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,n. • ati�rrr'i. .�.';y„[;I';��? - <br /> � -f,*wa', � . ��,c;t,•:`•:f <br /> �r:, ' <br /> . �';5••i. <br /> �`�;cMU . ' . . . <br /> .t � <br /> , �� .. <br /> � ` �. <br /> ,�4�, . .,.. . . . <br /> . y \1..�1 ♦. '.-, � . � � . .. ��y <br /> .� . . ..__.�.l.M.��_.__.. ....- - . . ..�� . , ._... ... _ _._.........,__«r-...... ._.�.�.�... _ ._.� ._.._..._- �._ . n _—_ y_ ... ..... ... . .. <br /> � ... <br /> .. .... i «..'.' .. <br /> . <br /> .... <br /> � <br /> .. . :- .a�M�.M.i��•.1�.'. - . . . . .. ... . „ <br /> .._._ �-.... . - <br /> , . �, <br /> - '""_........-._�.. "_"'"'.... .... ...... ., . . . _. . :. . .. . <br /> _' �� '� <br /> •� �Y ���'�}�./� ��i'"r•:r�i�.�,` :,_ <br /> , 19, Fiorrcvnrer'a Rlght to RelnatAte. If Bortower neets certuh oondnwna, Borrower shell heve��r h1 to hive <br /> I enforcemont ol lht9 Eecurity Inetrument disoontktuad �l any tlm� prlor ta tha �adler of: (e) 6 daya (or suah other p�tiod e3 epplbeble <br /> 13�v rnpy apoolry tAr rafs�atotomcnt) bs(oro cab oi t�90 Proparty purouant to any povrsr o} oab contalned k� If�is Socurty I��strumont; ar <br /> (b) ontry a1 p �u�pr,.nS entoroNp thb �c�urity InoYrur��snl. Tho��oondlilono era that Qorroi�.cr: (Q) paya Lrnd�r nU ouma +vhbh lhon <br /> woutd be eu�unda Rhb 8acurltyr Inauum�nt and th• Nate as B no tcce4ratbn had ocaurra�f; (b)curoa any defauft of any other <br /> • covan�nt or �pnQrnlnts;(o) p�ye tY ucponat houR�d h �ntorohp thN S�curky instrum�nt, Inoludhq,ba�t not IMkad to, raesonabfe <br /> Attom�y�'fwf;�nd(d) telc���uoh aotbn�t L.�nAK rtNy naionaby nqut� to ls�ure thtt th�H�n oP thl� Socurky Instrur►wnt,Laid�s <br /> rlphtt h th! Prop�Ay and Borrow�'�obilp�ibn to�ty th�tums acursd by lhl� 8acurky In�trummt ehtll conthus unahanQed. Upon <br /> r�het�tKn�nt by BortowN, thN 8�aurity In�trurMnt �nd lh� obNp�tbnt aou►ed h�r�by �h�N r�ln fu9��thotAM t� H no accNantbn . <br /> hed ocuurtad. Howavsf,tht�right to re(�etate ehtil not eppty h the Gasa of eccefamtbn undbr para9►�Ah 17. , <br /> 19. Smle�t Note; Chen�e af Lof11 SlPVICQ�. Th� Not� or a paRyl ht�raet In tho Nota (tapethor wkh thls uocurtty � <br /> InetrumN►t)msy bv totd on�or mon timn wthout prbr notVC�to Bortowa. A��N may nwR h s oh�npo In th�cntity(known as th� , <br /> �:i 'Loan Sarvlc�r') thel coNwt� manthy paym�nt� duo und�r th• Nob and thN&�curky Instrument. Thva tiso may bo ono o� more <br /> tl ~,,.� ah�nyes of the l.o�n Servlcs+unnwt�d to�aaN of th�Noi�. If thKa Is�ahNpa ot th�Loan Setvicer,Borrower wtll bs qlven wrkten <br /> � notice of tha chanp�In accordenCe wNh puapraph 14 abow and applbtbt� Itw. Th� not�a wul sW11 tha name and address of the <br /> � now Lotn Se�vkt�r Nd th�addnas to whbh paymsnta�hould be rtuda. Th�notice wiN�ho tsont�h �ny other intormatlon requked by <br /> .:,.'�� � aPPllcnbb tnv�. • •� ..; <br /> 20. Ha�rdoua Sarb�tanaes. BoROw�r �httl not c�1ua� or pxmk th�pnt�nc�, u�o, disposal,stonpe, or retoos� ot�ny . ' �;;:_"=- <br /> Hpzardoua Subatane�s on or In th�Prop�ty. Borrow�r�h�Y not do,nor dlaw teyon�sb�to do,anylhhp flffOCthp tho PropeAy that � .;�;;_-?--= <br /> Is ke vbittbn o} �ny Envlronmw�tal Law. Th� precedhp two nontoncoa shaA not �ppy to the prasu�ce, use, ov storape on thp .. :- <br /> Prop�rty ol srruh quu+tRfN of Huardoua Subat�nces that u� }3'Y <br /> pdnanNy ricoflnlrad to b�spproprbts to nortnal rASidantlal uaes 4nd co ,;_,�v.! <br /> mehtenanc� ot Iha Prop�ty. •s:2�-� — <br /> M BorrowK ehaQ prompty phre Laidor writtm notfa of any hvostipatlon,ci�im, de��nd, kwsuR or alher tctbn by any povemrt�tal •;,,,_:.:...:: <br /> cr roguf�tory agonoy or prNrta party hvoHhy tha ProDwry and any Huardaus Substu�co or 6nvlronmentai L�w af whbh Borcower has •� �u�'�'�" <br /> � .;r•r�m._ --- <br /> actual knor��d�_ If P.orro�rer l��ne, or b notlfled by eny povemrtt�tal or repul�tery euthorky, tha! flny �emoval or other remedwtbn <br /> � '+� ot eny Hnrardoua �batence iffeotlnp the PropKty b neceseery, Borrow�r ehall prompty t�la ap n�cessary rerrwdial ootbna In � _--_._ <br /> :� .�t:�::�� <br /> accordance wRh Enr�onmentnl law. <br /> ..0�`-- <br /> As used h thb panpraph 20, "H�1s�rdous Substancw' ar� thosv cubstanca daflnod as toxb or hazardous substancoa by __ -�-- <br /> , � Envtonm�ntal Uw Nd th� f�olbwinp�ubttmc�s: patolin�, kwos�ne,othK fi�nmabb a toxb potrolwm praduat�,toxb p�stbid�s md <br /> " horblcidaa,voatRO wMwib, matKiab contthiny tsb�sto� or formtldMydo, and �dbaothw materWla. As ussd h thb parepraph 20, <br /> 'Envlronma►ril i.�w'rnems f�d�ral I�wa tnd I�ws of th� prlsdbNon wh� th� Prpp�rty b IOCatYd ih�t relat� to heakh, satoty or � <br /> , envYonmuntal protoclbn. <br /> �,-;.��='� <br /> NON•UNIFORM CUVENANTS. BOROwYr and l.�ndir h+rthar COWrtlnt Nd�prYa af folbwi: <br /> �1. Acceler�Uon; Remedtes. Lender �hall atvs nytio� to 8or�owm� prlor to �caeleratiorn tollowin� E��_— <br /> ' Borrower's bretch of sny coWSnant or s�reement en thia Securlry In�trumant (but not prior ta �,: <br /> ��� eccele�aUon under psnyraph 77 unles� applicebte law provides otherwise)_ The notice shall apeclry: �,-- <br /> � (a) tha deteu�t;(b)ths �etton reqWred 3o cure ti�e defaun; (aj a daie� noz �es�i:�n �G a':y. ����.. ��o = <br /> „� date the notice Is ptven to Borrower� by which the defwt! must be cured; Mnd(d)th�t hllure to cure _ <br /> ;,,.,..,� ., the defeut! on or betore the date apaalfled in the noUee may re�uit �n acceleration of the aums =___ <br /> �::�.-����:, aecurod by thl� Securiry s�strumant and aele of the Property. Tlve notics �hall turthar Ireform <br /> -�� ���'; ".°' � ' Borrower oi ti�e riqht 4o relnsiete �fter accN�ratOon and tFw rtpht t,o brin� � court ection to s�ert the <br /> ' '���'� '� non-�xiatsnoe of a detautt or any oth�r �it�ns� of Bor�ower W �ccd�r�tlon •nd als. li ths dehult is <br /> ''-���� •�' j not cured on or before the d�b �peol�l�d In the noUct, L�nda �t Ib optlon may requlre Immedlete <br /> °=-t�~'� ,''` peyment In *'uil of ui �uma aecured by thb S�curi�/ I�trument without ttiurther demand �nd may <br />-- ' Invoke the power of ale �nd �ny qther remedit� p�rmitte� by �plicable law. Lender �hatl be <br />�-°-"�y"'' entEtled to coliect dl expenses Incurred In pur�utnq the� remedlem provide� in thl� pra�r�ph 27, <br /> '`'-"'`�`'� tncludin�. but not Ilm�tad ta, eeawnabl� �ttornsys'feas snd cosU of ttUe evidence. _� <br /> ,, � <br />- ,._ -=. �� !f :he power vT�als Is Invoked� srustes shsll record a notice of dstault In e�ch county In whlah � <br /> �,-�wF-�� any pa� of tha Psoperly ta loeated and ttwil mail copies of ouch notice in the rranner pre�cribed by <br />=r::',=--'-�--=�:='� spplicable I�w to Borrower and to the other person� Rre�crib�d bY �pPlicable I�w. bfter the tlme _ <br />����'=��"'� �equlre� by a�ppllcrbla la�r.Trusta� sl�all qtvs publlc notic�of als to tha perana�nd in the menner - <br />�:�'�� prescrlbet! by�pplicsble tew. Trustee� without demand on Barower� �etu,fi sell t� Property �!�publla �_ <br /> .::«,;� auctlan to the h0�hest blddMr at ths Ume and piac� �nd und�r ths terms deai�r�tod lo the n�otla�of -- <br /> -_�����i:. �sle in one or mr�r� pucels �nd In any ord�r Trustes d�termine�. T�u�des m�y posqwns ad� a��II <br /> ���`�"'� or any parcel of th� Prop�rty by pubUc announc�ment st th� tim� �nd pisce of �ny prwb�aNy =- <br /> -=�`�t schedul�d iaie.�ender or ita dul�r�ee may purc� ths Prop�rty at�ny�ale. <br /> �°���� l�pon recetpt of p�yment ot th� price bld� Y�uste� �all d�llver to the purcf�uer Truiteb's deed <br /> w�- --- conveytn� thm Property. Ths recftal� In the Trustee'� deed dwti be prlma ta�cle evidenae ot the truth _ <br /> .."'�`'`�:: of the ststements made thoretn. Tra�stes sh�ll epply ths pro�eed� o! ths �ale In She followinp order. _� <br />-;��~�`� (e) to ati cost,s er�� e�ensoa of exerc�stnp tt�s powar at sate, and 4he aale� Inaludinq the p�ymsnt ot � <br />: �•°--�� the Tru�tee's teee��tu�11y Incurred, not to exceed 3 X of the prinolpal�rnount oi the note <br /> �`` ` ".."'`` �t the �Ime o�the� declantton of defeult, �nsl rsa�onable �ttorney'a tmea �permlried by law; tb1 to stl =- <br /> _ .;_- <br /> - _ sums aeaured by thl� Saaurity InsVument; ond (oj my �xcew Lo the peran or persone lep�tly <br /> � � entltled !o IL <br /> 22. Recon�e I1CQ. U on mmt of aN wma c�und by thM S�curlty IntWmont,Under ehtN rpuut Truatea to nconwy �:- _�_ ___ <br /> • 1►� P PaY <br /> � tha P�oparty �nd aheN surronder this Seaurky Insbummt�nd aN not� wldeRwhp dobt s�;und by thb S�cur�y Instrum�nt to Tivate�. �-:::: <br /> . TrustM shiN rocQnwy tt+�PropKty wRhout wunnty�nd wkhaut ehup�to ttN pe�rson or pKSOn�Mpay ontAMd to k. Such�son or <br /> pamone ah�N p�y �ny rxordatWn cocu. �"�`T�-� <br /> ;Y.x.-_ <br /> ,:r� :�.. _�� <br /> � i�, 23. Subst�tuto Tru�tee. i.end.r, at �. on��on, may �ra.n crrw�o tYns nertwv�Trust�l and lppoht �tuccessor WstM to �`�.•;.•.`r.*"::�= <br /> -«•� eny Trustta �ppoMNd ha+aunder by �n hstrurtant neortJ�d h th� county h which this Securky tnttre�m�n! b noord�d. 11IRAout .'�'>,.�.�p�r". <br /> ,_,a',:•. ,_� <br /> • convoy�nc� ol th�Property, succaasa truHao ohaY eaccosd to oY tM tAw, power and duttes aonierrM upon Trustw heroh srtd by , ��,'`: <br /> _-- . _ — appucRUq�w. _�-.- - <br /> 24. Request br Notices. Borrow�r r�quosts thtt cepMs of lh� nOtiC�s Of daisult tnd SaIY be 61nt t0 BorrowYr's addross <br /> � whiCh b th� Proplrty Addnss. <br /> - �� a6. Ridera t0 tlti+�Seeurlty InitrumenL �r on. or mon �ds�aro a�xuced ny eomower ond recorad top�tner wRn � . <br /> � this 5eCUr�y InstrumBnt.the CoNDttarttS end p�asrtlNtts ot e�Ch suCh Nd6r shtq be InCOrpOrated hto end shsN �mend and supp�lt • <br />` the covensr►ts end�preernenta of thie Socurity Inatrum�nt�s Y ihe rMes(s)wsn� pert of ih�s Sacurily InaWment <br /> . . � Form 9025 Y/PO <br /> , FtO�o.LM�(7IM) P�p�4 016 <br /> , j . .. <br /> - 4�� ' • <br /> — <br /> , � �� _ <br />