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<br /> "Fro�csd�'In connectlon v+ith condomnntlr�n or othor tnklnp o11ho Property or paA lhareaf,or for convoyanco In Ilou o1 candemnntlon.
<br /> Lender shall be entNted et ite optian tu cornmonce,appoar In an� prosocuto In(to own narno any actlon or prac�odin�s,arsd ch�tl atco
<br /> ° � be antitled to make any compromise or s0ttloment In connectton wilh such taklnA or damago.In tho ovont any portion o1 thU Pro�»�ty 13
<br /> ; so 4aken or damaged, Lender shall have the optlon In Its soto and absolute dlscretlon,ro appiy all such proceeds, aftor deducting �-
<br /> iheretrom ell costs and oxpenses Incurred by it fn conneatlon with euch Pro�eeds,upon any Indebtedness secvred hereby ar�9 in such
<br /> . :� order as Lender may detertnino,or to epply all such Proceadg�8TL8f 6UCh�UC110f19,to the restoratinn of the PropeRy upon such con- �,,
<br /> ditions as Lender mey detertnlne.Any appiicatlon a1 Proceeds to Indebtedness ehall not extend or postpone the due deto of eny pay =
<br /> ,,.; n�Ne wxfe►ttie Nota,or cur�any d.faWt th�:cund�r or h�round�r.Any�anP�p�ied(unds sha!i be pefd to Truator. �
<br /> ,V,,��.� g, pertormanc�by I.�n6er.Upon the aoCUrrenCe o1 an Event o1[3c+tault horeunder,or if any act is taken or lepal p�oceedinp =
<br /> • ;, � commenced vvh{ch materlalty attects Lenders irlereat In the Property. Lender may fn its own dlacretion,but withaut oDlfgatlon to do eo, �
<br /> h
<br /> and without notk;e to or demand upon TNStor end w�ihout relear,inp TrustaP trom eny obllpatlon,do eny act which Truator has egreed �
<br /> ����k b�d telled to do and mey also cb any other act it deems necessary to protect the secudty hereof. T�ustor shall, immedlately upon —_
<br /> �:�, . demand theretor by Lendar,p�y to Lendev all costs and expenses Incurreci and sums expended by Lender In r.onnc�ction wlth the exer-
<br /> ? �' clse by Lender ot the foregoing righte,topeth�r with Interest theraon at the deiauit rate provided In the Note,wh�h shall be added to _
<br /> the Indebtedness secured hereby.Lender shall nat incur eny Hability because oi anyihing it may do or om(t to do hereunder. �_
<br /> 9.HasWdou�IrAatKiab.Trustor shall keep the Property In complience wlth all appl{cablo laws,o+dinances ai'�d re9�tatlons
<br /> ' •• �� relaUng to Industdal hygtene or environmental protectlon(collecYi�eiy refeRed to herein es'Envlronmentei Laws").Trustor shall keep
<br /> " •� the Property iree from all substencea deemed to be hazardoua or toxic u�der any Environmentel Lawa(cdlec8vely reterred to hereln W,
<br /> as"Hazardous Metodats'.Truator hereby wartants snd represents!o Lender that there are no Hazardous Materials on or under the =
<br />•:�,. = .;:" � Property.Trustor hereby egrees to Ir�lemniiy and hold harm{ess Lender,Its directors.offr�ers,employees and egento,and any cwcces• --
<br />=:,���_ '��_" sors to I.ender's IntAreat,irom and against any and ail cla!ms,damages,losses nnd Ilsbilities adsing in connection with lhe presence,
<br /> ""�^'-� • wo,di�p�,ul ot trer►sport o1 rsny Ha�erdo�s MateNals on,under.1rom or ebout the Properly.THE FOREtiOINO WARRANTIES AND
<br /> `:-`�",':�''��� , RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRUST.
<br /> � 10.As�IgnrrnnU oi Rents.Trostor hereby acslgns ta Lender,and grants Lender a securiry interest in,ell present,tuture and
<br /> _�-��:_:,r��`�, after edsing rents,issues arxl proflts of the Property;providad that Trustor shalt,unUl the occunence of en Event oi Oe!au1i,hereunder,
<br /> °�' � � h a v e t h e r i g h t t o c d l e c i a n d r etaln such rents.Issues and profits ea they become duo end payable.Upon the occurrence oi an Event of
<br /> :Y:.'LL wj=�` Detuutt,Lender may,e[ther fn person or by apent,with or without bringln�J any acUon or proceeding,or by a recoiver eppointed by a
<br /> ��'��-•' court and wfthout re�ard to the adequ�acy of its secudty,enter upon and trike possession of the PrapeAy,or any paR thereof,tn it� own
<br /> �'���� 4 name or in the name of the Trustee,and do eny ects whN:h it deems necerssary or deslreWe to preserve the value,marketebi�tty or
<br />===;=uy�.:r rentabiNry of the PropeAy,or eny part thereof a interest thereln,or io increase tho fncane therofrom or prot,ect the securi'ry f�ereoG�ini,
<br />_�=,�,.�;. wfth or withas teking possessbn of the PropeAyr,sue for or otherwlse ool{ect ttx� rentc.Issues and profits thereof,Ucludir�those past
<br />_�_^��_',� � due end unpaid,by notHytng tenunte to make payments to Londer.Lender maY appN rente,issues and pro8ts,less c�oats and expens-
<br /> ��- =n=�, es of opergtlon and coilection Including attome�s fees,to eny Indebtedness secured hereby.a11 In such order as Londer may deter-
<br /> e
<br /> r..-;;����: m(ne.The entedng uQon end taking possesston af the Property.tne casact�on ofi such rems,issuny n�ni p�v��.ar��:•��°�
<br />- --%3;�.��� thereof as atoresaid st�all not cure or walve any defeutt or not}ce of default hereunder or tnvalidate any act done in response w euch
<br /> -__�`:-���, default or pursuant to such notice of defautt and,notwithstanding the continuance in possessbn ot the propeRy or the collection,
<br /> �^.�;���] receipt Rnd appl�aUon of rents,issues w profits,TNStee ar�d Londer shail be en�tled to exer�cise evory right provided tor in any of the
<br /> ---=_�A Loan Instrumenta or by Iaw upon occumence of any Evisnt af DeYauft, including without Ilmitatbn the right to exem,ise the pa�wer of sale.
<br /> -�=�rr='��� FuMor.Lerxie�'s dghts end remedfes under th!s paragraph shatl be cumutattve with,and fn no way a Ilmitatlon on,Lenders dghts end
<br />—==,:���,;� remedies urxier any essignment of{eases and ronts rscorded agalnst the Property.Lender,Trustee and tho receiver shall be Uab{e to
<br /> — eccount only for tlwse rents ectualty recetved.
<br /> ��°'•'{�� � 11.EMSnb of Dehult.The folbwing shall consUtute an Event ot Detauit under this Deed of Trus�
<br /> � -"'`� (a)FaNure to pay eny(nstallment of prirxlpal or interest of any other sum secured horeby when due;
<br /> `^.k,"
<br /> -- (b)A breach of or defauk under any provislon coretelned In the Note,this Deed of Tmst,any of the Loan instruments,or er+Y
<br /> other Iten or encumbrar�upon the Paoperty;
<br /> _ (c)A wrk of executlon or attachment or any similar prooa�sl�all be eMored against Tnistor wh{ch shall become a I}en on
<br /> - the Property or any pbrtion thereof or interest therein;
<br /> --■ (d)There shali be filed by or against Trustor or Borrower an ection under any presont or future tederai,state or other statute,
<br /> __ __. ._ � �w pr reguiatbn relaUng to bank�uptcy,Insdverw�yr or other retief tor debtore;or there shall be appointed any t►ustee.receiver or
<br /> . Ik�uidator o}Trustor or Borrower or of all or any part of the PropeRy,or the rents,tssues nr profits thereof.or Tn�stor or Bom�wer
<br /> ---- " shall make any general assignment torthe benefit of oreditas;
<br /> �..�i�
<br /> -_— (e)Trie sale,tnanster,lease,asstgnm�n4 caweyanae or turther er�cumbrarxe of all or any paR of or any inte�est in tho
<br /> _=-- _ pn4perty,eiMer voluntariy or ir►volunteriiy,without the e.cpress written consent o}Lender,prov{ded that Trustor shall be permit-
<br /> -__ ted to exe�ute a lease of the Property that does not contain an option to purrfi,ase and the torm of wh�Ch does not exceed one
<br /> -._ —= year.
<br /> �a•, (�Abandonme�t of the Property:o►
<br /> - �:,�' (g)ff Trustor is not an tndividual, the issuance,sala. trenster,esslgnment, conveyance or encumbrar�ce of more ihan(it a
<br /> - corporatbn)a tatel of peroent of Its Issued end outstand)ng stock,or(If a partnership)a totel ot .per-
<br /> - - cent of partnership intereste,or(if a limited Ilabiiity company)a total of percent of the 1lmfted Ilabiiiry compa-
<br /> ---� ny Interesb or voUng dghte during the period this Deed of Trust remafrr a Iien on the P�KY•
<br /> z;:„��;�;��� 12.R�nMdies;Axnteratlon Upon D�hutL In the event of any Event ot Qetauft Lender may,wlUwut nodce exGept as required
<br />-- ,_m,,,;�,�_. by law.dodare a1t b��ebtodness secured her+eby to be due and payable and the same shall thereupon becano due and payable witle-
<br /> "�&_5�;�; , out any presenhnent,demand,protest or notice of sny kind.Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> -='-;*x"'• (e�Demarxf tttat Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE gmnted herein,and Trustee shall thereafter cause Tn�sto�s inter-
<br /> _-�;t'%..r7:r}:.
<br /> �,__�t;.,�• est tn the Propertyr to be sold end the proceeds M be disUibuted,all In Ute rnanner provided tn the Nebraska Trust Deeds Itc�
<br /> `=: .y+�_•:���-:� /��((b) Ex,�ewr��dse any and ell rights provk9ed tor in any ot the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence oi[u►y Event of
<br /> .�.4 f,fs.�...:�'� ` I./C71aU�tlIN
<br /> e...'�.'I��..;�..�.
<br /> �.-;Y.;�,.��. (c)Commence an action to torectoso this Deed of Trust as a mortgage,appofnt a recelver,or specificaliy enfor�o eny of the
<br /> -:�� .�. ..-�� covenants hereof.
<br /> - - -- Nc remedy horeln confemed upon or reserved to 7rustee or lender is Intended to be exclusive o}any other remedy her�l����
<br /> -" - insiruments or by law prov{ded or permitted,but each shall be�umulative,ehall be In edd'+tbn to every other�emedy g _
<br /> - -- c.,u..,�..s.,Inelnur�nnte nr ntfut fv lICfAA}fAf AYIR1IfVf At I9W O(If1'BflIII�LY O�bY BtQUItB.aT1d t118V b@ @XB�CISed ODfI(:UR@Iltly.�fidBPQfI(18�11�► -
<br /> : � ' -' � ar Succesfv�ty. _.._.__..._.. _...-•----- -. _. o.. _ , _ . �.
<br /> ��''�'�'"'•�•�' ' 13.Tn�slos.The Trustoe may resign et any tlme without cause,an�Lender may at any tEme and without cause appolnt a suc- �
<br /> , � � ? cessor or substitute Trustee.T�ustee shalt not be Uabte to any�ady►.Including without Iim(tation Lee�der,Borrower,Trustor or eny pur- -
<br /> • ' � � chaser of the Property,ior any Wss or damage un{ess due to recidess or wilHul miscor►duct.and shail nat be roqufred tn tatte any action �
<br /> ' tn oonneclion with tho entor+cemont of this Deed of Tnist uniess Indemnitied,in wriU�g,tor all costs,componsuUon or expenses wt�d� �
<br /> � � may be ncsodatnd therewith.In addiUon,Trustee may becorne e purd�aser at any sate of the Property�ud�ial or under ltie power o1
<br /> . sale granted herefn);postpor►e the sale ot all or any portlon of the Property,as provkfed by law;or seli tho Proporty as a whote,or in -
<br /> - - separate paroels or lots at Tn,sted's discretion. :
<br /> "' 14.FMS�nd Exp�ns�s.In the event 7nsstee�ells tlw Pro�rty by exsrclse of poHror o1 sa{e,Trustoe shall be entitled to apply ;
<br /> _ any sale proc�eds first to payment of all costs and expenses of exercising poarer of sate,including all Trustee's te�s,and Lenders and :,
<br /> � 7�ustae's attomoy's fees, actualty Incurrod to extent pormitted by applfcabte Iaw.In tho evar»k3orrower or Trustor exer�cises any r(ght �
<br /> � provided by law to cure an Event of Default. Leader shall be entilted to roc:over 4rom Trustor a;l costs and expenses ectualiy incurred as
<br /> , �:�� a rosult o1 Trustore defaui�including wiUwut umi2nUon all Trustee's and attomey's fees,to the�extent permitted by app��ceWe law. :
<br /> -• � 1b.Futun Advanc�s. Upon request of Bortow�er, L�nder may, at its optbn, make Additional end tuture ndvances and read-
<br /> - vances to Borrowar.Such�dvances and rsadvances.with intenost thoreon,shall be secured by this Deed o}Trust.At no time shall tlte
<br />