall not be required to commence proceedings ugamst any succc�nsor in intere�or refuse to extenJ time for pnyment or _
<br /> _--��,.:. ���: ' dhenvise modify amortizUtian of�he sums secured by this Security Instrument by rea.can of uny demund mude by the original =_
<br /> "_�: ;;===-T��=J=-�• Borrower or Borruwer+xucce„ur, In interest. Any forlxarance by Lender in exereixing uny right or remedy�holl nnt be n �:"
<br /> • . � wuiver of ur preclude the exercise of:uiy dght ar remedy. '"'
<br /> • � '� � *�� 1Z. Successors and Assigae Boandi Jolnt and Several l.iability;Co-signers. The covenunts and ugreements of this
<br /> ,t�;?��`� ""'�•� Security Instrument shull bind md benefit the succcssors und usaigns of Lender und Borrower,subject to the provisions of —�
<br /> _� � •� �' ' puragraph 17. Borrower's covenunts und agreementw shull he joint und severul. Any Borrower who co•signs this Security __
<br /> ,,�� �. ... � Instrument but dces no�execute the Note: lu)i.co-signing t his Security Instrument only to manguge,grAnt und wnvey that
<br /> »� ;3. � Borrower'x interest in Ihe Property under�hc tertnn of this Securiry Inxtrumenr, (b)is not personully obli�ated�o pay the sums
<br /> •�.�• . secured by this Securi�y Inctrument;:md (c)ugrees thut Lender und any other Borrower muy ugree to extend,modify,forbeur
<br /> �'� ' � �' �#v or make any uccommodutionc wkh regard to Ihe terms of this Security Inatrument or Ihe Nate without �hAt Borrower�
<br /> :�.. . �n,,� :•.., : .��
<br /> __ y,Y��-_..°.--:- ....�. cnnsent. —
<br /> _.,�� , '� 13. LoAn Charges. If tiie los�n ticcun:d hy this Securi�y Instrument is �ubjecl to a luw whkh tiets msucimurn loan �
<br /> churgex,nnd thut luw ix finally interpreted xo thut the interext or other loun churges collected or to be collected in connection
<br /> �� • • with the laun exceed the permiUed lirnits,then: (a)ony such loun chur�e shull be reduced by thc umount nereszury to mduce =
<br /> r;� �� � the churge to the pc:rmitted limit;und Ib)nny sumx ulrcudy collecteJ f'rom Bormwer which exeeeded permitted limitx will be
<br /> refunded to Borrower. Lender rnuy chooxe to muke thi�refund by mducing the princips�l owed under�he Note or by muking u
<br /> �� �:�' �' direct puyment to Borrower. If a ref und reduces principul,the rcduction will be treuted ux u pvrtiul prepayment without uny
<br /> °�' � � . •• ., prepnyment churge under the Nrne.
<br /> ` � � 14. Notices. Any notice lo Borrc�wer provideJ for in Ihix Security Inx�rument tihall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> • � mniling it by firxt cluss mnil unlexs upplicubk law rcyuire}utie ut'�nother methoci.The notice shall be directed to�he Praperty r-
<br /> - � � Address or uny other uddresti Borrowcr designutex hy natice io Lender. Any natice Io Lender shull hc�given by firtit clutis �4
<br />�_ � � mnil to LenJcr z u�Idress,tut�J hen:in or any athcr addresti Lendrr designutes by n�xice io Bormwcr. Any n�itice provideJ for �
<br />__-�.= r_+ ^ �• in this Security Inswment ,hall lx dermed lo have Ix�en givcn to Borrower ix Lender when given os provided in this
<br /> �:.�' V �.�. • ' purngruph.
<br /> .y,� 1S. Cnvernin�q Law; Severablllty. This Security In�trumcnt �hull lx �ovcrncJ by federul luw und thc luw of thc F_.
<br /> � '°`�` jurixdiction in which the Propeny is li�cuted, In 1he event�ht�t•rny provision or rluusr of this Security Irntrument or Ihe Note 44�_
<br />=,�r_, " ,�,,,...-:.
<br /> �� conflicts with upplicublc luw,such cc�n0 ict shull not a�fi'rct other�rovisi��ns of�hi.Srcurity Instrument or the Ni�te which cun
<br /> �'s`• ��'"�`; '." "' �•- be given effer[ withoul the cnnflictinF provi�ion. To ihis end the provisiom of ihis Sccuriry Inntrument und the Nae nre
<br /> � '-� declm�ed lo be severuble.
<br /> -�'� " 16. Borrower's Copy. Bnrtow�r tihull tx given one cnnfonneJ copy otlhc Notr and of thi+Security Imtrumenl.
<br />_ �s � 17. 7YansPer of the Prnperty or a Benefiriel Intcrc�t in Burrnwcr. If ul I ur uny p�n of thr Pmpc:rty or any interetit in
<br /> ° ,. it is sold or trnnsfcrrcd lur if u Ixncfiriul intcres� in Borrowcr is.old�x tnmsferted and Borrowcr is not u naturul persail �
<br />_--"� - 6 ' withaut Lrnder's prior written wnsed. LenJrr m:�y.at i�+optKm,rcquire immediatc payment in t'ull uf ull sums sccured by x"
<br />�:' � - �his Securiry Instrument. However,thiti option shull not he excrci+cd hy LcnJcr if rxercixr i+prohibiled by feJerul luw ux of �
<br /> µ � � '�� �� the date of'Ihis Securiry Instrument. --
<br /> �r . If Lcnder excrcisrs thi.opiiun. LcnJcr�hull�ivc Burr��wcr noticr of ucccicration. Thr nolirr shull providc u p�:riocl of
<br /> ' 9SS....-
<br /> '�,,.: ��� not less th�n 30 dny�from the clute the nuticr iti drlivem�ur muiled within whirh Burcuwer mu�l puy all ,umz,ecureJ by �hi+ �
<br /> ' '" ` Scwrit Instrument. If Borcower t aik lo i th•:�c +um� rior lu dic rx�iratinn ��I Ihis ricxl, Lrn�kr mu invoke an
<br /> _ y r�Y P I I'�' Y Y �1.'
<br /> �.;. rrmcJic.�xnniucJ by�hi,S�:curiry I n,u�uumn�wi�huut 1'unh�r nu�icc ur dcmand un[�orru�+�r.
<br /> �.: "' � 18. Borrower's Risht to Reimts�te. If Burtowcr mc�t> renuin runditiiai�. Borrowcr �hull huvc thc right ro huve
<br /> � • enforcement of this Sccurity Ins�rumcm di.r�,n�inurd at any iiinr pri�ir tu�hc rarlirr��I: �a)5 diry.lur�urh u�hcr�xriixl z�s
<br />, . � ,��:
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