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Inspectlon. Lcnder c�r its ugcnt �ray ma�o rr.isanuble enn•les u�wn und inspcctions of thc Property. Lcndrr sGall F;ivc <br /> Borrower nodce at the time of or prior to an inspxdon specffying rcAhannhle cuuse for the inspection. <br /> 10. Coa�demnatton. The proccecis of nny awurd or clairn for dumuges, direct or consequential, in connecti�m with any <br /> condemnation or othcr takins af any part of the Propcny,or for convcynncc in lieu of condc►nn�itinn,iire hereby cssigned and <br /> shall be paid to Lcndcr. <br /> in thc evcnt of a total W:ing of thc Property,tf�e peacceds shull bc applicd tu ttte sum:,secured by this Security Instirument, <br /> whether or not then duc, wlth uny exccss paid to Dorrowcr. In tlie event of pµ.lrtinl taking af Ihe Property in which chc Cnir <br /> market value of the Pe��erty immediately before the taking is equal to or gre;ter thun the nmount of dle sums secured by this <br /> Securlty Instrument inuuc�lictteiy bafare the taking,unless t3orrower and Le:nder otherwise agree in writing,the sums securcd by <br /> this Security Instrument shal! be reduced by tlie amaunt of tlie proceeds multipliui by the follo�ving frnction: (n) the total <br /> umount of the sums secured immediatcly before the taking, divided by(b)the fair market vatue of the Property immediatcly <br /> before the takins. Any balance shalt be paid to Bonower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair <br /> maiicet valuc of the Property immediately lxfor�.lhe takir�g is less than tl�e emoimt of the sums securecl immedintcly beforc the _ <br /> talcing. unless Borrowcr nnd Lender otherwise agrer, in writing or unless upplicnble law otherwise provides, the proceeds shaU <br /> be applicd to the sums secured by this Security H�sirument whed�er or not the sums nre then due. <br /> if the Property is abandoneci by Borrowcr, or if,ufter notice by Lender to Horrower that the condemnor offers to n�ake an <br /> awArd or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to resEsond to Lendcr withln 30 days after the date the notice is given, <br /> Lcnder is authoriud to collect and agply�t6�e procecds,at its option,either to restorntion or repair of thc Property or to the sums <br /> secured by this SECU�ity Instrument,whether or mot then due. <br /> Unless I.ender and Borrower otherwise�gree in writing, any applicntion of proceeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> postpnne the due date of the manthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chang�the amount of such puyments. <br /> il.Borrower Not Relea,sEtl;Forhearance By l.ender Not a Wulver.Bxtension of tho time for payment ar modification - <br /> of amartizatian of the sums secured by this Secu:iry Instrument�ranted by Lender to any sucr„�ssor in interest of Borrower shall <br />. O01 Of�1P.iA1P,.�Il�P.�P:ISP.fI1P IIAFIIII�V Of 1FIP.(1T191031 Hnrmtver or Borrower's suCCessors in interest. Lende�shell not be required to _ <br />' commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse ta extend time for payment or oth�nvise modify amortizatian <br /> of thc sums secured by this S:curiry Instrument by re.lson of Any demand made by the original Bonower or Bonawer's <br /> successors in intstest. Any forbearance by Lender in cxercising any right or remedy ahall not be a wuiver of or pr�:clude the <br /> e!cercise of any ri�ht or remedy. <br /> 1�. Successnrs w�d Assigns Bound;Joi:�t and Several Ltabil(ty; Casigners. The covenants and ugreements of this <br /> � Secarity Instrument shall bind and bene�t the successors and assigns of Lender and Boaower, subject to the pmvisions of <br /> parafi{�aph 17. Borrower's coven��:cs a.�►dl agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who ca-signs this Socurity <br /> ' Instrument but docs not execute the Note: (a) i s w-signing tbis Securlry Instrument only to mortsage, grant nnd wnvey that <br /> 8orrower's interest in the Property under thc tern�s of this Securiry Instrument;(b)is not persun�lly oblignted to pay the sams <br /> " seCUred by this Securiry Instrument;and(c)ngrees that Lender and any other F3orrower may agree to extend,modify,farbear or <br /> make any accommodations with regard to the tarnis of this Security Instrument or the Note witiiout that Borrower's wnsent. <br /> 13.Loan Charges.If the loan secur�d by this Security Instrument is sub,ject to n law which sets maximum l�an charges, <br /> and that Inw is fenally interpreted so that the interest or o�ther loan charges collected ar to be collccted in co�ectfon with the = <br /> loan exceed th�pernritted limits, then: (a) any such loan charge shal! Ue reduc.�d by the ainount necessary to reduce the chazge <br /> . ro tt►e permitted limit;and(b)any sums already col7ected finm Bonower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to <br /> Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by rEducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a diroct <br /> paymcnt t� Borrower. If a re:fund reduccs principal, the Teduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any <br /> prepayenent chargc under the Note. <br /> 14.Noticr.s.Any notice to Borrower providal for in this Security Insteument shall be Siven by delivering it or by mai[ing <br /> ' it by first class m�ll uniess applicuble law requires use of another method. The notice shall be directed to the Property Address <br /> � or any other address Boirower desjgnat�s by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to <br /> Lender's address stated herein or any other eddreu Lender designates by nosicc to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this " <br /> • Security Instrument shall be dccmed to have been given to Dorrowcr or Lender when given as provided in this paragrnph. <br /> 15.Governing Law; Sevet�abtlity. Tlus Sccurity instrumens shall be governai by federal law nnd the law of the <br /> j�risdicsion in whlch tlte Property is located.In the event rhat any provision or cluuse of tl►is Securiry Instrument or the Not� <br /> confiicts with npplir;tble law,such co�tflict shali not affect other provisions of this Sccarity Instrument or the Note which can be . <br /> ' given effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provis�ons af this Security instrument and the Note are desl�uecl _ <br /> jto bc sevcruble. <br /> ; lb.Borrower's Copy.Borro�ver shall lx.given one conformecl copy of tl�e Note and of this Security Instrumcnt. <br /> � Form 3028 f!!80 <br /> i <br />..� � Pege a ol o - <br /> � w <br /> S <br /> .-- •"`°'�:m�nm�a.�a�"r1�Y'u{�,j��;,-� -.y:snt�- � f;j•��,�..�-� _ .__ ..�._� <br /> �[i�rxafas�my�a�a�w� �.{r,�"•,f. a���4°t � <br /> �-�.���lkfiit�* +l9#I��f.�i- ZE � ��.'�'�� —_ — _— ' <br /> _ ,v.�. �"7R` �, �� - -- - <br /> � - . _ ar�?wnNf'`3.+1`..�i1��T..� ���A}' -'�1ii <br /> ___- - - � �5`Il�au...n �au�s{ .vZrv -- _ — <br /> '�-"�L7v?StiSrt'"x7@►ito: sa, .�,si',�9'G — _ °---_ _�m <br /> --- °�:n�P�44f r�y!�'Ff'.���c��� — — <br /> _...'+������H.��[��`�s�{�l -1`,.�j;a»;'�1r-°,'.�' } ..Y`�'- i�. se�_�4"s� - -.. . - __ - <br /> `.,�i '�✓ t '�(Pi"1_�� ��ir �;�:i`i��'-'t �Y,. 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