,�,; s��i�.:� .
<br /> r'.'. "��. . ..
<br /> •ni0! , _ , .,:
<br /> ----T-
<br /> e�ii: .i ' � ti ... . w.���M�;,e.r.•.n�i;tarcr�s�^
<br /> ,. ... .
<br /> ._ _ ., ....... . _._.. ___._�_.�—. . ..�i.....�..,...vlt�tYid4YY�YW!/�Iwlfl/.'.axt+ELlWf{�..'l..
<br /> ri' � ✓+.eh �M��.n..�/! .vn�1.�t���lil.�L•:�IMR���.:afi��f.YNMrf1�NIB1'�!/ry�VnwWMw�n ..W....�.�.`..��- -.. ... s <....... ..--
<br /> .. .__`___ . __.�...... ..... . . .. . .. ._. .. ....__..._ ._. . . . . ... .
<br /> .; :?`�T �j.. �,Q�'�If+I'� t
<br /> ' �:
<br /> `�"y� �'s . 7:Protectlon of Lend�r'�Rtqht�!n th� Propsrty. t� eorrow.r hua ro p�+form �n• oown.+it� �na ��ramencc °-
<br /> . contalnod h lhls Fi�ourkyr Instrumont,or thon M �bpal proc�edhp th�t may sqnMtcinty etfsot Lwid�e rlqhte In th�Propirty(such at
<br /> a procaedlnp h banfuuptoy, probtFO,for ocndernnatbn or forf�kur�pr to sntorca l�we or ronu�itlone), tlton l.snd�r rn�y do and pay tor
<br /> uhntcr:.r l� n:cc�cary to protcct th��atu� 04 tho Progcsiy end Lcnd�r0 rlgF�to i� Ihq Pro���iy. Lcndern cotlona may Gioi�d� p�ylnfl
<br /> a�ny Qum� tacured by a Ilen wh�h htv prbrky owr thl�6�ourky Inewm�nt, �pp�auhp In aourf, peylnp reasonehfo�ttom�y'o fan tnd
<br /> s : antahp on th�F�rop�rty to mak���irs. Akhou�h L�nder may Wk�aotbn und�►thb Wr�p►aph 7,l.and�r dae�not hsw to do �o. �
<br /> . e� My arrwunb di�bunad by L�ndK und�r lhM panpr�h 7 �htN b�oom� addkbml dsbt of Bor�owK ��ound by thi� i�curity �
<br /> � � Insuummt. Unlui Qorrow�r and Und�r �pne to othK tam� of p�Ym�nt, thus �mount� �h�U bur htKSSt hom th� dat� 01 ��
<br /> i dhbun�n�nt�t tA��tou rnb and�MM M payabM,wkh ht��at,upon not��kom UreeNr to BarrowK nqu�stinp p�ymwit.
<br /> .. . • 8. Martgnp�e Inwr�DQe. II L�ndst rsqulnd rrtortg�� heursnc� r�f a oondkbn of m�kin0 th• lo+tn ��eurod by thle �
<br /> :FY�,�.�,� SoCUrky InstNmint, Bortow�r BhaM pny th� pr�mlumt rsquaW to m�hub th� mortp�p� (n�ursnc� In �M�ot If, lor any rNUOn, th� _
<br /> moAg�p�htunnce oownpo n►qutnd by l�nd�r M�ps� or aasn to b�h �fhot, BoROwK eh�M p�y th�pnmtume nquked to obttln F
<br /> •�� ` eovar4y� eub�tantkMy �quNaMnt to tho mortp�p� hauruic� prwbusy in eMoct, �t a cast sub:tantlaly equMaknt to tha cost to �`
<br /> �� BonowK of th� maR� hwnnco prwbwy In �lhot, hom �n ak�n�t� mo►t�p� Insunr approwd by L�nd�r. It wbstantyly
<br /> . ' Y equNale�it rnortpay� heuranc�ooven� b not�viu�bM, Bortow�r EhaN p�y to L�nd�r Noh mon4h t sum �qual to on♦tw�Nth of liio �
<br /> ; ;, yeery mortpap� Inauranc� pnmium behp pakl by BorrowK when the Inauranc�aownp�f4paed or ceaa�d to b� In otinaG Lend�r w!A
<br /> : ". ' acco{�t, use and retnh theso payments as a baa resenre h pesr oi mortaapa hsurence. Lass resenre payments may no IonQer he F:
<br /> � rpufr�d, �t th� optbn ol I.�ncNr, M mortpWa Insuruw�oovaa� (h th�unount �nd fur the perbd that L�nd�r r�quirot) providW by �
<br /> • h an hsuror apprawd by L�nd�r �pih baoortNS �valrbM �nd Is obtatied. BoROwx ah4q p4y the pnmk,ms nqulrod to rt�hta►n -
<br /> .� moRpaye hsuranc� h offeot, or to provtd�a bs� ros�vs,untY th� �
<br /> , #, rapulrornent for mortpaQs hauranca ends In accwdancs wRh tny _
<br /> wrkten�pre�nten!betwNn Barrower�nd I.aider or tppYCabN kw. —
<br /> " 9. Inapectlon. Londr or Mt �pint rtuy mak� naionabk �ntrMt upon �nd htpaatbna ot tho Prop�ty. I.a�dar shaN phra =
<br /> � Borrow�r not�� at tho thw ot or prbr to an(nsp�otlon tpwNybq r�aton�bla ciwsa tor th�bsp�ctbn.
<br />:- � 10. CODt/�i1111at10t1. Tho procwdt of eny 1tvrlud ar oNtM for d�mtQ�f, dhlat or aon�equentkl, h connrctbn with eny
<br /> - � �'� �. condamn�.t{on or othar t�king ot any put ot th� Prop�rty,or for conwyanc� In Ilw of condarnn�tbn,are hYr�by aseipnad�nd sh�Y ba __
<br />-,�-�a�►',�":' PaW to Lond�r.
<br />' •`�`�� In the even4 oi a total takfnp of tho PropMty, th� pracMds �h�M bo �pplfrd to the sums c�aurad by this S�curky Inttrum�nt, —
<br /> �r::<n
<br />,,,.&.�: ;%y,�,1`� ' whether or noi then due, wkh �ny eoccQ�e pald to Borrow�r. !n tho�v�nt ot a putlal Ukirtp of th� Prop�rty h whioh the hlr muket
<br /> ��� . ��, vabe of the Propnrty hur�edk►tey h�tore ths takinp te equl�l to or prwter th�n the amount oi the suma socured by thls S�curity
<br /> �_�,� ..�, � Inawma�t immedWtey batoro tha takhp, unNss BorrowQr and l.�ntMr otharwk� �prae In w�thp,the suma eocure� by thls S�curky =
<br />.,;,
<br /> "�t�"j Inatrum�nt shtN M raduc�d by th��rt�ount oi the proc�ada rtwRipif�d by th� foNowlnD fraolbn: (s) th� tot�! amount of tho tumt
<br />-�=�'�;�; aacurad kr�rtKdtat�y bNon th�wcinp, dkid�d by(b) th� hir mark�t valu�of th�PropMty hxnsdllbfy bMor�iha Wclnp.My bal�nc�
<br /> '�� � shtN b�pafd to BoROwer. In th� want ot a p�rtkl t�khp of tho Proparty In whbh tho hlr mRrlcN valuo of th� Propwty hur.odi�toy
<br />..��wF i��'�.•.
<br />�.-g::�:�,' boloro th� WcHp k Ist th�n tM amount of th� surrw acund Inm�dW�ty bNon th�taki�p,unNts BorcowK artd Undar oth�wisx
<br />:_,��g,;.;,L� apn� In writinp or unNts �pplbMN rw othwwk� provida, th� prncMds �haU b� apptiod to lh� �ums acured by this S�curky
<br /> --_ ;_ ::j_ , . Inatrummt wh�thK or not the sums v�then dw.
<br /> --::°*sr Nr N tN�PropoRyr a abu�donW by BOnower,or M,attM notk�Dy LN�d�r to BorrowK th�t th�conOdmnor oIN►s to mak�an awuG ar _
<br /> .�=«�n�=''r;�.' e�ttlo a oiatm ror olunap�s, Borrowu fatu to n�pa�d to L.�nd�r wkhln 3D days aftK tt;o d�te th�noti�o b phnn, Unabr b tuthortaod
<br /> __'�g9'p'�(h-�ly� to ocll�el�nd appy tha procNCls, �t k�option, NthK to n�toeatinn w npair of th�Propwty or to thv eum�aocund by this S�curRy
<br />�y���� InaUum�nt, wh�thK or not th�n dw.
<br />- _��� Unqsa Und�r and Ba�rower othwwiw sgrN b vrrkiny, �ny�ppNcatbn of proasds to princip�l ah�li oet�octend or ponpAn�th�
<br /> =��_�� du�dat�of ttw monthly paymonts r�nd to in�xnpnph� t�nd 2 or chtr►p�tM lmount of such paymmte.
<br /> _=== 11. gorrowe� N�t Rele�ed:Forb��rrnc� By L�nd,er Not� Wetver. �.n�ion o� c�. trm. ror paym.n� or
<br /> -- modMic�tion ol acnortiuttun of tM suns acund by thi�SacurRy Instrummt pnnt�d by Und�r to �ny succ�sor In Intontt of Bortow�r
<br /> __ — shtM not op�nt�to nMas�fh�p�bdltty of th�oripM�l Bortow�r or BarowK's �uccoason In ht�rest. Lmd�r shaA not be raqsikod to
<br /> ---- oormwnc� prxwdhps a�L�st�ny wccscta h ht�n�t or rMua to�xbnd tMa lor payrtMnt or oth�nvka modify unorttutbn of th�
<br /> �� sums acu�d by thla S�ourfty InsWm�nt by natoe o! my d�e�wid mad� by th� otlpin�t Bortovw► a Borrov�� tuCC�sson h
<br /> Int�nst.My IorbMana by L�nder h eoarokMp �ny rpht or prtNdy shttl not b��wak�r of or proelud�th��oaroiea ot�r►y rtpht or
<br /> �Y•
<br /> 1�.Succeaor�and As�ipna Bound;.bint�nd S�v�rd I.i�bllity; Co�stynera. n� cownu,c� .na
<br /> a8r»ments of thb 3ecwRy Inetrummt ehaN bad end MnNk tM suoeason �nd �8sqns of l.�nd�r�nd 8ormwar, wbJ�ct to th�
<br /> _ prov(sion� of panpnph 17. Barrowds cown�nb�nd sprwrtNnts�htN bo joht and savernb My Borrowr►who oo-ai�ne thk S�curky
<br /> Inshummt bu! doa not �onCUN th* Nob: (�) k co-sfpninp fhM S�curky Insburtwnt ony to mort�p�, qnrif, ond convay that
<br /> _ Borro►vw� hNn�tt h the Prqp�Ay un�Nr the tKms of thfs Securky Instrumont;(b)M not p�rsonaMy ob1lDated to pay th�sums s�cund
<br /> by thk 8�curky In=trum�nt; �nd (o)aynQe tMt La�d�r and any oth�r Borrowa may �pres to �xter�d, modigr. torbou or maic�ony -
<br /> accommodatbns wkh np�rd to t�rm� of thM S�curky M�trummt or th�Not�wlthout that Bnrtowefs conHnt.
<br /> 13. l.om Charqas. It 4Fw ban pcund by thM S�curlty Instrum�nt M �ubj�ot to •�w whtoh s�N maxhwm ban ch�rpos,
<br /> •------- �nd that I�w N IhaMy inE�rprK�d so tPNt lh� hb�ut or othK lo�n chrrpp coK�obd a to b� coMcNd fn cain�ctbn wkh th�ban
<br /> _ axcMd llw pemUlbd Bmb, then; (a)eny such Iwn etwp�e shaN b� nduc�d by th� �rtwient n�ceasary to nduca th�charps to tha
<br /> _ � pwmlttad link;a�nd(b)�ny�wns ain�dy ooY�ot�d kom Barow�r whbh �xce�d�d pam7tbd Iimks wM ba nlund�d to Borrower. Unckr
<br /> ___.�.r_ may ohoo�to m�ica thfs ntund by ndualrsq tlw prY�ctpsl ow�d und�the Nob or by makinp �dtnat payrt�ent to Bortowsr. if a
<br /> — _— �eNnd roducK prfnalpa4 t1H reduotbn w1N bo WaO�d u a p�rti�l prnpaym�nt wkhout�ny pnpayment ciw�undw th�Nota.
<br /> _ - °� 14. NOtiCmi. My notica to Borrow�r provfdW for In MM S�curlty Intbummt sh�l bo pMon by dNivKhp It or by rr�fihp k by -
<br /> -°=y,��,�" first olttf rtf�i unMss �ppYc�bM taw roqufr� us�of �rtotN�r m�thod. T�w notka thaA b� dincl�d to th�Prop�ty Addrqs or tny =-
<br /> --;i�i��+�i�;;:� otMr �ddnss Bortow�r dalprwt�s by notk�to UniMr. My notico to Und�►sh�M b�pNsn by fYe4 cf���maM to Undws addnst
<br /> -- -:�`�1:"� sUbd h�nah or my ottwr�ddnss Undu dafp�►�ta by notica to Borrowar. My notia�provid�d for h this Sscurily IntWmant sh4tl =
<br /> --��'~�"°� bo doanod to haw b�n Qiwn to Baroww or L�ndw wt►�n pM�n ae provld�d ii thk panpraph. -
<br /> -" `'�•��rF'`., -
<br /> -��..,.,„� 16. Governtny I.�w; Sevenb(IKy. ThN S�CUrky InatNm�nt shaA b� oowm.d by t.dKai ew �nd th� ww ot �n� _
<br /> `��=``•;��� JurlsdtCUon In whbA th�PropMty a bcaNd. In ttN Mnt tMt�ny proviabn or arua� of this 3scurRy Inftrummt or th�Not�contNata �
<br /> � ' �'- - wRA �ppNcaON Yw, such conllict fh�N no! afhot otMr provklons of thk �curky Instrurtw�t a tM Not� whiah cm ba pM�n Ntoct
<br /> '"'°��� ��'. i wkhout lh�C�1nfiCUnd provisEon. To tt�M�nd tho provkions of this S�curity Intbum9nt�nd th�NoN ar�daoMnd to b�tewrabta. =.
<br /> �� .=�� 18. �orcower's Copy. Bartaw�r sha�b�pAren on�conlortr+�d copy of th�Nole�nd of lhis Securlty Instruma�t. -
<br /> ��:��,�� ' 17.T�ansier of the PropeKy or e seneftclel Intereat tn Borrower. ir ar or any port of the Propaty or any
<br /> ._�=�+'�• °� htorost In k It aokl or Ma�stxr�d (a �f�bw�Mioitl hU�t M Bortow�r f� sotd a trar►clerrod and Bortowa is not� naturai pe�son) -
<br /> wkhout Landlro prbr writtNn Consw�t,L.�ndor m[y,�t It� optbn, nqutr trrnedkb piymint In fuN ot oY sum�sQCUnd by thls:�curlty
<br /> w
<br /> ' � InsWm�nt. Howw�er, thb option eh�l not b��Cit�d by l.w�dM M�t�¢is� h prohbltsd by fedetal law as of th9 dtt0 of thkl SeCUrky
<br /> .a,"I InSWmont.
<br /> � I If I.�nder aocarcisos thb optton,Und�r shaN p►r�Borrovwr notiC�o}�ccelKldi�n.Th�not�C�ahtN provid��perbd of not�as�than
<br /> -°°�__'-- -- �� .� di�. ":�m L=1: W72: �: i��'w.� ii �wevwi�' u+ �uiiiiti P:eiii� whw�.�i th: BC.fO.:rt R:3L: N:� :° :u�.�o c�s:,a by thw °..,�u.a:; .
<br /> •� " InsUummt It Borrowur ftib to pay th�se sumt prlor to th�a�irntbn of thi� pariod,Lsnder may tnvoke eny remedks permated by thts
<br /> S�curky Inswrtwnt w�hout tuah�r notic�or d�rtwnd on eorrowar. Form soze a�oo
<br /> , f 5.: � Ft029.1M0 I�/YE) Pip�9 at 6 _.
<br /> �•. r
<br /> .. :'.,�i..x y�i
<br /> N7
<br />