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" <br /> i r l � • . �s . Yni c _ J.�.. . . . f s .�.1'a b.fi8r.�s,s:tf�3� <br /> �.��'� 'tM�_.i�1�5f S' __ ...,._.� a,i.}�{i�ll►1� 'r.LLt...i �' ..r....s1:`J1 ,.�,Z _ �l..i..� — <br /> � M! �qSSn<.A�tt �...�� � , �:� - _ _ - <br /> _• ....u.�.._...i <br /> :.;, .i:7.� `R' �..J...�....�..:�. � � ..--�_.�_ _. . _.r�. �.� <br /> �...�. <br /> . _ . __._,_._ ....__. . .-�--- - -.. � - °—J-�`--,.- - .. <br /> .._.._.�._,._.. . .. . . Fj�3o ���'�i�'+ �. <br /> � � .�� <br /> 17. Tr�nsfer nf the{'raperty or n�leneficinl Intcrest in�urrmti•er. If:►II nr nny part of die Property or any i ntcrest in it <br /> is sold or trimsferre�i(or if a beneficinl interGSt in Borrowcf•is sold or transfcrrccl�ind I�orrawer is nut a n¢�tural p�rson)without <br /> l.cndcr's prior writtcn conticnt, l.cndcr may, ut its option, rcyuirc immcdiutc payment in fuU of all sums sccurcd by this <br /> Sa:ur(ty lnstrument. llc��vc:�cr,this optlon shall not h�cxercised hy Lcnder if�xcrcise is prohiNitM1 hy fec�eral i��u•nti of the d�tc � <br /> of this Sccurity Instrument. <br /> lf L.ender exercises this optian,I.ender shull givc Borrower notice of nccclerntian. The noticc shull providc a period of nat <br /> less than 30 day�c from the date the notice is delivered ar mailed within which Borrower must pay nll sunis secured by this _ <br /> Security Instn�ment. lf Borrawer fails ta pay these sums prior to the expi�utic�n of this period, [.ender may invoke any rcmedies <br /> pennittcd by this Security Instrument without furtt�er notice or dcmund on Borrower. <br /> 18. Qorrower's Rl�ht t� Reinstate. If Borro�vcr mcets certain conditions, Harrower shull have the ri�ht to have <br /> cnfarcement af this Security Instrun�ent discmuinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (n) 5 dnys (or such o�her period as _ <br /> upplicablc law may specify fae reinstetemcnt) bcfore sale of thc Property pursuant to any pawer of sale con�ained in this <br /> Security Instrument;or(b)entry of u jud�ment enforcing this Security Instrument. Those conditions are that 8orrower:(a)pays <br /> I.ender all sums which then would be due under this Security [nstrument w�d the Note as if no acc�leration liad occttrved; (b) <br /> cures any default c,f any other covenants or agreements; (cl pays ull expenses incurred in enforcing this Seceirity Instrument, <br /> including, but not limited to,reusonable attorneys' fees; and (d) takes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure _ <br /> that tlie lien af this Security Instrument, Lender's rights in thc Property nnd Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by <br /> this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Int[rument and the <br /> obligntiom secured itereUy shall �•e�uain fully effective as if nu acceleration had oc�urred. However, this :ight to rcinstate shall : <br /> not apply in tha case of acceleration under paragraph 17. <br /> 19. Sale of Note; Change of Loun Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together tivith this Security <br /> lnstrumenY)muy be sold one or niore times without prior notice to Horrower. A sale may result in a change in t tie emtity(known <br /> as the"L.oan Servicer")that collects monthly payments duc under the Note and this Security Insin►ment. Thcre also rnay be ona <br /> or more chunges of the 1.oan Servicer un�elnted to n sale of the Note. If there is a ch�nge of the Loan Serv icer, �oROwer will be <br /> given written notice of the change in accorda�ice�vith paragraph 14 above and applicnble law. The notice will sta�e ttte name and <br /> address of the pew L.oan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The natice will �Iso cantain any other <br /> infarmation required by upplicaUle law. <br /> Z0. Hazardous Substs►nr,es. Borrawer shnll not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage,or relcase of any <br /> Har.ardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shull not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anyiheng affecting the <br /> Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. 1'hc preccding twu �entenccs shall not apply to tlic presence, use, or <br /> storage on the Property of small quantities of Hozatduus Substances that are aenerally recognized to be appropriate to normal <br /> residential uses and iu mainienaii�ui ii�e F�u�,iy. <br /> Borro�ver shall promptly give L.ender written notice of miy investigutian,claim, demnnd, luwsuit or other action by any <br /> • governmental or regulatory agency or�rivute party involving the Prapeny and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Gaw <br /> of which�orrower ttas actu;il knowledge. If Bonower learns,or is notified by any governmeatal or regulaloey authoriiy, thut <br /> any removal or other remediation of any Hazardou�;Substance affecting the Araperty is necessary,Boreower shdll promptly take <br /> all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. <br /> As used in this parugrnph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by <br /> Enviranmental Law and the following substances: gusoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleurr� products, toxic <br /> � pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents, muterials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactiv�materials.As used in <br /> this paragrnph 20, "Environmenutl Law" means federal �aws und laws of thc jueisdiction wliere the Property is located thnt <br /> rclate to heulth,safety or cnvironmentul protcction. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender furthcr covenant a�id agree as follows: <br /> 21.Acceleration;Rrrnedics.Y,ender shall give�nottce to Borrower prior to ecceleration foltowtng Borrower's breach <br /> of any coven�nt or agreement in thts Secur(Qy Instrmnent (but not prior to accelerntton under paragnpt� 17 unless <br /> upp{icable Iaw provides oYherwise). The notice shalE specify� (a)the defaulh, (b)the action reqnlred to cure the drtnult; <br /> (c) u date,not less thaa 30 days from the dAte the notice is glven to Borrawer,by which the defeutt must be cured;and <br /> (d) that failure!o cure tiie defnult on or before the date speci�ed in the notice may result in acceleration ot the sums <br /> secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall fmrther inform Borrax�er of tfie right to <br /> retnstate after acceler�tion and the rlght to bring a court action to assert the non-existence oi a detault or ony other <br /> de�£ense of Borrower to acceleration an�l sale. If the default is nut cured on or before the date srsecltled In the notice, <br /> Lender, at Its optfon, ms�y requir�e i�+nmediate payment in full of all sums secured by thts Secudty Ins�rument wfthout <br /> Ibrther demand and mAy invokc t'he power of sale attd eny other re�r►edtes{►ermltted by applicable IAw. Lender shAli be <br /> enUitied to collect sll expenses emcareccl in pursuing the remedies proei�led in this paragraph 21,inciuding�6ut not 1[R�ited <br /> to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of title evidence. <br /> If the power of sale Ls invoked, Trnstee shall record u notice of c3P?nult t►� each enunty in vahich aqy part of the <br /> � Property fs located and s�all mail copies ot such notice in the ms►nner prescribed by applicable law to Bor►�x�e�• and to <br /> the other persnns prescrlbed by applicable law.After the time retaufred by applicable law,Trustee shall�ve�:b7i c�o2ice <br /> of sale to the persons and In!he manner prescrlbed by appf9rflble la�v.Tr.utee,without demand on Borrovr�r,�mA1l scll <br /> the Property at gublic auctlon to the highest bldder ut the time und place and under t�lie ternt�designatec3 in tre notice of <br /> salc in one or morc parcels and fn any order T�istce determines. Trustee may pnstpone sale o!'a�9a or any parcel of the <br /> i Property by public announcement ut the tirne and place of any previonsly s.c�eduled sule. Leua�t r or its des(gnec muy <br /> purchase the PropeMy at any sale. <br /> � <br /> 's <br /> .I Porrn 3028 9/40 <br /> � Page 5 of 8 <br /> � � <br /> � _ , <br /> . :��a�^T'�� a i�r��i,; '��j``'�'�i.��-` , - ""ey�,`�j . 'S� � - .___ <br /> �k t ��_� ` F'�.n� ?T� .r+w <br /> --i�A �mh 1�Z�4L es�. � n. '�J >:" �'v�ct.� �. *..s+ F.�ir-F .._ <br /> �.L"�tTei�Oa�•. �IiL�:*�j�t�,cti"CC{ ,ti ��":: - e�� l...,Y.� �,. .-�i `+Kt��..r„�x..�^� <br /> L'�`Tl�n'1 �iY a •�.T.���'*�'3��1�. � " " ' . r � a.-� +�8 k��y�t r+ _ -_ <br /> - ; .. 1Y' . F trt :. . MZ)L�SI`��I��FL!'_ �. <br /> � � ��' . .�t�}� .2��-���{�4-Y�`E�`I 'S� . . . '_l 1 ;� -.. — _ _ - -�� -. _. _��. <br /> :.'Y�Yt�h�") c r••r.�r•..._ .. . ,�,�` " � `�`' '�y=�' Y <br /> Yl�` tir ',t ¢ ' � . 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