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<br /> ""��o.�1�v.o'�'��e 1 . . . _ • ---
<br /> -;�::,-��::�.� �_ �,o����� _
<br /> princlpal amount of lho Indebtedneas socured by lhle Qeed ot Trust,not Includln oume adugncod to proYect 4he security�f thls Deed a1 �=
<br /> Tru�t,oxce�cl th�orl�lnal princlpnl nmoun9 etatod horoln,nr�.__�b.._��-,��hichovur i�proator.
<br /> 18.Mlseall�rwouo Provl�lons. �
<br /> ; (a)Borrotiwt Not RNeuad.Extenslan o1 lho time(or payment ar modlllcatlon o}amortizuSlon a}lhe sums Eecured by Ihl3 _
<br /> Uaed of Trust grantad�y Lenckr to any success!�r in Interest o1 Borrovrer shail not operate to retease,In any mannsr,the Ilabtli•
<br /> " "'•'�� ty ol the origlnal Borrowar and Borrower'e eucceasore in Interest. �ender shatl not be requlred to commence proceedin$s �'
<br />_,y�.`j ,..:� apalnst such euccessor or retuee to extend time tor payment or otherwise mod�ly amortizatlon ot the eume sa:ured by this
<br /> � Deed of Truat by reason ot eny demande made by the oripinal Barrower end Borrower's successors!n Inte�aot.
<br /> (b)L�nd�r's Povwr�.Withaut allectinp Ihe Ilab(Ilty of any other person Iiable tor the payment ol any obllgatlon hareln me�-
<br /> �� tloned, and without eltectlnp the Ilen or charpa of thfa�eed oi Trusi upon any porilun ot t7►o t�rap�rfy noi th��nr therotofora L
<br />����"�'�`'. rotoesAd aa security lor the(ull emount of all unpald obliqatlons,Lender may,Prom Qme to tlme end wltlwut notice(q releese
<br />-,�;,,.,`-�°... any person so tiabte,(li)extend lhe maturity or efter eny o1 tho teri�js of any euch obliqatlona,(Ilq yrent ather Indufpencee,(Iv) _
<br /> releese er canvey, or cauae to he releesed or reconveyed et eny tlmo at Lendere optian any parcel, portton or all of lhe =
<br />=____ Properly,(v)take or resase any other or additlonal securiry or reconveyed at any time�t Lenders option any parcel,puRlon or
<br />� � all ot the Property,(vl)take or release any ott►s�or addttionel secudry tor any obligat{on hereln mantloned,or(vii)make oompo- —
<br /> �;, ..�,,�. s(tions of other arranyements wlth deb�ora In relatbn thereto.
<br /> � (c)Forbeac�nar by 6en�er Not a Waltiw.A�y fo�bcumnce by Lender In exercising any riDT�t or remecfy hereunder,or oti�- �
<br />":{,'�"�,� ervvlsa etforded by eppfi�ab�e taw,shall not be a walver o1 or prectude the exerclse of any such right or remedy.The procuro-
<br /> i;,;:• .,>.•• ment of insurer�ce artho payment ot taxes or other Ilens or charpes by Lender shall not be e watver or Lenders right to acceter- --
<br />='�:.r:�,�a•= at9 tha malurity of the indebteelness secured by this Deed of Trusl �
<br /> ";;, (d)su�saon and��f�i g����ant�nd Siwnl Llabfifty;C�ptbM.The covenantR end agroements herein con-
<br />_'.;�,��' tafned stiall binct,nnd the rights hereunder shali inure ta,the ra�n suocessore and asslgns of Lender and T�ustor.All _
<br /> --==== covenants end agroemonte oi Trustor shall be Jol�t end several.Yho captions and headings of the paragraphs o1 thls Deed ot
<br /> r��::`?� �'rust are tor convortlerece oniy and ere not to be used to interpret or daTine ihe provislons hereo}.
<br /> r i�r;� (e)R�qu�s4 4nr Plotie�.Tfta pertles hsrsby rc�u�st lhst a capy ot eny notFas of default hereunder end a a�y of any noUce
<br />` ��=- at sata hsru�sd�r�3 rs:�Red!o e9-^..h p�riy to thls Deed ot T2st At the acicirass set forth above In the mannar prescribed by
<br /> :;:=y.;;;,.s,� app!Ical�Is law.Except for any other notke required under appUceble law to be giwen In anothar manner,any notke prov�ded€or —
<br />;�:�:•.���� !n thls Deed o1 Trust shall be given by maiiing such notice by certified maii addressed to the other parties,at the address set
<br /> ` -- tohh above.My notke provided tor in this Deed of Trust shail be etfective upon maliing in the manner designated hereln. It
<br /> ��: Yn�stOf Is more th8n one person�notke sent to the addfess Bet fortit eboYe shall be notioo to HII Such person9.
<br />_�"-�'� (q insprctio�.Lender may make or esuse to be made reasonable entdes upon and inspections ot the Pnoper�ty,providAd
<br />__—_ that Lender shall g9ve Trusto�nottco pdor to any such Inspection specifyfRy reasonabte cause therefor related to Lendere Inter-
<br /> -- —-- est in the Prnperty.
<br /> -= (g)Raconwyarya. Upon�uyrne�t oi&tl surtis:�r�ur�by thls Deed of Tnisf,Lender shatl reouest Tn,s1�+to►�x►v�y the
<br /> Psoperty and shatl cur�ender thts Deed of Trust and all notes evidencing Endebtedness secured by tfiis Deed of Trust to
<br /> ---�— Trustae.Trustee shall reconvey the Property,w(ttwut wa►ranty and without charge to the person legatty enUtled thereto.Tmstnr
<br /> shall pay atl�costs or recordation�If at►y.
<br /> i�� o_,..��,i o.�.�.fir� c�a��try AareemenL As addiUonal secudty for the payment ot the Note,TNStor I�ereby grants
<br /> •--- .. --
<br /> - Lender under the Nebraake UnHomi Commercial Code a escuritY�nterest in ell 8xturos,equfpment,and other peroond proparty
<br /> --- used in c�onnectlon wkh the real ttstate or improvements located thereon,and not otherwise declared or deemad to be a pnR o1'
<br /> --.:3� fhe rea!estate secured hereby.11�is Instrument ehatl be construod as a Secudry Agreement under said Code.and the lsnder
<br /> � --- shall hs►ve all the rights and remedies of a sdcured PaRy undor said Code tn additbn t�the ri�hts and remediea under thts
<br />__—_____- paragcaph shall be a�ulaHve with,end In no way a limitatbn on,Lenders d9hts and remedies u�der any othe�socurity egree-
<br />- ---- rt►ent signed by Borrovv�r a TNStor.
<br /> (f)Ll�r►a�nd Ene�r�bnrro�s.Trustor Aereby wru►ants emi representa that thare is no detauit under the pradslons d eny _
<br /> mort�e�e,deed a1 huat,lease or P��hase contract describfrtg aN or eny part o?the PropeRY.or Mher oontrad.I�tnxnent or
<br /> apree�tient oonstituting a Ilen a encumbrance apainst a11 w any paR of the P►apsrty(collec6vety,`Uens�,existin�ns d�e
<br /> date of tt�la Deed of Tnist,and that any ar�d all exlsttr�g Liens remaln unmodifbd except es disclosed to Lender In Trustor's writ-
<br /> ten disclosure ot Uans end encumbrances prpvi�od tor hereln.Trustor shall tlmely periorm all of TNator's pbllpatfona, -
<br /> coyena,nts,repcesentations and wartenties under any arxl ail exlsUng ond future Llens,shall prompUy fotward�o Lender caples
<br /> of aN notkes of dofeuit sant In conne�tlon with any and all exlsting or tuture Llens,and ehall not wittwut Lendsrs prior vrritten
<br /> oonsent tn eny manner modlty the prov'�sions of or albw any tuture advances under eny exisHng w tuwro Nens.
<br /> �)App1{catlans uf Paymsnt�.llnless otherwlse requlred by law,sums pald to Lender her�under,tndu�iny wtthout Imita• _
<br /> tlon paymor�is of pdncipal and lntersst,Insurance praceeds,condemnatbn p�oceeds ensJ rents end profits,ehaN be epplled by
<br /> Lender to the amounts due and owing trom Tn�stor end borrower fn such order�s Lender tn fta sole discretior�deems desir-
<br /> a11fe.
<br /> (k)S�wrwTJillt�.It�ny provlsbn o7 thls Deed o3 Trust confllcts wlth epplfcabla law or ts dedared trwauid or otl�erwlse w�en• _
<br /> fon�eabie,suCh coniA�t w Invalidity sha11 nat eHE�3 fhe other provlslons of this Caed of Trust ar the Note which can be plven ,_
<br /> eftect without thv oonNkt(ng provisWn,and to thts end tho provinfons ot this De�ed oi Trust and ths Note�re dedared to be sew
<br /> erablo.
<br /> (q 7erms.The temts'Tnitsta"and"Bortowe�'shall includo both singuler end plurat,and wtoa�the Tnrstor snd Borrower are
<br /> the sama persw►(s),thoso terms as used in thls Deed of Tn�st shall be Interchanyeable.
<br /> (m)Gorwrn{�p law.Thls Deed ot Trust shffiI be govemed by the laws oi the Ststo o}Nebraska.
<br /> '`.��'S�1
<br /> _._._�__°=�=1
<br /> ���
<br /> ���� � - T�ustor has executed this Deed of Tn�st as of the date wrSi�Dan ubove.
<br /> _ ,�'��:�`�'
<br /> T�r��.o.: /fJ' ryq"{��"- _.
<br /> ---�.t':�+. �S"���. •' a��.._��� r�.�... Tn�cW --
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