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<br /> ., 4:� �" �.�.����� �'.
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<br /> � ° � evidenced by tho Uote,incl�ding, but nnt limited to,reprasenteti�ne cancerninq 13orrower'o oc�upanoy of the F
<br /> ,�
<br /> Proporty ae s principol reuideaco.It thie Security Instrument ie on s lessehold�IlarrowCr�hall comply�vith tho
<br /> --,rc±�',t� provielons of tho leaso. Ii I3orrower acquires iee tltlo ta tho Peoperty,tho leasohald end feo titlo nhall not bo �;.
<br /> ,:� merged unlese Lender agroes tu the marger in writ{ng. �
<br /> 6. Condoma�tion. Tho praccede of nny awnrd or cleim for d�me�ca, dlrect ar consequnntit�l, in F�
<br /> connwtlon with nny condomnntion or othar tekin�af any part of the Pro�arty,ar tor conveynnce in pince�f `e
<br />`- „ •; condemnation, ero horcby essigrted nnd sl�nll be patd to L,onder to the extont af the tull emount of tho =
<br /> � indebtedaec-� Ehat remains unpeid undor the Note nnd thie Security Inatrument. Lender ehsll apply auch -
<br /> . 't. nroa�_:.,.� ^.a,� r,I,:� e•eduction nf tho indobtednese undcr tho Note end thie Sccurity Inetrumeat,Iiset to nny =
<br />",,M•{:: ti r3i�Zi��t�raat�c�ecru:it;c m.ir,�4.iod in the ordar providod�n paregraph 3,and then to prepayment of principal. Any
<br /> . m�p�ncatrion �? t4c� ��na�coa3� to tho principal ehe11 not axtcnd ar postpane tl-.e due dato ot tho m�nthly
<br /> . .. ��� gayments,which n�e{rff��n°d to in paragraph 2,or chonge the�rc�.ovne oP r,�1cY�paymente.Any�xcess procuda
<br /> �•;�,:.z�,r;'� over en emount required t�Lcey a1i0�utetanding indobtedne�rJ�rr,,r,,tIR.�l�a?e c+s�d thie Security Instrument ehall _
<br /> ��.�,;: :.:' be paid 4o the entity le�ally entiBEa�thereto. .
<br /> '. ,"•` ::'�`� 7. �hv�gea 4a��"�nn m�e�a,��,d Psote�4to�a;I,su�ar'r;l@'s��ta.n tha Pro��:y.L�:�zro��et chall pay nll
<br /> ' '`'{` '''"` governmentel or muniaipal ch�srges, fines and impositioas ti2st are not included in p�:.c�s�a��2. Ibu�zr.ower -
<br /> � � shall pay these oblig�4i¢nns on time directly to tha entity Nl.�:ch es owed the payment.IIC f!r,il�v�ta ��r m�duld
<br />=„= �-k>'=.,� advcrsely afiect Lender's intenst in tha Proparty,upon Le�rdee�r�queat Borrower shaP.fl�s�omptly Purnish to
<br /> `,"���=��~�.�: � Ler�der rzrrai�pts evedencing these paymente.
<br /> ,,� >�{ ' If�v.,rti��avEr ff�ils�o make these paymente or the paymenta required by paragrap��, or fails to perform
<br /> �k�;�::,,, .
<br /> , ,,, ony oth�r covenr,�n4�ancl•agre�mente c�ntained in thie Security Inatrument,or there is a legel proceeding that
<br /> '";."�` '� snny ai�t�ificant�p a�fz..�i Lond�r's rights fn tho Prop.,-rty(soct.�s pror,�3ing in brnkr4ptcy,tor condemnation
<br />` � ��,��• � or to ersiorce lnws or re latione),then Lender ma do end y whatever is nccessu to rotect t�he value of
<br /> ::,�t��?,-. �,I 6'� Y � Y P
<br />,,'v��t�tu�'';, ;#. the Property and I,ender's rights in the Property,including pnyment oi texea.haznrd ineurance and other iums
<br />:;:,:���_A.:� + rnentinned in paragraph 2.
<br />_ -;= f�ny smounia diH'vuri;cu oy Lc;�ua.ui��ei tuln Ydin�r 6�ai 6fid1�u'vGB+i�'v aiI SQ�21aIIa!dcht af Eco:..�L:Sft�
<br /> :�°' �e securod by this Seourity Inetrument.These amounts shall bear interest from the date of disbuz�^.:�enz�ent,at
<br />