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.� , /. " <br /> , . , <br /> -�� „ . , . �, ' , �::�a���. <br /> _. ._.._----�.__.. . . . ..._ ... .. .. ._......._........ - <br /> �� �++!��.,, . .. .. . . ... .. .. . . .. _ . ��=- <br /> , .. ,,;e�'��±,�^.�.� .. .. . ,. � � � . . � ��.=-_ -_`... <br /> _ h:•r..,�.. - .. ..�— --- <br /> , , . . . '7;. �. , , . _.�v�A�I;�Y.d;i_.:-- _ — <br /> .. . .. . � • . " � , :f:�'ur:a"°°= -_ _. __ __-. <br /> �� . .. . ` . - .. . . .... . .. . :. , �Y •- <br /> • . .� .��. ... �. �. � . . .. - t• ' . .. „.a <br /> . . ��. ��9'�6� , <br /> (i)All or part oi tho Property.or e txnei'icial interest in e truse owning nli or part of thc Prop�rty,ie <br /> �� � sold or otherwise tranetorced(other then by devise or descent),and . <br /> (ii)Tha Property ie not occupied by tha purchaser or grantee n�hia or her principal residence�or tha <br /> ��""'"� purchaser or geantes does so occupy tho Property but hia or hor credit has nat beon approved in <br /> '"�'�*'` uccc�rdc�nce rrith the requiromente ai the Secretery. <br /> (c� No W�iver.If circumetances occur that would permit I.ender to require immediate payment in <br /> " full, but I.endar docs nat require eu�l�paymenta, I..ender does not wnive ita ri�hta with respect ta _ <br /> subsequsnt avente. <br /> ° (d)Regul�tione ot HUD SecroEasy. in sr,i.aap ce�vmsYances r:�;,�vlatione issued by the Secretary wilt ,� <br /> limit I.ender's rlghts. in the cese oQ payrmcn� avf�u!ts, to r.n�v�re immediate payment in full and �,:� <br /> � ffcrreclose it not paid. °II'his Security Inatrumen�d�+���ot authvriza as�ceCc�s:i.on ar foreclosure if not __ <br /> rrmittedby regulatiorisoithaSecretety, .��= <br /> . � ' � �e) Mors�e�e Not IneuRed.Borrower agrees that iP this Securlty Inatrume�8 and the Note ara not ��._ <br /> dotenn;ned 2•�be eligible tor insurance under the Natianal Housing Act within 6�dn��a�r;�z�i the date �i.;f� <br /> � ' hereoi, Lender may, at ite option,r:.quir�immediate payment in fult of ull sums �c�;s�'ed l�Y ttue �r::�,--- <br /> ' Secudty Instrument.A written statement of aa�y aaatfiorized agent of 4he Secretary dated eti��eclue�it to ;;;,:`_ <br /> , �, �i0 deys frann the date hereot, decli�ning to ia�sure this Securlty Inetrument and the Note, shall b� =}_ti <br /> ' deeme� r,onolusive proaf of euch inr?lagib:i�ity.Not�4 i tt�staading the foregoing,thie option may not ba �`.,_.;:_ <br /> " ' axercised by ;Lender when the unavn'�]nbi��ty of insurance ia solely due to L.ender's failure te, �emit m � <br /> • �� mortgaga insurance premium to tha Secretery. �-,�- <br /> � � 10.Roiastatament. Bonower has a right to be reinetated it Lender hafl required immediate payment in _ <br /> ° �-{ . 4uli h�cevse of Borr.sKer�s tailure to pay an arnaunt due under tha Nota or this S�curity Inatrument.Thie rlght � <br /> . ... applie�s even aftsr forecloaure proceedinge a t e i n s t i t u t e d.T o r e i n s t a t e t h a 5 e curit y Instrument,Bu�rower shall �.,,_ <br /> tendar in a lump surn ell amounte required to bring Bonower's account cunent including,to tha oxtent they <br /> are obligations of Florrower under this Security Instrument,foreclosure costs and reasonabc�a�u �nt by ;;�.= <br /> ° ��=�r:= ' ; Rttornoye ia�s nad �sF�%•.� PlflF=r�9 "—�'eud with the foreclosure proceeding. Upo __ <br /> � Aarrc�wer,this Secwrity Inatr�mmt end the obligatione that it secures shall remain in etiect ea ii Landcr«n� _ <br /> _ ,;.,y„ <br /> _ .�,••� • not r�squired inxmez'fiete peyment in fult.EIowever, Lander is not required t:o permit reinstatement it: (i) <br />:�.�R:.,..; �-•�:� <br /> _ �:; •�. . . L,ender has acc�pted reinstatement after the cornm�noamont of foreclosure procer.�i}Te instatement wi1! <br /> '.~--��??+� immedietely pxe�cding the commencement of a currant toreclosure proceeding, <br /> --��-= ,� rxlude forecloaure oa ditferent grounds in the futuro,or(iii) reinstatemant will advorsely affect th�priority <br /> =���.�'--�__�a`�! of the linn created by this Sxuiyty Instrument. e B �nder Not � Waivor. Extension of �he time of <br />--.;�_�:� 11. Bonoeor Not Releis�d; �orbaaanc y _ <br /> °-'�.3F�,� payment or moditicetion of amortiution of the sums r,ecured by this Security Inatrument granted by Lender <br />�%�'-`����� ; to any successor in inter�t of Borrower ehall not operau ta release the lielsitity of the original Borrower or <br />—����l;;'- Borcower'a euccessor in interest.Lender shall not be required to commence Prceaxiings against eny successor <br /> in interest or reftue to extond timc�or pay�ent or otherwise modify amortization of the suma secured by this <br /> ' � Securlty Inetrument by reasnn of any demsad snede by the origtnal Bonower or Borrower's auccessots ia _ <br /> ---=-n;��,; inurest.AnY forbzarence by Lander in exercising eny right or remedy shall not bo a weiver of or pteeludo the <br /> _.__----_= � exercise of nny ri8ht or remedy. <br /> --_°,�� '' 12. 5uccessora and d►,s9isna Bound:Joint aad Sovor�l Liability;CaSignora.Tha cavenante and <br /> ____.F��:,�,�, agceements of this Socuri�� '�tsument ehdl bind and benefit tha euccessoce and assigne op 1.end°r and <br /> _-"''`�� . Borrower.subject ta tha prove�ions oi paragr�ph 9(b).Borrower's covenants and agreaments shall be joint and <br /> = -_= eoveral.,�ny Borrower who co'signa thie Sec nt��ey that Borrower's interest i�n the ProBpert cundor the <br /> � thie Sccurity Inatrumont nnly to mortgage,gra <br /> -° urme oi tius Security Inatrument;(l�) is not psrsonelly obligated to PaY to extend,mod f�y,[orbear o�r make <br /> �-_.� •� Inetrumos►t;and(c)egrc�that Lender nnd any other Borrower may ngree _ <br /> -a.�.��-�:.� any accommociations with regacd to tho terrne oi thie Security Instrument or the Note without that Soaowor's <br /> - -_=__=� conssnt. vece by <br /> _`=-`�'!'�'�-��"� 13. Notices. Any notice to Borcower l�ro���1�d for in thie Security Instrument ehall be gi <br /> T-�'°'���� d�livering it or by mailing it by first clas5 mc;il unless applicablo law require3 use of another method.Tha <br /> �"�'r notico ehall be directed to the Propacty Address or any other nddress Bomower designates by notico to Lender. � <br /> � �:Y,�_`i'.. � ��� <br /> �. . ,._ ".1 n (fl�t���F�„ C4 <br /> i't�l.�)�l'�'•1� �. <br /> _.'�'�;;��'J�r. �'t�-4YtINE) v.n e e�e .r— ='_ <br /> � �.� e`:. <br /> `' C l <br /> _�i� •,S•1.. �t' �.,' <br /> :,�•: �� ;,,,; �- <br /> . '.`I.r �i� <br /> _ ___...-_;�, _ __.���f1--.Tir.G:tiFi1A`.�'�'`ar^a�MYN—�iiq�."�._.._ . .. -. .. . . „ ' _ <br /> - .. '7� . ' . !� ... ��: ' .. . <br /> , .. . . . ' . ..� _.. <br /> . <br /> . .... _ - ' .� .. <br /> . - . ' ;` ,. � . .. , <br /> . „ . �: t . tf�,4;;�.. <br /> ' , . , l3ryi t��fi. �. <br /> � - . .. - .. ' - • ';•����I'�'�4"���;`�^�t'�j4`kh.�F�..r . „ <br /> .� <br /> . . �,•' <br /> . <br /> _�� <br />